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In Preperation For Alhaitham Here Are Some Comics. May He Manifest

In Preperation For Alhaitham Here Are Some Comics. May He Manifest
In Preperation For Alhaitham Here Are Some Comics. May He Manifest
In Preperation For Alhaitham Here Are Some Comics. May He Manifest
In Preperation For Alhaitham Here Are Some Comics. May He Manifest

In preperation for alhaitham here are some comics. May he manifest

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More Posts from Lunarianillusion

3 years ago

A change in fate

a maribat fanfic

Chapter 08

It was so noisy; it was too noisy.

Marinette’s thoughts were running a mile a minute through her head. They were whirling around and around like a tornado. The thoughts were consumed in worries about everything that had happened in the last few days and could possibly come in the following. Her mind was overflowing with possible plans that her anxiety would then throw down into the void, only for them to resurface and overflow her mind again and the cycle would repeat itself over and over.


The guardian knowledge, her thoughts, plans and worries colliding and overlapping with each other ripping each other apart, mending back together and whirling around her head like a hurricane. Her thoughts losing coherency until only a buzz like sound could be heard and it was only getting louder and louder.


Her body began to feel numb as her brain stopped working coherently. She could barely move or feel her quickening breath, she did not notice her vision becoming blurry. Al the while her mind kept spiralling down, down, down, dow-


The noir haired omega’s head shot up from where it had been laying on her crossed over arms. Her wide glazed over eyes locking onto a pair of concerned ocean blue eyes, but any other facial features were obscured in her hazy vision. A muffled sound, almost like rhythmic drumming sound, cut through the static haze in the girl’s ears. Was someone talking to her? She could not tell. Then her tingling hand was moved even though she did not will for it to. It took her a second to realise that the person infront of her had taken a hold on her wrist and had paced her hand a solid but warn surface, their chest.

The warmth of the clothed chest slowly chased away the numbing cold that had taken over most of Marinette’s body. She could now feel the slow rhythmic beat of the person’s heart and breathing, a stark contrast of her own erratic beating heart and stuttering breath. As if by instinct the omega began to copy the steady breathing pattern of the person infront of her and as her breath came back to her so did her vision. When it cleared up, she could see the person that had been helping her, it was Timothy.

“That it Mari, breathe. Just breathe,” The alpha spoke calmingly, his voice finally breaking through the static noise. The feeling soon returned to the girl’s body as her other senses started to calm down and her head started to clear.

Marinette let out a deep breath as she slowly removed her hand from Tim’s grip and used it to lean her head on top of instead. Closing her eyes to straighten out her last few disordered thoughts. That was one heavy attack and bless the kwami for their protection.

“You back?” the voice of the male infront of her once again breaking through her train of thought. Her eyes opening to look again at the raven haired alpha and giving him a small smile of reassurance. Her eyes drifted to her surroundings in order to pick the pieces of the morning for her memory had been foggy. With just a miniscule glace she was able to make out that she was in her classroom way before the bell would even ring. From their her memory started to piece itself back together. After having gained all the collected information from mist she had barely gotten any sleep even after the kwami’s had forced her to her bed. Her head had already started its downward spiral at that moment. That morning she had past her parents through the front of the bakery instead of going through the front door. They had said something to her, but even now she did not care what they had said and had gone straight to class when the whirlwind really overtook her.

“Y-yeah, I-I’m back,” the omega spoke softly to the alpha, who was now watching her like a hawk, with a small stutter. A moment of silence followed allowing Marinette to collect the final pieces of her scattered thoughts.

“Is it okay for me to ask what was happening inside of your head, or is it too soon?” Tim asked in a soothing tone. Marinette gave him another small smile to show her appreciation for his care. The genuine care he showed her warmed her heart, even with the suspicions she still held.

“S-sometimes the bottle cracks from all that we try to keep inside, away from the surface,” the noir girl spoke with a chuckle coming out of the alpha and omega duo. “How can I get your mind out of those thoughts?” “Just talk, the silence drags me back under,” The omega responded to the alpha’s question.

Tim gave a moment of thought to a possible subject to talk about and came to a different topic instead. “How about we ask each other some basic questions to get to know each other better?”  Though this was a nice and normal suggestion to everyday people this suggestion made Marinette’s hero mindset jump to attention at the possible recon opportunity. Maybe she can get a clue on him possibly being Red Robin. “Sure,” she answered softly.

And so, the asked each other several simple question. The very obvious questions of favourite colours and hobbies one enjoyed. Over the short time they talked Marinette noticed a topic that seemed Tim avoided talking about. “Say what is your family like, I don’t think you ever truly mentioned them since we met. Did they move with you to Paris?” The omega asked. An innocent enough question on the surface but could aid Marinette in discerning Tim’s possible relationship to Red Robin. She could ofcourse ask the kwami’s or use soul vision again. However, the headache was still bothering her greatly and made it hard to focus and this was good train for her growing detective skills. That still did not prepare her for his answer.

“They died some time ago,” the alpha’s voice was soft as he spoke and his sent was spiked in discomfort. The words made Marinette silently wince. “I am sorry. I did not mean to bring up bad memories.” Tim gave her a small smile, understanding showing in his eyes.

Still a question rose up with this revelation and concerning his age. “Do you have a guardian though? I don’t mean to say that I do not believe you can’t take care of yourself but we are of the same age and both underage, so should you not have a family or guardian with you?” Marinette asked, or rambled, as carefully as she could, maybe not as subtle as she would have wanted to be though.

Tim gave her a gently smile to reassure her from her anxious nerves. “I was taken in by a family acquaintance of my parents, who took me into their pack. But I emancipated myself a few months back, because I could not stay their any longer,” he told her in a calm manner, that made Marinette tilt her head with a hope for elaboration. Which the alpha gave. “Things started out really well but over time that foundation cracked and I did not feel welcome or save there anymore. So, I decided to start anew. I decided to move contents because I really do not feel like seeing them again and that is basically how I got here.”

No lie slipped from the raven-haired male’s lips. It took the omega slightly by surprise how honest he was about his situation. Marinette could easily tell as the emotions behind that statement lay bare in his eyes to see and the scent of regret seeping through the cracks of Tim’s control. It made Marinette feel more relaxed and made you over thinking brain ease up on her suspicions as her more sympathetic side came to life.

“I am sorry that all happened to you,” she started off, “To a certain degree I can relate to you in regard to worsening pack relationships,” The omega’s eyes were down cast as she reflected on the past few years. Timothy tilted his head with a gentle look in his eyes curious about the full story, what most likely included the lying orange sausage haired spider but waited for the girl infront of him on her own terms. The gesture was appreciated and so the words easily started to flow out of her mouth. “Believe it or not before Lie-la came along I was ‘friends’ with all of our classmates. Then the spider came along and turned all on me making them think I was a bully and now she has even ensnared my parents into her web of lies,” the midnight haired omega huffed before a conclusion she had come to hanks to this whole drama. “To a degree though I am grateful to the lying bitch,” She stated honestly, making Tim look at her in shocked surprise. “Thanks to her I was finally able to see who my friends are truly and who were nothing more then parasitise piggybacking on me for special favours,” Marinette elaborated gaining a nod of understanding from the alpha.

“I do envy you in a sense,” She continued, taking the ravenette by surprise once more. “I hate the situation that you got pulled into and I truly wish you did not have to go through that, but at the very least you were able to pull yourself out. Leave all the bad shit behind and start anew. I have tried getting out several times, but each and every time something or someone block my way to freedom.”

“Trapping you in a cycle of neglect and pain,” the alpha led out a pained breath at his own words as Marinette nodded in affirmation. The two fallen into a surprising comfortable silence, their presence soothing to the other. A part of Marinette’s brain thought that this was mostly due to the bond between true souls, but though that was definitely a factor a small part of her also thought that the raven-haired boy was someone she would truly able to trust. And being honest she did want to trust him.

“If you ever need help,” The male of the wo spoke, breaking the silence. “With trying to get away from humanity’s fucked society. Just say the word I will be happy to help,” he finished with a snap of his fingers, almost in a theatrical way.

A small playful smile grazed the female’s features as she spoke. “I will certainly call upon you should I be in need of your aid,” the omega tone sounding playfully posh. That was quickly caught by the alpha before her. “But pray tell how you would give me your aid?” This sent a banter ball rolling.

“Why can’t I look out for my fellow coffee loving insomniac with a likewise neglectful past,” Tim responded in likewise posh playful tone. “Truly one would think us to be related.”

“Oh, good heavens no,” Marinette gasped dramatically, as she placed the back of her hand onto her forehead. “I as the goddess of coffee am far too radiant to be related to you my dear friend.”

Tim gave a snort at the girl and her theatrics, before responding in in kind once again. “You are right. Your freckles make you to beautiful to ever belong to this mortal realm. I implore for forgiveness from my mistake a great mistress of the divine elixir that gives me life.”

“My, my is quite the development,” A new voice broke into the conversation. The dark-haired duo flushed at the amused voice and turned to the front of the classroom and the one who spoke. Their just on the steps leading to their seats stood an amused looking Chloé Bourgeois, a glimmer to her eyes that send a small chill down the dark-haired duo spine, and an equally amused Nathaniel Kurtzberg. At least it was not Lie-la and her posse of brainwashed fanatics.

In a graceful yet still dramatic motion, as per Chloé style, did the blond take her place beside her female omega friend. Her grin never leaving her face. Nathaniel two shuffling into his seat beside the male alpha. “Nathaniel we must prepare for the future,” the blond girl spoke first, finally turning away from the blushing pair. “If they are already fliting one this level, it will only be a matter of time before the two are married. And it is only the second day no less.”

The duo’s faces turned even more red with the statement and Nathaniel seemed to want to add some more fuel to the fire. “Yes, I think you are quite right Chloé. Before you know it, little dark-haired pups will be running amuck across Paris.” That statement drew a sound kin to a dying animal out of the dark-haired girl, much in contrast to the blonde’s badly hidden laughter. “Truly the end is nigh!”

Marinette’s face was ready to combust, if it had not already, from embarrassment. Looking through her fingers, with she had covered her face, she turned her eyes to Tim who was trying to cover his own face and was also as red as a lobster. At least she was not the only one on the receiving end of the teasing. She watched the dark-haired male take a peek at the clock and copied his action. It was almost time for the bell to ring.

“Though this is truly an enjoyable subject,” The alpha male spoke, his voice laced in sarcasm. “But unfortunately, the toxic spider and her gaggle of annoying flies will soon be upon us.” His statement made Marinette’s fellow Parisians groan along side her in misery.  

“I suggest that after this day of hell, we go over to my place and have some pack bonding time. Even get a head start on our investigation in that deceitful orange sausage, sound good,” The only blond of the group spoke. She may have said it was a suggestion but her tone left no room for question.

It still surprised the two boys at how easily the two females accepted them into their pack. A small warm smile graced Tim’s face for a moment as a warm feeling rushed through his pained heart. It soon changed into something more mischievous as the annoying sound of the liar graced his ears. “Say who wants to make a bet on the lies we will hear today.”


The two hidden kwami’s, Duusu and Wayzz, smiled at the turn of events. A rush of relief and feeling of gratitude flooding over them as the young dragon helped the young peafowl and new guardian out of the dark corners of her mind. A feat they had not been able to accomplish, no matter how hard all the kwami had tried, since the child’s awakening.

Marinette may not yet fully trust the boy, but in time hopefully she would. For even though the new guardian could see ones souls she could only see the surface level and could not see the dragon’s scars that reflected her very own. The two kwami present dearly hoped the two true souls would be able to help one and other heal, but only time will tell.

taglist: @moonlightstar64 @iloontjeboontje@mickylikesstuff@myazael @scribblinggraveyard @incredulous-reader@mewwitch@woe-is-me0 @fan-written@coolspidermanmusicflower@heretopasstimebi@jjmjjktth@ichigorose@cmouse @nyx-in-line@chocolatecatstheron@bookgirl14 @toodaloo-kangaroo@iglowinggemma28 @itsmeevie01

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4 years ago
Introducing Marinette Dupian-cheng As Blue Royal

Introducing Marinette dupian-cheng as Blue Royal

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2 years ago

A change in fate

A maribat fanfic

Chapter 10

Ofcourse after the small break of one akuma free day, the butterfly bitch shows his condom head again and creates a new puppet for her to fight. Just great. Luckily this particular one was not of the murder-go-lucky-kind, but was still very annoying.

The akumatized victim was dressed in a old fashioned jester costume, half and half mask, bells and all. With truly the most horrendous clashing color scheme imaginable. Making Marinette really questioned where the eye bleach was. Hawkmoth what were you thinking with this absolute atrocity to fashion! That aside the akumas power was the real problem for our dear peafowl wielder.

The jester of tears , as the were called, held the power to change her targets emotional state on a very drastic scale. Often leaving their victims incapacitated, out of fear, sadness, anger or laughter, out on the streets. Those raging and ever changing emotions were a large problem for the wielder of the miraculous of said emotions to deal with. As the emotional shifts were causing the peafowl hero a headache from the whiplash and made her lose her footing on multiple occasions. Making the battle that much harder the longer it carried on, but still it was not impossible.

With the aid of her new partner Medusa reseting when needed, Red Robin taking victims away from the battle ground (both working from the shadows) and the very late arrival of the incompetent ‘heroes’. The battle was taken care of witin an hour and upon its conclusion she quickly made her escape.

After all she had more important things to prepare for.

That night under the smog veiled stars Marinette sat transformed atop the Arc d’triomphe. Her partner and close friend Chloe paced around her watching their surroundings with her newly aquired miraculous enhanced vision. Clearly anxious even after they had the whole afternoon to prepare for the coming meeting. Thanks to one of the new rules put in order by the akuma plague.

1: akuma victims shall not be harassed, as they are not in control for their actions while transformed and do not remember the events of their akumatizations.

2: All schools will cancel all classes after an akuma attack.

3: during an attack everyone must evacuated to the most nearby akuma shelter.

So with the afternoon free for planning, under the guise of finishing up commissions, the two now waited anxiously upon the monument for their possible partner.

Marinette cracked open an eye, to watch her pacing friend, from were she sat meditating. Taking in her friend’s pacing transformed form once more. The alpha’s once blond hair now was a dark forest green at the crown of her head transitioning to a light turquoise blue and then returned to blond at the tip of her long braid that swished from side to side, with every step she took. She wore a same forest green cropped short-sleeved pianist like coat with one long tail that drifted down to her knees, under which the snake wielder wore a lighter green and gold armor that covered her from the tips of her fingers to her thighs. A sharp blue diamond sat on the back of her hand matching the one on her knee high boots, allowing for some very nasty knee jabs and punches.

Overall a very unrecognizable look, so that even without the miraculous glamour magic one would not easily recognize her as the mayor’s daughter.

“Medusa, calm down. Your pacing is not going help anyone,” Blue spoke, drawing the rhythmic footfalls to a stop. Chloe, Medusa, letting out a sigh and moved to stand beside her friend. “Could not help it, Blue. The nerves are eating me from the inside out.” The now green haired hero spoke, her foot tapping the floor softly.

“You are not the only one feeling that way,” came a new voice penetrating the darkness. The two females turned their heads to the source of the voice. Medusa’s snapping to the side, while Royale turned slowly. Just standing at the edge of the arc stood the last participend for this meeting, Red Robin. He had come to them from their blind spot and unsurprisingly flew under Marinette’s radar once more. Trained in stealth indeed.

“Can you blame us though,” the new snake user hissed. “You did come to Paris quite suddenly intending to help us, yet you come sneeking in from our blindspot like an assassin awaiting the perfect time to strike.” Red Robin raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, hoping to pacify the armored female.

“I completely understand your distrust of me, but rest assured I come to help in the defeating of Hawkmoth along with removing the false heroes from Paris,” the gothamite spoke with conviction, his eyes focused on the new snake hero. Blue let out a sigh at the rising tensions. Getting to her feet she took to standing between the two. Physically stopping the debate from going any further. “Now there will be no need to start squabeling before our partnership officially can begin. So Medusa please stand down. I understand your reasoning, but we do need his help.” The silent ‘we’ve been over this’ left unspoken but not unnoticed. The hero in green looked at her friend her eyes apologetic before lettting out a sigh and nodding to the girl in charge.

The peafowl wielder then turned to the American hero. “Pardon my partner. She is simply acting out of precaution. Given with how the justice league passed our plea for help as a joke in the past.” Royale explained gaining an understanding nod in return. “I completly understand,” Red assured in a contained but strained silent fury at his former collegue’s. “I would be surprised if I was excepted and welcomed with open arms after the imcompetances the league showed to your situation. Their neglegence is not something to ever be sweaped under the rug and i’ll never ask you to. But I will make sure to aid in finally putting the nightmare Paris is under to rest. That I swear.” His genuine words causing small smile to appear on the blue female’s face. “Glad were all on the same page then,” Medusa spoke the ice seaming to break just a little at the male’s words.

“Now” the blue parisian clapped her hands together ending that part of the meeting in full. “Let’s us get to the topic of our parthnership and the neccesary precautions.” She gained nods of agreement of the other two.

“I’ve given it a lot of thought and propose that the both of you remain behind the scene for the time being. My appearance has both Chat and the imposter on edge already and should you two appear now things could turn against our favor. So during Akuma battles I want both of you to remain in the shadows. Are we agreed on this?” Royal proposed. The new and the expiranced heroes nodding along as she spoke, carefully going over her words.

“I can agree to that,” The Robin spoke. “This will also give us the element of surprise for when they need to be taken out of the fight for good.”

“I also see no problem with this and agree with Reds train of thought aswell.” Medusa added. “But we still will have a role to play during the battles, yes?”

Blue Royal nodded. “Yes you will. You both will mainly focus on what you already have been doing since the last battle. Meaning that you, Medusa will mainly focus on your miraculous powers to turn back time when needed and to keep a lookout for the Akuma’s weakpoints. Then to relay them to me through your miraculous.” Medusa nodded in understanding at the instructions. The peafowl wielder then turned to the vigilante.

“Red you should focus on evacuating any civilians that could get caught in the cross fire. Reduce the amount of casualties as much as possible..” Tim could not help the miniscule flinch at the word casualties. The image of the child being crushed to death still haunting him. “Though I would advise you to do this in your civillian persona as your vigilante attire would tip of the news and the wannabe heroes. But this will only be of when your are already at the site of the akuma. For I want you to primairly focus on finding out who Hawkmoth identity is. Which brings me to this.”

Blue pulled a flash drive out of her fan. Gaining a slightly surprised look from the vigilante but he wisely decided not to ask about where it had been hidden.

“On this drive is all the information I have on all the past akuma’s. From the paterns of their akumatazation and location radious. It also holds a list of suspects on who hawkmoth could be, with possible motives. I believe with this you will have a good starting point for your investigation.” She explained while handing over the drive to the male.

Taking the drive he inserted it into his glove computer, it’s holographic screen automaticly coming to life. Scanning over the information Red confirmed for hismelf the information added up with what the hero had told him. Making him quite pleased with the infomation the hero of Paris had procured for him. This would make things alot easier.

Putting away the drive the male turned back to the two female of the meeting. Giving them a small reassuring smile. “This will definetly be of great help to my investigation. From what I skimmed you are very thorough with all the information you could get. I’ll be able to make good use of it. Is their anyone I should pay closer attention to?”

Marinette could not help the small sense of pride she felt at the vigilante’s words. It felt nice to gain some form of acknowledgement for her work at long last. “My main suspect is the fashion designer Gabriel Agreste. He has both the money and power to keep people silent, is very secluded and his wife, who is no longer with him, could be a possible motive.” She gained a nod of confimation from the male.

“Speaking of targets,” Medusa chimed in. “What are we going to do about the wannabe heroes? I believe I can confidently say none of us trust those two.”

The other two looked at the snake wielder, contenplating her words, creating a moment of silent thought. A moment Royal soon broke. “I have a rough idea of how to handle those two, but you are not going to like it. However I believe it will give us the biggest chance of succeeding in getting their miraculous.” “We’re all ears.” Red spoke, imploring her to continue.

“Chat has put both me and the new LB under a trial period,” the notion made Medusa snort in amusement. “And at the end of this month on saturday we are to meet at midnight at the top of the eiffeltower. I believe that would be the best moment for us to reclaim their miraculouses.” Medusa clearly having some feelings on the matter openend her mouth to speak, but quickly closed it again as Royale raised her hand.

“Yes, I know it is not ideal and I want them removed imediately as well, but that would not work in our favor as of this moment. First, we arent’t certain we will be able to get both of their miraculouses at the same time and if one escapes we might permanently lose that miraculous. Second, if we were to be spotted attacking Chat and LB, or were no longer seen in action, it would cause a city wide panic that would only work to Hawkmoth’s andvantage,” the blue clad female let out a sigh trying to calm her frustration at the overall situation. “As it stands the order of how we deal with this mess is this. We find out Hawkmoths identity, we take out the idiots at this months end and right after take Hawkmoth out of the picture. So we can put this whole shit-fest behind us. Red think you can get Hawkbitch ID in a months time?”

“I’ll get it done,” was his reply, voice filled with certainty.

“Good,” was all Blue said in return. She held out her hand to the foreign hero. “Lets make the best out of our partnership.”

Red took her hand with a firm grip and locked his eyes with the dark haired girl. “Let’s put an end to this senseless bloody war.” He said resolutely, gaining relieved yet tired smiles from the parisian heroes at his conviction.

They afterword remained talking, going over some minor details for their alliance. But in all, the three could agree that it was a very succesful night.

Authors note: So this story has been on bit of a hiatus. Sorry about that no real excuse for that other than school, writers block and life in general have been a bit of a pain the last few years. But i have started to write again, can’t promise a consistend scedule but i will try to upload a chapter every now and again.

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4 years ago

A change in fate

a maribat fanfic

Chapter 04

It was Monday which meant another weak of pain and scorn that she would receive and have to dodge from the mindless sheep, that flocked around the venomous Lie-la, whenever it was commanded of them. Yes, Marinette truly hated Mondays and all that it implied for her. At the very least, given with events of the past week, she would now have both Chloe and Nathaniel by her side during the torture hours of hell.

She made sure her thermos was full of her special coffee elixir that would keep her awake without fail. She was especially going to need it after her long midnight training session with Duusu last night. They had trained so that she had more control over her emotions and in turn her new ability of creating guardians. She refused to call them sentimonsters. Which had left her with little sleep. so yes, her god’s elixir was needed to survive. No-one was allowed to question that, not even Chloe and her worry over Marinette’s ‘excessive’ caffeine intake.

With thermos in hand and kwami safely hidden within her hoodie, Marinette slowly trudged out of her home’s side door. As the noir haired girl walked her way to hell, her still dull sleep deprived senses made her bump into another person. Normally now, if Marinette was awake, Marinette would have just stumbled back a little and apologized, but due to the lack of sleep she lost her grip on her coffee. Something that also happened to the other person upon collision. Both of their eyes landed on the others coffee and then widened in horror as the brown elixir of life started to make it descend to the concrete sidewalk. In a moment of clarity, the two dived for the other’s containers of ambrosia, while loudly exclaiming: “Not the COFFEE!”

To the relief of both of them, they were able to catch the containers without losing a single drop. After making sure their grips were secure the two turned to one and other.

The person Marinette bumped into was a young male alpha, close to her age. She could not help but think that he was rather cute. He had a lean build but seemed to have some trained muscle on him. His wild raven hair danced infront of his blue eyes that reminded Marinette a bit of the ocean. His dark grey and red clothes brought those eyes out nicely. He also had a nice scent, that was a mixture of coffee beans and mint. It made the omega inside her give a small purr, to which he gave a soft rumble in response. The two teens flush and turn away to fight of their growing blushes.

It takes a moment for the two to regain their composure. The alpha regains it first and clears his throat. “Thank you for saving my coffee from impending doom. I don’t think I will survive the day otherwise,” he said with a small chuckle, as he offered her thermos of brown bitter goodness back to her.

“Well you did save my own elixir from its own tragic fate, so I think where are even on that part,” the noir omega replied in a light tone, as the two exchanged beverages. “Sorry for bumping into you like that. I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings.”

“Don’t worry too much about it. I wasn’t really paying to much attention either. Happens to the best of us,” The alpha spoke reassuringly. He stretched out his free hand to her, “Name’s Timothy, but please call me Tim,” He introduces.

She happily shook his hand in greeting. “Marinette and it is a pleasure to meet a fellow coffee lover. So, what is the occasion for an extra black with, I believe, four espresso shots?” She could not help to ask in a slightly joking tone. The scent of strong coffee always had a story to it and when it comes to coffee, she could not help being curious.

Tim laughed a bit at her tone, making Marinette preen a little as the tiredness slowly faded from his scent. “Five actually and I pulled an all-nighter doing research on the Paris situation. I ran into my first akuma yesterday and was not so happily surprised by it. Since I was not informed of this before I moved here,” he huffed in slight frustration. he took a swig of his coffee as the two started to walk alongside each other.

Marinette gave the boy a look of sympathy for his misfortune. She knew the decision to go completely radio silent to the outside world had been a stupid idea of the mayor and Chloe had agreed full heartily with her. It had brought several problems that made akuma’s more difficult to deal with. Especially when it came to tourist’s. While the locals were now semi used to the akuma of the day, tourists were not. Thus, they became easy targets to becoming pawns and often unknowingly ran into danger. But Paris economy ran on tourism and the mayor was a fool for making his own pocket money his top priority. Chloe has been trying to change things, but it is a slow process.

“-nette, Marinette,” The omega was startled out of her thoughts by Timothy calling out her name. Her crystal eyes snapped to look directly into ocean ones. “Ah, sorry about that I was lost in thought,” she said with a slightly nervous chuckle and averted her eyes.

“Don’t worry about it. I have those kinds of moments all the time myself,” the alpha reassured. His scent changing slightly to be more soothing, her scent must have reflected her more negative thoughts. She was grateful for the gesture. “But is this Francois Dupont?”

That question made a small ball of anxiety start to grow into the pit of Marinette’s stomach. “Yes…” she said slowly taking in his expression looking for any clues. “Why you ask?”

“I am a new transfer student,” He answered simply. Marinette could immediately feel the small ball explode and begin to create a web of anxiousness trough her nerves. Just great.

She may have just met the boy, but just from the first impression Marinette could honestly say she liked the tired looking alpha. Coffee lovers like them don’t come by every other day either. And now she had to watch him get woven into Lie-la’s web of lies and be manipulated. His future would be ruined and Marinette was in all honesty too tired to deal with Lia-la’s bullshit anymore. She had more important things to worry about now. But it was just who she was, she was a person who cared way too much and could not stop that. So, here she would have to just mentally prepare herself for the inevitable.

Placing her free hand onto her face she gave a small silent prayer for her new acquaintance. She then turned to look at Timothy and was not surprised at the curious look he was given her. Oh, you poor soul. She placed her hand onto his shoulder and looked him directly in the eye. “I am sorry to say this, but welcome to hell. Now let’s go and collect your schedule and hope you are not in my class,” The omega spoke darkly and turned back to her torture palace with a slightly confused alpha following behind her.

Much to the omega’s dismay and dread, Timothy was in her class. The two had just rounded up the tour of the school and were on their way to Marinette’s classroom. Marinette softly grumbling out a few prayers for the alpha as they neared the door, hoping he would not be turned into one of the sheep.

“So, do you have any tips for me, before we go into class?” Marinette took a small breath and took careful thought over how to answer the question. She turned took once again look the alpha over, how looked at her with a curious expression. She would give him a warning before he walked into the spider’s web. Beyond that fate would have to decide for him.

“Just… whatever you hear come out of Lila Rossi’s mouth, try to take that with a grain of salt,” She turned away only to turn back to ad a bit more to her statement. “Or a truckload.”

With that Marinette and Tim walked into the demon’s lair. Marinette really hated Mondays.


To say Tim was appalled by the lack of intelligence and discipline by both the students and teacher would be an understatement. The things he had heard in the few minutes of walking into the room made him want to sneer in disdain. Akuma class, demon class might be a fitting name.

When he and Marinette had walked into the classroom, their ears had immediately been subjected to the fakest sweet voice he has ever heard. The voice had come from girl with sausages for hair and was regaling a tale of how she saved Jagged Stones cat and then made a song about it. This was one the most atrocious lies he had the displeasure of hearing, but for some reason every student that surrounded the liar was eating that story up and believing every word. That made his inner fanboy rage. Because Jagged was known to have a minor allergie to cat hair. Not to mention that he had raised Fang for nearly twenty years, and cats and crocodiles are not known for being able to live together. So how was she supposed to save a none existing cat?

Upon the alpha and omega duo’s entry a welcomed silence fell over the liar and her possie. Which gave Tim’s ears some relief, but that changed as Marinette went to take her seat. As she walked past the possie and sausage they all turned to give her dirty looks and ‘whisper’ some very rude comments about her. Some even clearly tried to trip her as she passed, but she evaded them with surprising grace leaving those who tried a bit shocked in her wake. Before taken her seat next to a blond female alpha in a white off shoulder shirt and behind a redhaired omega, who she seemed to be friends with as they started to chat.

He had only just met the omega, but from their short interaction he just knew that she did not deserve this treatment. At least she had a few people in her corner and by the looks of the class they were likely the only once with working braincells as well.

The teacher also seemed to lack working braincells from what he witnessed. He was introducing himself as Timothy Mikhail and was telling about having moved around a lot and just moved from Gotham, he felt a shiver run down his spine in warning. Because clearly he had said the wrong for the orange lying sausage haired harpy was released, in force.

She had interrupted him mid-sentence and gone on about how she had helped Batman fight off Two-face and how she had to turn him down at becoming his protégé because she was too busy and had to move around a lot. That then evolved into her talking being childhood sweethearts with Damian Wayne. Excuse him while he vomits. How the Wayne family loved her and then butchering all their names. These were all such stupid lies that could be easily fact checked but nope, these people had no braincells. And the teacher straight up encouraged her on her great ‘achievements’ and as the possie began to make a ruckus, she did nothing to quiet them down. Just instructed him to take his seat next to the redhaired omega, Nathaniel, who was sitting infront of Marinette. Small mercies.

Due to them being occupied, only a few of the possie looked at him as he took his seat and sagged into the chair. He gave a quick glance to his seatmate, Marinette and her seatmate, Chloe Bourgeois the mayor’s daughter, and he could smell the suffering that was rolling of them. He could already relate and could feel a migraine coming along. Was this maybe a mistake? Was any information could get here worth the headache? He needed more coffee.

As Bustier turned to start her lesson, again not even trying to silence the ruckus, the alpha turned to Marinette. “While I am thankful for your warning beforehand, I think it was a bit of an understatement. I need a sea’s worth of salt,” Timothy spoke in a tired tone.

A moment of shocked silence passed between the four. The three Parisians staring at him with wide eyes. Then Choe exclaimed in absolute glee that he had been gifted with an immunity to the absolutely ridiculous Lie-la plague. Nathaniel patted him on the shoulder and also proclaimed him to be blessed. Marinette stayed silent but her eyes were filled with wonder.

When she did try to say something, Bustier interrupted her and spoke up about them having to be quiet. Whilst she completely ignored the people in the front, who were making the most noise. Tim could practically feel the four of them rolling their eyes at the same time.

“Let’s talk more during the break,” the noir haired omega suggested the moment the adult beta had her back turned. He and the other two nodded in response. Now to hoping this first half of the day would pass by quickly.

taglist: @moonlightstar64, @iloontjeboontje, @mickylikesstuff, @scribblinggraveyard, @faunrasthewinterelf, @myazael, @incredulous-reader, @mewwitch, @woe-is-me0, @fan-written, @coolspidermanmusicflower, @heretopasstimebi, @jjmjjktth, @ichigorose

Authors note: Life is pain but finally I can post the next chapter. For the time being I won’t be adding anymore people to the taglist, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know your thoughts about the story so far and I hope you all have a happy new year.

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