Cyno Genshin Impact - Tumblr Posts
Nymph!Reader x Sumeru!Men
Gn!reader, you're a nymph
How would the sumeru men react to finding you and your grotto
I still have no idea what I'm doing
I've never written for Cyno, Alhaitem or Scara so forgive me if something is out of character
He's patrolling the desert. There have been lots of cave-ins in the area recently and he wants to figure out if there is a specific cause that he can solve or if he should just warn people about the area
As he walks, he feels the sand beneath his feet begin to fall and he tries to jump away but it's too sudden and he falls
He braces for impact but lands into a net of vines that gently lower him to the ground
Your standing next to him, arm extended with the sunlight on your back, looking gorgeous and radiant, then you speak
"I can't be-leaf someone fell into here. Water you doing here?"
Archons, he might have fallen in love with you at that moment
He asks you about the recent cave in and you tell him it the Wenut mating season, and they're all trying to make burrows for their young. An inexperienced male has been digging here but didn't dig deep enough, which is why there are so many cave-ins. You tell him to just wait a month or two for the season to end
The hole is fairly deep and so you build him a ladder out of vines and he promises to return
After reporting what happened with the cave-ins, he returns and finds you've been repairing your grotto in the mean time, removing the dirt and stones that fell
You're very excited to see him and take him deeper into your grotto, further underground
It's beautiful, with purple, white and yellow flowers illuminating the area. Glowing stones are scattered in the ceiling like stars
He makes a regular habit to visit you and introduces you to Tighnari pretty soon (but he doesn't visit much due to his incompatibility with the heat). You all like to have Genius Innovation TCG together (Cyno teaches you and gives you cards)
He finds himself falling asleep in your grotto, surrounded by the glowing flowers and flowing water
He has to stop visiting for a few months due to work, but tries to wrap it up as fast can to see you
When be returns, he finds your grotto has been severely damaged, much of the flora dying. He searches high and low for you, going to the deepest part of the grotto where rocks fall away and reveal a very weakened you
You tell him people found out about your grotto and stole as many of your rare plants as they could, weakening you greatly and you had to hide yourself and your remaining plants away
He's furious and immediately takes action
He works with Tighnari and Lesser Lord Kusanali to make you and your grotto a protected space
And though he can't punish the researchers for over-foraging (since you and your grotto weren't legally protected), he does let other researchers know of their actions, resulting in those researchers being shunned
He helps you and your grotto return to full health and always tries to visit once a week to 'keep away any trouble makers" (but he just wants to visit you)
You both often fall asleep together in the deepest part of the grotto, happy in each other's presence
He was looking through the old archives. The scrolls and books here were no longer scientifically accurate, but were kept for record purposes
He's found an old book about mythical creatures of Sumeru: Aranara, Nymphs, Djinn, Rocs, and more. He decided to rent it out and give it a read
Reading it at his house wasn't an option as it would be too loud (Kaveh, whom he didnt feel like dealing with today), the Academia students and researchers were always bothering him if he was around (especially after the 'hero' title), so he decided to leave the city for a bit.
As he walked, he found a small cave and decided to read there
Inside was larger than he expected, with a small moss-covered shrine and little yellow flowers. He sat on one of the rocks to read
It was wonderfully calm and quiet. The right temperature, the trickle of water from a nearby stream, the rustle of the leaves... it was all perfect
So, he came back here again and again, reading his books late into the evenings
He was in the middle of his mythical creatures book, on Nymphs, when he felt a presence and immediately looked for it
You sat on the shrine, staring at him, head tilted in wonder
He looked between his book and its description of Nymphs and you... and it seems he found a mythical creature. Regardless, he continued to read and you continued to watch him
Eventually, he turned to you and asked why you were just staring at him, to which you shrugged and said "If a man were to walk in your yard everyday and read, doing nothing else at all, wouldn't you grow curious?"
He was mostly surprised by the fact you could respond. The book said that Nymph's were shy creatures who couldn't talk
But to you, this man had been a regular visitor to your grotto for months now. His scent was just part of your grotto, like the duskbirds and rishboland tigers. He wasn't a stranger at all
Alhaithem decided to ask you a few questions about Nymphs which you agreeably answered, even showing in the deeper parts of the grotto that he hadn't noticed were there
You both fell into a comfortable routine of him visiting you on his days off to read in comfortable silence while you worked on your grotto
Despite being able to talk in every language he could, he realized you couldn't read at all
He helped you learn how to read and you helped him relax and have the perfect reading spot
You became reading buddies, and even though you would ask him with question on words, it never bothered or annoyed him
He subtly made your grotto a legally protected area so if anyone messed with it, they would have to pay
You were his safe space, and in return, he would protect you too
Nahida asked him to go outside and touch grass more
Just kidding, she asked him to find a rare flower, only ever found underground in rare Nymph Gardens
She gave him a rough idea where he might be able to find it and off he went, grumbling the whole way
Finding the entrance to the cave wasn't hard. All he had to do then was follow the smell of fresh flowers. It was so simple for him (and most certainly didn't take him several days)
When he finally found your grotto, he couldn't find the flower Nahida had described for him and grumbled under his breath about it
This is where you come in: appearing next to his shoulder asking about what flower he was exactly talking about
You stare at him innocently even as he hold a swirl ball of anemo energy
You ask again and he asks who you are, cautious
"I'm the nymph of this grotto"
That can't be possible, Nymphs aren't real, surely you're pulling his leg
But you have flowers growing on you, the plants lean towards where you step and life seems to exude from you
He'll dispell his anemo attack and tell you about the flower. You nod and scoop it up a bit of dirt and grow the flower on it
He's wondering if there's a cost to it. You tell him it'll hurt you when he leaves with it. He asks what he owes you and you shrug and walk away to play with the springyness of a new fern
He brings the flower to Nahida then rushes back. Not because he's worried! He's just curious about the affects of removing the flower from your grotto (Nahida gives him a knowing smile as he leaves)
When he arrives, you're laying on the ground, looking unwell. He puts his hand to your forehead, and you're burning up
Why would you give the flower to him if it would hurt you so much?
"Because you needed it," you say with a smile
He'll take care of you for the next few days, your waking hours being filled with scolding and mild insults about how stupid it was to give all thay power to a stranger. What if they wanted to take advantage of you?
You laugh and smile. When he's not paying attention, you'll make little figurines out of flower of him
Then he'll notice and scold you for not resting properly, idiot (he does think it's very cute though)
He'll protest even when you insist you are perfectly healthy again
You'll take him to the deepest part of the grotto where you made a picture of the two of you in glowing flowers. He says it looks stupid, but you notice his little blush and giggle
He has to leave for a few days and during that time, treasure hoarders find your grotto
They have no respect for your plants, so you hide, slowly growing weaker and weaker as they pick and burn your plants
Needless to say, when Scara returns and sees you hanging on by a thread, he's pissed
He wipes them out and tends to you once again. It takes months this time until you are healthy, but he's by your side every step of the way
"Clearly, you can't take care of yourself, so I'll have to watch out for you! Hey! Don't giggle! What's so funny, idiot?"
things i have concurred so far:
every time tighnari visits sumeru city he always makes sure to bring you some sort of exotic botany that can only be found in the wild, he takes pride in the way your room is filled with them and how you’re extra protective of them
dehya, nilou, cyno, haitham, tighnari, and candace all go out for drinks together whenever they miraculously find themselves in the same place, the night is usually spent getting shit faced with cyno explaining all the boring rules of his card game and dehya almost choking him
dehya is the biggest secret sweetheart
cyno is a classic tsundere!!!!!
nilou is your resident “airhead” but she loves to hang out/spend time with you no matter what you’re doing she can find fun in anything
haitham hates the word partner/gf/bf he’s always always a darling type man!!! you’re his dearest! his darling! his lover! his everything!!!
cyno looks really touchy-feely, i can see him tracing over any scars, freckles, or mindless lines all over your body while you’re sleeping at night i just know he loves skin to skin contact like pls!
haitham’s roommate hates him so much because he doesn’t stop fucking you even if he’s home, i know that man has absolutely no shame about it
tighnari loves the sun and on the very rare day he can spend a few hours alone with you and it’s not raining? he chooses to lay by the creek soaking it all up talking about anything you’ll indulge him in
+ he doesn’t mind shedding a few layers to swim
cyno is the best kisser out all of them, this is fact
I want Cyno to tell me to stop whining while he fucks me :(
Want lovies rn :(( I want Cyno’s hands on my waist, holding me close to him so I can feel his warmth :(( want him to comfort me, whispering sweet things in my ear with his soothing voice :((
I need sum Cynonari lovin :( Imagine sitting on Tighnari’s lap on the edge of the bed while Cyno kneels in front of you and puts his mouth to use. Cyno would hungrily lap at your pussy, gripping your thighs to keep them apart while Tighnari coos at you condescendingly when you whine and whimper. “Poor baby can’t stay quiet, huh?” He’d say before bringing his hand up to let you suck on his fingers. Cyno breaks away for a moment to mutter a “You’re doing such a good job..taking it so well, letting me have my fill..” before continuing his pleasurable assault on your pussy.
Pspspsps...send me genshin thirsts pretty please ♡ any adult character is fine
hmmm....what else?

Heaven Sent Pt. 6 (Cyno x FemReader /AU Brothel)

Word Count: 1.01 k
Previous parts: Pt.5, Pt.4, pt.3, pt.2, and pt.1.
No beta, we die like my will to fix my sleep schedule (not proofread)
des: Tbh, barely any Cyno in this one. It's just Candace easing reader into the village :>
warnings: None! Just pure comfort: bubble paths, headpats, hugs, all the good stuff.
“Y/n, I’m glad to see you here,” the same woman from when you arrived greeted you. Her eyes shifted from yours and curiously onto Cyno’s, the corners of her lips turning a little upwards to a smile in surprise.
“-and in company too.” She offered her arm, stifling a giggle at the general’s silent defeat as you took it and unhooked your hold on him. “That will be all for you, Cyno. Thank you for taking her here.”
Hesitantly, Cyno bided you both good night and headed back to the resting quarters for much needed sleep. Now in the care of Candace, you idly followed her through a pillar of corridors. The sound of running water growing louder, and the air becoming denser as you stepped further and further into the building. With the ambient sounds, there was now the awkward silence between you both with the exception of your feet causing echoes in the hall. Her focus was on the path in front of her but sometimes, she took small, tender, glances your way.
“If…you don’t mind me asking, is something troubling you, Miss Candace?”
“Did you notice my staring? I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable and please, you needn’t call me Miss. Though, I do appreciate the manners.” She chuckled, sighing heavily afterwards as she spared some thought to your words.
“To answer your question, Y/n, I’m a bit in shock –is all.” her gaze wanders to the pavement leading into the baths. Once you’ve both reached there, she gently unhooks her arm from yours and moves to feel the waters in the bath, sending ripples into the warm pool.
“Life in the desert is hard as it is,” She started as she sat on the edge of the waters, reaching to the side for a bottle of what you can assume is soap, and poured it into the steaming pool. As soon as it hit the water, the steam blew up and permeated a fragrance so mellow and calming, it served to soothe Candace as she eased the words out of her mouth.
“But to think there would be others who would stoop so low…to cause such suffering and to what end?” Her eyes stared into the rippling reflection in contemplation.
Neither of you fell on an answer, and even if you could, it wouldn't undo any of what you had gone through or make it easier as to why you had to. Baring that silence, she turned her attention to you when she felt it was ready. With a gaze as equally soft as her smile, she reaches her hand to gesture to you to come in and you did. With her back turned, she waited until your body came in, she offered,
"If ever you need somewhere to stay, you can come and shelter here in Aaru Village." She looks back to you, your head above the water and your body immersed in the warmth of the bath, easing your tired muscles and letting your back press against the tiles of the bath.
"I'd be coming here followed by a lot of trouble, Candace…I don't think I can do that to you or anyone here." You voiced your hesitancy, it was more of a precaution for her sake. But Candace kept grace, brushing a few locks of your hair and dipping it into the water,
"Then let it. Within these falling sands, the people who come here are allowed peace under my guard." You couldn’t stop yourself from trembling a little at what she said. Could you really do that? Start your life anew here? A thought like that used to be as real as a pipe dream, but as Candace’s fingers reached your scalp and untangled your locks, the choice of your fate became clearer to you. You could, you really could..
"Don't you worry about what may come beyond this canyon. As a community, we'll share our troubles and bear it together." At her affirmations, she stilled at hearing your tears drip into the pool, and in silent understanding, she resumed to brush and wash your hair. Gingerly rinsing the soap off with the waters, and drowning out the sound of your tears.
"It's okay, you're safe now." She said, reassuring and scaring off any worry that might’ve held you in that moment, and from beneath your palms covering your face, you sniffled and smiled.
Once you were done bathing, she left you momentarily to dry yourself and get dressed in fresh linen clothes that she had prepared you. As the two of you walked, you were beginning to see the neighborhood homes coming into view again. From your peripheral vision, you see Candace's smile changed only for a second as she followed your line of sight,
"I hope you won't hold this against me." She suddenly said in a lighthearted but weary tone. Her brows furrowed slightly as you fully turn to her in confusion,
"Hold what against you?" Without warning, a small pattern of steps repeatedly hitting the pavement was heard, and it was fast approaching. Before you could react, a pair of little arms wrapped around your waist, forcing you a step back at the sudden impact.
"Y/n–!" The young boy chirped your name with the biggest smile you've seen him have yet.
"A-arman! You really are here," you bent down to hold his face in your palms, checking for any new scratches or anomalies, his grin squished in your hands in the process.
"Aunt Candace fed me lots of yummy food, and we get to share a big warm bed in our room,"
You didn’t spare another moment and lifted him up in a hug, feeling more secure and happy in how he snuggled into your neck and wrapped his arms around you.
“Candace, everyone and the general…I don’t know what to say..” You hated how many times you’ve let your eyes pour like faucets these days, but no one, not even yourself could fault you for it. She sighed in gladness at your smiling face, and kept her usual poise manner, petting Arman’s hair as he’s held in your arms and mumbled with a gladdened heart, “Just get the rest you need, Y/n. We’ll say what needs to be said tomorrow morning.”
Hand in hand, you and Arman followed her into the rooms to retire for the night. Under a new roof from outside of the prison you’ve known for so long, your heart is finally at ease.
A/N: Updates are gonna be slower than before cause I'm in my senior year in HS, waw,, omg :O
Anyways, the lack of Cyno will be made up for in the next one :))
I hope you guys had an enjoyable summer and as always, thank you for coming back :]
Remind someone you love them and until then, <333

do not disturb | wc: 2.7k

Cyno hums in contemplation, the cool water flowing over his fingers. He turns the faucet off just as he hears footsteps on tiles and takes a towel to his hair, counting the four seconds he knows it takes to get to the room.
“Cyno, I really don’t- oh,” you stop in your tracks, right on time. He doesn’t have to turn around to know you’re holding a familiar folder of papers with complaints outlined in red ink. “Sorry. I didn’t…”
“You should really learn to knock first.” He thinks it’s funny because the rooms here don’t actually have doors, just sweeping arches for the great big important spaces, and then tiny arches for less important rooms (like his apparently), and then medium-sized ones for… well other things. Kaveh was the Kshahrewar graduate, not him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. And… and…” He can just hear you bristle. You even straighten up a little judging from the faint shuffling. “And I don’t know, maybe you should put up a sign or something.”
Cyno rubs the white towel over his head slowly, finally standing up from where he’d been kneeling. “Maybe I should.” He’s seriously considering it—you always bring up good points. “Though, I thought everyone knew only my room is in this wing. You’d have to go out of your way to get here.” That and he’s just come back from an expedition. No one bothers him after those.
Thick water droplets and remnants of the desert circle around the drain. You hadn’t walked in on much. He had been rinsing off the sand grains that stuck to his arms and shoulders and were especially annoyingly weaved in his hair, but he’d also removed his armor—he didn’t typically wear much anyway so to see him with even less was probably too cruel, even by your standards.
Keep reading
Hey heyy ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Yayyy First comic took way too much time ! 💫

I started making little charm designs of Genshin characters as animals, because why not?
Here's Cyno! He was fun to design as a wolf.
The charms have arrived too! I haven't gotten yet, they're at my friend's place since I ordered them with her, but I'm excited to see how they look in person! They are double-sided with a different design on the back :3c
I have a Scarakitty design and charms as well, and I'm planning on making Tighnari and Gorou as well. If you have a character in mind you'd like to see as a chibi animal, feel free to suggest! I'd like the character to be one with animal features, or one with an animal constallation. ✯
I am so normal about them

I'm actually going through a bit of art block, so doing even this much is a huge win! My only regret is not doing Cynos ink in purple so it would match the marker color, but I don't have a purple pen, so oh well.
(slight spoilers below? Skip if you don't want spoilers for Cynos 2nd story quest)

Like they literally are a family. "Cynos 2nd story quest" my ass. It's Tighnari, Cyno, and Collei's family quest, with help from Kaveh and Alhaitham.
Like we literally have a family dinner with Tighnari, Collei, and Cyno
Also extra stuff

![Cyno talking to Kaveh, Alhaitham, Tighnari and the Traveler: "Am I hallucinating? Or do I see Kaveh and Alhaitham engaged [? --------]" some more remains crossed out by me because wow congrats on the engagement Kaveh and Alhaitham](

Congrats on getting Cyno, @avionvadion !🎉
I also wanted to throw my primogems at him, until I saw Nahida's abilities and Layla's majestic design :D
P.s. Plus, there are more and more hints that Capitano might be primogems for him as well :)
The General Mahamatra
" There once was a traveler, stranded in the desert and dying of thirst, who in desperation prayed for a Hydro Slime to come their way. But the traveler didn't realize that at that very moment, a starving Hydro Slime was praying to meet a lone, stranded traveler... "
Hello !! Im finally making my posts prettier HELP but heres a "wip" post of Cyno!! I'm probably changing the hair later so its still called a "wip" 😭

lazy header-
Cyno !! I'm still experimenting with my style HELP