lucdzenlaurent - Luc Laurent
Luc Laurent

emo, trans, ace/aro, straightedge vegan, he/him/his, my joints don't work properly

48 posts

Is It True Horses Don't Exist And Every Horse Is Just Two People In A Horse Costume?

Is it true horses don't exist and every horse is just two people in a horse costume?

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More Posts from Lucdzenlaurent

6 years ago

Last night I was inducted into Delta Lamda Phi (gay frat)

I'm so exited for all the experiences I will share with my new queer brothers!

(Image description: delta lambda phi crest portraying three stars above a mountain, with the text, "delta lambda phi social fraternity")

Last Night I Was Inducted Into Delta Lamda Phi (gay Frat)

(Image description: yellow induction rose)

Last Night I Was Inducted Into Delta Lamda Phi (gay Frat)

(Image description: green induction pin with a gold genie's lamp on it)

Last Night I Was Inducted Into Delta Lamda Phi (gay Frat)

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6 years ago

I have finally decided to start posting on this blog

On Wednesday I will be starting college. I have already moved into my dorm and joined some clubs. I have a feeling that my life will change a lot now that I have started this new journey. So, I have decided to stop posting on my old blog (@luc-laurent) and move to this one so that my old blog will remain a record of who I was in high school.

6 years ago
I'm Heading Back To Seattle In The Morning. I'm Going To Miss Hanging Out With These Human Disasters.
I'm Heading Back To Seattle In The Morning. I'm Going To Miss Hanging Out With These Human Disasters.
I'm Heading Back To Seattle In The Morning. I'm Going To Miss Hanging Out With These Human Disasters.
I'm Heading Back To Seattle In The Morning. I'm Going To Miss Hanging Out With These Human Disasters.

I'm heading back to Seattle in the morning. I'm going to miss hanging out with these human disasters.


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