loyalpromise - FRIENDS FOREVER ?

538 posts

Starter For @kcndharts From Nancy !

starter for @kcndharts from nancy !

Starter For @kcndharts From Nancy !

          nancy  grumbled  under  her  breath,  doing  her  best  to  rub  the  coffee  stain  out  of  her  skirt,  only  succeeding  in  making  it  worse,  and  resulting  in  her  huffing out  a  string  of  expletives  under  her  breath.  it  took  her  a  moment  to  notice  the  person  who’d  noticed  her,  and  she  could  feel  her  cheeks  warming  as  she  asked,  “ how  long  have  you  been  standing  there…? ”

so far so...not great. this certainly HADN'T been how nancy wanted to start her day. though, she supposed she'd been having more of a bad WEEK than one, singular day, and she doubted things would look up any time soon.

  • kcndharts
    kcndharts liked this · 1 year ago

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1 year ago
Ok Tumblr, I Get It, Thank You. I Am Not Shedding Any Tears.

ok tumblr, i get it, thank you. i am not shedding any tears.

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1 year ago

starter for @finalslay ( bigby ) from beauty !

Starter For @finalslay ( Bigby ) From Beauty !

          one  final  glance  was  shot  down  to  her  wrist.  twenty  minutes.  she  knew  that  if  she  didn't  move  fast  she'd  be  late  for  her  shift.  she  moved  as  fast  as  she  could,  in  her  wedge  heels,  towards  the  elevator.  the  stairs  just  weren’t  going  to  cut  it  at  this  rate,  especially  not  in  these  shoes.  in  an  attempt  not  to  break  her  ankle,  or  even  worse,  her  neck,  beauty  advanced  upon  the  elevator,  hand  reaching  out  in  a  futile  attempt  to  stop  the  doors  from  closing.

          “ hey ! ”  she  called  out,  “ wait !  hold  the  door ! ”

          she  was  honestly  more  than  a  little  surprised  to  see  a  hand  reach  out  to  prompt  the  doors  back  open,  but  not  at  all  ungrateful.

          “ oh,  thank  you— ”  she  sighed  out  in  relief,  stepping  into  the  elevator  as  her  eyes  finally  settled  on  bigby—of  course;  who  else  did  she  expect  to  find ?  it  seemed  like  they  had  a  habit  of  running  into  each  other  as  of  late.

          “ oh,  hello,  bigby, ”  she  greeted  him,  tone  soft,  yet  polite,  moving  to  stand  next  to  him.  “ how  are  you ? ”  small  talk  was  hardly  ever  comfortable,  but  she  found  that  the  silence  would  be  even  more  so.

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1 year ago

Micah: “Oh, Abigail must be real excited, all packed up like she is.

I can just see her in a little grass skirt…”

John & Me:

Micah: Oh, Abigail Must Be Real Excited, All Packed Up Like She Is.

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1 year ago

yes, i’ve made violet half-chinese, and yes, i’ve decided that her deceased grandmother was the one to teach her a little mandarin, but violet has forgotten a lot of it over time from misuse and because she refused to really acknowledge it as she grieved over the loss of her grandmother.

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