42 posts
Introducing Marinette Dupian-cheng As Blue Royal

Introducing Marinette dupian-cheng as Blue Royal
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More Posts from Lunarianillusion

In preperation for alhaitham here are some comics. May he manifest
A change in fate
a maribat fanfic
Chapter 04
It was Monday which meant another weak of pain and scorn that she would receive and have to dodge from the mindless sheep, that flocked around the venomous Lie-la, whenever it was commanded of them. Yes, Marinette truly hated Mondays and all that it implied for her. At the very least, given with events of the past week, she would now have both Chloe and Nathaniel by her side during the torture hours of hell.
She made sure her thermos was full of her special coffee elixir that would keep her awake without fail. She was especially going to need it after her long midnight training session with Duusu last night. They had trained so that she had more control over her emotions and in turn her new ability of creating guardians. She refused to call them sentimonsters. Which had left her with little sleep. so yes, her god’s elixir was needed to survive. No-one was allowed to question that, not even Chloe and her worry over Marinette’s ‘excessive’ caffeine intake.
With thermos in hand and kwami safely hidden within her hoodie, Marinette slowly trudged out of her home’s side door. As the noir haired girl walked her way to hell, her still dull sleep deprived senses made her bump into another person. Normally now, if Marinette was awake, Marinette would have just stumbled back a little and apologized, but due to the lack of sleep she lost her grip on her coffee. Something that also happened to the other person upon collision. Both of their eyes landed on the others coffee and then widened in horror as the brown elixir of life started to make it descend to the concrete sidewalk. In a moment of clarity, the two dived for the other’s containers of ambrosia, while loudly exclaiming: “Not the COFFEE!”
To the relief of both of them, they were able to catch the containers without losing a single drop. After making sure their grips were secure the two turned to one and other.
The person Marinette bumped into was a young male alpha, close to her age. She could not help but think that he was rather cute. He had a lean build but seemed to have some trained muscle on him. His wild raven hair danced infront of his blue eyes that reminded Marinette a bit of the ocean. His dark grey and red clothes brought those eyes out nicely. He also had a nice scent, that was a mixture of coffee beans and mint. It made the omega inside her give a small purr, to which he gave a soft rumble in response. The two teens flush and turn away to fight of their growing blushes.
It takes a moment for the two to regain their composure. The alpha regains it first and clears his throat. “Thank you for saving my coffee from impending doom. I don’t think I will survive the day otherwise,” he said with a small chuckle, as he offered her thermos of brown bitter goodness back to her.
“Well you did save my own elixir from its own tragic fate, so I think where are even on that part,” the noir omega replied in a light tone, as the two exchanged beverages. “Sorry for bumping into you like that. I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings.”
“Don’t worry too much about it. I wasn’t really paying to much attention either. Happens to the best of us,” The alpha spoke reassuringly. He stretched out his free hand to her, “Name’s Timothy, but please call me Tim,” He introduces.
She happily shook his hand in greeting. “Marinette and it is a pleasure to meet a fellow coffee lover. So, what is the occasion for an extra black with, I believe, four espresso shots?” She could not help to ask in a slightly joking tone. The scent of strong coffee always had a story to it and when it comes to coffee, she could not help being curious.
Tim laughed a bit at her tone, making Marinette preen a little as the tiredness slowly faded from his scent. “Five actually and I pulled an all-nighter doing research on the Paris situation. I ran into my first akuma yesterday and was not so happily surprised by it. Since I was not informed of this before I moved here,” he huffed in slight frustration. he took a swig of his coffee as the two started to walk alongside each other.
Marinette gave the boy a look of sympathy for his misfortune. She knew the decision to go completely radio silent to the outside world had been a stupid idea of the mayor and Chloe had agreed full heartily with her. It had brought several problems that made akuma’s more difficult to deal with. Especially when it came to tourist’s. While the locals were now semi used to the akuma of the day, tourists were not. Thus, they became easy targets to becoming pawns and often unknowingly ran into danger. But Paris economy ran on tourism and the mayor was a fool for making his own pocket money his top priority. Chloe has been trying to change things, but it is a slow process.
“-nette, Marinette,” The omega was startled out of her thoughts by Timothy calling out her name. Her crystal eyes snapped to look directly into ocean ones. “Ah, sorry about that I was lost in thought,” she said with a slightly nervous chuckle and averted her eyes.
“Don’t worry about it. I have those kinds of moments all the time myself,” the alpha reassured. His scent changing slightly to be more soothing, her scent must have reflected her more negative thoughts. She was grateful for the gesture. “But is this Francois Dupont?”
That question made a small ball of anxiety start to grow into the pit of Marinette’s stomach. “Yes…” she said slowly taking in his expression looking for any clues. “Why you ask?”
“I am a new transfer student,” He answered simply. Marinette could immediately feel the small ball explode and begin to create a web of anxiousness trough her nerves. Just great.
She may have just met the boy, but just from the first impression Marinette could honestly say she liked the tired looking alpha. Coffee lovers like them don’t come by every other day either. And now she had to watch him get woven into Lie-la’s web of lies and be manipulated. His future would be ruined and Marinette was in all honesty too tired to deal with Lia-la’s bullshit anymore. She had more important things to worry about now. But it was just who she was, she was a person who cared way too much and could not stop that. So, here she would have to just mentally prepare herself for the inevitable.
Placing her free hand onto her face she gave a small silent prayer for her new acquaintance. She then turned to look at Timothy and was not surprised at the curious look he was given her. Oh, you poor soul. She placed her hand onto his shoulder and looked him directly in the eye. “I am sorry to say this, but welcome to hell. Now let’s go and collect your schedule and hope you are not in my class,” The omega spoke darkly and turned back to her torture palace with a slightly confused alpha following behind her.
Much to the omega’s dismay and dread, Timothy was in her class. The two had just rounded up the tour of the school and were on their way to Marinette’s classroom. Marinette softly grumbling out a few prayers for the alpha as they neared the door, hoping he would not be turned into one of the sheep.
“So, do you have any tips for me, before we go into class?” Marinette took a small breath and took careful thought over how to answer the question. She turned took once again look the alpha over, how looked at her with a curious expression. She would give him a warning before he walked into the spider’s web. Beyond that fate would have to decide for him.
“Just… whatever you hear come out of Lila Rossi’s mouth, try to take that with a grain of salt,” She turned away only to turn back to ad a bit more to her statement. “Or a truckload.”
With that Marinette and Tim walked into the demon’s lair. Marinette really hated Mondays.
To say Tim was appalled by the lack of intelligence and discipline by both the students and teacher would be an understatement. The things he had heard in the few minutes of walking into the room made him want to sneer in disdain. Akuma class, demon class might be a fitting name.
When he and Marinette had walked into the classroom, their ears had immediately been subjected to the fakest sweet voice he has ever heard. The voice had come from girl with sausages for hair and was regaling a tale of how she saved Jagged Stones cat and then made a song about it. This was one the most atrocious lies he had the displeasure of hearing, but for some reason every student that surrounded the liar was eating that story up and believing every word. That made his inner fanboy rage. Because Jagged was known to have a minor allergie to cat hair. Not to mention that he had raised Fang for nearly twenty years, and cats and crocodiles are not known for being able to live together. So how was she supposed to save a none existing cat?
Upon the alpha and omega duo’s entry a welcomed silence fell over the liar and her possie. Which gave Tim’s ears some relief, but that changed as Marinette went to take her seat. As she walked past the possie and sausage they all turned to give her dirty looks and ‘whisper’ some very rude comments about her. Some even clearly tried to trip her as she passed, but she evaded them with surprising grace leaving those who tried a bit shocked in her wake. Before taken her seat next to a blond female alpha in a white off shoulder shirt and behind a redhaired omega, who she seemed to be friends with as they started to chat.
He had only just met the omega, but from their short interaction he just knew that she did not deserve this treatment. At least she had a few people in her corner and by the looks of the class they were likely the only once with working braincells as well.
The teacher also seemed to lack working braincells from what he witnessed. He was introducing himself as Timothy Mikhail and was telling about having moved around a lot and just moved from Gotham, he felt a shiver run down his spine in warning. Because clearly he had said the wrong for the orange lying sausage haired harpy was released, in force.
She had interrupted him mid-sentence and gone on about how she had helped Batman fight off Two-face and how she had to turn him down at becoming his protégé because she was too busy and had to move around a lot. That then evolved into her talking being childhood sweethearts with Damian Wayne. Excuse him while he vomits. How the Wayne family loved her and then butchering all their names. These were all such stupid lies that could be easily fact checked but nope, these people had no braincells. And the teacher straight up encouraged her on her great ‘achievements’ and as the possie began to make a ruckus, she did nothing to quiet them down. Just instructed him to take his seat next to the redhaired omega, Nathaniel, who was sitting infront of Marinette. Small mercies.
Due to them being occupied, only a few of the possie looked at him as he took his seat and sagged into the chair. He gave a quick glance to his seatmate, Marinette and her seatmate, Chloe Bourgeois the mayor’s daughter, and he could smell the suffering that was rolling of them. He could already relate and could feel a migraine coming along. Was this maybe a mistake? Was any information could get here worth the headache? He needed more coffee.
As Bustier turned to start her lesson, again not even trying to silence the ruckus, the alpha turned to Marinette. “While I am thankful for your warning beforehand, I think it was a bit of an understatement. I need a sea’s worth of salt,” Timothy spoke in a tired tone.
A moment of shocked silence passed between the four. The three Parisians staring at him with wide eyes. Then Choe exclaimed in absolute glee that he had been gifted with an immunity to the absolutely ridiculous Lie-la plague. Nathaniel patted him on the shoulder and also proclaimed him to be blessed. Marinette stayed silent but her eyes were filled with wonder.
When she did try to say something, Bustier interrupted her and spoke up about them having to be quiet. Whilst she completely ignored the people in the front, who were making the most noise. Tim could practically feel the four of them rolling their eyes at the same time.
“Let’s talk more during the break,” the noir haired omega suggested the moment the adult beta had her back turned. He and the other two nodded in response. Now to hoping this first half of the day would pass by quickly.
taglist: @moonlightstar64, @iloontjeboontje, @mickylikesstuff, @scribblinggraveyard, @faunrasthewinterelf, @myazael, @incredulous-reader, @mewwitch, @woe-is-me0, @fan-written, @coolspidermanmusicflower, @heretopasstimebi, @jjmjjktth, @ichigorose
Authors note: Life is pain but finally I can post the next chapter. For the time being I won’t be adding anymore people to the taglist, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know your thoughts about the story so far and I hope you all have a happy new year.
A change in fate
a maribat fanfic
Chapter 05
The first half of the day had taken a strenuous long time to finish up and had been torture for the four sane ones in the back of the room. The lunchbreak could not have come any later in their minds. The moment he bell rang they had already packed their bags and were ready to go. Now they only had to get past the bitch and her sheep.
The three Parisians were able to reach the door more easily, Marinette had to avoid getting tripped though, then Tim did. As he walked behind the three the liar intercepted his path to freedom gaining him the attention of the whole class. The sausage haired girl gave him a look that reminded him of how some people would look at him at the gala’s he had to attend. It made an uncomfortable feeling run through his body.
“Hey Timothy, you want to sit with us for lunch,” The way she said his name and the overly fake sweet tone made his skin start to crawl. “Maybe we can get to know each other and give you a guided tour before classes start again.”
A small blond-haired omega fully dressed in pink then exclaimed in a slightly high-pitched voice. “You could tell us about all of your adventures around the world,” she then let out a small gasp. “Wouldn’t it be cool if you and Lila were somewhere at the same time, maybe you saw each other?”
An auburn beta, miss tabloid, spoke up next in an almost arrogant tone of voice. “Yeah, but I bet he didn’t meet all the amazing Lila has met.” Both her tone and the way she spoke as if he wasn’t present made his eye twitch in annoyance. A whispered conversation started among the foolish classmates to which the alpha took no interest. He instead took to looking at the three Parisians who hadn’t fallen for the liar. They were waiting for him but seemed to really want to leave the premiss.
Chloe looked ready to fight if the need comes. Her body stood in a defensive position, her hackles raised, infront of the two omegas. Her icy blue eyes glaring blazing daggers at the sheep and spider. Nathaniel had a slightly uncertain look in his visible eye and stood in a fight or flight position. He fidgeted with a pencil that he still had in hand his eye scanning the surroundings. He stayed loyally beside his fellow omega.
Speaking of whom as his eye fell on the noir omega, the same feeling he had felt upon meeting her surfaced back up inside him. He did not know where it came from, but it made him gain a protective feeling over the girl he had just met. So, the glimpse of well-hidden fear in the girl’s eyes made that feeling roar inside him in anger.
He turned back to the orange beta and coolly interrupted her speech about something she so called accomplished. “Thank you for the offer, but I already had a guide tour by Mari-” he did not get to finish talking. For saying the omega’s name made the liar let out a loud gasp. Shit, he started off with saying the wrong thing.
“Oh, I didn’t know that. I hope Marinette was nice to you.” The brunette gave a sideway look to said omega, who sifted her once composed stance into a more defensive one.
“I bet she made some horrible lie about you, Lila,” Miss Tabloid took over with a hiss. “Seriously Marinette, when did you start becoming such a bitch? Jealousy is not a good look for you. So, grow up.” Those words made Chloe release a feral alpha growl. Nathaniel took a step infront of Marinette as Chloe was preparing herself to lunge.
The only ones to not react aggressively back but rather backed off in fear were the pink dressed omega, the goth omega, the small rainbow haired beta and two the darker skinned beta boys. Another blond alpha this one a boy was giving Marinette this disappointed look, that did not sit well with Tim. The rest took to taking on a more aggressive stance in return to the female blond. The room was slowly starting to fill up with a strong aggressive smell. Tim really wondered why the teacher wasn’t doing anything and what the hell he signed himself up for.
The raven-haired alpha turned his eyes to Marinette and their eyes locked. He gave her a smooth motion with his head to the door and mouthing to her that he would meet her at the entrance. She caught on quickly as she gave him an affirmative nod. Good, on to phase two.
“Thank you for the offer with lunch,” Tim spoke loudly and clearly. Breaking through the tension and gaining the attention from the class. The noir haired omega swiftly seized the opportunity to get herself and packmates out of the room. “But I have some prior arrangements that i need to take care. So, I won’t be present during lunch,” He continued in his business persona.
He hoped he would be able to leave after that statement, but the spider wasn’t done with trying to get him into her web just yet. “Then maybe we could help with that. We ca-”
“Thank you for the offer but I rather you not. These are more private matters,” He lied smoothly. “So, if you will excuse me.” The alpha made sure to subtly add some of his alpha voice into his words as to make his statement final. Before speed walking out of the suffocating classroom.
He needed a really strong coffee and he needed it now!
Tim practically flew down the stairs towards the entrance and to who he thought were, the only sane ones. He was a little surprised to see another person standing alongside them. They were most likely from another class. The person had charcoal black hair that had been pulled up and lightly tanned skin. They wore a dark hoodie with a rainbow across their chest, light blue demin shorts and dark leggings over which they wore grey lace up boots.
The moment he reunited with the group and the new addition, an omega boy named Marc, Chloe called for them to hustle out of there before the sheep and spider could catch them. Tim could not agree more.
The group of five walked through the busy streets in relative silence. A welcomed silence from Tim’s point of view. For he was checking if all his braincells were still functioning properly, given all the tall tales he had been subjected too throughout the morning classes. Did that liar not have a filter or off switch? Did the other students not fact check anything? Why was Bustier even allowed to teach? Was any possible intel he could get worth subjecting his ears to that shit?
Alright let’s think of something else, anything else. As if being able to hear his silent cry Chloe then exclaimed that they had arrived at their destination, bringing the ocean eyed alpha back to the waking world. They were standing infront of a homely two-story café in warm browns, reds and cream colours on a less busy street of Paris. Upon the window was the café’s name written in golden lettering, La Fortuna.
“I have never been here before,” He heard Marc mumble from beside Nathaniel.
“The place is not well known but let me and Minette tell you that this place is an absolute food treasure,” Chloe exclaimed with enthusiasm. Before she basically started to drag Marinette inside, who wore an expression that this was not the first time the blond dragged the petite Parisian around. Though she did not seem to mind. The other three quickly followed the two females as the bond threw open the door with a flurry and tinkling of a golden bell.
The inside of the café had that same homely vibe just like its exterior. Right through the door they group was led into a large open room, with a bar to the right and tables to the left. The floor was made out of dark wood and was covered in soft looking carpets. The walls were made wood as well and split in two sections. The lower part being the same as the floor and the upper being a more lighter colour. The place was well lit by many lights on the table’s, the walls and from the simplistic older styled chandelier that gave it a nice atmosphere.
In front of the window, to the left, was a large table able to seat six people, in the back were two circle booths and three smaller round tables were in-between. Comfortably cushioned chairs were placed at each table. In the corner was a small elevated platform that lead to a fireplace with a salon table and two armchairs. Slightly infront of the sitting corner was a staircase that lead to the second floor. Most likely it would lead to the owner’s apartment.
Behind the bar was a window that led to the kitchen were a well-muscled middle-aged man was fast at work. Nearly made the raven head think this was more a restaurant than a café by the smell of the food he was preparing. Giving prepared orders to the barista, who in turn would call out to their waiter to serve. It seemed to be a busy day. As all the smaller tables were occupied, an elderly couple were in the sitting place and several people were either at the bar or at the window table. The atmosphere of the room felt calming to him.
What Tim seemed to learn from his short time interacting with the groups was that Chloe had no trouble making herself known to her surrounding peers. Most likely coming from the fact that she was Parises mayor’s daughter. For she immediately made her presence known.
“Trevor, my man. Me and Marinette have returned to have our hunger be satiated by your define menu,” The female alpha exclaimed upon entry, gaining almost all the attention from the other patrons. The chef, Trevor, poked his head out of the kitchen window, his blond hair pulled back revealing sideburns that went seemingly well with his moustache.
A large grin spread over the man face at the sight of the blond and noir haired girls. His expression mirrored by the female barista and several guests of the café. “Mari, Chloe. Finally gracing us with your presence. Can’t stomach anything else can you,” the man happily called out, as he returned to his cooking.
“I can barely keep anything else down, these days. Truly your magic food is both a blessing and a curse,” Chloe exclaimed loudly making a smooth motion over towards the bar. Marinette slipping from the blond grasp as she did. The mayor’s daughter easily slipped under the bar door to get closer to the window. This was against protocol, but the barista only raised an amused eyebrow at the girl. This seemed to be a normal occurrence.
“Are you certain you won’t take my offer, to become my personal chef?” Her question was answered by a hearty laugh from the chef and several others, including Marinette. “Dear Chloe, this has been my dream for years, to have my own establishment. And nothing not even your puppy eyes shall be able to make me let this go,” Trevor told her, while giving her an almost cheeky smile over his shoulder. It made the blond girl give him a pout, that had Tim and the two male omegas have to hold in a few giggles.
“Aye, and a good thing too. You said it yourself Chloe. Once you have tasted his cooking, you can’t go without,” one of the customers called out, gaining several voicing of agreement from around the room. The girl simply stuck her tung out in retaliation.
After that the group of five took their seats in one of the circle booths, the one farthest away from the fireplace. Tim practically sagged into his seat and covered his eyes with his arms, the exhaustion from the akuma class starting to settle in. Who knew some foolish teenagers could be that exhausting? He could feel the Parisians give him some sympathetic smiles; for they could relate to his exasperation.
He heard the sound of a cup being slit over the table, which confused him because they had only just ordered their drinks. Were they that quick? Raising up from his arms he took in the sight of Marinette pushing her thermos cup filled with the brown elixir of life over to him. “By the look of it, you really need it,” she told the alpha simply and who was he to refuse a cup of good-looking coffee. He gives her a small sound of thanks; before he raises the cup to his lips.
The moment the liquid reached his tastebuds it felt as though the gates of heaven had sprung open wide to him. The powers of heaven gracing him with rejuvenation. Sounds came more clearly to his ears, his nose picked up the smallest smell in the air and his vision cleared from sleep. Truly this was the elixir of the gods. After greedily gobbling down the brown mixture her turned to the one who had so graciously given him this miracle. Asking the girl where on the planet he could find the resources to this brew. She gave him a cheeky grin and told him it was her special homemade brew, that she would ever share the recipe for any amount of money.
Plan B.
Staying seated in the booth the male alpha of the group turned full body to the female omega. Splaying himself over the table as if he were bowing and holding his hands in a motion of prayer. “Oh, marvellous goddess of coffee, I beseech thee to possibly request more of thy define nectar in the coming future,” He pleaded to the girl, making Chloe groan and painfully mumble that there are now two of them. He did not care the ambrosia was worth every drop.
“It’s like we are in the middle of a drama series,” Marc couldn’t help but giggle with Nathaniel, bringing the other three back into reality.
“Speaking of drama,” Tim started straightening up into his seat, cup back in Marinette’s possession. “Can you please explain the insanity of your class? Especially give me the details about the orange sausage haired spider, that is trying to play of at being human.” That description got snort of amusement from the blond beside him. A beat of silence followed as their drinks arrived and placing their orders with the nice beta waiter.
“You have probably already pinpointed that Lie-la is the cause of all the insanity in our class,” Marinette started the moment the waiter left, gaining a nod from the alpha in question. He had already made that connection, it was an obvious one, but he could not pinpoint how she got everyone to belief her. The things she said could after all be easily proven wrong by a simple search on the internet. “She has been keeping a tight leash on the class for almost three years and has been able to make the most outrageous lie sound like a fact to those sheep, that we call classmates, ears. For the life of me I could not understand how she did it, but,” The omega girl turned her blue eyes toward the other two omegas in the booth. “A little birdy told me you two, had a theory as to how she possibly does it.” This grabbed the immediate attention of the two alphas.
Chloe shot across the table in an instant. Mari, Tim and Nathaniel having to grab the drinks before they could fall over as the blond grabbed Marc by his shoulders. “Please, for the ever loving fuck explain how that fucking two-faced lying bitch is capable of turning all of our fucking classmates’ brains into shit,” She cursed out to the startled boy.
Nathaniel gave Marinette a look from across the table, while she just raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the display and took a sip from her iced coffee. Setting the drinks back onto the table, the redhead, now with his hands free, wrapped his arms around his fellow omega and carefully pushed the female alpha away. Luckily, she took the hint and took her seat once more, trying to calm herself with the fruit smoothy Marinette saved. Tim took a quick glance around the room, since they did make quite the scene. But all he saw were some amused glances thrown their way and given the events from their entry this was probably seen as normal, by people who frequented the establishment.
When the composure of his companions was regained, Marc finally started explaining his theory. “Me and Nathaniel belief that Lie-la is a none registered meta-human. And that her ability, much like our lovely nickname for her, revolves around her lies and reinforcing them. Like a form of hypnotism.”
Now that made a lot of sense. If she were a meta-human with the power over lies, that would explain how she was turning others brain to mush. But like with all answers, more questions follow. “But how then are we not under her spell?” Tim asked.
“He believe her power effectiveness relies on the others knowledge. Like with one’s own personal experience or if you know something to be a hundred percent true,” Nathaniel elaborated upon Marc’s statement, thinking of an example. “Like take for instance if Lie-la were to tell you that someone you know has blue hair and is an absolute brat, but you know this person to have red hair and be an absolute sweetheart. Because of this you will not fall under her spell, because you fully know this is a lie,” The red head finished, while scratching the back of his neck.
“Also, when you break through the illusion you cannot be put back under. Giving you a sort of immunity,” Marc added to the finale statement, before a silence fell over them as to take in the information. Gears turning to complete the puzzle.
A sudden chill ran over the group’s spines making all of them shiver, except for Chloe. When the others looked over at the female alpha, they saw a downright sinister expression along with a glee filled smile. The boys felled a small amount of fear for that expression. Marinette could only hope that the following mess would be easy to clean up.
“Queenie please tell us what you are plotting, you are being far to quiet,” Marinette spoke, taking a sip from her mug. The girl in question turned to her friend, the mischievous glint not leaving her eye.
“Just thinking about how we now have all the bloody puzzle pieces to lock up Lia-la behind bars. After all she has done, especially to you,” The blond hissed out. Tim raised an eyebrow at the blond, she must be talking about the European laws involving metas. Metas had more freedom in Europe and were able to walk freely but had to make sure they registered themselves. If you failed to do that you would be given a fine, the amount paid would be determent upon the surrounding conditions. This however was different.
“Given how she openly uses her abilities and seeming to be very aware of them could sent her to in quite a bit of trouble with the law,” Tim started the dialog. “And with her open display of defamation of several celebrities. Jagged stone, Clara Nightingale and as of today Bruce Wayne and his family and several more. I can already smell the lawyers and juvie coming for her,” Nathaniel continued, Chloe’s grin growing. “Also, over a 2000 euros worth of property damage on my account,” Marinette threw in making marc do a spit take with his drink. Tim was also perplexed at the notion. Tim was about to ask her to explain but this dialog was not yet done.
“If were talking about money that you are owed, Mari. The class probably owes you around a few thousand euros as well. With all the babysitting, custom made clothes and free sweets,” Nathaniel mumbled loud enough for the others to hear.
“That along with the bulling would build up a large case. For not only the sausage but also the other students,” Tim huffed, trying to keep his inner alpha under control. The injustice had made a surprising amount of anger run through him and his alpha roared at it, but he could not understand why. He has heard similar stories, yet he felled really effected about Marinette situation. Must be because she is the coffee goddess.
“One question. Why did you not report any of this?” The raven head asked the omega. She glanced down at her drink with a furlong expression.
“A crush, or rather an obsession,” the girl started with an almost pitiful laugh. “It made me stupid and when my head cleared, I tried to stand up and stop it but was discouraged and looked down upon. I simply got to tired to try again,” She said almost poetically. “But my rage still burns bright. So, if you have any suggestion for the course of action, I am all ears,” true to her words in her eyes roared a controlled cold fire. It was a look that was tired but calculated, something he could see whenever he looks into a mirror.
The air was again tense and silent around the group, only broken by the mayor daughter wanting to get on to a plan, suggesting that they should gather up all the evidence and get the case rolling as quickly as possible. For if she heard any more of this absurdity, someone was going to get hurt. Her bloodlust was almost tangible. Tim could understand why. He had only been with the class for have a day but was also considering some less heroic options. But he thought of how they needed to make sure the spider would not escape justice made him use those thoughts.
“I think we should do this slowly instead,” Tim spoke up. Chloe whirled around to the boy next to her, with a near crazed look and asked him why. “I think we should cover all bases and leave nothing out. So that she and the others can’t slip away from justice. Don’t you agree,” he said with a raised eyebrow at the blond. The omegas took exaggerated sips from their drinks, watching the alphas carefully. A small grin spread across the blond girl’s face and she agreed to his terms.
A more peaceful atmosphere settled onto the group as they saw their food start heading their way and lighter conversation started to wash out the serious mood. But Tim still had one question left. “Why are you including me into this all anyway? You only just met me.”
Nathaniel and Marc turned to the two girls. Who in turn turned to one and other. A knowing smile gracing their features. “Those who suffer together stick together,” Chloe simply stated, making Marinette role her eyes at her choice of words. “What queenie means to tell you is, that we need to stick together to survive this madness. And whenever you like it or not your stuck with us now. For as long as you are staying and even after, you will be a part of our pack. All three of you,” the noir omega elaborated.
Tim was surprised at how she simply she stated that he was part of her pack. It made that strange feeling inside him flutter with happiness almost. In the past he always had to work to get accepted into a pack and she just took him in like that. He did not know how to really feel about it.
As he and the Parisian started to dig into their meals, he hoped he could truly find a pack here. Because if he was being honest that is all her ever truly wanted, to belong.
taglist: @moonlightstar64 @iloontjeboontje @mickylikesstuff @scribblinggraveyard @faunrasthewinterelf @myazael @incredulous-reader @mewwitch @woe-is-me0 @fan-written @coolspidermanmusicflower @heretopasstimebi @jjmjjktth @ichigorose
Here are the current designs for the future miraculous team. Which one is your favourite?