lumibuns-blog - Lumi's Blog
Lumi's Blog

And the dreamers have tomorrow, if today does not come true...Request anything y'all I simply must write (I'm 18 but am more of a fluff writer tbh)

110 posts

Hii I Recently Became A Super Huge Fan Of Your Writing :D I Was Wondering If You've Got Like A List Of

Hii I recently became a super huge fan of your writing :D I was wondering if you've got like a list of what specific Fandoms you'd write for..?

Yeah ofc! Thank you for supporting me, I'm so glad you enjoy my writing

I'm a pretty big fan of and will write for

Jujutsu Kaisen

Jojos bizarre adventure

Haikyuu but I've only seen season 1-3 (sorry)

Resident evil (I love)

Demon slayer

And Fruits baskets

I also love Komi can't communicate it's my fav anime but there's not much to write about, but if you had suggestions I would love love love too

I'll keep this updated but I'll literately write anything that isn't smut it doesn't have to be x reader of romance I just love writing lol

Tysm for asking I hope you continue to enjoy my page!

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More Posts from Lumibuns-blog

1 year ago

Confessions (high school Nanami x reader)

This is kinda a continuation of another fic I wrote recently so I'll link that at the bottom <3

Confessions (high School Nanami X Reader)

Nanami had been acting strange lately

Not just grumpy like always, but he had been acting off

Usually he would start conversations with you or walk with you around campus, but recently, just in the pass couple days, he had almost been avoiding you? But that couldn't be right, I mean he was always awkward but he had never ignored you like this.

So logically you decided the best thing to do you be to confront him. Slightly inspired by your seniors Gojo and Geto who had told you that you should "just tackle him or something" when you confided in them, you decided to follow him until he was alone.

Haibara wasn't keen on leaving his best friend but Nanami finally offered to get them both something from the vending machine you took your moment to pounce.

Nanami suddenly heard a slam only to turn around and realize you of all people were pinning him, with both arms on either side of him, to the vending machine, so he could not get away.

In addition your arms were a bit shorter than he was bulky, meaning your face was practically in his chest. All of this was creating an incredibly awkward situation for the already nervous (and very in love) Nanami Kento.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" You asked, a cute pout on you face

" well..." he stuttered, trying to look away with his hand attempting to cover his blush. 'God you're cute when you're mad' was the only the thing on his mind.

"Usually you're so nice to me and I just don't understand why you won't talk to me." You questioned

He couldn't see any other way than just telling you straight up, considering the position you were in

"I...I heard you talking-with Ieiri...That's-that's all"

It was your turn to blush 'he had overheard?!?'

It felt like hours that you were both blushing looking at each other. Regrettably you wondered what Gojo would do in this situation before making your next choice.

"I like you Nanami."

"Excuse me?" He blushed

"I like you Nanami Kento, not just like you but I like like you"

"You're kidding right, did the seniors put you up to this" he looked around

"No I'm not, I like you and your smile and your voice and everything about you"

"I-I like you too I have, for a long time, I just can't believe it, that you-"

"Believe it! Please Namami, I- I want to go out with you!"

He leaned his head on yours, "I will, I'm sorry I was too scared, I'm sorry you had to ask me"

"It's ok, I'm just glad this is how it ended" you chuckled

Suddenly Haibara's voice sounded from around the corner "Nanami where did ya go?"

You both immediately untangled from each other, only to be teased for your apparent blushes.

It didn't really matter though, he finally had you and didn't want to let you go.

Gossiping with Shoko
Nanami x reader Since there were no other girls in your first year class at jujitsu tech, you loved to gossip with your senior Shoko Ieri,

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1 year ago

hii can I request a part 2 of the nanami x reader fic u did recently ?? completely fine if u can't, I just loved it sm i wanted to see more !! maybe a confession scene or something of the sort. nanami is so precious and I don't see many fics of teen him

take care and i love ur writing <3

Gahhh yes teen Nanamin is sooo underrated

More teen Nanami x reader =)))

Hii Can I Request A Part 2 Of The Nanami X Reader Fic U Did Recently ?? Completely Fine If U Can't, I

Haibara was now in full understanding.

You liked Nanami, Nanami like you, both of you were just too dumb to figure that out.

So he had a great (terrible) idea. Instead of just telling one of you, he wanted you to figure this out on your own. So he planted a letter in Nanami's shoe locker in super girly handwriting. Saying something along the lines of...

"I need to tell you something important, meet me in the garden next to the north building after school"

-your secret admirer <3

As he waited, watching impatiently as Nanami opened his locker, pulling the letter out and slowly, suspiciously looking at it.

Nanami looked directly at Haibara "you wrote this didn't you?"

"What no! Of course not!"

"Yes, yes you did"

"That doesn't even look like my handwriting!"

"Then whose handwriting is it supposed to look like" Nanami responded, one eyebrow cocked

Realizing he had been backed into a corner Haibara turned and ran.

"HAIBARA" Nanami yelled and being faster than his friend his hand almost immediately landed on his shoulder, spinning him around.


"What?" Nanami asked quietly "are- are you sure I though she liked you? That can't be-"

Out of the corner of his eye he saw you, on your way to class.

You all stood there in silence, you had heard just about everything, Nanami looked like he was going to pass out, and Haibara had a nervous smile across his face.

Nanami let go of his friend and ran to you, grabbing your hand and dragging you with him to, ironically, the same garden the fake letter had mentioned.

When you two were alone Nanami asked one question.

"Was what he said...true?"

You blushed, a hand over your mouth, you couldn't even look him in the eye and neither could he.

" is"

"Why me?"

"There isn't anybody I could like the way I like you"

Nanami pulled your head forward onto his chest.

"You said what I've been feeling better than I ever could" he sighed, too in shock to say anything else.

He couldn't believe this was how it happened but being able to look down to see your arms around his torso, he was happy he had you to himself, one way or another.

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1 year ago

Gojo x reader

Very much fluff

Gojo X Reader

"YOURE KIDDING?!?" Nobara yelled

"Ugh I already told you two I'm serious I would know better than anyone" Megumi groaned

"But why didn't Gojo-sensei tell us!!!" Itadori whined

"Who knows the guy is an idiot" Megumi said leaning back

Nobara nodded in agreement

The three first years had just seen their teacher give a kiss to the Jujitsu High second year teacher, y/n l/n, before she went off somewhere. Yuuji and Nobara sat on the training field speechless.

You were very admired by all the students for your caring yet sensible personality, the opposite of Gojo.

"How could you guys not have known? I mean she calls him Toru and they eat lunch together everyday." Megumi groaned, upset he had to talk about Gojo more than he ever wanted to

"Well not everyone was raised by him!" Nobara scoffed

"She helped raise me too ya know? actually she probably did the most of it, cooking and stuff, she was like a mom to me" Megumi opened up slightly to his friends

"But I mean l/n-sensei is pretty hot I don't know why she would go for Gojo of all people" Yuuji commented

Megumi stared blankly at his friend who seemed have purposefully mentioned this fact right after he just told him how she was like a mother to him

"Like how did they even meet?!" Nobara said breaking the silence

"According to her they went on a pretty important mission together when she was a first year and he was a second-"

"He's older than her??? Gross!" Nobata yelled standing up and crossing her arms

"Love is love!" Yuuji retorted

"Like I was saying" Megumi scowled "when he was a second and she was a first year they went on some important mission with some other second year, Gojo won't tell me more for some reason. That's how they first met"

"Come on Fushiguro!! You gotta know more!" Itadori urged

Megumi grumbled remembering every time Gojo had gotten and sappy with him about your relationship "they got closer a year or so later when they both lost someone in their class who was really important to them. I guess the rest is history."

A suddenly noise startled the three first years as none other than Gojo Satouru was standing behind them

"Weren't you supposed to be training and not getting distracted by my incredible love life" Gojo snickered

'You're one to talk' they all though in unison

Gojo placed a hand on Megumi's head to ruffle his hair "if you must know Y/N loves me and we are married"

"You didn't tell me that!" Megumi yelled "since when!"

"We are not married, just together" you said suddenly appearing by Gojo's shoulder

Gojo made a fake pouty face

"I have no clue why you keep telling everyone that" you said a mischievous twinkle in your eye that Gojo recognized and began to run away while you chased after him, attempting to tickle him

"At least they're happy" Yuuji beamed

'How?!?' Nobata and Fushiguro thought

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1 year ago

i love your writing omg its so adorable !! if your requests are open, can I please request a highschool nanami x reader where nanami thinks reader likes haibara so he supresses his feelings, but in reality the reader likes nanami!!

Gahh thank you so much I LOVE this idea <3

High school Nanami x reader

I Love Your Writing Omg Its So Adorable !! If Your Requests Are Open, Can I Please Request A Highschool

In his eyes, someone like him would never be good enough for somebody like you. To you, he was all you ever wanted.

You had dazzled him from the moment he saw you, it only so happened that you dazzled everyone else as well. He could deal with the endless teasing from Gojo because that's just how he was, but the one thing that tore at his heart was your relationship with Haibara. He was his close friend, he shouldn't be upset, but he was.

He spent all his time trying to deny these feelings, it didn't matter that he blushed when you smiled at him. It didn't (definitely did) effect him you grabbed Haibara's hand to lead him somewhere. And it definitely did not matter that you seemed much less nervous around Haibara than you were with him.

'Could I be making her uncomfortable?' Was the thought that crowded his mind at night

In reality, you could barley look at Nanami without blushing, if you were to grab his hand your sweaty palms would be all too noticeable. You confided in Haibara about all of these feelings, he had no idea that his friendliness was making Nanami increasingly conflicted about his feelings.

But he still wanted to help his two friends, and his great idea was a simple movie night.

As you picked your spot on the couch, Haibara all but forced you to sit on the left so he could on the right, and Nanami was left with the middle spot, right next to you.

Things went off seemingly well, Nanami tried to keep his distance as to not make you unhappy, as he was so sure he did. Though he couldn't help but notice that every time he tried to make distance, you moved closer.

"You can move if you want, like switch spots" he said staring at the screen

"Why would I want to move?" You asked

He turned to see your eyes innocently shining up at him, a small smile and blush on your cheeks. He suddenly turned away coving his own red cheeks with his hands.

'Have I made him upset?' You worry

Nanami moved back closer to you.

You were going to be the death of him.

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1 year ago

Boyfriend girlfriend (Gojo x reader)

Boyfriend Girlfriend (Gojo X Reader)

"What do you mean you don't know how to do laundry?!?"

"People always did it for me what can I say" the white haired boy responded. He was laying in his dorm room practically surrounded by his own dirty clothes "can't you just do it for me pleaseeee" he gave you puppy eyes.

"I'm definitely not doing it for you-" he slumped over "but I'll teach you"

He jumped up in excitement "wait y/n really!? I asked Geto and Shoko and they told me there was no way they'd do it, are you sure!?"

"Yeah yeah whatever just pick up your stuff and follow me" you smiled

You very slowly taught Gojo how to sort and wash his laundry, and after a lot of complaining and trying he finally finished a load.

"Alright that's all you need from me I'm heading back"

Gojo felt his hand move before he could even think, he didn't want you to go. Nobody in his life had ever spent the time to teach him something in his life. It was either done for him or assumed he could do it himself. You were so sweet to him always, he wanted you to stay so grabbed onto your hand and pulled you a little harder than he had intended.

"Wah?-" you immediately were upped down, smacking your chest into his, you bumped noses.

"Gojo is-is something wrong" you blushed

"I just, I don't want to let you go" he stammered

It had taken this long for him to have been open with you and you didn't want to let him go "then don't"

"Alright then" he chuckled "I won't"

You sat there for what felt like hours before he leaned back with you still in his lap, causing you to fall forward into him once again

"Wanna watch a movie?" he questioned

"Sure but you have to finish your laundry" you lightly flicked his forehead

"Owwww...but you'll do it for me won't you? Now that we're-like- girlfriend boyfriend?"

"Not a chance"


Nanami fic tomorrow y'all I gotta stay true😈

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