" Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us" (P. Theroux) She/her - Writer on Ao3 (Jikook own me to the moon and back)
642 posts
14 Days Of Storybible
14 Days of Storybible

Here we go, friends!
Starting this Wednesday, the 19th of January and ending on the 2nd of February, we’ll develop a storybible.
As some of you already know, I’m not much of a planner myself, so don’t fear, I’m not going to make you fill in some super detailed spreadsheet. The idea is that I pose a question every day about your world or your characters, and you write down some notes.
Where you write this down is up to you. You could use an actual journal, made of paper and stuff, you could use a notes app, a spreadsheet, or just a plain document in whatever program you like to use.
I would suggest that you use this with a fresh WIP, a story that you haven’t fully developed yet, just started, or maybe not even have a real idea about, yet.
The storybible we’ll develop, will be the basis for the next WIP project in March, when we’ll WRITE and FINISH the story in 60 days!! It will be done! It will be messy and ugly, and it will need massive revisions, but it will be done!
Let’s do this!
I want you to make posts in the tag #WIPstorybible, so that we can all see it.
So, are you with me?
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More Posts from Loyalnprecious
What I find interesting in this post, beyond the reasoning which I understand and agree with 100%, is the visual, the way this simple, colourfully-significant and effective chart shows the escalating process someone can fall into if they don't pay attention to what they do/say.
There are various degrees of bullying, just like there are different profiles of bullies. Some do not go to the most extreme length the visual shows, but of course that doesn't make them any less bullies.
Bullies struggle with personal issues (there again, extremely varied ones from one individual to another) and use other(s) to unload their emotional bagage, unrestrained, uncensored, unreasonably. Am I too optimistic to believe that this process could be stopped before it gets too damaging for the victim (and for the bully as well as a matter of fact because nobody will convince me that this destructive behaviour doesn't backfire in any way) ? Am I too naive to still believe that calling to intelligence, in order to understand that the reasoning in the right column of this chart can lead to dangerous outcomes, can help?
When it comes to emotions that hurt self-confidence, ego issues or the like, logic is just thrown by the window, I know. Discussing can turn out helpless and pointless. What if such visual could help, leaving people the autonomy to self-reflect, to question themselves, to figure out where they stand on this chart, ultimately to restore logic one way or another, in their own terms?
@ao3commentoftheday Thank you for making this chart! I think it should be reblogged endlessly!

[image described in alt text]
Transcript: I've been thinking again, which I know is always a dangerous thing for me to do, but have some thoughts from my brain about how people get to the point of harassment.
I'm gonna speak specifically about fandom but I don't think this is fandom-specific. Anyway, I think it starts with, "I like a thing." or alternatively, "I don't like a thing." And that's perfectly fine. Everybody likes and dislikes things, and that's totally normal.
From there, "I want to talk to other people who like this thing" (or dislike this thing). Again, totally normal. We like to talk about our interests. We like to talk about things that are important to us.
After that, perhaps you wish more people liked that thing. Great. I also want to have more people who like the things that I like because that gives me more people to talk to and a bigger community to engage in.
Where we start to get on a little bit of shaky ground from my perspective is "Liking this thing is a good thing for people to do." When you start thinking about preferences being good or bad, that's where things could potentially go awry.
But you know, in a lot of cases it's just, "If you don't like this thing you're missing out." Which again, I have totally felt that thing before like, "This thing brings me so much joy! I want other people to feel that joy with me! (or even without me) I just want them to enjoy something that I know of as enjoyable."
The flip side of that, of course, is "Liking this thing means that I am better than other people." and that's getting a little judgmental. It could be harmless but it could be not so harmless. Flip it around, "Disliking this thing means that I'm better than other people." Again, could be harmless but could be a little more insidious.
And when I say that I mean the next step is, "People who feel the opposite of how I feel are bad people." "I like this thing. You don't like this thing. You are a bad person." "I dislike this thing. You like this thing. You are a bad person."
It's just a preference, but the step after that is thinking, "I am morally superior for having the preference that I have." And now we're getting into pretty dangerous territory. Because once you feel morally superior for your preference, the step that comes after that is "Having my preference is a good, moral choice. Having the opposite preference is a bad moral choice. People whose preference is different from mine should be punished for having a different preference."
And where does that punishment so often end up in online spaces? In online spaces, it often ends in bullying, harassment and threats of violence. Very often when we get to that point, the step after that is, "Anyone whose preference is different from mine should die." Very often the comments that come along in those when we get to that stage are about killing oneself.
But that's not all. A lot of the time there are threats of violence from one individual against the person that has a different preference, and then the step after that is, "Anyone who disagrees with my punishment for that person's other preference also shares that other preference and should also be punished, harassed, bullied and have violence enacted upon them as a result of that."
And that I think is where a lot of online spaces are trending these days. It's part of the reason why I've been quieter on Tumblr because it's not even directed at me as an individual human being, but I see things in tags and I see things in the notes where somebody who's reblogging or replying or tagging is talking about another group of people separate from me, just in their own fandom space, and so often it's threats of violence it is words of hatred. It is discussion around people deserving punishment, being bad human beings. All because of what they like or what they don't like.
I don't really have a point to this. I just have been thinking about how do you get from "I like this thing" to "you should die because you don't like this thing," and I don't think it's it's a one way street. And I don't think that everybody who starts at liking ends in threats of violence. I don't even know that most of these threats of violence are genuine. I think a lot of it is, you know, sarcastic online conversation. "Can't you take a joke?"
Yes I can. I just don't think jokes about violence are funny.
And the more time I spend in online spaces, the more tired I feel as a result, and the less I want to engage. And that sucks because online communities are my favorite communities they've given me so much joy. But right now, I don't know man. I don't know.

so quite a lot of people expressed interest in a guide to lion dance! and since the lunar new year is coming up in a couple weeks, which means everyone’s exposure to lions is probably going to increase, i figured i’d go ahead and make it! right click + open in new tab to fullview, etc etc, i hope it’s helpful, although if you only take one thing away from this powerpoint, it’s this: lions are not dragons
disclaimer: i learned fut san style at an american university, and the senior members of the troupe were almost all from hong kong and taiwan, so most of my knowledge is drawn from what they taught me. lion dance varies widely depending on the style and the country of origin, and many schools do things differently! this is just an attempt to establish a baseline and give you a really basic intro to one of my favorite art forms. :)
Happy Birthday to our favorite gummy smile!!!!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful birthday Yoongi!
show, don’t tell:
anticipation - bouncing legs - darting eyes - breathing deeply - useless / mindless tasks - eyes on the clock - checking and re-checking
frustration - grumbling - heavy footsteps - hot flush - narrowed eyes - pointing fingers - pacing / stomping
sadness - eyes filling up with tears - blinking quickly - hiccuped breaths - face turned away - red / burning cheeks - short sentences with gulps
happiness - smiling / cheeks hurting - animated - chest hurts from laughing - rapid movements - eye contact - quick speaking
boredom - complaining - sighing - grumbling - pacing - leg bouncing - picking at nails
fear - quick heartbeat - shaking / clammy hands - pinching self - tuck away - closing eyes - clenched hands
disappointment - no eye contact - hard swallow - clenched hands - tears, occasionally - mhm-hmm
tiredness - spacing out - eyes closing - nodding head absently - long sighs - no eye contact - grim smile
confidence - prolonged eye contact - appreciates instead of apologizing - active listening - shoulders back - micro reactions
The Emotion Thesaurus: Adoration
Hello, everyone! I will be starting a new series that will help you the writers describe emotions.
This guide will be a writer’s tool to characters expression.
This section comes from The Emotional Thesaurus by Ackerman and Puglisi.
Definition: the act of worship; to view as divine.
Note: the subject of adoration can be a person or thing
Physical Signs:
Lips parting
A slack or soft expression
Waking quickly to erase distance
Mimicking body language
Touching one’s mouth or face
Reaching out to brush, touch or grasp
Steady eye contact, large pupils
Leaning forward
Stroking one’s own neck or arm as a surrogate
Pointing one’s torsos and feet towards the subject
A flushed appearance
Nodding while the subject speaks
Open body posture
Releasing an appreciative sigh
Laying hand over the heart
Frequently moistening lips
Pressing palms lightly against the cheeks
Skimming fingertips along the jaw lines
Eyes that are bright
Speaking praise and compliments
Keeping trinkets, pictures of the subject
Constantly talking about the subject to others
Rapt attention, still posture
Becoming unaware of one’s environment
A radiant glow
Visible shakiness
Reduced blinking
Closing eyes to savor moment
Speak with a soft voice
A voice that cracks with emotion
Internal Sensations
Quickening heartbeat
Feeling one’s pulse in throat
Mouth dry
Throat growing thick
Rising body temperature
Tingling nerve endings
Mental Responses
A desire to move closer or watch
Fixating one’s thoughts on the subject
Acute listening and observation
Ignoring distractions
An inability to see the subjects flaws or faults
Cues of Acute or Long-Term Adoration
Believing that the feelings are mutual
A sense of destiny
Writing and sending letter, emails, and gifts
Taking risks or breaking laws to be near or with subject
Weight loss
Poor sleep patterns
Jealousy towards those interacting with the subject
Taking on traits or mannerisms of the subject
Carrying something that represents the subject
May Escalate To:
Cues of Suppressed Adoration:
Clenching or hiding one’s hands to hide sweating or shaking
Avoiding conversations about the subject
Watching or observing from afar
Staying out of subjects proximity
Sneaking looks at subject
Creating chance run ins
Writing secret letters, keeping diary
Lying about one’s feelings regarding the subject
Writer’s Tip:
Body cues should create a strong mental picture. If the movement is too drawn out or complicated, the emotional meaning behind the gesture may be lost.
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