175 posts
Prissy Grl Lookz Pt. 4

prissy grl lookz pt. 4 🧚🏽♀️💕
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More Posts from Lunerenzo
Zeke is a terrible horrible no good ass heathen but Ik that dick got some bop to it. Like I just know he know how to FUCK and it make me so mad. I need him 😫😫😩
OKAY? And heavy on it. 😫😫 that man might stress you out, have you going crazy but he some pressure. And let me just give y’all ALL the warnings bc this man is a freak! A true one. So read at your own risk. It includes EVERYTHING!
The thing is, you’d never be able to just ‘leave him alone’. Try as you might, you’ll be right back and he’s gone remind you every time why he’s not going anywhere. Zeke fucks like a man with nothing to lose and that’s the problem. He ain’t with the kid shit. I’m talking folding you up in a full nelson, straight pounding up into your shit while he’s forcing you to look in the mirror while rubbing your clit (and he loves anal like an unhealthy amount so you know what he’s on). Bouncing you up and down like his flashlight… “..see, I told you it’d feel good. You just have to trust me more often, my love.” Meanwhile, you’re clutching your own thong between your teeth, salivating from being fucked like this. He knows he’s big and he’ll most certainly taunt you about it. “You told me it was too much and now you can’t stop creaming on me..such a liar, (y/n)..” meanwhile, you’re biting down on your lip trying to stifle your moans as not to give his ass too much. But you can’t help it..
he’s fucking you so good that you’ve probably came about three times subconsciously; squirting and spasming on his cock. You find yourself tapping at his abs and while he’s burrowed over you, hand firmly gripping the headboard whilst he’s drilling your shit, you feel him force your hands to the bed and hold your wrists. “Pushing me away, you know how much I hate that. Take this fucking dick like a big girl..” he’s sticking fingers in the mouth, spitting in it, doing it all! He takes you far beyond your limits, doing things no one else would even dream of. Putting you on all fours, pulling your arms back and giving you hard, deep strokes with his foot pressing into your head. “Don’t give me that fucking look, I’ll get it redone. Just open f’r me. Wanna see that pretty pussy spread.” “That asshole looks so good, make it flex just like that..we’ll worry about that later. You still look beautiful.” just knowing you’re gonna give him shit about your hair. He doesn’t give a damn because he’s too busy focusing on how tight you are and how hot it sounds when you scream for him. Especially when you’re just as vocal and commanding. “Yeah, take it! Stretch this pussy!” “Right there, fuck this ass! ‘S so deep.” It gets NASTYYY with Mr. Ezekiel. And don’t let you two just have fought or had a heated argument..oh, it’s the best dick you’ll ever have. Going for hours until one of you breaks. Him throat fucking you, slapping and choking you…the works. Tears flowing your face and you’re fucking like you hate each other. It’s so much tension and passion, you can’t get enough of him. That hate sex hits sooo different with him because ironically, you’re falling in love all over again. He’s ripping orgasm after orgasm out of you, you’re clawing up his back leaving all types of scratches. The sheets are soaked and you’re certain he’s cracked the headboard from the strength of him clutching it. 1000/10 every single time.
Thank u for tagging babe!!!❤
Relationship status: In talking stage? (We're talking as friends...for now 🤭)
Favorite color: Lavender, and pink
Song thats stuck in my head: Meatgrinder ● MF DOOM
Last song played: Look what you started ● The Internet
Three favorite foods: Chocolate lava cake, Pancakes, crablegs
Dream trip: Jamaica, Hawaii, and Bora Bora (same @chrollohearttags, same)
Anything I want now: New clothes, revamp my room, Raising canes.
tagging: @hotxcheeto @arminsbabydoll @shinsousliya @underground-hellhound + whoever else wants to do it
Tag 10 people
Tagged by @hitchell-mope, thank you! 💗
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: Black
Song that's stuck in my head: the Skins UK theme x3
Last song listened: Love In an Elevator by Aerosmith
Three favorite foods: French toast, pizza, mac and cheese
Last thing googled: Sia Berkeley
Dream trip: Europe tour
Anything I want right now: 👉🏽👌🏽 (So sorry. I’m on my period, and the horny symptom’s been flaring up like crazy this month 😣🤦🏽♀️)
Tagging: @hiraeth-doux, @crystallinee-waters, @stellaluna33, @fandomsmeantheworldtome, @nicoleanell, @emmanelson, @humanitys-strongest-bamf, @thegoddesspeaks, @trekkitkat, @roamwithahungryheart, @sullxo, @swanxlake (if you want to, plus anyone else who might like to 💞)

When you got beef with 15yr olds
doordasher!eren seeing you have a bad day and trying to make it better because surprisingly, he isn’t an asshole all the time 🥹😭
content warning: mentions of PMS, depression and a little sadness. He’s a sweetie pie in this.
he had been running deliveries all night. Back and forth between various restaurants, dropping off orders to all the customers who had requested all types of things. From five Mexican pizzas for a bunch of college kids to happy meals for a couple of fussy little ones, needless to say he was busy and was being kept on his toes. However, he couldn’t help but think about his favorite patron..
it had been a few days since he’d seen (y/n) appear on his radar and he found it quite strange. Even though the two of you constantly bickered, mainly because of his slick ass mouth, he had developed quite the soft spot for you. Oftentimes worrying and thinking about you off the clock as well. And tonight, he couldn’t help but get you off of his mind. Driving around aimlessly, awaiting his next job when he decided to pull into a gas station for some smacks of his own. It was as he was scraping up to the counter in his sweats and slides, placing a Peach Faygo and plain Lays on the glass top when he got a notification on his Apple Watch, which he was using to pay with. ‘You just received a new order from (y/n)!’ But he was a little surprised to see it differentiated from your usual. It was from Walmart..tissues, chips, ice cream, and some Tylenol. However, before he could accept, he’d seen that you canceled. Which caught him off guard. What could that have been about? He’d thank the clerk and then dart back to his car where he’d do a little digging. His initial thought was that you possibly could have been on your period and didn’t want some man picking up your personal items but he’d retrieved far worse than some Maxi Pads and Mydol during his tenure here. He knew that you and Connie, another fellow dasher and one of his best friends were pretty cool so he’d hit him up, wondering had he heard from you. He was very much aware of you guys’ little ongoing rivalry, having known each other for about six months now so you weren’t exactly strangers anymore; had even hung out and smoked with them all and as funny as he thought it was, he had some advice for Eren..
“Ion know, bruh. I wouldn’t bother her right now. She’s been having a rough couple days so she’s been actin a lil’ different. I tried to check in on her but she don’t wanna talk. Imma just give her some space.”
but that wasn’t his style! Annoying as he was, he was an even bigger softie. If someone he knew or cared about wasn’t doing well, he’d do whatever he could to make sure they were feeling better by the time he was done. Despite Connie’s advice, he’d crank back up and peel out of the parking lot, headed to the superstore to pick up your requested items…and a few other things! Meanwhile, you were sitting in your two bedroom apartment..glaring out of the window with a rather gloom expression on your face. Watching the light rain fall underneath faint glow of the street lights as you worked tirelessly at your computer. Feeling a bit jaded and ready to clock out. Truth was, it was a gnawing feeling you had been experiencing for days. Stuck in sort of a rut and without direction. Everything was beginning to feel a bit mundane. Living alone in this apartment with hardly any visitors, you were left only with your work and lonely thoughts to get you by. Even tonight, you didn’t feel like eating much; cancelling your order before you’d waste someone’s time or that brunette nuisance could show up at your door, ready to be a pain.
if you were being completely honest, even arguing with him didn’t feel so bad right about now. Anything not to feel so isolated.. little did you know, he was already ten steps ahead and en route; hoping to bring that frown to a giant smile. Scouring the aisles of Walmart, searching for anything he’d hope you like. Ice cream, tissues, chips..all as you had requested. But he needed more. Something to truly lift your spirits up.. “What do girls like when they’re sad? Teddy bears? Candy? Liquor?..hell if I know.” Muttering to himself, even with passing patrons glaring at him as if he were crazy. But he was actually talking into his AirPods, trying to consult his friends who were on a FaceTime call with him. They couldn’t help but laugh at how he was going to all these extra lengths just to see a customer smile. Even taking the expense from his own pocket. After a little more intel from Connie, he had learned how stressed you had been with your new role. A promotion that came with nothing more than a larger workload and a slightly bigger pay raise. Which truly wasn’t worth it by the time you factored in emotional and manual labor. So this was definitely what you needed. “Ion know but I think somebody got a lil’ crush on my homegirl.” Connie blurting out to make the others burst into laughter, teasing him relentlessly. Just the sheer mention making his cheeks glow red. “Aye, it ain’t even like that. She’s just really cool. That’s all..don’t want her being depressed and by herself if I can help it.” He truly was something. Nonetheless, he’d continue filling his basket with all types of things until he was sure he had built the ultimate care package.
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by that time, the rain began to pick up and get a little heavier, thus sending your power surging and your system offline for a little bit. “What the—?! Damnit! Now I gotta tell these bitches my internet is out..” understandably frustrated, you’d click around the screen and just release a huff, knowing there was nothing you could do at the moment except wait for things to boot back up. It was yet another headache you had to deal with explaining. But it did provide you with a bit of a break to get away from that draining screen. You’d get up from your chair, stretching your back and legs, preparing to head downstairs when you heard your doorbell ring. You weren’t expecting any company so that was quite odd! Could it have been some dumb kid playing a prank? Perhaps, a wrong door? Exercising caution, you’d make your way to the bottom step, leading into the living room where you’d reach the front door. Using the peephole, you’d look around and that’s when you’d spot a bag on the doorstep, up underneath the canopy covering…and an oddly familiar vehicle sitting out in the middle of the parking lot!..lights on, engine running and shrouded by rain. Carefully opening up the door, you’d take a peak around before procuring the items. Before you could even see what it was, the vehicle and its driver were peeling away. But what was inside was enough to bring you to tears and make this hellscape of a week feel all the more worth it.
in a giant gift bag was candy, two small roses, a tiny pink teddy bear, Moose Tracks ice cream, bags of chips, a soft plush blanket and lastly, a card that read “get well soon.” You didn’t know why or how he knew you were feeling down but once that door closed, tears began to stream down your face. Overcome with sheer emotion that someone thought enough of you to try and brighten your day!..even if it was the last person you’d expect. “Eren, I have no idea what to think of you. You’re something else, you know that?” Muttering to yourself as you wiped your face. Just as you went to go turn and head to the kitchen to place your things in the fridge, your phone would illuminate with a text, reading:
“Feel better soon, okay? I don’t like knowing you’re sad. I hope these help. Besides, who else is going to make my shifts fun?” -your favorite dasher. ❤️
needless to say, he had earned himself all five of his stars and then some.
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