Nanami Imagine - Tumblr Posts
High school Nanami x reader<3

Your voice broke the silence Nanami Kento once held so dear, a lonely aspect of his life you seemed to be slowly melting away like the snow receding at his feet in the warm spring air.
Ever since he started as a first year at Jujitsu tech you had been slowly breaking down the walls that he put up. Usually he was annoyed by people with upbeat attitudes and a generally positive outlook on the world, like his upperclassman Gojo Satouru who could could not stand for the life of him. But you, you we're different.
When you said his name if felt like he was the only thing in the world, he felt so special when you talked to him, and only him. When you dragged him by his hand to do things he wouldn't have normally done, going to the vending Mac with friends or watching a movie.
Everything you did, especially that voice of yours constantly calling out "Nanami!" He could barely handle it, he couldn't keep the blush from spreading across you his face, that might be the only part of you that annoyed him, and it wasn't even your fault.
"Hey Nanami what's up"? Your voice and a hand on his shoulder brought him back to reality.
"Oh hey y/n" he muttered looking away embarrassed from your face that was inches away from his
"Hey what's wrong?" You pouted, suddenly reaching your hand forward to brush his bangs out of his face.
"Wha-what are you doing?!" He said whipping his face to look right into your
"That's better" you smiled sweetly before turning away from him
"Why the hell would you do that?" Nanami stammered
"Hmmm" you giggled a finger over your mouth "I guess I just wanted to see your whole face, you should wear your hair like that more, but I guess you do look nice either way huh?" Your smile was almost too much to handle
You were going to be the death of him.
(I'll write more later bc he's perfect 😘)
Gossiping with Shoko
Nanami x reader

Since there were no other girls in your first year class at jujitsu tech, you loved to gossip with your senior Shoko Ieri, the only problem? She was constantly accompanied by Gojo and Geto who had nothing better to do but join in on the conversation.
"Sooo y/n I just have to ask, who do you likeeee" Shoko smirked
"You mean like, like like?" You blushed
"Well its obviously her very handsome senior, the most powerful Gojo Satoru" Gojo sighed leaning back with his hands against his head.
"Ummm definitely not" you respond
Geto laughed and Gojo poked him aggressively. You thought for a moment. Haibara was kind but you definitely didn't see him in that way. You had other friends at your school but the one person you could see yourself with was the shy first year. The one who always knew what you wanted from the vending machines, the one you couldn't take your eye off of in class, the one who could seem to look you in the eye.
"Umm maybe...Nanami" you smiled looking down
The three faced with a dumbfounded look
"NANAMIN?" Gojo shouted
"Look y/n I know everyone has their own tastes but really, Nanami?" Geto sighed
"Guys stop being jerks" Shoko scolded, she turned towards you "so Nanami Kento huh? What about him?"
"Well unlike you two-" you glared at Geto and Gojo who were still laughing their asses off "he is really compassionate and gentle, and he knows things about me with having to tell him, oh and he's usually so calm and collected, and-"
You stopped and looked up to see the others smirking at you, you yourself hadn't realized how much you liked about Nanami.
"Well I guess I'll have to be your wing woman" Shoko said, her hands on her hips "and these two-" she whipped around to face the two idiots "will have to stay out of it"
You smiled, happy to have Shoko as a friend and excited just to see your crush later in class.
Little did you know Nanami had been listening on accident around the corner, with a blush he didn't think he could get rid of before he saw you again.
(Mwah I love my bbg😘)
Confessions (high school Nanami x reader)
This is kinda a continuation of another fic I wrote recently so I'll link that at the bottom <3

Nanami had been acting strange lately
Not just grumpy like always, but he had been acting off
Usually he would start conversations with you or walk with you around campus, but recently, just in the pass couple days, he had almost been avoiding you? But that couldn't be right, I mean he was always awkward but he had never ignored you like this.
So logically you decided the best thing to do you be to confront him. Slightly inspired by your seniors Gojo and Geto who had told you that you should "just tackle him or something" when you confided in them, you decided to follow him until he was alone.
Haibara wasn't keen on leaving his best friend but Nanami finally offered to get them both something from the vending machine you took your moment to pounce.
Nanami suddenly heard a slam only to turn around and realize you of all people were pinning him, with both arms on either side of him, to the vending machine, so he could not get away.
In addition your arms were a bit shorter than he was bulky, meaning your face was practically in his chest. All of this was creating an incredibly awkward situation for the already nervous (and very in love) Nanami Kento.
"Why have you been avoiding me?" You asked, a cute pout on you face
" well..." he stuttered, trying to look away with his hand attempting to cover his blush. 'God you're cute when you're mad' was the only the thing on his mind.
"Usually you're so nice to me and I just don't understand why you won't talk to me." You questioned
He couldn't see any other way than just telling you straight up, considering the position you were in
"I...I heard you talking-with Ieiri...That's-that's all"
It was your turn to blush 'he had overheard?!?'
It felt like hours that you were both blushing looking at each other. Regrettably you wondered what Gojo would do in this situation before making your next choice.
"I like you Nanami."
"Excuse me?" He blushed
"I like you Nanami Kento, not just like you but I like like you"
"You're kidding right, did the seniors put you up to this" he looked around
"No I'm not, I like you and your smile and your voice and everything about you"
"I-I like you too I have, for a long time, I just can't believe it, that you-"
"Believe it! Please Namami, I- I want to go out with you!"
He leaned his head on yours, "I will, I'm sorry I was too scared, I'm sorry you had to ask me"
"It's ok, I'm just glad this is how it ended" you chuckled
Suddenly Haibara's voice sounded from around the corner "Nanami where did ya go?"
You both immediately untangled from each other, only to be teased for your apparent blushes.
It didn't really matter though, he finally had you and didn't want to let you go.

i love your writing omg its so adorable !! if your requests are open, can I please request a highschool nanami x reader where nanami thinks reader likes haibara so he supresses his feelings, but in reality the reader likes nanami!!
Gahh thank you so much I LOVE this idea <3
High school Nanami x reader

In his eyes, someone like him would never be good enough for somebody like you. To you, he was all you ever wanted.
You had dazzled him from the moment he saw you, it only so happened that you dazzled everyone else as well. He could deal with the endless teasing from Gojo because that's just how he was, but the one thing that tore at his heart was your relationship with Haibara. He was his close friend, he shouldn't be upset, but he was.
He spent all his time trying to deny these feelings, it didn't matter that he blushed when you smiled at him. It didn't (definitely did) effect him you grabbed Haibara's hand to lead him somewhere. And it definitely did not matter that you seemed much less nervous around Haibara than you were with him.
'Could I be making her uncomfortable?' Was the thought that crowded his mind at night
In reality, you could barley look at Nanami without blushing, if you were to grab his hand your sweaty palms would be all too noticeable. You confided in Haibara about all of these feelings, he had no idea that his friendliness was making Nanami increasingly conflicted about his feelings.
But he still wanted to help his two friends, and his great idea was a simple movie night.
As you picked your spot on the couch, Haibara all but forced you to sit on the left so he could on the right, and Nanami was left with the middle spot, right next to you.
Things went off seemingly well, Nanami tried to keep his distance as to not make you unhappy, as he was so sure he did. Though he couldn't help but notice that every time he tried to make distance, you moved closer.
"You can move if you want, like switch spots" he said staring at the screen
"Why would I want to move?" You asked
He turned to see your eyes innocently shining up at him, a small smile and blush on your cheeks. He suddenly turned away coving his own red cheeks with his hands.
'Have I made him upset?' You worry
Nanami moved back closer to you.
You were going to be the death of him.
hii can I request a part 2 of the nanami x reader fic u did recently ?? completely fine if u can't, I just loved it sm i wanted to see more !! maybe a confession scene or something of the sort. nanami is so precious and I don't see many fics of teen him
take care and i love ur writing <3
Gahhh yes teen Nanamin is sooo underrated
More teen Nanami x reader =)))

Haibara was now in full understanding.
You liked Nanami, Nanami like you, both of you were just too dumb to figure that out.
So he had a great (terrible) idea. Instead of just telling one of you, he wanted you to figure this out on your own. So he planted a letter in Nanami's shoe locker in super girly handwriting. Saying something along the lines of...
"I need to tell you something important, meet me in the garden next to the north building after school"
-your secret admirer <3
As he waited, watching impatiently as Nanami opened his locker, pulling the letter out and slowly, suspiciously looking at it.
Nanami looked directly at Haibara "you wrote this didn't you?"
"What no! Of course not!"
"Yes, yes you did"
"That doesn't even look like my handwriting!"
"Then whose handwriting is it supposed to look like" Nanami responded, one eyebrow cocked
Realizing he had been backed into a corner Haibara turned and ran.
"HAIBARA" Nanami yelled and being faster than his friend his hand almost immediately landed on his shoulder, spinning him around.
"What?" Nanami asked quietly "are- are you sure I though she liked you? That can't be-"
Out of the corner of his eye he saw you, on your way to class.
You all stood there in silence, you had heard just about everything, Nanami looked like he was going to pass out, and Haibara had a nervous smile across his face.
Nanami let go of his friend and ran to you, grabbing your hand and dragging you with him to, ironically, the same garden the fake letter had mentioned.
When you two were alone Nanami asked one question.
"Was what he said...true?"
You blushed, a hand over your mouth, you couldn't even look him in the eye and neither could he.
" is"
"Why me?"
"There isn't anybody I could like the way I like you"
Nanami pulled your head forward onto his chest.
"You said what I've been feeling better than I ever could" he sighed, too in shock to say anything else.
He couldn't believe this was how it happened but being able to look down to see your arms around his torso, he was happy he had you to himself, one way or another.
Please lord I will love this man till my dying breath, he is everything to me
kinda angsty but it's sweet I promise <3

Nanami Kento, the man who swore he would never have another light in his life, not after Hibara, he couldn't bear to hold someone so close again.
Yet you came into his life, from the moment he laid eyes on you he could have sworn his heart stopped, or maybe it was just that it hadn't beat for another person in so long it was too unfamiliar for him recognize.
You weren't a light, no, you were the full force of the sun. A sun that had thrown itself into his life before he had time to put up his walls.
And every time he tried to build them up again, tried to keep you out, you came and tore them down, and he let you. He's not sure why he let you, he could have yelled at you and pushed you away, but he just couldn't bring himself to do that.
No, that would impossible for a man as weak as him, though it was true any man would crumble in the embrace of your arms. Which is why he was even more smitten with the fact that you decided he was worth loving. When so many people viewed him as impossible, and in truth he believed he was. He was blunt, stoic, and hardly cheery to be around.
But then again you saw him as worth loving, or at least trying to love, and that was enough for him.
He never felt he would be enough for you, but on those nights, when he shuffled onto the train after work. Letting the rhythmic sway of the cars lull him into a blank state. When the only clear thought he could form was of you.
When he turned the keys in the lock and slowly opened the front door. When all of a sudden he could hear the rapid padding of feet across the floors of your shared home. As they rounded the corner and got closer, and closer. When he could finally see your shining face and your arms stretched out towards him from one of his old shirts, the sheer size of it dwarfing you.
When he could hear your voice calling to him, saying his name happier than he thought it was even possible for people to be when around him. Practically singing every salable as you leapt into his arms and threw your face into the crux of his neck.
When you stayed there and nuzzled into him as he tried to regain some form of consciousness after being amazed by your sheer presence. When he could crumble to the floor and hold you so impossibly close to him that you thought he would absorb your very being.
And in essence he was, drinking up every sliver of kindness you gave him, every moment of happiness he thought he would never have.
When he can whisper into your ears, in that impossibly deep and smooth voice "I love you", he would scream it to the world if he could, but indeed he already had, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
Yes, on those nights Nanami Kento felt like something, because you made him feel like he was everything. And he was, he was everything to you and for him that was enough for him.
@kakyoinslastcherry <3
missed calls ✮ | k. nanami

nanami x fem reader
summary: youre a new student at jujutsu high and you cant help but be curious about your blonde haired classmate
warnings: a lil bit of fluff, minor angst etc, mentions of death (yu haibara)
a/n: hii i hope you enjoy this lil fic i made!! i luv nanami with my entire heart. to be honest i havent written this much in so long so bear w me >-< also i didnt really read the jjk manga, just watched the anime so if some of it is canonically incorrect, just know i just searched some stuff up LMAO! enjoy!!

as you step into the building of tokyo jujutsu high, you could feel your stomach sinking farther down than it already was.
obviously, going to a new school was gut wrenching already, but going to a new school filled with sorcerers, probably way above your skill level, was even more so.
so when gojo, geto and shoko saw you walk into the building, they could already sense your nerves.
gojo leans closer to his two companions. "she seems..." but he couldnt finish his sentence due to shoko clearing her throat.
"welcome to jujutsu high." shoko says, greeting you with a non-chalant tone.
"oh thank you." you fake smile, surpressing the urge to leave the building right then and there. you stare at the three. "im y/n."
gojo smirks, walking towards you. you feel intimidated as he got closer to you.
he grabs the luggage you had been dragging behind you, giving you a small smile. "im gojo." he points to the other. "thats geto."
geto, who you note had his hair in a tight bun, one strand lose from its restraint. he gives you a wave.
you wave back, feeling a bit less unsettled. they werent as intimidating as you thought they would be.
the three students showed you around the school, first stopping by your dorm to drop off your things.
after that, they continued the tour, bringing you to meet their teacher, show you the classrooms, as well as the training field.
the four of you stay a bit and watch those who were practicing.
there were two guys on the field. one with straight brown hair and one with with blonde hair parted to the side. they were both fairly tall.
it looks as though they had finished up their training the moment you, shoko, gojo and geto stopped to watch.
The brunette greets you, waving as he walks towards your group. "hi you must be the new student. im yu haibara!"
meanwhile, his blonde companion ignorses the group entirely, passing you by walking right around you.
gojo tried to get the indviduals attention. "nanam-" but is cut off.
"no thanks." the blonde haired guy says, walking farther away.
gojo sighs as geto and shoko quietly snort. you turn to them, confused.
she explains. " nanami is the same year as you. as well as haibara." she pauses, looking at yu as he confirms this with a simple smile. "nanami kinda just keeps to himself most of the time."
you nod, acknowledging that new information.
the group, now made up of five people, continue the tour, the blonde boy still present in your memory.
after that small interaction, all nanami could think of was you.
he had watched you walk around with his upperclassmen as he trained.
and obviously he's not gonna embarass himself trying to form a full sentence when youre looking at him with the most kissable lips ever. so he walks away, avoiding the whole group entirely.
when night falls, shoko hints to you about how the gang is gonna sneak out to shibuya to do some late shopping.
obviously, you were down. you packed a small bag and met up with the group.
there was geto, gojo, yu, shoko and surprisingly, nanami.
walking through shibuya, you cant help but be oh so curious about the mystery man.
he didnt seem cold, just distant. like he was reluctant about everything.
in nanami's mind, he feared that his blush was too noticable.
he couldnt stop looking at you.
the way you walked, the way your hair looks in the light of the electronic billboards.
it was like you had put him in a trance.
he didnt belive in love at first sight. but man, maybe does now.
after a few missions together, you and nanami are inseperable.
you would talk, he would listen.
he would bring you your fave ice cream when you felt down and vise versa.
he even went out of his way to buy you the essentials for when your period comes.
shoko, gojo, geto and yu are shocked. never have they seen their negative friend so caring and gentle before. you had brought out another side of him.
when they would try to confront nanami about it, he would deny it. but deep down, he knew what was going on.
he was completely enamoured by you.
he couldnt get enough of you.
he hoped that it would stay like this forever.
however when nanami and yu are called to assist geto and gojo with protecting riko amenai, the star plasma vessel, something changes.
even before the mission, nanami came to you and complained how it wasnt a suitable mission for the first years.
but since yu was excited, he went with it anyway.
when nanami comes back from the mission, he comes alone.
yu had died during the mission.
this changed the course of your relationship with him. nanami became non confrontational. it was like how he was when you first met him.
the two of you go through the rest of your years at jujutsu high, a very obvious awkward tension keeping you both from talking to each other as much as you used to.
when you heard the news that nanami was leaving after graduation, you were obviously hurt. you tried to change his mind with tears in your eyes.
you knew it was selfish of you to try to convince him to stay and but it was no use anyway. he no longer wanted to become a sorcerer.
he couldnt bear to look at you. he didnt want to see how hurt you were because of him.
all the better reason to leave.
but when he left, his guilt followed right after.
yu's death..and you.
he started to despise society once again. he was alone once again.
for a few years, nanami works as a salaryman, but eventually came back to pursue his career as a jujutsu sorcerer.
he had hoped to see you once again, but when he subtly asked gojo about you, he told him that you became a teacher with him but was on leave, travelling for over a year and wouldnt be back for a while.
however, when nanami comes to mentor gojo's new student, yuji, nobody had told him you had come back from your travels.
you and gojo sat in the staff room, talking about your newest student and how you plan to deal with this change as nanami walks in.
"satoru." he says while opening the doors to the room. "i have a few ques-" he immediatley pauses, making eye contact with you.
you gasp quietly.
"hello y/n." nanami greets you sternly, taking a seat beside gojo.
"how have you been?"

a/n: sorry for the super rushed ending its late at night rn lol. i will be making a part two at some point so be sure to look out for that!!
thanks for reading!!
OMGGGG imagine you and nanami were rivals in culinary school fighting over who was the better cook and after graduating you both went separate ways with you becoming a nutritionist and him becoming a world class chef with his own 5 star restaurant
one day you decide to get drunk with friends and they dare you to give his restaurant a terrible review and he finds out it’s you because you used your old instagram username not knowing that back then he was head over heels for you.he would scroll through your page night after night wishing that your now ex fiancé would suddenly go missing. hoping that he’d finally get a chance to be with you
but all that went away when you finally set a date for the wedding and nanami came to terms with the fact that he would never have you the way he wanted so he buried himself into all of his work to forget about you and he realized that this, this comment was his way back into your life
!Nanami! was never one for public sex until he started seeing you. the subtle but loud touches you would give him during dinners and the no panties nor bra when you wore a sundress it was all too much for him and eventually he had to give in how could he ever deny your sweet pussy of what it was yearning for.
regional manager kento who fucks up into you in the supply closet at work. one hand slapped over your mouth to keep you quiet while the other is busy circling your clit. the soft whimpers exiting your mouth drives him crazy to the point he doesn’t care who hears he just wants to hear more and wants to hear them louder. picking up the pace of his thrust earning a loud embarrassing moan from you
“ k-kentooo nghh not fuck so f-fast” you moan gripping onto the supply shelf for comfort
“oh but i thought that’s how you like it baby. i know you like the feeling.” he was right so fucking right. there was no way you could ever lie to him cause your pretty pussy always speaks the truth. he was so so good at bringing out that wild side in you and vice versa.
“you feel that baby.” fuck he made you feel good, so good that the calculated thrust of his hips, the feeling of his mouth leaving open kisses all over you body was pure existential bliss but all good things must come to an end. “ohh kento p-please let me cum” you moan staggered from the immense feeling of overwhelming pleasure
“shhh princess go ahead and f-fuck l-let go for me, make a mess all over me” he groans speeding up the stimulation of your pretty little bud. “ohhhh fuuuuckkk kentoo”. Cumming so hard you swear you were on cloud nine. the clenching and spasming of your sloppy wet cunt sent kento into overdrive, “f-fuck baby take my cum. take it like the good girl you are”, filling you womb with his hot white load feeling a warm sensation fill you up
he turns your head over your shoulder to give you the sloppiest wettest kiss as he pulls out leaving your pussy feeling empty. he took one last good look at your cunt drenched in both of your mixed juices admiring the mess you two made.
but alas all good things must come to an end with him returning to his office and you returning to your cubicle sadly pleasure cannot last forever

SYNOPSIS: Going to camp was a struggle but going back looking brand new was going to be a nightmare for you but you were determined to make this the summer, your summer


@kakashixhatakesxwhore @brianmaysclog

A/N: I am so happy to finally be working and publishing my first miniseries since my time on tumblr I truly cannot wait. I will be publishing chapter one soon so please stay tuned and if you would like to be tagged please let me know see you guys soon • •
𝐢. 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 — 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

after you find out about the marriage arranged between you and nanami kento, you have to find a way to break the news to your lover.
contents . . . sfw, breakups, light angst, f!reader, arguing, gojo x reader, masterlist linked above for more series contents — 2.3k
notes . . . hi everyone !! i'm so so excited to finally share this series, i've been having so much fun with it hehe. in case you haven't seen the masterlist, this is a nanami series, but this first part is gojo x reader... so idk how to tag it lol.

Twigs snapped beneath you as you ran through the garden, barely holding onto the last strain of composure that you had. It was nearing sundown, but you ignored that, reaching the edge of your family’s estate and approaching the creek, careless to any dangers. The sounds of the water grew louder and louder in your ears as you drew closer, turning from a faint trickle to a roar.
The look on your parent’s face when they’d delivered the news was still burned into your irises, replaying in your mind as you landed one foot in front of the other. How unexpressive they’d been, straight to business — as if they didn’t care at all. It was your future they were messing with, but it seemed they didn’t mind throwing away your happiness.
You arrived at the creek much faster than anticipated, your breaths heaving as you headed down the hill.
Satoru was already there, as you’d expected, running his hands through the murky water. His blue eyes shot over from the sound of the leaves crunching, an easy smile on his face, revealing sharp canines.
“What took you so long?” Satoru asked, looking over his shoulder with his typical, lopsided grin. Though, as soon as he saw the tears that were welling in your eyes, his face fell, giving way to a gloomy expression. “Hey, hey, hey. My darling…” he cooed, the tone of his voice so tender. “What’s the matter?”
You’d been doing a wonderful job at holding back your tears until then, but they began to spill down your cheeks, hot and heavy, dripping off your chin. Your nose began to burn. “I—” you started, then choked on a sob, burying your face in your hands, unable to continue.
The sound of the creek, rushing through the woods, at least spared you some embarrassment, as it blocked out your cries.
Satoru was quick to scramble to his feet and make his way over to you, not even thinking before he’d wrapped you up in a warm embrace. He smelled vaguely of the stables, still, as well as the outside, a thick air of sweat lingering on his skin.
“Take a breath,” Satoru said soothingly, rubbing your spine as you cried into his shoulder, coating his tunic with the weight of your tears.
“I’m sorry,” you said, squeezing your fingers into his top. The cloth wound up between them, wrinkling the fabric. “I’m so sorry, Satoru.”
“Whatever are you sorry for, my sweet?” Satoru didn’t draw away, but you could tell that he wanted to… He wanted to question what it was that had made you cry, when he’d seen you earlier in such a jovial state, so thrilled for your rendezvous as the sun bled into the evening.
The conversation with your parents still lingered at the forefront of your mind, laced with a tinge of distaste and betrayal.
How desperately you wished you could escape your responsibilities, run from them without guilt. But even now, already a few years into your adulthood, you still felt the burning need to please your family.
You pressed your eyes shut, deeply inhaling Satoru’s sweet aroma, in case it were the last you ever got of it. “My family has known this whole time. They knew, and they never intended to let me marry you.”
You’ve spent far too long with the stable boy, dear, and we’ve let you have your fun. Don’t think that we haven’t known, all these years, that he’s the reason you’re pushing all your suitors away.
Those were words you’d certainly never forget.
Satoru drew away, his eyes narrowed as he scanned your face. Still, there was no sense of panic, his icy irises as steadfast and confident as ever. “Is that it?” he asked, kissing your forehead, your cheeks, soaking up the tears with his lips. “Well, we’ll just have to do without their permission, won’t we? I know your family is very dear to you, but—”
Your face screwed up tighter, watery eyes blurring your vision. “It is not as easy as you make it out to be, Satoru. Despite what you may think, I do not wish for them to hate me. Not to mention, your livelihood depends on their employment. They will not pay my dowry if you are my husband. They will not employ you any longer, and I’ll—”
“That doesn’t matter,” Satoru said, insistent, his optimism succumbing to irritation as you argued. “We can surely find other means to survive.”
“Survive?” you frowned, features contorting as the tears, momentarily, restrained. “I do not wish to live a life where we have to fight to get by. Besides—”
But Satoru spoke over you, spilling words of grandeur, in a world where things worked out exactly as planned. But your outlook had never been as positive, and his dreams seemed no more than that, in the face of reality.
“Satoru.” You raised your voice, ever so slightly, and pushed him away, as if to finally make him hear your words. “You’re not listening to me. Even if we could, even if everything you’re saying happened like you want it to, they’ve already found me another husband.”
Silence. It was enough to hear the wind slipping through the trees, swaying the branches. Leaves fell at your feet, swirling around your ankles, a breeze suddenly picking up, as if aware of your quarrel.
The two of you stared at each other, basked in the last golden rays of the evening. For the first time in decades, it seemed, you were unsure what to say to one another.
Satoru scanned your face, his lips parting, jaw working as he fought for words. “Another husband.”
“Yes.” Your exhale came out heavy as you blinked away from him, glancing over his shoulder, so as not to face the intensity of his irises. “I’m getting older; men will not be so willing to take me as their bride. So my parents worked something out with a friend of my father’s. His son is a few years older than me,” you sniffed. “He’s been unwilling to get married, but now that his mother is sick…” you shrugged, confused and defeated, as you wrung your hands together. “I’ve been told her final wish is to see her son married.”
“What a wish,” Satoru rolled his eyes, scoffing, “to see your child in a loveless relationship.”
You said nothing. Satoru wouldn’t understand the ways of the nobility, wouldn’t understand the responsibility that you felt. He’d never met his parents, and never had the chance to care about them.
He huffed instead, running his hands through his snowy hair as he paced close to the water’s edge. It soaked the soles of his shoes, ruining the leather, but he didn’t seem to mind, too deep in his thoughts.
“You have no say in the matter?” Satoru finally asked, his shoulders slumping, as he turned back to face you once again. “You’re just going to let them tell you how to live your life, submit yourself to a man who might be cruel to you?”
“Satoru…” you began, considering defending yourself, before you conceded. “I’m sorry. I care for you, I do, but you must understand.”
“Oh, I understand just fine. You surprised me, is all. I thought you’d put love over things like that.”
You swallowed, shoving away the engulfing sadness as he paced back toward you, his wet shoes creating muddy footprints in the ground.
“You can’t honestly have thought that all our silly dreams would come to fruition. You knew all along that this was just a fleeting fancy, didn’t you?”
“On the contrary, I thought this was serious.” To your surprise, Satoru dug through his pocket, throwing a ring at you, one that was nothing close to extravagant, but beautiful all the same. “I’ve carried this for weeks now… just waiting. There was never a good time to propose, but I really did want to marry you. How’s that for fleeting?”
Your jaw fell slack. A fresh wave of tears began as you bent down, soiling your pastel gown in the grass and mud to pick up the ring. It was a simple gold band, shiny and smooth — probably months worth of his salary.
Nausea rose up in you as you dusted off the fine piece of jewelry, staring at it with affection. “Dear lord,” you said, not even bothering to wipe the snot that ran in a smooth stream from you nose, just like your tears. “Why did you have to tell me this?”
“I won’t spare you the kindness of ignorance. I want you to know exactly what you’re throwing away.”
“That’s not—” you shook your head, eyes glued to the ring. “I don’t want you out of my life. I love you, Satoru. I want to be with you, I just can't… But, perhaps, we can still see each other?”
Your lover stared, blinking once, then again, his white eyelashes fanning over pale cheeks. Then, a loud laugh escaped from him, deep from his chest, as if in horror. “You want me to be your whore?” he asked, aghast, infiltrating your space as he backed you into a tree.
You glanced up at him, eyes wide, pressing your hands to the smooth expanse of his chest. “I—”
“I love you. I love you, and I’d dedicate my life to supporting you,” his voice was pained, cracking on the vowels. “But that means nothing to you, does it? You’re so selfish.”
The word felt like a slap to the face — the same that your family had called you, when they’d admitted they knew of your dalliance. Either way, you would lose. You were selfish for bringing such disgrace to your family’s respectable lineage, or you were selfish for choosing your responsibility over your lover.
“i just don’t know what to do.” Your voice felt small; the weakness of it softened Satoru’s expression, if only by a fraction.
He exhaled. “Well, I know. Go back home, tell your parents to fuck whoever wants your hand, and run away with me. Be with me,” Satoru pressed his forehead to your own, desperate. “Please. I love you, I adore you, I’ll worship you. What more do you want?”
You swallowed, squeezing your eyes shut. “Satoru…” His hands went still on your waist. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I can.”
For the first time in all your years together, since the moment you’d met him as an infant, you felt a distance crack between you, breaking into a cavern. Satoru had been your best friend, your constant companion, the person you’d always thought would be a part of your life. Now, the risk you’d taken by falling in love with him had finally come to pass. You weren’t sure that your relationship could ever be remedied, after such a poor conclusion.
“You’re a coward,” Satoru finally said, spitting your name like it was a curse, and you flinched, dipping your chin to your collarbone. There was no love in those words, no gentleness; they were meant to hurt. “You think you’re different than all the other women of nobility, but you’re not. You want to be spoon-fed like the rest of them, waited on hand and foot, reliant on the money of your family and your husband.”
You sniffled, hands shaking as you clenched your jaw. Satoru had a sharp tongue — he always had — but it’d never been used against you. For the first time, you knew what it was like to be looked at by Gojo Satoru with disdain, and it was awful.
“That’s cruel… Don’t you understand what you’re asking me to do? You’re asking me to leave behind my family, my life, my security. You want me to leave everything with no plan at all?”
“I understand well enough.” He stepped away, backing up until you could no longer smell the sweat that clung to his sleeves, until you could no longer see the contrasts of blues in his irises. “Truthfully, I don’t believe I know you like I thought I did. I never assumed you’d be so hesitant to leave.”
Despite your tear-filled eyes, you stood taller, trying to keep some semblance of dignity. Like the noble woman you were, you refused to be seen as weak in the face of your emotions. If you were to leave Satoru, you would leave him confident that you were making the right decision. “Perhaps not, then,” you said. “You may have been taken into our home with love and care, but we are not as similar as you were raised to believe.”
Satoru licked his lips, then clicked his tongue, speechless, before he turned around for good. “Right,” he said, shaking his head. “I should’ve known that the spoiled girl you’d been would turn you into a spoiled woman. I’ve been a fool. Enjoy your sham of a marriage.” He began to walk away, slowly, before gradually picking up his pace, his back as taut as the bow of a violin.
“Is this really how you wish to end things?” you asked, shouting through the wind at his retreating form. “On such a vile note?”
“You’re the one that ended things,” Satoru said, and though you hoped that he would glance over his shoulder, spare you one last glimpse before you parted ways forever, he never did. “I only wanted to love you.”
You opened your mouth, words lingering on your tongue, before you shut it, and let him go.
Tomorrow, you would regret it. You would long for his warm embrace, his arms, so strong from riding and tending to the horses. You would long for his kiss, gently brushed against your hairline, a smile growing on his lips as you told him about the book you’d read. You would long for a time when you passed him in the hallways and received a grin, instead of a sneer.
But, for now, thrumming with guilt and grief and rage, you watched him walk away, hands balled at your fist. Maybe he didn’t deserve you anyway.
Maybe you didn’t deserve him.

thank you so much for reading! ❤︎ next part
GLORY HOLE! — NANAMI KENTO an overworked and stressed employee, you find relief in giving blowjobs to complete strangers at an adult store
INFO...nanami x fem!reader, oral (m!receiving), jerking off, nipple play, tit job, pussy job, cum eating, praise, a little twist at the end, not proofread (as usual)
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated

Working at an office where you were constantly hassled for your deadlines always put a lot of unwanted stress on your shoulders. Higher ups yapping in your ear about something you’ve been told one hundred times before and your fingers are typing as fast as they can on the computer. It was a complete and utter shit show, a waste of your precious time. But you have one little secret no one knows about, you volunteer at a glory hole every now and then when you feel too worked up.
After a long week of staring at a computer screen and boring meetings, you walking to the adult store, greeting the worker who already knew what you were there for. All you needed to relax was to watch random strangers cum from your touch. Believe it or not, it brought you joy hearing their moans on the other side of the thin wall. Maybe you chose the wrong profession.
As you entered the room, you let out a sigh, locking the door behind you. You slipped your coat off, and placed your bag down on the chair. Despite what others might think, the room was always clean. It wasn’t a random glory hole you’d find in a public bathroom or a shack in the middle of the woods. You unbuttoned your shirt, letting your tits breathe as you finally were able to relax and wait for the first person to come in.
You perked up at the sound of the door to the other room opening and closing shut. He let out a loud sigh, the sound of his pants being unbuckled making you excited. “Just make me cum, I’ve had a long fucking day,” he grunted. You looked down at the hole, the man placing his semi hard cock through it.
“You and me both, sweetheart. Don’t worry, I’ll make you feel good.” Your hand glided up and down his shaft, slowly stroking him, feeling him grow harder in your hand. You stared at his cock with a smile, his swollen tip flushed a dark pink, prominent veins running on the underside of it. Whoever this man was, he sure had a pretty cock. “You’re so big,” you giggle. Your hand barely able to fully wrap around.
Delicate fingers traced the prominent veins, teasing the underside of his dick before your thumb rubbed over his swollen tip. You felt him throb in your hand, a bead of pre cum forming at his tip, a smile tugging at your lips. The stranger was fully hard, dick long and pretty. You continued rubbing your thumb over his tip, sticking out your tongue to give him kitten licks, tasting his pre cum. You heard the man shudder, a breathy gasp leaving his throat. “Oh, you’re so sensitive!” You gasped, now slowly moving your hand up and down his shaft, moving from base to tip.
You moaned in satisfaction, lip tucked between your teeth as you jerked the stranger off, your free hand cupping your tits as you started to feel turned on by the sight in front of you. “Oh, fuck,” he let out breathy moan. More pre cum began leaking from his tip, allowing you to use it as lubricant to jerk him off easier. Your wrist moved in circular motions, squeezing gently the closer your got towards his sensitive head. “Shit, sweetheart! You really know what you’re doing, huh?” A moan could be heard from the other side of the wall.
Your hand pumped him faster, squeezing tighter around his shaft. “You better not cum yet!” You smiled as if he could see you, but you were taking joy in hearing him in pleasure. Opening your mouth, you stuck out your tongue and took him in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down while simultaneously moving your hand. You pinched your nipple, moaning around his cock as his tip hit the back of your throat.
“Oh, baby, your tongue feels so good! Let me feel that throat,” he whimpered, bucking his hips against the wall, trying so desperately to fuck your face. You removed your hand from around his cock, allowing him to fuck your face. Glug, glug, glug. “There we fucking go, atta girl!” He moaned loudly. As you sat there and let him use your throat, you couldn’t help but think at how familiar the man sounded, though you couldn’t remember from where. But it was the least of you worries, you were only thinking about making him cum.
You pulled your head away, trying to catch your breath as drool coated your chin. You lazily smiled to yourself, wrapping your hand around his shaft again and slowly jerked him off. You positioned yourself to where your tits were close to his dick, rubbing his tip over your hard nipples. “Mmm, feels so good.” Your brows furrow in pleasure.
“Keep doing whatever you’re doing, sweetheart. God, I wish I could see your pretty face right now,” he grunted. You smiled at his words, continuing you give him a tit job before spitting on his cock again. You licked a stripe from the base of his cock to the tip, taking him in your mouth slowly, allowing him to stretch your throat. You gagged on it, tears forming in your eyes before clenching them shut. Mascara ran down your cheeks as you began moving your head up and down, more spit coating his cock and falling on your chest. Your hands messily spread the spit over your tits, teasing your sensitive nipples. “Wanna cum all over your face—mmm, fuck me!” He groaned.
You pulled away again, taking a deep breath. You grinned when his cock twitched, a small giggle erupting from your chest. “You’re so close to cumming! I love it. Do I make you feel good, huh?” You cooed, dragging your fingers over his head. His cock looked even prettier dripping with your saliva.
“Can I feel your pussy? Please, sweetheart? I need it so bad,” he begged. You sat there on your knees, processing the words he said. You usually never let anyone fuck you at these glory holes, but you could think of the next best thing.
“How about a pussy job? Would you like that, baby?” You questioned, waiting for his answer while you slipped your soaked panties off. You dipped your fingers in between your folds, letting out a small gasp from how wet you were. “You got me so wet.” You slapped your pussy a few times, a lewd wet sound filling the room. “Hear that?”
“Goddamn you.” His cock twitched just from hearing how wet you were. “Let me feel her, please—fuckkk me,” he breathily said once he felt your hand grip his cock and rub his tip over your sopping slit.
You were bet over, using the chair as support while the other reached over and guided his cock along your pussy, his head rubbing between your folds and nudging your puffy clit. Your jaw went slack, eyes fluttering shut. Moans could be heard on either side of the wall. He desperately wanted to shove himself inside your gummy walls and fuck you until you passed out. “Cum all over my pussy, I know you want to.”
“Fuck, fuck, shit,” he grunted. “I’m cumming! Oh, sweetheart I’m fucking cumming!” Not even seconds after saying those words, you felt hot spurts coat your pussy, the man moaning and you continued to rub his cock all over your sloppy pussy.
“Yes!” You laughed, gasping from how he was still going. “Oh my goodness!” You felt him twitch one last time in your hand before you pulled away, sitting on the chair and spreading your legs to see at the mess he created. Curiosity got the better of you as you dipped your fingers in, scooping some of his cum and licking it clean off. “Mmmm, you taste so good!” He let out a breathy chuckle.
“Thank you for that, baby.” He pulled away from the glory hole, cock disappearing. You heard him put his pants back on. “Can I ask you a question?”
You kneeled back down towards the glory hole. “Yes, what is it?”
“Will you allow me to see who you are?” He sounded like he was nervous to ask the question.
“There’s no fun in a glory hole if you know who the person is,” you replied in a playful tone.
You heard the man let out a small laugh before sighing. “I guess you’re right. Until next time then.”
“Until next time.” You smiled to yourself. One thought sat in the back of your mind, though. Why did this man sound so familiar to you? It was a forbidden glory hole ‘rule’, but you couldn’t help yourself from peeking through the hole in hopes to catch a glimpse of the man on the other side. You noticed a familiar watch on his right hand, his figure coming more into view when he walked towards the door. An audible gasp escaped your lips when you saw the blonde hair. It was none other than Nanami Kento, your co-worker who you regularly greet at the office, the man who sits in the cubicle right next to you.

tag list (comment to be added):
@kodzukein @inayasahin @mxchi-mxxn @vlsquuu @love-4-keum @thirtykiwis @viisgrave @bellefaerie @manifestis @oliviaissocool1 @prettyfacedream @bsi25 @zayn-210 @charbunxxi @nahoye @mistyheart @supernatrualqueen @lem-hhn @mimibesticon @fateisnotafactor @iwanttoberich420 @angelofthorr @honestlywtfisgoingon @araities @vampzity @spicynoodles23 @pinkbunnysblog @nn-hh192 @chrishak @keiva1000 @darkstarlight82 @brownbtch @70cosmo07 @sadmonke @notfancyrebelpaper @aydene @millie--billie @nnnancyr @sheismaryy @better-imagination-9 @satoryaa @minidrake @oneofthesevensins
*layin on bed*
You: Nanami come on…
Nanami: I can’t.
You: why not, it’s already late. Plus you look extra tired.
Nanami: I’m doing my taxes, honey.
You: *moans* gosh, that’s so f*cking hot! (´ཀ`)
Nanami: I know baby, I know.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
*i got inspiration on an audio I heard on tiktok. I also saw an account who did an animation or drawing of it so credits to them, i honestly don’t remember their user*
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
★彡Y’all should consider following me, if you want. I post cool content :) ★彡
♡stay cute and screw them haterz♡ U^ェ^U
You: Kento, here me out, okay?
Nanami: Hmmm?
You: A 3 hour makeout session.
Nanami: …
You: Wait, I haven’t gotten to the best part. Plus, inappropriate touching.
Nanami: *sighs and undos his tie*
You: …or not…
Nanami: I never said no.
You: No, I just can’t…
Nanami: Oh darling, but why not?
You:..cuz, I’m a virgin…
Nanami: *gently holds your chin up to meet his gaze* Baby, I know that you’re physically a virgin but mentally you’re a wh♡re.
♡ ♡ ♡˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚ ♡ ♡ ♡
Nanami: This is what that three hour makeout session gets you, pretty girl
You: ngh, I-I just can’t take it, Kento *struggles to take his pretty c♡ck*
Nanami: *caresses your left cheek* You have to take my c♡ck now, baby. Tryin to make you feel good and make you c♡m, you understand me, right?
♡ ♡ ♡˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚ ♡ ♡ ♡