Eren X Black Fem!reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

milkshake • e. jaeger

this is just a short little blurb for my girl @spaceforher!! I couldn’t stop thinking about your selfship with eren, and I just had to write this! 🥹

just some cute lil fluff, him using a bunch of pet names (pretty, baby, mama) plug!eren being a flirt, some sweet banter

wc: 1.0K

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“Number 254. Chicken wrap, curly fries and strawberry milkshake!”

an order and phrase you had uttered on several occasions. So much so, it was practically embedded in your memory at this point. Extra mayo, no pickles and crispy fried chicken. You could recall the exact way it was supposed to be prepared..especially because you could never forget the customer who requested it. Traipsing up to the counter; the sound of slides shuffling across the freshly waxed tile floors as it was always near closing time when they visited. A tattooed hand with a silver watch cuffing the wrist, reaching out to you and grasping for the bag before giving a very sweet and flirtatious thanks for his food and your hard work. “Thank you, mama. ‘Appreciate it.” Using the endearing name each time and sending flutters throughout your stomach. Mainly due to the deep tone and charm. Like clockwork, you’d peer up as you passed the bag over and see that handsome face..big green eyes; glazed over, covered by black rimmed glasses. Dark hair styled up into a bun with the remainder hanging down. Flashing a pearly white smile that made you melt..

Eren Jaeger, the one and only man that evoked such feelings out of you and quite honestly, the only enjoyment in this hectic and chaotic job. You looked forward to seeing him come through that door..placing his order and messing around with all of the employees as he did so. Cracking with some of his former classmates and friends who just so happened to work the same shift but his eyes couldn’t help but to be fixated on you. As if he purposely picked the days when you were scheduled. You could see his black and red Challenger outside, or rather hear it before he even arrived..whether from the pipes or loud music. No secret to you or anyone else how he afforded such luxuries at such a young age. He had quite the reputation and it didn’t precede him either. Oftentimes, even selling to some of your coworkers discreetly. Still, you looked forward to seeing the long haired cutie coming through the door. Tonight in particular was rather busy and you wanted nothing more than to go home, get off your feet and relax. But the last thirty minutes of your long shift was dragging along so you’d return to the back to finish up any last minute cleaning and inventory before jetting out of there. No customers had come in so it seemed things were finally slowing down. A couple of your coworkers had gone out for a final smoke break when you heard the door open. “Welcome in. Be with you in just a moment.”

it was then that you’d walk out to be greeted by a tall guy in a hoodie, black sweats and clear frame glasses around his baby face. His eyes dimmed and glossed over in red as he neared the counter. “You good, I actually don’t wanna order anything.” Immediately, you’d feel yourself becoming flush and heated, realizing that this is the first time that you and him had actually spoken outside of eye contact and a few flirtatious thank you’s. “Oh, it’s you. Strawberry milkshake.” Immediately sending a smirk across his face. It was something you did with all of your frequent customers..nicknaming them after their orders. But with him? It was a bit more special. You had been hoping that the two of you had gotten the chance to talk one of these days and finally, the moment had come. But not without you getting all flustered and him doing the same, surprisingly! In your uniform, hair tied into a ponytail underneath your ball cap, bare faced but he couldn’t get over how beautiful you were. Something he wishes he could have told you the first time he came in but things were always far too busy for him to get that chance but instead, he’d take this opportunity to shoot his shot!

“You must be here for (coworker’s name). I’ll go get them.” As you were privy to their exchanges but you’d be surprised to learn the intentions of today’s visit. “Nah..actually, I was hoping I’d run into you.” Which earned him quite a confused glare. Just what business did this man want with you?

“Me?” “Yeah, I mean. Every time I come in here, it’s always super busy and you’re working so hard so I didn’t wanna stop you..but I just wanted to introduce myself.” Omitting the fact that he had frozen up several times while you took his order. Truth was, he wasn’t even too fond of the dairy treat that he consistently ordered, considering the fact that it never agreed with him afterwards and he’d instantly get sick but he had hoped that one day, you’d catch on and notice so that he could strike up a conversation but oddly enough..he always became too nervous to speak! You were so pretty and that sweet, adorable demeanor always made his heart flutter. Which was crazy because this man probably had every girl in this city trying to get with him and he looked as if he could charm the pants off of a snake. Not to mention the fact that he had always shot you a wink or called you a sweet pet name as he acquired his meal. Saying things like ‘baby ‘ or ‘pretty’. Something many ladies had probably heard. However, his attention was fixated right here and now that he finally had the chance, he wasn’t going to blow it! Letting out a soft chuckle, you’d cover your mouth and laugh, which made his cheeks visibly glow red. “Did I say something?” Not knowing just how cute he was..this well known plug blushing like a schoolgirl over you!

“No! Not at all. I’m just..really happy you came and talked to me.” Trying to play it cool as you were screaming inside. But this was a perfect opportunity to take the lead and see where things went.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, milkshake. I’m (y/n).”

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1 year ago

doordasher!eren seeing you have a bad day and trying to make it better because surprisingly, he isn’t an asshole all the time 🥹😭

content warning: mentions of PMS, depression and a little sadness. He’s a sweetie pie in this.


he had been running deliveries all night. Back and forth between various restaurants, dropping off orders to all the customers who had requested all types of things. From five Mexican pizzas for a bunch of college kids to happy meals for a couple of fussy little ones, needless to say he was busy and was being kept on his toes. However, he couldn’t help but think about his favorite patron..

it had been a few days since he’d seen (y/n) appear on his radar and he found it quite strange. Even though the two of you constantly bickered, mainly because of his slick ass mouth, he had developed quite the soft spot for you. Oftentimes worrying and thinking about you off the clock as well. And tonight, he couldn’t help but get you off of his mind. Driving around aimlessly, awaiting his next job when he decided to pull into a gas station for some smacks of his own. It was as he was scraping up to the counter in his sweats and slides, placing a Peach Faygo and plain Lays on the glass top when he got a notification on his Apple Watch, which he was using to pay with. ‘You just received a new order from (y/n)!’ But he was a little surprised to see it differentiated from your usual. It was from Walmart..tissues, chips, ice cream, and some Tylenol. However, before he could accept, he’d seen that you canceled. Which caught him off guard. What could that have been about? He’d thank the clerk and then dart back to his car where he’d do a little digging. His initial thought was that you possibly could have been on your period and didn’t want some man picking up your personal items but he’d retrieved far worse than some Maxi Pads and Mydol during his tenure here. He knew that you and Connie, another fellow dasher and one of his best friends were pretty cool so he’d hit him up, wondering had he heard from you. He was very much aware of you guys’ little ongoing rivalry, having known each other for about six months now so you weren’t exactly strangers anymore; had even hung out and smoked with them all and as funny as he thought it was, he had some advice for Eren..

“Ion know, bruh. I wouldn’t bother her right now. She’s been having a rough couple days so she’s been actin a lil’ different. I tried to check in on her but she don’t wanna talk. Imma just give her some space.”

but that wasn’t his style! Annoying as he was, he was an even bigger softie. If someone he knew or cared about wasn’t doing well, he’d do whatever he could to make sure they were feeling better by the time he was done. Despite Connie’s advice, he’d crank back up and peel out of the parking lot, headed to the superstore to pick up your requested items…and a few other things! Meanwhile, you were sitting in your two bedroom apartment..glaring out of the window with a rather gloom expression on your face. Watching the light rain fall underneath faint glow of the street lights as you worked tirelessly at your computer. Feeling a bit jaded and ready to clock out. Truth was, it was a gnawing feeling you had been experiencing for days. Stuck in sort of a rut and without direction. Everything was beginning to feel a bit mundane. Living alone in this apartment with hardly any visitors, you were left only with your work and lonely thoughts to get you by. Even tonight, you didn’t feel like eating much; cancelling your order before you’d waste someone’s time or that brunette nuisance could show up at your door, ready to be a pain.

if you were being completely honest, even arguing with him didn’t feel so bad right about now. Anything not to feel so isolated.. little did you know, he was already ten steps ahead and en route; hoping to bring that frown to a giant smile. Scouring the aisles of Walmart, searching for anything he’d hope you like. Ice cream, tissues, chips..all as you had requested. But he needed more. Something to truly lift your spirits up.. “What do girls like when they’re sad? Teddy bears? Candy? Liquor?..hell if I know.” Muttering to himself, even with passing patrons glaring at him as if he were crazy. But he was actually talking into his AirPods, trying to consult his friends who were on a FaceTime call with him. They couldn’t help but laugh at how he was going to all these extra lengths just to see a customer smile. Even taking the expense from his own pocket. After a little more intel from Connie, he had learned how stressed you had been with your new role. A promotion that came with nothing more than a larger workload and a slightly bigger pay raise. Which truly wasn’t worth it by the time you factored in emotional and manual labor. So this was definitely what you needed. “Ion know but I think somebody got a lil’ crush on my homegirl.” Connie blurting out to make the others burst into laughter, teasing him relentlessly. Just the sheer mention making his cheeks glow red. “Aye, it ain’t even like that. She’s just really cool. That’s all..don’t want her being depressed and by herself if I can help it.” He truly was something. Nonetheless, he’d continue filling his basket with all types of things until he was sure he had built the ultimate care package.

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by that time, the rain began to pick up and get a little heavier, thus sending your power surging and your system offline for a little bit. “What the—?! Damnit! Now I gotta tell these bitches my internet is out..” understandably frustrated, you’d click around the screen and just release a huff, knowing there was nothing you could do at the moment except wait for things to boot back up. It was yet another headache you had to deal with explaining. But it did provide you with a bit of a break to get away from that draining screen. You’d get up from your chair, stretching your back and legs, preparing to head downstairs when you heard your doorbell ring. You weren’t expecting any company so that was quite odd! Could it have been some dumb kid playing a prank? Perhaps, a wrong door? Exercising caution, you’d make your way to the bottom step, leading into the living room where you’d reach the front door. Using the peephole, you’d look around and that’s when you’d spot a bag on the doorstep, up underneath the canopy covering…and an oddly familiar vehicle sitting out in the middle of the parking lot!..lights on, engine running and shrouded by rain. Carefully opening up the door, you’d take a peak around before procuring the items. Before you could even see what it was, the vehicle and its driver were peeling away. But what was inside was enough to bring you to tears and make this hellscape of a week feel all the more worth it.

in a giant gift bag was candy, two small roses, a tiny pink teddy bear, Moose Tracks ice cream, bags of chips, a soft plush blanket and lastly, a card that read “get well soon.” You didn’t know why or how he knew you were feeling down but once that door closed, tears began to stream down your face. Overcome with sheer emotion that someone thought enough of you to try and brighten your day!..even if it was the last person you’d expect. “Eren, I have no idea what to think of you. You’re something else, you know that?” Muttering to yourself as you wiped your face. Just as you went to go turn and head to the kitchen to place your things in the fridge, your phone would illuminate with a text, reading:

“Feel better soon, okay? I don’t like knowing you’re sad. I hope these help. Besides, who else is going to make my shifts fun?” -your favorite dasher. ❤️

needless to say, he had earned himself all five of his stars and then some.

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1 year ago

*giggles like a maniac*

you couldn’t stop staring at it..

your eyes had been fixated to that damn phone screen for nearly an hour, long after he sent it. But who could when something so beautiful was plastered across it? The attachment constantly on repeat and playing in your mind..plaguing it with filthy, perverse thoughts. Causing you to lose concentration for any other task that you had set before you today. Why exactly?


it was the middle of the day. You had just gotten out of your last class and was in the midst heading back to your apartment but first? You made a quick detour to the restroom. It was as you were standing in the mirror, reapplying your lip gloss and ensuring that your lace wasn’t lifting from the heat. When your phone would buzz against the hard countertop, making loud buzzing noises resonate throughout the desolate area. What you thought was yet another useless notification from one of the many apps you have muted throughout the day, was actually from the one person you were checking for:

my pookah 🔐🥺🤍

your partner in crime and best friend, Eren, who had just left the gym and like many times before, he checked in with you to see how your day was going. Normally with a funny message or meme..some stupid ass inside joke the two of you had come up with but today’s was rather different..and a little risqué! The only thing on the message was 1 attachment which you immediately opened. It was only by a miracle that you were all alone in there because what followed was something for your eyes and viewing pleasure only..sitting in his car with the front camera titled slightly upward and seemingly propped on the steering wheel, he was glaring directly at you. Those beautiful green eyes glossed over and his tongue glided across those pouty lips. His long hair dangling to his shoulders but tied back by a black bandana. A wife beater with the same color and his grey sweatpants just barely in the shot. You figured this was just another one of his silly antics, even smacking your lips and tempted to shut it off. “This boy play too damn much..all day long—“

but you were immediately halted in your tracks by what followed right after. Suddenly, you see him tug at that elastic waistband. He’d shuffle in his seat for a second until he got them worked down and that’s when his thick cock appeared in the shot. Your jaw damn falling to the floor..for a moment, you had to grab your chest and lean against the counter because you weren’t expecting that! But you certainly didn’t complain nor did you mind. That swollen tip beaming red with precum dripping all down the sides. It was early so you could see a few folks walking in the background but your attention was elsewhere and his? All on you..

“Been thinking ‘bout you all morning..could barely get through my workout.” His voice dropping to somewhat of a groggy, deep tone, almost as if he were entranced and drunk on you. His mind had been running rampant with thoughts of you and all the things you had done a few nights prior from sitting on his face to fucking you in front of the mirror. Anytime the two of you linked, it was so nasty and raw. You had obviously awoken a beast when you gave him the pussy. But he knew exactly how to handle it. Standing against the sink, you’d bite the tip of your finger as you video continued on playing; now intrigued and very much turned on. His fingers were enclosed around his shaft, slowly pumping as his eyes shut and he leaned against the headrest. All the while, he was still muttering and confessing how he truly felt..telling you all the things he wanted to do with you and needless to say, he wasn’t shy about it. Eren was a very vocal lover, no doubt. You learned that quickly. He had no problem telling you how good you felt and that he wanted to nut inside of you constantly. Regardless of how weak it made him look, he was going to make it known that you were the cause of it!

“..wanna fuck the shit out you, bad. I need that pussy..” Eren cried out with a guttural and pathetic groan..his chest heaving as he gently thrust his hips upward and fucked his fist. Wishing so desperately that it were you. By now, your eyes were all but glued to the screen and thank heavens no one else had walked in because things were intensifying! By now, he had become completely undone. Just panting, whimpering and making his desires known. “..I just know she so wet f’r me. Shit, I wish you were here right now..tryna bounce you up and down on this dick. Make that shit cream all over me. You know how much I love gonna let me have it, right?” Doing that subtle, sexy lip bite that drove you crazy. Especially when he spoke to you in that deep tone. At that moment, it took all your resolve not to answer him aloud. You were losing your mind watching him stroke that shaft, now sped up and making smacking noises. That pearlescent semen serves as the perfect lube. He had even grown right before your eyes. But what really does it for you was when he began pinching his nipples through his shirt and whimpering like a pathetic little puppy. He was such a slut when it came to you. Willing to degrade himself and look as crazy as as long as he got you as the reward.

“Oh fuck….oh fuck..I’m bout to come so hard. I got to have you, for real. Please let me have that pussy, mama. I’ll do whatever for it..” his voice rising to a high pitched cry at this point and you were practically salivating at the sight. Eren was damn near dry heaving, nearing his inevitable climax when you began squirming around, trying to feint the tiny twitches from your aching cunt. Spasming on nothing more than air at the thought of him filling you. If it wasn’t a shame, you’d finger yourself right there but it's well worth the wait once you two met later on. As for now, you’d watch him fuck himself silly and even go cross eyed as he begged to nut inside of you when he got it again. “You know I want you to have my baby anyways..oh shit. Just promise me I can nut in that pussy, mama. Fill you up just like this. Please..” and the second he uttered that, what followed was a long string of hot white nut flowing down his knuckles and a hitch in the back of his throat. Eventually, he’d regain his breath and seemingly his consciousness, crying out as he came to.

“Fuuuuuck! Goddamnit…”

but it was all for you and he’d do it time and again just to keep you satisfied, both sexually and emotionally. When he was finally of sound mind, he’d laugh and flick his tongue over his lips once more, glaring down at the pool of seed in his lap and splattered all over his thighs. “You see what you do to me, baby? You the only one that gets my dick that hard..makes me act that way..”

and you were the only one who ever would!

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9 months ago


you and eren are oblivious idiots, but eren’s finally had enough of not being able to claim you as his. so, maybe a four year memory will finally let you get the memo?

acts: fluff, kissing, confessions, suggestions of sex and making out.


Eren's very sure with how he feels. His heart burns and longs for the beauty of your own, and he knows you long for him too. That's why the two of you remain beneath the cosy autumn tree, the sedona and viridian leaves trickling down besides the two of you.

Cutely, this moment gave the both of you deju va -- particularly as you brought your camera out. Your camera to beautifully frame the man you love's face, even if he's flustered -- the tips of his fingers itching for something to grasp upon.

"What's wrong, Eren?" Naively questioning Eren, you observe his moss green eyes stain your own -- lively and full of bubbling passon.

"Does this tree not remind you of when we were fifteen?" Eren meekly questions, his stoic eyes yearning for you to pick up on his only prominent social cue.

Right now, he longed to reenact the tender kiss you both shared at fifteen. A kiss the two of you once swore to never recite out loud again, sheltering it from your friends, family and anyone else who lingered. Within that moment, the two of you knew that kiss felt right -- hence why the both of you avoiding seeking relationships, intimacy or anything else.

"Because this is the same spot, doofus," Rolling your eyes at Eren's sudden daftness, your lips part with your ending words -- familiarity adorning you.

"I'm going to be straight up because I give up," Eren's bluntness causes you to glance intensely at him, the illuminated sun tinting your cayenne skin hue.

Inevitably, the sun beaming upon you and your blonde wig captivated him -- leaving him a mental wreck at your beauty. But even so, he failed to ignore the roughness in your breaths -- as his ethereal characteristics overwhelmed you. Overwhelmed you with him towering over you, intimidatingly glancing down at a smaller you.

“Eren, be more specific,” Airily speaking, your heart wavers as Eren’s closeness clings to you.

“Do you love me?” Eren’s needy voice leaves you gasping, longing for something you had never accessed before: confirmation.

“Ask me on a date first, but do you love me, Eren?” Answering Eren’s question with a question, you observe him shake his head — processing your stubbornness.

“I love you, idiot,” Muttering, Eren plasters his nimble fingers upon your cheek — smushing the sponginess.

“I’ll take you on a date, then,” Blurting with shame, Eren pauses — his breaths tainted.

Embarrassed, Eren’s eyes widened at being straight forward without any other indication.

“I love you, too,” Admitting something suppressed, you greet Eren’s yearning eyes with fondness.

It’s obvious that he wanted to kiss you.

“Kiss me, Eren,” In a trance, Eren’s lips lovingly smear against your own — commanded by your soft order.

Swooning, you bask in Eren’s cushiony lips — listening to the grunts and whimpers that leave his doughy lips. Lips that you tug upon, kissing frantically with an undying franticness.

“Shit,” Mewling, Eren shakily continues to smother you with kisses — knowing that he’s longed for this for so long.

For all this time, Eren had reserved himself for you — in hopes your intentions meet his own. And in his favour, they had — as you’re bound to be steering home with him. A home that had been filled with tension-filled platonic moments, craving to ripen.

“Take your time,” Reassuring Eren, your heart thuds frantically at his neediness — incapable of handling this aspect of him.

“‘Been waiting for this so long,” Eren musters out, his tone whiny and desperate — addicted to the largeness of your lips. Glossed lips that formulate a melody with his own, beneath the autumnal hues.

“Same, so let me get one more picture of you,” Speaking, gifting Eren one more kiss, you glance at his dazed state.

Smiling, you admire your masterpiece. Eren’s stained with your tinted, two-toned lipgloss — smeared upon his lips and his rosy cheeks. Everything within his eyes are starry, his breathing rough whilst he glances down at you — processing emotions you attempt to unpack, too.

“After, let’s go back,” Gently, Eren announces — his lips and eyes clinging to you.

do not repost, modify or repost my work as your own. all rights reserved: cosycafune. 2024.

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2 years ago

oh, me and my endless brainrot of this headcanon. Because I love some good fluff/crack. I’m just picturing Eren joining his wife’s Instagram live. And miss girl, who’s in the midst of doing a GRWM or doing an unboxing of some PR package a brand sent you gets interrupted because this man is like the biggest baby ever when it’s just the two of them. Like I’m talking full on wants to be the little spoon, getting his hair played with until he falls asleep…not the man who raps about guns, drugs and the occult by a long shot! You’re in the middle of patting your face, talking to your followers and you see the chat start losing their shit because one of the world’s most famous artists is standing in your bedroom. Mind you, this man literally falls off the face of the earth until he releases a project so it’s wild to see him. He hates interrupting your work but he’s also curious as to what a day in his precious (y/n)’s professional life is like so bc your followers are asking to see him, he comes and joins.

“You guys, look who it is!”

at first, he feels out of place because it’s nothing but women in the comments and it’s like he’s intruding on your live but (y/n) gets him to loosen up. “I just missed my baby, that’s all.”

even though you’re a room apart and he just saw you (such a sweet lovesick boy ugh)

You’re drinking wine, doing your makeup, dancing to music and chatting with the ladies and he grabs a glass too. After about his second one…his ass is gone from renowned producer to one of the girls! Giving advice to some of the viewers who’re telling you about man problems. He’s asking to help, and he starts feeling himself when you tell him he’s blending the eyeshadow good. Not to mention when you start laying the wig and you’re now trying to figure out how the hell he knows what a frontal and buss-down are.

“Hold on, let’s lay the baby hairs and then you’ll be looking real good.”

“What you know about laying a wig, Eren?”

“I’m a professional, girl. Don’t worry about it.”

with all the sass in the world. And the chat is just eating it up! And you’re just so happy that he finally feels comfortable enough to interact and be a part of your world too! Hours after it’s finished and y’all are going to bed. He’s like, “that was fun. I’m glad you let me join.” even asks can he do it again. Just a big dumb man supporting his woman. 🥹🤍

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2 years ago

shower sex with eren would go so stupid because this man would most certainly have one leg up on his shoulder, holding it by the calf as he laces it with soft kisses. The other hand? Gripping the detachable shower head he uses to spray against the clit to stimulate you as he’s feeding you the slowest, deepest strokes. Loving the way that pussy feels as it squeezes him so tightly and realizing now why you love this damn thing so much! Because your eyes can’t stop rolling back as it pounds your bud. This coming after he’s lathered those big, soft tits up in soap and watched them bounce as he jolted your body up and down his cock. All that long, gorgeous hair of his hanging across his pretty face, wet and dampened by the water but he doesn’t long as he can still gaze into your eyes as he fucks you until you can no longer stand and you’re tapping against his chest to stop because that constant stream of hard water pressure has your legs wobbling; only after you’ve come all over his dick. But he simply shuts it off, hoists you into your arms and carries you off to the bedroom with a smile on his face..

“It’s alright, baby. You just keep them pinned back for me and I’ll do all the work this time.”

knowing he needs a second round of that…or maybe three. However many it takes to have you squirting on his abs again.

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1 year ago

this ate fr😮‍💨

Rockstars boyfriend’s // E. yeager, A. alert

Rockstars Boyfriends // E. Yeager, A. Alert

— *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ black fem reader! double penetration, thigh riding, bad boys eren and armin, drug usage (sniff, sniff), lots of kissing, bxb kissing, unprotected sex

— *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ i have not been able to write like AT ALL! but i do have soooo many thoughts so i’ll just write like this for now :) enjoy

Rockstars Boyfriends // E. Yeager, A. Alert

i’ve come with thoughts again tehehe

let all just close our eyes and imagine! rockstar boyfriend’s eren and armin! the two bad boy rockers falling hard for their chubby pretty princess who loves the color pink!

her short skirts and pink crewnecks, with a matching matching headband was the complete opposite to their leather pants and crop top comb, dark eyeliner and heeled black boots

they held childish demeanors, loving how they were labeled “bad boy in the hills”! they loved fighting, and causing chaos among the media. and what they loved most was showing off their girl

it was already a shock when it was announced that they had the same woman, but the pictures they gave the media was wayyy worst. hands up your skirt, smudging your lip gloss as they pulled you into a nasty spit dripping kiss, even one where your neck was covered in their dark purplish love bruises that hurt from touch but also made you cum from pleasure

they loved making you put eyeline on them before the show! cover their face in lip stick kisses, and pat blush on their cheeks.

they would both look at each other with lazy smirks while you straddling them somehow turned into you rubbing your pussy against their pants

you would wet up not just one, but both of their thighs because if you do one you absolutely have to do the other! they would go on stage just loving that if anyone looked close enough they would know exactly what happened

but let’s get down the the real tea, eren and armin were crackheads (literally). my mind can’t go far without pictures them putting a line on your ass and sniffing it off with a 100 dollar bill. they would sniff and lean back against the backstage couch looking so out of it, gone from the world

they would never let you try such act always telling your to keep the innocence inside of you, and how you were too pretty. to take it off of your mind both would both enter you — one in each hole, when one goes out, the other goes in.

the room is intense with the smell of sex, weed, and expensive liquor! your moans are loud from the constant pleasure

while your face was deep in armins chest, your mind was so gone from telling yourself how you couldn’t pass out, you wouldn’t pass out — the two men were looking deep into each other’s eyes

it wasn’t until eren slapped your ass delivering on more thrust that he gripped armins neck and tongued him down filling your ass

it’s never a dull moment with those two :)

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1 year ago

ੈ✩‧₊˚ Trust me , plug!eren

warnings ✩ — mention of weed, praise, high sex, slight manipulation, mention of drugs, tummy bulge, eren giving reader drugs

It was a simple question.

“Do you trust me?”

But with the way Eren was bruising your cervix, it was the most difficult question ever heard to man. Eren followed your eyes as you squirmed underneath him. His eyes stared into yours so deeply. It was as if he was trying to get inside of you (mentally atleast) , answering for you.

Your mouth opened in an attempt to answer. His thrusts knocking your eyes to the back of your head. You let out a gasp as your hands scratched up and down Eren’s back. “I-i..i love y-mmph” This caused Eren to let out a chuckle, a smile spreading onto his face. “I love you so much more, but that’s not the answer I was looking for”

One of Eren’s hands moved down to your lower stomach, pressing onto the bulge. You whined at the feeling.

Eren’s pace slowed and he gave you the deepest longest strokes you ever got. Your breath was knocked out of you, mouth starting to get dry from the previous joint Eren smoked with you.

“Now imma ask you again, kay princess?”Eren cooed to you, grabbing your jaw and forcing eye contact.

“Do you trust me?Use your words.”

You eagerly nodded your head, “mhmm! y-yes ren I do!” she’s just so cute, Eren thought as he slowly moved his hips against yours. A warm feeling flooded Eren’s stomach as you completely submitted yourself to him. You trusted him with your life, you really did.

“Gonna take this for me, hmm?” Eren reached over and grabbed a small plastic bag with a couple white pills in it. “It’s gonna make you feel so good, I promise. You trust me right?” Eren slowly picked up his pace.

“Uh huh. Yes ren” You whined, back arching.

“Good. That’s so good princess. You’re doing soooo good for me. I’m gonna make you cum so much I swear.”

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1 year ago

i’m still deciding whether i want to write for ellie or abby in my next tlou fic but until then pls enjoy these construction worker!eren hc’s bc i am sooo thirsty for him

cw include: black fem!reader, lots of fluff, lots of smut, eren being the cutest thing ever


construction worker!eren whose only dream in this life is to have a pretty wife with a litter of kids and a big ass house to go with it. he’s already slipped a gorgeous fat rock on your finger and talks of getting pregnant with your first child were slowly but surely happening which meant he was getting closer and closer to what he truly wanted most.

construction worker!eren who is a total mommas boy!! his mom is so very dear to him and to know she adores you just as much as him makes him so so happy.

construction worker!eren who looks so cute in his everyday work outfit. whenever he’s got his hard hat on around you you can’t help but knock on it a few times but it’s okay he thinks it’s super cute.

construction worker!eren who starts his day a six-thirty every morning and is always home by five o’clock on the dot. his morning routine consists of giving your forehead and lips a sweet good morning kiss as soon as his eyes open, a quick fifteen minute shower with music softly playing in the back (usually the trapsoul album by bryson tiller), making a big ass pot of coffee bc lord knows he’ll need it with the airheads he works with, quadruple checking to make sure there’s food in the fridge and pantry for you, another sweet kiss to your lips before he heads out, and then spending five minutes trying to pry you off of him while you beg him to take the day off. “m’sorry sugarplum i cant take off today, gotta save up for that big house we want you know how it is,” he’d always say before shushing your whines with a kiss full of tongue n passion.

construction worker!eren who is so tired and sore when he gets off work but is never too sore to accept one of your bone crushing hugs as soon as he walks through the door to your shared apartment. he’s always extra careful to make sure his hands that are usually covered in residue don’t touch your clothes even though you could literally care less.

construction worker!eren who facetimes you everyday around the same time to enjoy your company while he’s on his lunch break. usually the conversations consists of you telling him to make sure he’s applying a lot of sunscreen (bc this heat was nothing to play about), your plans for what you were making for dinner, and if anyone happened to piss him off that day you’ll surely hear about it.

“how’s your lunch?” you asked giving eren a loving smile as you watched him practically devour the leftover lasagna from last nights dinner. he wiped his mouth with a napkin before speaking, a content smile on his lips. “food is perfect honey tastes just as good as it did last night,” you smiled at his words but it faltered just the slightest bit when you saw how reddish pink his cheeks were. “baby have you put on any sunscreen yet? weather app says it’s supposed to be almost a hundred out today,” you pouted wishing so desperately that he was there so you could give his little sunburns kisses. eren observed his face in the tiny box on the corner of his phone, letting out a small hum. “don’t worry about me sugar i’ll put some on before we get off the phone,” he gave you a comforting smile which you returned. you folded your freshly manicured hands together before speaking, “so…for dinner i was thinking steak kabobs?” “now we’re fuckin’ talking”

construction worker!eren whose nicknames for you are sugar, sugarplum, honey, angel, and my honeysuckle (which is a type of flower heje)

construction worker!eren whose stomach is almost as big as his heart lol this man loves him a good home cooked meal!!! he doesn’t know what he did to deserve a wife who feeds him as good as you do but you best believe he thanks his lucky stars everyday for it. and yes he’s fs the kind of man to completely devour his food in record time meanwhile you’ve barely made a dent in yours, this usually leads to you splitting the rest of yours with him bc this man always has room to eat more food.

you had decided to make steaks for dinner and like usual eren had devoured his plate in less than ten minutes. “was it good my love?” you giggled taking a bite of the roasted potatoes you made as side. bc he had a full mouth all eren was able to get out was a satisfied sounding ‘mhm!’ eren had washed his dishes and put them away before making his way back to the table to keep you company while you continued to eat your food, love and adoration swarming in those jade irises of his. without a word you swiftly got out of your chair and got comfy on his lap. eren didn’t say a word but by the way he was looking at your plate you could tell he was dying for another bite. you cut off a piece of steak and held the fork up to his lips with a smile, “go ahead take a bite i know you wanna.” without a second thought eren took a bite and for the rest of dinner you took turns feeding him and yourself.

construction worker!eren who becomes even more attentive and loving than he already is once you’re finally pregnant!!! you have morning sickness?? he’s right behind you rubbing your back and even offers to brush your teeth for you after you’ve finished. you need your feet rubbed?? prop them up and he’ll get straight to work. he even takes more days off work than usual bc he misses your touch just as much as you miss his. ever since he found out there was a little him growing in you he frequently started talking to your belly.

construction worker!eren is a girl dad no ifs, ands, or buts!!!!! crazy story but he had the strongest feeling you were having a girl and low and behold on the day of your gender reveal you found out you were having a girl!! yes he cried like a baby himself and yes connie has it on video.

construction worker!eren who treats your daughter like she’s the finest china when she’s finally born :( the first time he did skin to skin contact with her he swore his heart was gonna explode with how much love his had for the tiny human in his arms. and once she was sound asleep in her lil bed he was quick to leave the hospital to buy you whatever foods you were craving—you deserved the best princess treatment for bringing his lil princess into the world.

construction worker!eren who keeps a polaroid pic of you, him, and your newborn daughter in his worn out wallet, showing it to everyone at his job…and a couple strangers….he rlly can’t help it you two are his pride and joy <333

“hey reiner did i ever show you this picture?” eren beamed holding up the polaroid in reiner’s face for the third time that day. reiner chuckled a bit before nodding, “yes eren you showed me, she’s a cute one you and y/n are lucky,” he smiled and eren nodded in agreement, still staring down at the picture. “yeah…m’the luckiest guy in the world aren’t i?”


construction worker!eren who is six foot six and pure muscle. it’s a wonder how he eats so good and manages to look even better but hey! you weren’t complaining. he certainly was lacking down there either baby he’s the full package. his dicks eight and a half inches with two prominent veins on the underside that rubbed against your sensitive walls in the most delicious way possible.

construction worker!eren who has a raging breeding kink but is that really a surprise? whenever you two fuck and he’s able to rlly take his time with you i kid you not he has to cum inside you at least three times or he will not be satisfied. sometimes whenever he pulls out he’ll push down on your lower belly and watch his cum spill out with dark, predatory eyes. majority of the time he’ll use that as an excuse to fill you up for the umpteenth time bc he just cannot let any of his precious cum go to waste.

“so pretty,” eren had a lazy smile on his face as he watched three orgasms worth of cum ooze out of your puffy, spent pussy. just when you thought he had his fill and was ready for a much needed good nights rest you felt his one softening dick begin to harden up against your still trembling thighs. “eren…” you whimpered, but he just shushed you with a kiss mumbling a quick ‘jus one more’ before slipping back inside you with ease. he was extremely low on energy so he wasn’t quite able to fuck into you like a madman like he was before so he just settled for grinding into you. “o-oh honey! f-fuck!” you squealed wrapping your legs around his waist. between his swollen tip continuously bumping into your stomach, and the coarse hairs on his pelvis rubbing against your sensitive clit you were slowly but surely going dumb. “yeah jus’ like that, f-fuck yeah let daddy fuck a baby into you baby c’mon make me cum.”

construction worker!eren who is nawt a fan of quickies at all!! he’s a man that likes to savor the moment when it comes to sex and if he’s able to admire the faces and sounds you make then what’s the point?? when he’s got you all to himself expect to be occupied for the next couple of hours bc like i stated before he’s not satisfied until he’s cum in you at least three times and made you cum twice as much!!

construction worker!eren who is a certified MUNCH!!!! this man loves having his mouth on your pussy and yes if ur wondering he definitely eats it through your panties. he’s so sloppy and loud with it you’d almost be embarrassed if he didn’t completely turn you dumb whenever he tongue fucked your weeping pussy :(

“mm renny,” your brows scrunched together in pleasure as eren sloppily ran his tongue up and down your soaked folds. his hair was still damp from his shower and was slowly soaking the couch from the droplets falling from his locs but neither of you seemed to care. “couldn’t stop thinking about you today…i mean i already think of you all day but i kept thinking about you in that way and fuck it was so hard to focus. reiner almost ripped my head off from how distracted i was,” as he was talking he was pressing sloppy, wet kisses all over your cunt and the inside of your thighs. he inserted two fingers easily into your dripping center and couldn’t help the groan that rumbled in his chest when he saw how tight you were squeezing his fingers. “you got the prettiest pussy honey, you know that right?” he gave you a small smile before spitting directly on your clit making you jolt. you whined in embarrassment ofc and covered your face with a near throw pillow, whimpering out a pathetic ‘stop ren s’embarrasing.’ eren just hummed and attached his mouth back to your pussy, wrapping his slightly swollen lips around your throbbing clit, “m’never gonna fuckin stop my pretty little honeysuckle never ever.”

construction worker!eren who is a biggg fan of the 69 position. sometimes you suck him so good he tends to lose focus but you don’t mind in the slightest. your big strong man never stops working whether he’s on or off the clock so if he gets a little consumed in his own pleasure who are you to snap him out of it?? if you’re putting some serious work in he’ll moan n groan so loud into your pussy you could cum alone just from that!!

construction worker!eren who had the prettiest moans *sighs dreamily* he’s never shy to let you know you’re making him feel good and it’s so fucking hot hearing his breathy whines and moans especially when he accidentally overstimulates himself which he happens to do a lot heh. you’ve definitely had a couple complaints from neighbors bc of the noise but he don’t even give a fuck!! he knows it turns you on more than anything to hear him be so vocal so why on earth would he ever stop??

construction worker!eren who was soo nervous when you suggested having sex while you were pregnant. it was no problem for him at first but once you started showing that’s when the panic started to settle in—he was so afraid he’d accidentally hurt you or the baby that he kinda went on an sex hiatus much to your dismay, but after some convincing be finally gave in.

you were on your side and he was spooning you from behind, giving your shoulder or neck a kiss of encouragement every once in a while. “jus’ let me know if it hurts at all or you’re uncomfortable okay? cant believe you talked me into this…” eren mumbled into your shoulder. you replied with a soft ‘mhm’ your patience wearing thinner by the second. it had been a good couple of weeks since you and eren last had sex and you were almost sure you were beginning to lose your mind. you’d finally had enough when he came home from his morning jog looking like an absolute dream with his chest heaving and brown baby hairs sticking to his forehead. that’s how he ended up here: one hand securely holding onto your small bump while his other was slowly pushing his dick inside your awaiting entrance. “oh wow…” your eyes fluttered shut in pure bliss, toes curling once he bottomed out. “f-fuck that feel okay hun?” it felt more than okay. you brought your hand to your clit and began rubbing quick circles to dull out the stinging stretch. eren peeped this and replaced yours with his own, the rough pads of his fingers on your clit had your lips trembling. “y-you need to stop this—hah! sex strike and fuck me more please i—i miss this,” eren heard your plea and nodded feverishly. god was he a fool for ever depriving yourselves of each other, he will never be doing this again.

Tags :
1 year ago

fuck me like you hate me • eren jaeger x black fem reader

I know I said I hate seeing my babies fight but I’m tweaking over the idea of some nasty ass, filthy hate sex between eren and (y/n). Like imagine they’ve just moved in together, adjusting to living with another person and they have been walking around mad as hell at each other over dumb shit around the house and from work (him ignoring her for recording sessions and her on Instagram showing a lil too much for his liking). The tension is CRAZY. It explodes into a huge argument..they think about breaking up but instead, fuck their frustrations out, I—😫😫

content warning: very ROUGH sex, name calling, use of N-word (by reader obv) degradation, hitting, spit play, oral sex, fingering, backshots, slapping, choking, hair pulling, overstimulation, implied dacryphilia,breeding, marking and spanking, riding, .2 seconds of switch eren, bunch of other shit omg just proceed with caution, does have a really happy ending and lots of aftercare 🥹

word count: 8.3K

📝: and forewarning before anybody can come leave a dumbass comment, this isn’t in support or condoning of toxic relationships, fighting, domestic altercations/violence, etc. and this will be my very first and last time writing something of this degree. Also, this is purely fiction and all of these aforementioned topics will only be slightly touched on without graphic detail, as they can be extremely triggering and sensitive. Again, read this at your own discretion! (And keep it very cute)

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰──── ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。

“Shit! Oh my God—fuck! Moveeee..gimme my phone.”

“Shut the fuck want to post everything, let’s post this.”

the words spewed like venom from between your boyfriend’s lips. Much like the many times that he called you baby, princess..or said ‘I love you’. But lately, things had been a little less affectionate around the Jaeger household. It had only been six months since the two of you had moved in together. Taking your newly public relationship to the next level and committing to one another. It was supposed to be a joyous time yet it was the exact opposite! As of late, particularly in the past few weeks, the two of you had been at odds and each other’s throats to say the least. The anger constantly building and only becoming worse by the minute. So much so, the both of you had questioned if living under the same roof was a wise option and even more so, contemplated splitting up..but alas, it seems you found a better solution:

“Show all your little followers how you take this dick. Let ‘em see you getting fucked like a slut. Since you wanna act like one.”

“Maybe I’ll show them how weak this lil’ stroke game is. Ain’t shut me up yet, baby.”

“But you can’t stop fucking up my sheets. Stop lying.”

the whole situation arose not too long ago, stemming from the fact that he had been working nonstop on new projects. As happy as you were that he was back into his groove, you were sick of being ignored and neglected for a damn album. Shelved and discarded like nothing more than a toy. It was infuriating, especially when you went out of your way after your own gigs and busy schedule to cook him dinner and make him snacks; even trying to surprise the man with a few little..outtakes and teasers from your photo shoots. Preferably the ones where you were nude or playing with yourself. Did he pay them any attention? Hell no. In retaliation, you decided you’d give him a taste of his own blocking him on Instagram and purposely posting some rather wild shit. Such as you practically tongue kissing your homegirl as you guys took shots at the pool. Or twerking in a new fit normally worn by dancers and sex workers…it didn’t help matters any when he had to see the sultry posts by proxy from one of his friends, who shared it with him while at the studio one night and when he confronted you about it, you could care less. Saying that maybe someone else would appreciate it if he didn’t. Which had him completely irate and the situation escalated further than it ever should have. But this festering fire of resentment didn’t just boil over today. This had been due to weeks worth of rising frustrations. Eren felt as if he had worked to curate his sanctuary and you were destroying that and you were pissed that he agreed to you living together when he obviously didn’t even want you there. But it all came to a head only a couple hours ago..


the two of you standing in the bedroom, arguing and going at each other’s throats. Shouting and was a situation you promised you’d never find yourself in after your ex and today, you’d had enough. You were ready to it quits on this entire thing because you refused to be in another toxic relationship. Especially when you cared so deeply for this man. But no amount of love could make you stay in this.

“You won’t even tell me why the fuck you’re so mad! Walking around with a fucking attitude and I’m supposed to read your goddamn mind?! Be serious!”

“Nigga, I shouldn’t have to tell you shit! I waited on you for three hours, Eren! Three motherfucking dressed, done my hair and everything and you fucking stand me up like my time ain’t worth shit. You don’t give a damn about anybody or anything except that stupid ass music.”

needless to say, tensions were high…you were both angry and it was probably best if you guys stepped away and gave yourselves time to reevaluate the situation but instead, you were running on fumes and pure fire. Only making matters worse. Thank goodness no housekeeping staff was around to hear this altercation because you guys would probably be on the front page of TMZ. Either way, neither of you cared. Right now, you just wanted to vent and get your peace out before the other could. “You mean the same music that’s paying your bills? That’s buying you those fucking purses and hair? Surely, you’re not complaining about that. You damn sure don’t when you wanna spend the money.”

making your blood boil with rage and your eyes well with tears. “You know what? Fuck you, I don’t need your money or nobody else’s. The fuck you think this is? I got my own shit. While you were laid up in the motherfucking suburbs, I was getting to this shit long before I got famous and damn sure before I met you..if you don’t want me here then say that.” But he wasn’t done. Not by a long shot and neither were you…no one wanted to admit they were in the wrong. “No (y/n). I want you to understand that I got business to handle. That I have obligations and if my boys gotta come tell me you’re out here kissing on bitches and entertaining other guys while I’m working then you go wherever you want. I’ve never chased anybody in my life and I damn sure won’t start now. Especially somebody who runs to the internet when they’re mad. Childish as fuck and no woman of mine is gonna have me out here looking stupid. Go be with whoever’s making you happy because it’s obviously not me. Hell, maybe you can work things out with your fuck ass ex since he won’t stop talking about you in his songs. I told you it was a bad idea for us to move in together right now but you just had to. Now look.” The words cutting like a knife clean through butter. Stabbing you in the heart with his hurtful words…you thought this was what he wanted as well and to find out that yet again, you were just another chore like everything else in his life, you were gutted. Not only that, he’d bring up your ex as if that relationship didn’t come along with emotional damage and physical scars. He knew how much of a sensitive topic that was for you and yet, when Eren got angry, he had a tendency to hit below the belt and do so without the slightest bit of hesitation in his voice. With tears in your eyes, unable to hold them back, you’d begin screaming all over again, hitting his chest and trying to take out all your anger on him. Even as you slammed your fists against him, screaming that you hated him and slapping his cheek, he stood there unfazed. He knew your words were from a place of hurt and your actions were not the real you. You’d never raise your hand at him because you knew what that felt like. But feeling as if he didn’t care, you were distraught! So much so, you’d become blind with rage and act out of a place you promised to never go to.

“I fucking hate you, Eren! Swear to fucking God, bro!—all you do is make me feel like shit. If you didn’t want me, all you had to do was leave me alone!” Shouting as you swing your closed fists at his chest, banging on him and wailing as you cry. Screaming and shouting to the top of your lungs.

it was by that point, he’d had enough of being your punching bag. Looking away from you, he’d grasp your wrists, stopping you in your tracks and that only enraged you more. “Let me go, Eren! I’m not playing with you!” Alas, he didn’t say a word though. He didn’t even so much as look at you..staring through you like glass; just holding your hands in place to avoid your hits. Instead, he’d push you to the mattress and pin you back by your wrists. “Don’t put your fucking hands on me, I’m not repeating myself..I don’t play that shit, (y/n). Do it again and we’re done.” grimacing his teeth and leaning down against your face. He was a firm believer that if a relationship ever got physical, it was time to end it. He could never bring himself to put his hands on you, even entertain the thought of it so he wasn’t about to let you disrespect him and do the same. But your rage could not be quelled and instead, you’d start to kick around until he’d bolt your legs down as well. Staring at him like this…hair down, beard and mustache forming on his face, you could tell he hadn’t been himself either and right now, there was a far more primal energy about him. Energy that seemed like it could devour your ass alive if you pushed one more button. “Or what? The fuck you gon’ do? Pussy.” And in that moment, you’d find out just what he had in mind when you decided to spit at his face and in retaliation, he’d only laugh..much more than he should've..right before putting his hand around your throat, clutching it so tight that it causes you to gasp. Restricting your breathing in the process. Which forced your mouth open and allowed him to return it with his own saliva, seeping onto your tongue. With his knee placed between your thigh, brushing against that thinly clothed cunt, he knew you were wet..getting turned on for him even now. “You liked that, didn’t you?” Feeding you a couple slaps to your cheek as you begin to realize the gravity of the situation. “Answer me, bitch. You like spitting so much, I got something for you to use it on.” Suddenly, he’d begin to lean up, tugging at the top of your head next to adjust to eye level with his erection. With one fell swoop from his thumb, he’d tug his sweats down and right before you was his thick cock, standing at full attention. He didn’t want to feel your hands..nothing but straight mouth and throat and right now, he’d guide you as he saw fit. You were his toy right now…shoving that dick between your lips, he’d start to fuck that pretty, tear stained face like it was nothing more than a sleeve. He could hear the gurgling in the back of your throat and feel how hard you were trying but since you had so much to say, he was going to make sure you ate those words.

“What’s that, baby? Can’t hear you..” mocking you as he used your mouth to his heart's content. Balls slapping your chin and jaws suctioned around his shaft. You’d attempt to put your hands up to his hips but he’d slap you and make certain you’d never do so again. Sucking his teeth, Eren laughed as he watched you struggle to engulf all eight and a half inches of that thick girth. “Can’t pop all that shit with my dick in your throat, can you?” Asking rhetorically but he wasn’t done rubbing salt in the had truly and utterly pissed him off and for the last time. In haste timing, he’d retract from your mouth only momentarily to the sound of you taking sharp gasps and drooling all over yourself. He’d force your head to the edge of the bed, where he’d crawl over and continue his brutal face fucking. But not before he spat in that oral cavity once more, looking at you as if you were nothing more than an object. Bucking his hips and thrusting as if it were an inanimate toy lying in front of him. Your insides were matching the sensation of that of a flesh light, maybe even better. By the time he got into it, a bulge began to form in the center of your esophagus. And try as you might to swat at him, he’d tell you to place your arms by your side and not move them until he stated otherwise.

“I think you’ve forgotten who you’re messing with, princess. I don’t know which bum you’re used to fucking but don’t you ever try that shit with me again. There’s a reason I said I don’t chase anyone. Why would I when I know I’ll have you crawling right back?” and he was right! This man had done things to you that would have any woman stalking him and sitting in his bushes. Even so, you were still pissed off and not much in the way of taking his shit lying down. So as he twitched slightly in your throat, you’d begin to gurgle and gag on his dick, doing tricks to inevitably make him tap out. Grasping the top of your head, he’d tug his shaft from between your lips and spin you around until you were flat on your stomach, and glaring up at his face as he gripped your chin. “You can fuck half the guys in the game and not one of them would ever make you feel the way I would. That pussy will always belong to me. Stop pretending you don’t know that.” His words were so condescending, it made you want to scream but you couldn’t disagree either. Eren always had a nasty habit of playing on people’s psyche and getting under their skin with his words. He was the type to read someone down and not miss a beat. When he was angry, nothing or no one was off limits. Tears were already streaming from your eyes and throat already sore from his brutal handling but he didn’t care. “So I’ve got a great idea…” looking straight past you, he’d extend an arm and lay a heavy handed slap across your backside, still tugging at your hair without any sort of regard for it. “We’re not leaving this room until you and I fix this.” He’d take a moment to clutch his other fist around his cock; tapping it against your tongue, which was hanging out. “Until I fuck you so stupid, you forget what you were so mad about. How’s that sound?” Patting your cheek and inflicting sharp slaps to your ass, causing stinging pain. Along with sensations to your pussy. Proving his words to be true.

Trails of saliva pooled..dribbling from your mouth. Gagging noises constantly arising and filling the room as he relentlessly and disrespectfully fucked that pretty face. At the same time, he’d reach forward so that he could slide two digits inside of inviting heat. Pushing those fingers in and out at an intermediate pace. He’d rub on the sensitive bud with his thumb and pump the other two profusely. You’d slowly start to rut yourself on them, unable to resist him for much longer. “There you go…good girl. I swear, you’re so much prettier like this. Sucking my dick instead of bitching…” he couldn’t help but to fling one more insult in there but trust, he preferred this to arguing any day. Any frustrations the two of you had could be left right here! Continuing to relentlessly fuck your face, Eren teased your little cunt for two reasons: one, because you couldn’t help but to whimper and the sensations caused your throat to spasm and two, he was preparing you for how bad he was going to beat that pussy up. When he finished, you wouldn’t have the energy to move, less known scream at him. He was tired of being at odds with the woman he loved. All too well did he know the pain of practically living with a stranger he felt nothing for and he refused for you guys to turn out the same way. Too many laughs, so much love had been shared between you two for it to end now..

amid disassociating, EJ withdrew his fingers and fat cock from between your lips before telling you to lie on your back. “Spread those legs..” Earning him a side eye from you as those thighs parted to reveal that dripping center. “Bet you’re wet as fuck, aren’t you? Admit it.” Plump lips that were freshly waxed and soaking wet, just for him. There was no one else in this world that could get you so undeniably aroused and you both knew it. Raking his fingers through those long, thick locks, he’d crawl on to the bed; knees pushing through the mattress as he grasped your ankle and tugged you towards him. In that same, swift’d find your legs pinned back to the covers and feet practically behind your head. “She missed me, didn’t she?” That smug look on his features as he so casually stroked the hood of your clit. He wanted nothing else from you than to wet that beard up. He could tell by the look in your eyes that you weren’t as infuriated as you once were and that fiery spark had dwindled to a twinkle of adoration. But if he knew one thing about was that you’d play coy until you couldn’t any longer. You’d fake an orgasm, pretend to not be turned on. Anything to make him feel inferior. Because you’d try everything to deny him that satisfaction of pleasuring you. You were stubborn, yes but far more aroused..too much to hide it, in fact.

“No, and I didn’t eith—ahh fuck!” Your mouth left agape as he shoved a digit inside and let one rest dormantly on the clit. “Exactly as I thought. Shut the fuck up.” Sitting down entirely, he’d keep your legs pinned back in one hand, as it was nothing with his strength. With all his pent up energy and frustration he’d normally use to fuck you dumb, he had been putting towards intense workouts the past few weeks. Trying to find a way to channel that anger in a healthy way to avoid doing something dumb. Working those two fingers in and out, pumping slowly..Eren made certain you were looking him in the eyes as he maneuvered that little cunt with the delicacy of his hand. Pumping and rubbing in a fluid motion as if it were second nature. Taking you gently by the back of the head, he’d hold you up and let you watch him work. “Shit—I’m not gonna come. If that’s what you want.” “You’re so cute, thinking you have a choice in the matter. Like I said, we’re not leaving until we fix this. So you can drop the fucking act.” Amid his declaration, he’d look you dead in the eye, peering right about your stomach and spit onto your pussy. Disrespectful and raunchy about it as well. He had no regard for you as his girl or even a person right now. You were an object..his little slut he was going to break and mold as he saw fit. “Take your eyes off of me again and I swear to God, you won’t get to come at all. You really don’t want to test me right now.” And something told you, every word seeping from his mouth was a pure fact. This man’s forms of punishment were hellish. One time, you made him so mad, that he fucked you for an hour straight, using a combination of various toys and his cock until you were in tears and refused to let you climax once. No matter how many times he stuffed you or nutted himself. By the time he granted you permission, it was like releasing the pressure on a tightly coiled spring and you nearly collapsed from the intense pressure.

so reluctantly, you’d bat those big brown eyes and fluttery lashes as you watched your man devour that tasty little center. Those jade eyes fixated on you; akin to a shark lying in wait just above sea level..stalking its prey. All you could hear were smacking, slurping and faint moans but what you felt were sensations of pure bliss. Slick had begun to coat the tip of his nose as he nuzzled it between your slit. His tongue lapped up every remnant of those syrup like fluids..sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted. This man ate pussy like his life was on the line and it’d only be a matter of time before he had you as putty in his hands once more. Eventually, Eren would snake his palms up to your own and clasp them together, intertwining those fingers once he removed them, so that you two were holding hands. A level of intimacy that he only showed to someone he cared about. It was blatantly obvious that he still loved you..regardless of how angry you were. Especially when you heard him moaning and sucking on your clit, which inevitably made you melt in his grasp. “Mmmmph..fuck.” Whimpering so softly and slowly rutting yourself against his tongue. “That’s it..fuck my face, baby. Real slow.” The deep rumble in his voice makes you melt even now. Even when you were just screaming at him. Suddenly, your breath would hitch and he’d cause another pang of pleasure to rip through your body. His tongue flickered all throughout your folds and he’d leave gentle kisses on those lower lips. That’s when you felt more saliva on your quivering cunt, combining with your own sweet juices. Those eyes were beginning to cross, toes curling as they rested on his shoulders and that little hole, leaking like a faucet. “You taste so good…and I know it feels even better. Look at the way that shit’s leaking f’r me. Can’t even deny it..” As enjoyable as it was eating you out and normally, he’d stay down there forever, taking in your essence and flavor but for right now..he had to fuck the shit out of you!

suddenly, you’d feel that incredible oral come to an abrupt halt and Eren rising to his feet. Keeping that grasp on your thighs, he’d land a heavy handed smack to your ass and tell you to take hold of your legs he had plans. “Keep that shit open. Hold them.” Demanding as he hovered above you..hand wrapped around his shaft; slowly pumping up from the base. Between using your throat earlier and eating you out, that dick was throbbing and thumping. He needed to be inside of you immediately or he was going to burst. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait long. You were a puddle of dripping sex and arousal for him. With your panties dangling around your ankles and tank top pulled down, he tugged them off and stuffed the thin material into your mouth. He couldn’t looked so hot seeing you in such a vulnerable state. But you were going to need it for how hard he was about to pound your pussy. Glaring at you with a smug smirk, he’d place a hand into the center of your belly before easing his cock inside of you..which elicited a heavy grunt arising from his throat.

staring into your eyes, he’d start out with sharp, deep strokes. Ones that didn’t even allow you to adjust to before that cock began to curve up and kiss the inner corner of your cervix. His pace was already rough and somewhat sped up. He didn’t care about your feelings or how it felt. The only thing he wanted to see was a mess made of him. Whimpering through muffled lips, your head would slightly tilt back, along with those watering eyes as your skin collided; sounds of clapping flesh filling the room. It was then that you’d feel his hand creep up to the center of your scalp, tugging you down so that you were forced to see him bulging through your skin so early on.

“Take this dick. C’mon..” never breaking eye contact as he continued thrusting. His hips bucking and moving in a rhythmic motion. He had no regard for any part of you right were merely a hole, a vessel for his pleasure and that was it. That smug grin on his face gave it away.. “fuck! deep—g’ahh..why are you fucking me like this? Shit!“ belting out in a shaky whimper through the gag of those panties as you clawed through your own skin with your fingers and palms planted to the backs of your thighs. You’d bite down on them in an attempt to quell that sensation. Feeding you yet another slap, Eren proceeded to take that comfort away by pulling it out and shoving those same fingers into your mouth. “Fucking shame it had to be like this, baby. But you asked for it. Shouldn’t have pissed me off.” Even with sweat trickling down his forehead and very obvious moans escaping his lips, he was still cocky and arrogant to a fault. Even if the grip of that fat cunt swallowing him as he slid in and out had him faltering, he’d never be so weak as to show it..not at a time like this at least. Slamming that cock balls deep; your pelvises clashing with a sheath of creamy fluid molding them together, Eren leaned all the way forward and pressed his entire body weight against some sort of makeshift mating press. Your eyes locked and his lips pressing to yours.

“But imma make sure you don’t have shit else to say when I’m done.” Laughing with all faith and confidence that he could magically make this all go away. However, you were still in a bit of a confrontational mood and decided to challenge him.

“Is that right? Well shut me the fuck up then. Make me be quiet.” With that all too familiar glare in those gorgeous brown eyes of yours. The one that you gave him when you needed some act right..the one that screamed for him to do his worst. “You think your dick’s that good? Please, you don’t know what to do wi—“ Luckily, he was up for the task and you had a rude awakening coming. Snickering, Eren pulled himself up by only an inch, still letting you pop your shit and all; just enough to allow him the room to place his hand around your throat and squeeze until your tongue was hanging out. Meanwhile, his stroke had slowed to a more sporadic pace; thrusts becoming far more uneven and short, yet everyone hit your spot with precision. All the while, his jade eyes never left your own. Suddenly, he’d make good on your declaration and before you knew it…

“Well that was easy enough..what’s the matter, princess? Cat got that tongue? You were so loud earlier..cussing and yelling at me like you’ve lost your fucking mind. Where’s all that energy now? Hmm?”

suddenly, the bed would begin to jolt around..headboard slamming against the wall and the entire frame shifting under the weight of his hard thrusting. Taunting and fucking as if he were attempting to put you through the mattress! Couldn’t support your own legs anymore? No problem because all one hundred ninety five pounds of him kept you in place whilst that third leg of his drilled into your tightness, facing zero regard for the way you were shaking underneath him. The way you pawed at his six pack only to be slapped away so viciously and your jaws to be squeezed in his clutch. “Move your hand!” You couldn’t get so much as a gasp out as he continued pounding your little sex with all of his might. Cream was profusely leaking..practically dripping down that dick and sack as he kept going. Your titties were swaying around outside of that tank top, bouncing everywhere and looking so good, all for his viewing pleasure. In addition to that expression on your face as you were obviously nearing your climatic peak. He found it so funny how quickly that shift came once he got up in it.

“That’s fine. I don’t need you to do shit else but nut on this fucking dick. You can handle that, can’t you?”

you didn’t want to cave..give him the sheer satisfaction of seeing you submit but you’d be a bold face liar if you said that shit didn’t feel amazing. Especially with that hand around your neck and that thumb on your clit..stroking so gently that the minute bundle of sensitive nerves were already overstimulated. That swollen little bud twitching underneath the touch. It didn’t help matters any when he allowed a slow string of saliva to trickle down onto it either. It was blatantly obvious that you were trying to deny him that orgasm and in turn, prompt him to come instead by clamping down on his shaft but in that same breath, it was clear that his resolve was a little stronger than yours. You always had a habit of nutting quickly which would be your downfall right now.

“You can try to hold back all you want, baby but you will come f’r me. I don’t give a damn how long it takes…stubborn ass always wants to make things difficult, I swear.”

so casually pointing out one of your character flaws as he resides in your guts..something only he would do.

“Ah!—haaaaaa..fuck! Fuck you..still a pussy.”

blurting out with all the strength you could muster, along with still attempting to push him away which was, again, of no use! Instead, it only fueled him further and lengthened your punishment. Reaching down for those panties you had spat out previously, he’d rope them around your wrists and bind your hands together. It was obvious he wasn’t fond of your disrespectful outbursts or foul mouth. It was going to make it all the more fun to wreck you however!

“Yeah and you're still a dumb slut. ‘Fuck did you think this was?”

still impaling you on that cock and feeding you more slaps in the process. You were folding and fast but you’d try to maintain the little semblance of control you had but sadly, it was dwindling and before long, you’d be unable to hold back. And that moment came a tad bit too soon for your liking because only a minute later, you were gasping for breath, wrinkling around in the sheets..a stream of sticky fluids squirting all over those abs as if you had sprang a leak. It went everywhere; wetting up his six pack and pelvis, absolutely flooding the bed but he didn’t care. That’s exactly what he wanted. To see you shaking and convulsing, so needy and dependent on his cock that you couldn’t function without him. And he was well on his way to achieving that with the way he just fucked the shit out of you. It was such a powerful orgasm that you’d begin to shed tears; overstimulated from attempting to edge yourself and failing miserably. You lacked the restraint for that sort of thing but it presented the perfect teaching opportunity as he was in the mood to train you anyways on what being disobedient got you. Pulling out for a split second, he’d allow that swollen shaft and seeping mushroom tip to flap against your folds and drum out more. You were inconsolable but the worst was yet to come. Grabbing you by your hair, he’d grasp it tightly whilst hissing and chuckling in your ear.

“I break brats like you for fun, baby. Remember that.”

before kissing your temple in the most condescending way; it was true, he was the literal definition of a brat tamer and done so with pride. In another sudden movement, he’d tug you by that freshly done hair that wasn’t so fresh anymore and pull you down until he had flipped you over onto your stomach. Keeping you reigned in with that fistful of 613 wavy; dyed and toned to a deeper blonde, Eren planted a heavy hand smack to your ass as he flayed you across his lap. Demanding that you arch your back and put your ass up in the air. It was in your best interest to follow instructions but you were dead set on being defiant. If for nothing else, get the treatment you had been so desperately craving. For him to fuck that attitude out of you!

“Lemme ask you something, baby. What did you really think was going to happen when you decided to pull that little stunt? Trying to embarrass me?…”

ensuring that you had no other choice but to look him in the eye with those fingers still intertwined between your locks as he tugged your head back. You were practically panting, drooling like the fucked out little whore you were. Mouth agape and eyes glazed over whilst he stared at you.

“What? You thought I was going to ignore that shit? Or maybe you thought I’d get jealous enough to hop online and clear it up. You thought I was the rest of these lame ass dudes. You’re as stupid as you are pretty.”

Uttering the last line with vitriol before landing the hardest slap to your backside he could muster. Spanking you a couple times with the same force until you were flailing around and more tears had fallen. You were gritting your teeth, trying to maintain that mean glare you were trying so desperately to portray to make it seem as if you were not enjoying yourself. But he knew that was a lie. His heavy hands colliding with your flesh eventually began to form a burgundy blip and quite the sting. In addition to being choked, you were starting to feel it. That pleasurable pain that came with rough sex. It was the only way he could get his frustrations out on you at this point because actual harm would never be an option for him. He just wanted to teach you a lesson..

“And you’re still acting like a bitch. Mad about a lil’ instagram story—“

blurting out before he began to spank you again and clutch your throat as well. This time with enough force to make you squirm and cry some more. Making sure you didn’t talk out of turn again. “Shut the fuck up.”

he could tell you were still angry with him, still wanting to get your point across but that was all of no concern to him. He didn’t care about your bratty ass attitude. It barely even phased him. That was until he saw those pretty little streaks coming down your face and those eyes all puffy. That jaw clenched so tight, it’d probably shatter your teeth. “Ooh..don’t look at me like that. Makes my dick hard when you cry for me.” Like a true goddamn sadist…of course, those tears weren’t enough and he had plans to drum out more. Continuing to paddle you with his hand; releasing primal grunts as he spread your ass apart, kneading his fingers into your flesh and even shove his fingers back into your pussy. Meanwhile, he was still filling your mouth with sloppy kisses and more saliva. Spitting into your oral cavity with no regard. “Get up..arch that back and spread that ass open. Now.” And this time, too sore and weak to do anything else, you’d follow suit and place both hands on that round bottom, letting your acrylic nails display across that dark skin as you opened up for him. He damn near lost his composure when he saw that asshole flexing and puckering on instinct. But he had to regroup, get back into his zone and keep going.

mounting behind you, Eren hooked his fingers together, kept them around your throat and pulled you back on him once again..impaling you.

“Haaa! Fuck!—“ yelping in a high pitched cry as he fed you heavy backshots. The fat of that round, plump ass bouncing against him. Ricocheting in a haze of thunderous claps. Your legs trembled profusely, gripping on the pillows in front of you and biting down in an attempt to quell the brunt of those brutal strokes but it was no use. The curvature of your spine fluctuated as he kept going until you eventually collapsed underneath the weight and he’d bog down, planking over your entire frame as he drilled deeper. Those balls colliding with your ass and smacking against the sticky folds between your thighs. He’d place a hand to the small of your back just to keep you planted firmly whilst the other rested palm down in the memory foam material in front of you. “Oh my gosh, right there!” You’d grasp for Eren’s wrist as some sort of leverage and a sign of comfort. But he wasn’t much in the business of coddling you right now. Instead, you’d watch that opposite hand snake around for a split second to retrieve your phone that was lying next to you..set ablaze with thousands of notifications from this app and that contact. None of which were important at the moment. But he had other plans and ways to use that cellular device right now.

“You love taking pictures so much, right baby? Always showing off..”

just then, you’d see the flash of your rear camera beaming down above you and hear the sound of your video starting. He’d record each movement of your clashing skin..tugging you back, spanking your cheeks with each thrust and even when he decided to slide his thumb into your puckering hole. You’d release a shrill cry, whimpering and moaning. It didn’t take long to realize what he was doing and you immediately tried to stop him.

“Shit! Oh my God—fuck! Moveeee..gimme my phone.”

“Shut want to post everything, post this.”

taunting you with that lens pointed at your face as he began fiercely fucking up into you. So much so, that your face meshed into the pillows. Trying to look away from the camera. Drool spilling from your mouth and your eyes completely dazed..not the most aesthetically pleasing position you’ve found yourself in nor did you want the rest of the world seeing..

“Show all your little followers how you take this dick. Let ‘em see you getting fucked like a slut. Since you wanna act like one.”

“Maybe I’ll show them how weak this lil’ stroke game is. Ain’t shut me up yet.”

“But you can’t stop fucking up my sheets. Stop lying.”

causing the two of you to begin laughing at the obvious truth. Which was far better than what was transpiring before.. “… got me.” eventually though, he’d save you from further embarrassment and let this sight be all for his own pleasure by tossing the phone aside. With your nails clawing into the sheets, (y/n) felt some semblance of control..somewhat able to gain leverage but soon, he’d take that away as well. Pulling your arms behind your back, he’d tug you up and continue drilling you from behind. Those sharp strokes were consistently hitting your core and soon enough, you were in the midst of another orgasm. Fluids puddling underneath you yet he gave you no leeway and just kept going. “Fuck..ion wanna fight with you anymore, princess. Your shit feels way too good for me to leave you alone.” Laughing as he reached underneath and massaged your clit to further increase that pressure. “Mmmph! Erennnn…I—“

it would seem that your pathetic moans had softened him just a bit because next thing you knew, he was leaning down to place kisses onto your shoulder blades and spine. “I know, baby..I know.” By now, he had you hooked into somewhat of a headlock position..almost as if he couldn’t make up his mind as to what he wanted to do with you. Perhaps that had something to do with him nearing his own climatic peak. You could feel that hard cock pulsating inside of you and soon, he wouldn’t be able to hold back. Sweat began to trickle down his forehead, his tongue out and his chest heaving..he was close. So close that he couldn’t even pretend that he was angry with you any longer. There was no more of keeping up this silly charade that you were mad. You couldn’t give up so easily..not when there was no man on this earth you wanted more. But he did have one thing to say to you, something that he was determined to drill into your head. Grasping your hair, he’d grunt into your ear..

“You’re mine, can’t leave me, alright? Promise me you’re not going anywhere..”

“I—ahh! I’m not…I’m sorry—“

“I’m sorry too, mama. Fuck!”

gasping with all that you could muster. And only seconds later, you felt him halt in his tracks and that warm fluid flowing into your womb. Letting out an ear shattering grunt, Eren pumped that nut into you and didn’t miss a beat. That hot, white load dripping from your battered cunt for the brief moment that he pulled out to switch positions..the mood had obviously shifted and the two of you were no longer at each other's throats and were instead shoving your tongues in each other’s mouths. “C’mere..give me a kiss.” Moaning and practically yearning for the other’s touch. Those hard pulls and smacks had slowed to tender grasps and Eren so lovingly brushed your face before pulling your hand along to climb on top of him. You didn’t even have time to exchange words, just tangled limb in limb as you made out in a passionate haze…feeling up your skin with his hands roaming your back and yours caressing his face. Leaving tender, warm kisses that made him melt for you all over again. With his lip quivering and eyes all glossed over, he’d glare up at you..begging for you to slide it back in as he was becoming far more spent than he hoped to admit. Even so, you’d do exactly that and place your hands on his chest in the process. “Oh my God…” “Oooh, baby..yes.” the cries leaving your mouths simultaneously as you impaled yourself on that throbbing erection. That mushroom tip splitting open your puffy folds yet again and emitting droplets of cum as it slid in. You were already full but he was hoping to stuff you to the brim. Hell, maybe he would get you pregnant tonight because that was the type of mood he was in. “This dick feels so good..I need all of it..” so desperately admitting as your ass slowly collided with his pelvis. “Take it then, baby. It’s yours.” Rocking back and forth, slowly grinding..going up and down on that cock. It took a moment to center yourself; to gain your balance but once you did, you were riding him to kingdom come. Fucking every bit of those frustrations out of him. Leaving a puddle of creamy, pearlescent fluid all over the base of his pelvis. And needless to say, he was loving every second!

“Ride that shit..oh fuck..” grunting with his arms folded behind his head as he casually enjoyed your ‘talents’. Including making circular motions..bouncing up and down as you propel yourself on his cock. His thick girth stretches you out with each one. Eventually, your head would fall backwards and you’d find yourself practically howling his name whilst still clawing at his chest. You were making an absolute mess of him and Eren was losing his mind! It was as if you were a completely different woman right now. One determined to drain him dry and milk him for every last remnant of his nut. He couldn’t slow you down, stop or even halt you right now. All he could do was toss his own head back and knead his fingers into the flesh of your ass. He’d leave a few light smacks to serve as encouragement but you needed no help whatsoever. You were in control now…

“Fuck me! Fuck me! Baby..yes.” crying out with his legs trembling and toes curling underneath you. The grip that tight little cunt had on him was about to drive this man insane and into another nut. Panting and wailing with his hands clutching your waist. Just then, he’d prompt you to sit still and let him fuck up into you..each sharp thrust hitting that sensitive core and causing yet another stream of sweet juices to come trickling down your thighs and onto his lap. But before you even had a chance to recover, he’d pull you back down and continue drilling until..

“Eren! Fuck!..”

“I’m coming, baby! Let me come in it—“

and before the sentence was completed, you were all but stuffed yet again. Letting him throb and pulsate inside of you as he emptied his seed in your womb. The two of you were clearly spent and quite honestly possessed no more energy to be angry. It was blatantly obvious that you had obviously forgiven one another as well. He ever so gently touched the side of your face yet again and glared into those gorgeous eyes. You’d lay flat against his chest and let him massage your back as well. And it’s then that he noticed a warm, dampened spot on his pecs and he’d tilt your chin up to see you sobbing. The intensity of the orgasms and the moment itself had seemed to overwhelm you quite a bit..

“Hey, princess..c’mere.” Coddling you in his grasp and hugging you tightly. He’d even cradle a palmful of your hair in his fingers and kiss your temple once more. “Why are you crying? What’s wrong?” I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

and the response to his question nearly broke his heart in half. “I’m sorry..I just realized I don’t want to lose you. Do you really hate me? I know I did some stupid shit but I didn’t mean it.” And Eren nearly burst into tears himself but instead cradled you close and murmured into your ear. “..(y/n) no. I could never hate you, even if I tried my hardest. I love you so much. That’s why I get so crazy behind you. Because I know there’s no one I want more.” Suddenly, he’d cup your face between his palms and plant a loving kiss on your forehead. No matter how mad you may have been at one another before or even if you screamed your lungs out, there wasn’t anything in this world that could break you apart. He had spent his entire life searching for a woman like you and there was no way that he could give it up so easily. Taking your fingers into his own, he’d clasp your fingers together..

“Do you mean that?”

“Never meant anything more in my entire life. Listen, if you ever feel neglected by I’m not doing right, tell me. Please..I just wanna be the best man I can for you. I’m so sorry I ever made you feel less than your worth, princess.”

which is all it took for you to fall apart. Sniffling into his chest, you’d let Eren rub your back until he was able to console you. The two of you would just lie there; soaking in the moment and reveling in each other’s essence. Darkness had set over the room, as nighttime har set and you realized just how long you had been at it. Breaking into a soft giggle, you’d turn your face back towards him and for a few minutes, you’d just slowly let your tongues clash..exchanging sloppy kisses and practically wanting to live in one another’s skin.

“Hey, why don’t we get up from here, go take a bath and order some food? How’s that sound for you?” All of it sounded absolutely perfect to you and without question, you’d accept. He just wanted to spend all the time getting close, holding and keeping you by his side. He’d take however long you two needed to get back to the way it was. No amount of albums, Instagram posts or anything else mattered more in this world.

than the love you two shared.

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1 year ago

hav you ever thought about king!eren who loves and would do anything for his lover🤔


Hav You Ever Thought About King!eren Who Loves And Would Do Anything For His Lover

king! eren who falls in love at first sight with a quarter maid he sees in the courtyard. you’re dressed in a brown tattered gown, curly hair pulled back into a pretty braid. he thinks he’s dreaming when you disappear, leaving him in shock.

king! eren who immediately gets all of your information from his friend armin. he finds out that you’re a new maid hired by his mother. he then makes it his mission to make an impression on you.

king! eren who’ll bump into you by “accident” and make you spill the basket of flowers you’d been carrying. you apologize profusely to which he happily dismissed before asking your name.

king! eren who can’t contain his happiness when you tell him you’re unmarried. he thinks you’d be a beautiful suitor for him. he immediately asks for your hand in marriage, leaving you in shock this time.

king! eren who is sweet and soft with you, always asking you to accompany him outside of the kingdom for little things. whether it’s hunting with him, or bird watching you love going with him.

king! eren who’ll give you a month to decide whether or not you want to agree to marry him. throughout that month he grows closer and closer to you, and grows to love who you are as a person.

king! eren who’s mouth practically hangs open in shock when you go to his quarters late at night to agree to marry him. he kisses you for the first time, and boy does it do things to you.

king! eren who’ll insist that you sleep with him and stay with him throughout the entirety of your engagement. and he does go all out to plan for your wedding.

king! eren who serenades you the night of wedding, taking your virginity with caution and care. the night is full of love and adoration as your husband shows you just how much he appreciates you.

king! eren who grows a little more possessive after you guys marry. he’ll insist that other men want you and that you can’t trust them.

king! eren who’ll randomly call you to his quarters just to bend you over his desk and fuck you like a two dollar whore, hands roaming all over your body as he fucks his cock through your swole walls.

king! eren who makes you get on your knees and suck him off right before an important meeting to help boost his spirit.

king! eren who insists on eating your cunt out before you meet with his parents for an important dinner, green eyes shining as he looks up at you while his tongue delves in and out of your sopping wet walls. you moan and squirm, whimper and whine but it makes him go even harder.

king! eren who’ll punish you if you so much as touch another man. he’ll pretend to not care, but end up waiting up in your shared room that night .. ready to spank and fuck the hell out of you until all you can think about is him.

king! eren who wants to knock you up more than anything. he wants to see your breasts swell with milk, he can’t wait to see your stomach bulge from his child and always insist on cumming inside of you.

king! eren who breeds you 24/7. he needs to have his cum in you, needs to see it drip out of that slutty cunt in order to satisfy his ego. he thinks it’s a possessive pride thing, wanting to see his mark dribble down your dainty little fucking legs.

king! eren who gags you and ties you up just to see how much he can push you. he gives you orgasm after orgasm after orgasm until you’re practically screaming and crying for him to give you a rest.

king! eren who shows you how much he loves you every day. he doesn’t miss any change you make about yourself, whether it’s your hair or your clothes or your interests .. he doesn’t miss it.

king! eren who never lets you forget that he loves you. he’s constantly sliding your panties down to eat your cunt, it’s practically one of his favorite things to do. it’s his way of showing his love for you, and boy does he know how to eat pussy.

king! eren who would do anything for you. and so when you ask him to renounce his throne .. he does. opting to just live on the country side with you happily.

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8 months ago

𝔐𝔦𝔡𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔖𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔰

MDNI, pretty pls with a cherry on top

✫A/N: I’m rlly just pushing these fics out my pussy with no hesitation. talking abt pussy if u have one ur gonna love this one. this on is kinda shorter than my other ones but as always, enjoy this one loves!

⋆.ೃ࿔*・Synopsis: You were ovulating and you wanted dick, bad. But it’s almost 2 in the morning and your boyfriend is asleep, so what are you gonna do! You didn’t want to wake him up just for dick, or did you

⋆.ೃ࿔*・wc: 1,673

⋆.ೃ࿔*・Warnings: degradation, masturbation, praise, backshots, slight somno, riding, free use, oral masc!receiving, squirting, gentle, soft mdom, finishing inside (practice safe sex)

(the reader is black)

During ovulation, most women turn into sex-addicted monsters or cock sluts. You’re leaning more towards cock slut. It was 1:30 am on a Tuesday night and your vibrator has become your best friend. You were currently assaulting your clit with your vibrator, going on orgasm number 3. The vibrator wasn’t enough though, you needed him. You let out a quiet moan before reaching your now third orgasm. You feel so pitiful, in the bathroom with the door locked, and sitting on the sink watching your pink bullet vibrator go crazy on your clit. You let out a sigh before cleaning up the mirror where juices flew. 

“Fuck, this sucks..”

You mumbled, fixing your bonnet and then sitting on the sink. You get your phone and start texting your friends. 

1:45 AM

(♡): “I’m so horny rn and nothing is working”

Sashaluv: “I know you are not telling us about your pussy problems at 1 am :/”

Mikamika: “Have you thought abt going to bed and not telling us abt it??”

You chuckle at Mikasa’s response before sighing and leaving the bathroom. You walk to your room and throw your phone somewhere in the room, not paying attention to where it went or what was open. 

You notice your semi-muscular and very shirtless boyfriend sleeping on your bed. Your clit is basically screaming for him, there’s no way you're turned on just by looking at this gorgeous man. His hair was down, messily framing his face, his toned chest moving every time he took a breath, and the hem of his pajama pants hanging low. You wish you could just pounce on him right now and grind your hungry pussy on his dick. Your hand travels down to the hem of your Pajama shorts. You fiddle with the edge of your underwear before finally reaching down and drawing small circles on your clit. 


You use your other hand to cover your mouth as you trace the outline of your lips before finally putting 2 fingers in. You let out a shaky moan, and the grip on your mouth tightens as your speed increases. Eren’s facial features are even more beautiful now than ever, the moonlight is hitting his body just right. You can see every muscle, hair, and tattoo. Is this how he feels whenever fucking you? If so you now know why you guys fuck like rabid animals. Your vision gets cloudy as you soak your hands in your sweet juices. 

“I can’t take it anymore…I need him”

You huff before walking to the bed and climbing on top of him. He groans a bit at the sudden shift in weight before falling back into a daze. You start grinding on his cock slowly, your head dips back in pleasure. 


Eren utters a breathy moan before rubbing his eyes. You’re lustful brown eyes meet his tired green ones, the way he looks at you drives you even more insane. 

“I hope I’m not dreaming, and my pretty girl is grinding her wet pussy on me…fuck”

He groans before putting his hands on your hips and making you grind harder. You bit your lip tightly, trying to keep a moan in your mouth. You feel his cock twitch inside his pants, you grind harder in response.

“You couldn’t sleep so you took matters into your own hands? Fuck…keep going.”

The bed creaks slightly every time you thrust your hips. Moans flooding out of your mouth like a pornstar. The way you and Eren fuck all the time you’re surprised your neighbors don’t think you are one.

“I can’t let you sleep like this mama, you wanna get fucked until you cum baby?”

You nod again, almost making it to orgasm number 5 of the night before he stops you. His long big hands bring your hips to a halt. You whimpered and looked down at his now lustful emerald eyes. 

“It’s never that straightforward baby and you know that. I’ll let you use me to your heart's content, but you’re not done until I say so.”

You nod in agreement and start untying his pajama pants before he grabs your wrist to stop you. 

 “You have to clean up after yourself afterward, I don’t want my pretty slut riding a messy cock.” 

His fuckboy smirk enveloped his handsome features. God…you hated that smirk, it only means he has something up his sleeves. But it gets your pussy wet every time, you're soaking through your shorts during this hot and heavy interaction.

“Fine, but just let me use you. Please.”

You gave him the best ‘give me dick.’ look you could muster, and it worked. He groaned softly before nodding. You quickly untie his pajama pants and pull them down. You take off your shorts and pushing your panties to the side. 

You grab the base of his cock and adjust yourself before sliding him into your cunt. You both let out deafening moans, you slowly grind on him still trying to adjust to his size.

"Good girl, show me how much you love my cock."

You slowly start bouncing on his cock. Eren admires the way your tits jump every time you bounce on his wood.

“Fuck…you’re so big…”

Eren grins before muttering curses under his breath. He grabs your love handles, forcing you to keep a slow and steady pace. You groaned at Eren’s stubbornness to let you do what you want. 

"I know mama, I know. Just do this f'me ok?"

You melted at his sweet words and his silky voice. Eren is the type of man to make you cum with the snap of his fingers. He’s fine, funny, a sweet talker, and has a big dick. What’s not to love? You got brought out of your own mind when Eren started tracing circles around your clit. 

“M-my clit…it’s sensitive! E-Eren, please.” 

He shakes his head, chuckling at your sudden change in character. 

“You were just begging for my cock, what happened? Did the cock slut finally have too much cock?” 

His pink lips gave you a fake pout to add to the condescending tone of his voice. Eren thrust his hips into you, leaving tiny kisses on your cervix every time. Your hands run down his chest and to his abs, feeling every muscle and vein on his torso. Eren feels you clench around him, causing a breathy moan to leave his mouth. 

“Ma, fuck…you can take it come on, cum on my cock.” 

You cry out as your juices cover his cock, Eren is hypnotized watching his cock slide in and out of you. He grunts before sliding you off of his cock. 

“You’re so pretty when you cum, now clean up your mess.” 

You’re completely cock drunk, the only thing you can think about is Eren's big cock in your cunt. You nod before crawling under the covers and grabbing his dick in your hands. You feel him jerk from your cold touch. You lick up the side of his shaft a couple of times before putting his full length in your throat.

“That throat feels good baby. Let me fuck your throat.” 

He grabs the top of your bonnet pushing you as far as you can go. Tears start forming in the corner of your eyes before you start bobbing your head. You can hear Eren mumbling your name under his breath, you take that as a sign that you’re doing a good job.

“Fuck ma I’m about to cum…”

You use your hand to stroke his cock while you suck it, sending him over the edge.

“I wanna cum inside of you, get back up here.”

You do one last stroke of his cock before he pulls you under him. With your face stuffed in the pillow and your ass in the air, it doesn’t take long before Eren rubs your entrance with the tip of his cock. 

“You’re so wet for me baby, show me who this cock belongs to.”

He whispers in your ear, trailing soft kisses up your back before shoving his dick inside of you with no warning. You yelp in surprise, his cock spreading you apart so good. He starts with a steady pace before it turns into violent backshots. Your moans are muffled in the pillow and you’re clawing at the sheets. 

“Eren! Fuck…slow down.”

You don’t even have to see him to know he’s grinning ear to ear. You hear him click his tongue in response 

“No mama, you can take it. I’ve trained this pussy well. Come on, say ‘I can take it’. Say it”

You sobbed into the pillow, not daring to move your hand back to try to stop him. The pleasure is too much, and truthfully you enjoyed it.

“I…I c-can…mmph…take it…”

You were able to get the statement out even between the torment Eren is putting your cervix through. 

“You can take what ma? Say for me and I’ll let your pretty pussy cum.”

He whispers in your ear, his hands running up and down your body. He’s leaving hickeys and bite marks all over your neck. 

“I…fuck…I can…I can take it! I love it! Fuck…I love your cock!”

You look like a pornstar right now and Eren is loving it. The drool hanging from your two-toned lips, your pink bonnet slipping off your head exposing your knotless braids, the way your plump ass slams against his pelvis, and your puffy pussy wrapped around his cock. 

“I’m about to…mmph…cum!”

You sob before coving his cock in more of your juices. He follows closely after, shooting white ropes inside of you and leaving a rim of your mixed fluids around the base of his cock. Eren collapses on top of you, leaving a trail of passionate kisses along your neck. 

“You did so well mama, you're such a good girl…”

He trails off, tracing small shapes into your skin.

“Thanks…for the help, I love you…”

“I love you too…”

3:29 AM

(♡): [Audio message]

Sashaluv: “I’m guessing she fixed her pussy problem…:/”

Tags :
2 years ago

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐨?



Characters: Armin x Reader x Eren

Synopsis: Eren is Armin’s best friend that always kinda had a thing for you.

wc: 900+

c/w afab reader,daddy kink, sub!reader, switch!armin dom!eren, nipple play, threesome.

𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘪𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦’𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴.


„you okay?"

Armin asks while pulling you closer to him.

His back was pressing against the headboard as he looked you in the eyes and slides his left hand down your lower back and grabs your waist.

You wish you could answer but his hand toying with your sensitive nipples kept your cute little lips shut while whining at his touch.

You simply nod as a small whimper left your mouth. Armins tongue slowly wrapped around your nipple.Your tits were so swollen already but he just couldn’t stop playing with them.

"da-daddy" was everything that left your mouth. you were shocked at your own choice of words but really thinking about it was almost impossible when Armin made you feel so good.

He immediately stopped sucking at your breast and looked you in the eyes.

"Did she just call me daddy?” He said surprised.

You looked at him confused because who was he talking too?

"She sure did.”

You suddenly hear another voice.

You turned around just to see Eren leaning against the doorframe.

How long has he been standing there?

"mind calling me daddy too?”

He asked jokingly as he took place behind your back, to look over your shoulder in Armin’s eyes.

"She sounds very pretty." He admits.

Armin just huffs as a response.

He loves sharing. He shares everything with Eren, his friends, his food and even his apartment…. so why is it that he gets this weird feeling in his stomach as he watches Eren be so close to you.

He knows how Eren feels about you and that makes things just worse but at the same times it turns him so on it’s almost disgusting.

He watches Eren take your chin between his fingers to make you face his evergreen eyes.

"you look so pretty like this, I bet Armin had a lot of fun with you huh?" Eren talks under his breath. You turn your head to Armin as he nods in approval before you turn your face back to Eren.

"mhm…" you respond shyly.

"You’re such a good girl aren’t you?" He smirks.

Armin gets visibly hard at the way that he feels you getting wetter on his thigh.

You made him so hard it’s almost painful and the way you softly grind against his thigh as your leg pushes against his dick is killing him.

"See what you did to him." Eren says now more sternly. He points at Armin who is looking up to the ceiling while his chest rises up and down from the heavy breathing.

He looks so cute like that… he’s never been so vulnerable around you. Of course he can be a softy but he tried his best to hide this side of him.

"Wanna make him feel good?" Eren whispers in your ear. You nod again. That’s enough for Eren to carefully take your hand and place it on Armin’s bulge. You softly palm his already hard dick as he twitches against your hand.

Eren takes off your panties after making you remove your skirt.

"y-you have to b-be careful Eren. She’s n-never done this before." Armin groans as he watches Eren place you over his cock.

"Don’t worry, I’ll teach her." He responds smiling from ear to ear.

He slowly pushes you on Armin’s dick as you whine and squirm.

"It’s fine, it’ll get better." Eren whispers in your ear making you shiver.

Slowly but surely you get used to the way it feels. Your grow more confident in your movements as you feel Armin’s hands gripping your waist. His moans are so pretty, you didn’t knew that he could sound like this.

you continue riding him as Eren grabs your tits while softly pinching your nipples.

He watches how fast you go and tells you to slow down a bit when he sees Armin being completely wrecked.

"you’re doing so good," He praises.

"he’s gonna cum soon. Do you wanna make your daddy cum inside you?”

You nod while chasing your own high.

"w-wanna cum too-nghh!" You whimper.

"I’m not responsible for that, you have to ask Armin first." Eren states.

you turn your head to look at Armin. His ocean eyes inspect your body as he bites down on his bottom lip trying to catch his breath.

"It’s fine p-princess." He smiles softly at you in the way that he knows makes your knees weak. Suddenly you feel a strong hand wrapping around your neck, the feeling of dizziness takes over your body and pushes you over the edge.

Armin feels you twitching around his cock as he cums inside you.

He never felt so exhausted after just one round.

"Tell him thank you." Eren says.

you lean closer to Armin’s face as you whisper a little, "T-Thank you Min." and collapse on his chest. You were out of breath and your legs felt so numb there’s just no way you could possibly walk anywhere until tomorrow.

"Fuck what do I do?" Armin panics a bit while he softly taps your cheek to make you open your eyes. "Don’t worry about it, she’s gonna be fine." Eren answers. "But you should probably still clean her up tho." He adds.

"you’re right." Armin whispers ash he puts his hand to his forehead. He needs to calm down first before he can focus on you.

"I think my job here is done." Eren carefully stands up and takes a glance at his phone, looking for the time.

Armin’s still out of breath but he gets out a small "Thank you."

It’s so embarrassing how he was whining a moaning earlier but at the same time you and him could have never had this experience without Eren's help.

Eren smirks and leaves the room while Armin’s still holding you in his arms thinking about how pretty you looked and what a good girl you were for him.

Armin truly loves you and the things you can make him feel.


hope you liked it, maybe I’ll do a part 2 <3

Tags :
2 years ago
X X | MDNI | Wc: 1k+

ᴛᴏxɪᴄ ᴇʀᴇɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | MDNI | wc: 1k+


SYNOPSIS: Toxic boyfriend Eren comes home late.

(𝘌𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 "𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦" 𝘣𝘺 𝘉𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘍𝘢𝘪𝘺𝘢𝘻)


It’s one of those nights again.

One of those nights where all you want to do is pack your shit and leave, but you know damn well it’s not gonna happen and so does Eren.

You waited almost all night just for him to come home around 4am with red and glassy eyes, telling you that he was probably less sober than you were right now.

"what’s wrong?" He mumbles as he starts walking towards you.

"fuck you!" You try to push him out of your way to get out of your shared bedroom and lock yourself into the bathroom but he easily grabs your wrist with his hand and pulls you back to him.

"c’mon, tell me." Eren moves closer to your body as he looks into your eyes when he notices that you look like you cried.

"did you cry baby?" His green eyes look at you so innocently, as if he could never hurt you.

"where were you?" You whisper quietly.

" 's that what you’re worried about?" He grins.

You immediately regret waisting your time by trying to have a normal conversation with him. You should have known he wouldn’t take you serious at all.

"get out of my face." You roll your eyes at him.

"you know I love you right?" He says as his thumb slowly brushes against you cheek while he puts his other hand on your waist.

"you could have told me that you were gonna stay out late tonight." You say sternly.

"you’re really pretty Y/n.” He continues.

"you know if you don’t want to actually talk to me, you can just say so."

Your so annoyed at the way he tries to distract you instead of apologizing.

"I wanna kiss you." He whispers in your ear.

You can feel his breath against your neck as you start getting goosebumps.

"let me kiss you." He says again.

You’re so fucking tired of it. You’re so tired of Eren treating you this way. He keeps ignoring your feelings and expects you to just accept it.

You put your hands on his chest, trying to make some space between you two when he starts kissing your lips gently.

You pull away from him. "stop it Eren."

"c’mon pretty." He speaks softly.

"why do you keep acting like this? Can’t you just take me fucking serious for one time?"

You start getting actually mad at him as you slap his hand away from your face.

"Why do you make things harder than they are? I didn’t force you to love me, it’s your fault that you feel like that, so don't fucking blame me." He shrugs.

You’re completely speechless at his words, but you know he’s right. You trusted him again and again, and you know every time he says he’s sorry, he’s just saying what you want to hear.

It feels like all the frustration has grown bigger and bigger deep inside of you and now you’re about to explode.

You don’t know what to say anymore when you’re eyes start getting wet and seconds later tears start running down your face.

"It’s okay baby." He makes you look up at him when he presses his lips on yours again.

You’re so angry but who else could comfort you if not him.

It’s like he breaks your heart into hundreds of little pieces and instead of fixing it yourself you give it to him, expecting that he’ll heal it eventually.

Eren keeps kissing you passionately when you feel his hands slipping under the hem of your shirt.

You were only wearing one of his old shirts and black lace panties, since you didn’t expect that you’d still be up by now.

He slowly trails his hands up and down your waist before he pulls your shirt over your head and tosses it to the side.

"fuck." He sighs as he eyes up your body before pushing you onto the bed.

He slides your panties down your legs while kissing your neck.

To Eren you are the prettiest girl in the world.

He loves watching you twitch under him, it makes him feel so proud.

He starts biting down on your shoulder gently when you let out a small moan.

You can feel one of his hands gripping your waist while his other hand reaches out for you breast where his thumb brushes over your nipple.

He can hear you whimpering in his hear when he feels his dick twitching inside his pants.

He takes off his black hoodie and sweatpants before taking his cock out of his boxers.

"you’re so lucky I don’t make you choke on my dick for the way you spoke to me earlier." He mumbles as he shoves himself deep inside you.

You struggle around him trying to relax cause he didn’t even prepare you like he usually does.

His thumb finds its way to your clit, rubbing against it to make you loosen up a bit.

"I’m sorry." You say quietly.

You’re embarrassed about the fact that it’s so easy for him to make you change your mind.

"there’s one thing I want you to know."

He says while starting to move inside of you.

Your hands grip his shoulders tightly as you look at him.

"I’m the best you’ll ever get." He smirks cockily.

You want to talk back to him, you want him to know that he can’t just treat you like this, but all you can think about right now, is how good he feels inside of you.

Every thrust makes you whine and whimper for Eren even more and you can feel your eyes tearing up again but this time it’s not sadness, it’s pleasure. His tongue on your nipple and his dick hitting your G spot makes you forget about everything you were mad about.

"c-can you please go faster?" You whine in his ear. Eren nods at you as he starts moving faster and deeper inside you.

Your eyes roll back when you feel his hand pressing down on your stomach.

Eren loves feeling himself deep inside you, the only thing that gets close to it is when he feels you clench around him when you’re about to cum, just like you do right now.

"c’mon baby, I know you can do it. Cream around my dick for me yeah?" He looks you deep in the eyes, waiting for you to reach your orgasm.

You whimper louder and louder until you finally reach your orgasm while your legs are starting to twitch. Eren releases himself inside you when he starts to slow down.

"thats my good girl." He whispers before kissing your cheek.

Even if he doesn’t show it all the time…

Eren does really love you in his own fucked up way.


I’ve been listening to this song for weeks now and I just couldn’t stop thinking bout Eren whenever I did😭 (don’t forget to reblog 🫶🏾💗)

Tags :
1 year ago

𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐰/ 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐧, 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧, 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 💨

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Eren Yeager x Fem!reader | MDNI

Mentions of: roommate Armin, Connie, Jean and angry neighbor Levi

Synopsis: You’re Eren's girlfriend and he invited his friends over for a smoke session wich kinda escalated.

Warnings: Nsfw, drug use, slight exhibitionism, nipple play, slight humiliation, Connie and Jean recording your voices, fingering, penetration, lots of cuss words, Everyone being a dickhead aside from Armin cause he’s great <3

Wc: 3k+

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Eren has been your boyfriend for almost 8 months now. You don’t know a lot of his friends besides Armin because he’s Eren's roommate, but you’ve heard about Connie and Jean before so you didn’t feel uncomfortable when Eren told you that they’re coming over.

He knows that you’re not the most extroverted, that’s why he told you that if you felt uneasy he’d tell them to leave but you were not bothered by Connie and Jean at all. They were really funny, and even Armin who has been pretty stressed lately was laughing at their jokes like crazy.

"No, I swear! He hit his head so hard that he walked around with a huge bruise on his forehead for at least two whole weeks!" Connie giggles at the story he just told while rolling two Joints so that Jean could pass in Erens direction and he could pass to Armin.

He’s sitting next to Jean on the end of Eren's bed wich is placed in on of the corners in his room.

He licks on the thin paper and rolls it up.

"Oh yeah? You don’t even get to talk Connie, at least my forehead isn’t as big as a fucking football helmet!" Jean yells while Armin is trying to keep his laughter in.

"Ohh shut up! Stop lying just cause you’re embarrassed!" Connie argues back.

"Guys stop yelling, I don’t want this short angry man hammering against my door again." Eren hushes them.

He sits on the head of the bed, with his back against the headboard while you’re placed between his legs, resting your head against his chest.

"Dude what are you talking about?" Connie laughs as he passes one of the joints to Jean.

"He’s talking about Mr. Ackerman, our neighbor." Armin explains. He sits with his head against the wall right next to you and Eren on the bed.

You have met Mr. Ackerman before, he’s very nice to you and Armin actually but he’s been giving your boyfriend a hard time lately.

"That man despises me!" Eren groans while rolling his eyes back.

"No he just… he thinks you’re a bit loud sometimes that’s it." Armin looks over to Eren.

"He called me a thug, and he said my music taste is trashy!" Eren says with a disgusted look on his face. He just can’t understand how his neighbor could dislike him after having such a nice talk with his mom just a week ago but he won’t let it get to him to much, at least he likes him more than his older brother.

"Somebody got a lighter?" Connie interrupts.

Jean reaches into his pocket and hands Connie a pink hello kitty lighter.

You immediately notice how familiar it looks as Connie lit up the Joint in his hand to pass the lighter back to Jean so that he could do the same.

"Hey that’s mine." You pout at Eren.

It’s the one he bought you about a month ago because you said it looked cute.

"'M sorry baby, I couldn’t find mine so I took yours when I went over to Jean last Friday." He says softly while he looks into your eyes and brushes a strand of hair out of your face.

"That’s a pretty lighter you got there Y/n." You look over at Jean to see him eying it up closely while Connie is taking the first hit. "Do you want it back?."

You nod slowly as he reaches out his arm and places the lighter softly in your hand while smiling at you.

"There you go." He winks.

"T-Thank you Jean." You mumble quietly.

He only smirks at you in response.

Eren isn’t exactly thrilled at the way that Jean looks at you but he won’t let his jealousy get the best of him again.

The next person that Connie passes the Joint to is Armin, since he noticed how exhausted he looked today. Armin has been studying night and day for the past weeks and the more that his grades went up his mood went down.

There’s dark circles around his eyes and his hair is all messed up. It’s normal for Eren to walk around like that but not really for him.

Armin starts inhaling the smoke from the joint and breathes out heavily as he sighs.

"Are you okay Min?” You ask him gently.

The first time you met Armin was almost a year ago during Eren's and your talking stage.

Armin has always been nothing but nice to you and he’s one of the most important people in Eren’s life, so of course you care about his well-being too.

"Yeah I’m just a bit tired today." Armin responds as he takes another hit.

"Cause you were up till like 5am." Jean huffs.

"So were you and Connie." Armin shrugs.

"Yeah but going out is way less exhausting than studying!" Connie comes in Jean's defense.

"Shut up, at least I don’t have to be worried about failing half of my classes." Armin rolls his eyes sarcastically. "Wow that’s how you think about me?"

Connie puts his hand up to his chest, pretending to feel his heart break.

"Don’t let it get to you bro, he’s just showing us his true colors." Jean joins the act.

Armin takes a few more hits before passing the joint to Eren while groaning annoyed.

"You want a hit Y/n?" Jean asks.

You nod and take it between your fingers before you put the tip between your lips and inhale deeply.

You don’t smoke a lot, of course from time to time but mostly when Eren's around.

"How do you feel?" Eren quietly whispers in your ear as his hand softly grabs your waist.

"'M good don’t worry." You wave off.

"Okay but take it easy." Eren responds.

"Fuck man look at Armin." Connie giggles as he points at the blond sitting next to you.

Armin’s eyes are watery and narrowed as he stares holes into the air.

"What’s wrong? Is something on my face?" He snaps out of trance and looks confused at Connie and Jean before turning his head in Eren's and your direction with a flustered look on his face.

"Nothings wrong Min, you look great." You put the hand that’s not holding the joint up to his cheek and check his eyes while you smile softly at him, as he blushes at your warming touch.

It’s easy to tell that Eren doesn’t like what he just saw by the way he pulls you closer.

"You heard that Eren? Armin looks 'great'."

Connie emphasizes the word „great“ while he draws air quotes with his fingers to express his sarcasm.

"Fuck off." Eren mumbles annoyed before taking another hit and passing his joint to Jean, leaving you out since you’re still smoking.

"See what you did y/n? Now he’s gonna act like a bitch all day." Connie complains jokingly.

"Dude don’t blame her, blame him!" Jean points at Armin.

"Why me?" Armin clearly feels insulted by being blamed for Eren's jealousy when everybody knows that Eren gets jealous all the time, even when he forgets why he was jealous in the first place after a few minutes.

"We’re joking, calm down" Connie laughs.

"You guys are so annoying." Armin huffs.

"Ohh so now we’re annoying huh?"

Eren doesn’t even care about his friends being dramatic right now.

The second he felt his body relaxing,

he couldn’t think about anything else besides how pretty you looked.

It was hard for him to focus on anything else as he pulls you closer and places his hand on your stomach.

You smell so good… is that a new fragrance? It definitely isn’t the one he bought you, but it smells really nice.

He takes your joint from between your fingers, puffs on it a single time and hands it to Connie before he slowly starts kissing your jawline down to your neck while ignoring everything happening around you two.

You can feel him sliding his hand under your shirt, just so he can slowly move it up to your chest, where he softly grabs one of your tits and squeezes it.

He so needy for you right now.

Your tits are always so warm and soft, it’s just so comforting to him.

He doesn’t even know why but he always loved your tits, they’re just so perfect and he wishes he could feel them all the time.

"Gross, get a room you two!" Jean grimaced.

"You got a problem Jeanboy?" Eren challenges him as he raises an eyebrow before pinching your nipple hard enough to make you let out a little gasp.

He knows exactly how much Jean hates that stupid nickname he gave him in 8th grade, that’s why it’s so much fun for him to use it all the time.

You’re so embarrassed at the way that Eren touches you in front of everybody.

Maybe you’re just paranoid but it feels like all eyes are laid on your body, watching your fingers trembling and your chest go up and down.

Eren notices your shaking hands gripping on his shirt and the shameful look on your face.

"Whats wrong?" He mumbles quietly, making it impossible for his friends to hear.

"Cut it Eren." Is all you get out.

You don’t want him touching you like this when people are watching and you also don’t want his friends to think badly of you.

"What?" Eren looks at you perplexed.

"Your girl just told you to fuck off!" Jean bawls loudly.

"You guys are fucking cock blocks." By the way Eren hisses at his friends it’s pretty obvious that he is annoyed right now.

"What did I do?" Armin looks at Eren offended, still smoking the joint that Connie had just handed him.

"Wasn’t talking to you." He hushes him.

"Stop the generalizations Yeager, Jean's the one you’re mad at! Armin and I were just enjoying the show!" Connie admits proudly, thinking he’s helping Armin by inserting himself into the conversation.

"What?!" Armin does not look to happy about the false statement Connie had just made.

"Don’t worry bro I got your back!" He just winks at Armin, pretending to be saving their asses right now.

"All of you need to shut the fuck up, just get out!"

At this point Eren is so pissed but he should have known better, he loves his friends but they are dickheads.

"I live here too?" Armin cheekily states as he raises his eyebrow.

He hates always being the one that gets punished for his friends bad behavior.

"I meant the living room." Eren clarifies.

"Ohh I see how it is… Eren's making us leave so he can get his little dick wet."

All of this is so embarrassing to you, you know why Eren told them to leave and the worst part is that they know too.

"Relax, we wanted to order pizza anyway. Let’s just go watch a movie or something." Jean says calmly. He sees how uneasy all of this makes you feel and just figures that you don’t know how to handle Connie’s and his humor yet.

"You’re on his side now?" Connie’s still going with the act.

"There’s no sides dumbass! Just look at Y/n, you’re gonna scare her off you idiot!" Jean's fist strikes Connie’s chest.

You wish you could hide your face right now.

The word 'flustered' is basically written on your forehead by now.

"It’s fine, we’ll go to the living room." Armin is way to exhausted to be dealing with bullshit like this right now.

He stands up and walks out of the room with Jean and Connie following him.

"Have fun bro." Connie boldly says while grinning at Eren as he closes the door.

"Why’d you do that?" you ask angrily as you turn around to face him.

"What?" He answers confused, as if he didn’t just humiliate you.

"What? Are you serious? That was so embarrassing!" You’re stunned at the fact that he literally doesn’t see anything wrong with what had just happened.

"If you think that was embarrassing then you never saw Connie or Jean try to hit on a girl." Eren smirks at the countless memories of his friends trying to impress random girls at parties.

You just huff in response, annoyed at the childish behavior of your boyfriend.

"Oh c’mon, don’t be like that." He pulls you closer and looks you in the eyes while his finger are pressing into the soft skin of your lower stomach.

"I know you want it too baby." A small smirk is painted on his lips as he takes of your shirt before he opens your bra-clamps behind your back with one hand.

As soon as your tits are freed he immediately latches on to them, sucking and biting on one of your nipples while toying with the other one.

Your try your best to stay quiet but when you feel his other hand open the buttons of your pants and slowly rubbing against you’re clit, you just can’t hold back anymore.

You whimper at the feeling of his fingers sliding the fabric of your panties to the side to insert his ring and middle finger in your tight pussy.

"Mhm let me hear you baby."

He smirks, satisfied with the fact that he knew you’d like it, before starting to suck on your other nipple.

Eren just loves the feeling of being right.

He slides his fingers in and out, feeling you clench around them and slowly getting more and more wet for him.

Soon the feeling of just his fingers wasn’t enough for you so you start pawing at the visibly hard bulge on his pants, hoping he’d give you what you want.

He just laughs at your pathetic action, before removing his fingers from your cunt and pressing them between your lips, so you can suck them clean.

"You want me so bad don’t you princess?"

He smirks wickedly.

You just nod, with your tongue still wrapped around his fingers.

"Mhm that’s what I thought. I feel nice today so I’ll give you what you want baby."

He removes your pants and underwear from your already twitching body before he takes off his sweater and loosens his belt to strip out of his pants and boxers too.

You grab him by his neck to pull him closer to place a long and sensual kiss on his lips.

Eren rubs his tip gently along your slit, using your wetness to thrust in easier.

You softly kiss and suck on his neck, leaving a few little hickeys and bruises.

"C’mon baby moan for me, I want everybody to hear how good I make you feel." Eren starts going faster and using his thumb to softly rub up and down your clit.

You cry out when you feel him hammering his dick inside of you, penetrating your g spot.

"Louder princess, I know you can!" He gives your tit a small squeeze before smacking it with his hand.

You whine at the pain, completely forgetting about the fact that his friends could probably hear you right now.

"Oh look at your tits baby, you’re nipples are all perked up." Eren smiles before starting to suck on them again.

You feel his teeth biting around the areola and his tongue leaving kitten licks all over you’re already swollen nipples.

You can tell he’s also close by the way he’s groaning in your ear and the fact that his thrust start getting messier.

He keeps on switching back and forth between your nipples, trying to give them his attention equally.

By the time he stops your nipples are already so puffy and sensitive that the feeling of his thumb rubbing over them feels ten times more arousing then normally.

"Are you close baby?" Eren asks as he looks down on you.

"Mhm m' so close Eren, please make me cum." You beg desperately.

"Let me hear your pretty moans again and I’ll let you cum." He says, speeding up one more time.

You start moaning in his ear, feeling that you’re already on the edge when he hits your g spot again, finally giving you the rest to cream around his cock.

A few seconds later Eren pulls out, releasing himself on your lower stomach.

"Fuck yes." He whispers under his breath before throwing his head back.

"I knew you could do it." He locks eyes with you again, still trying to calm his breath.

He pulls out and gives you a peck on the forehead before grabbing a tissue from his nightstand to wipe away the cum on your body when it suddenly knocks at his bedroom door.

"Eren… uhh I don’t wanna bother you but Mr.Ackerman is at the door and he asked me if I could tell you to uhm… 'keep it down'." Armin stammers.

"Tell him to fuck off." Eren shouts back pissed off at his noisy neighbor not being able to mind his business.

"I refuse to do that." You hear Armin decline your boyfriends offer from the other side of the door.

"Then tell him that I’m busy." Eren groans annoyed.

"Fine but if this happens again I won’t back you up!" Armin states clearly before you can hear his footsteps becoming quieter until he’s completely gone and it’s silent again.

"Can you believe that?" He looks at you irritated.

"Maybe we were being a bit loud." You admit quietly.

"So what? This is my house." He says annoyed.

"Well technically…" you start as he interrupts you. "Don’t even start Y/n!"

"I’m sorry, I love you baby." You giggle.

"Yeah whatever." He looks away with a stern look on his face.

"C’mon say it back!" You playfully hit his chest.

"I love you too." He rolls his eyes before giving you a small peck on the lips.

"Do you think Connie and Jean are still here?" You ask curiously.

Of course you think it’s embarrassing when Armin hears Eren and you having sex, but at least you know that he would never mention it to you.

Connie and Jean on the other hand have no filter. They would totally joke about it.

Eren grabs his phone from his nightstand and looks at his Homescreen.

"They sure are." He sighs.

"How do you know?"

He turns his phone screen towards you and opens a contact named 'Bald bitch'.

"What’s that?" You ask confused. There’s only a single new voice message that’s about 25 seconds long.

"Press play." He calmly speaks.

It’s like your soul left your body when you heard Connie and Jean fake moaning and joking around while Armin was mumbling something along the lines of "he isn’t going to like this guys.".

You could hear yourself whining in the background as Eren was saying something that you couldn’t understand clearly.

"Those two bastards." Eren rolls his eyes.

"That’s what I sound like when I’m having sex?"

"What’s wrong with it? I think you sound beautiful baby."

"This is horrible."

Next time when Eren wants to sleep with you while his friends are over, your definitely saying no.

 / , ,

This was so much fun to write even if it took me forever!!

I noticed that I write a lot about Eren and kinda wanted to get away from that even if I love him lmao.

 / , ,

My newest work:

Characters: Eren and Floch <3 Synopsis: what kind of stalkers/yandere they would be. Warnings: the titel says it all Wc: 900+ Eren Eren

Tags :
1 year ago

𝙒𝙚𝙩 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙯 💦 💭

Eren Yeager x Fem!reader | MDNI

Mentions of: Armin, Jean and Connie.

Synopsis: based of : Wet Dreamz by J. Cole.

[ Eren basically is a loner without any game. He finds himself crushing over the popular girl that sits next to him in his math class and keeps passing him cute letters and notes, praying that she’ll be the one that’s going to take his virginity!]

Warnings: Fem!reader, mentions of sex, Eren being head over heels for you, mentions of virginity loss, cuss words etc.

Wc: 2k+

Eren has always been a laid back kid.

He likes video games, smoking and staying out of drama.

Of course he like girls and stuff like that too, it’s just that he never really went out of his way to try and talk to them. The girls at his college are mostly not interested in him anyways since he’s kinda a loner and he’s not interested in changing anything about that…

At least that’s what he thought until he first met you. He could never forget the day you walked into his math class and sat down next to him, with a warm smile on your face and a cherry lollipop between your plump lips. He immediately noticed your pretty face and the way you smell.

He found himself so fascinated with the way your hair looked that whenever he was watching porn late at night by himself in his college dorm, he specifically looked for girls with a similar hair type. He loved talking to you just to hear your soft voice and cute giggles, but after your professor expressed multiple times that he doesn’t want you guys to distract the other students, you had to switch to exchanging small letters and notes.

At this point Eren has a whole little box full of notes that you wrote him since the beginning of the year.

Everything started off so innocent until you started flirting with him, trying to make him blush and get a reaction out of him, like the virgin whore that he was. Attending classes felt like a reward now, since he gets to spend time with you on a daily basis.

You often catch him starring at you, but you never thought much about it.

If only you knew that secretly he was wondering if you’d be able to make him nut the same way it feels like when he does it himself to your photos.

You’re not the it girl at campus but you are popular for sure. You’ve always been pretty confident, not taking shit from people and making sure that everybody knew not to play around with you. He’s truly fascinated by you and he finds himself quickly developing feelings for you.

Even his friends noticed his behavior change. Since he met you he’s daydreaming a lot more, mostly about the way that your thighs would make a perfect pillow or the cute pout you have on your lips when you don’t understand something and you have to ask him for help.

"Bruh what the fuck? Yoo Eren? Earth to Eren?"

Connie waves his hand in front of Eren's face to catch his attention.

"Huh?" Eren responds, snapping out of his hypnotic state.

"We’re asking if you’re coming to the party on Saturday?" Connie asks curiously.

"Nah I’m busy this weekend, sorry guys." He mutters quietly in response.

"What do you mean you’re busy? You never miss a party!" Jean looks at him shocked.

"Y/n is coming over this weekend, that’s why he’s acting that way." Armin reveals his best friends secret with a smirk on his face.

"He even told me I’m not allowed to come home till Sunday." He continues.

"Wait, wait, WAIT! Y/n L/n? Bro you better forget about her." Connie looks at Eren like he’s insane.

"What? Why?" Eren looks up to his friend, suddenly all ears again.

"She’s like wayyy out of your league, there’s no way she’d let you try anything with her!" Jean shakes his head, trying to prepare his friend for a heart break.

"Who said I wanna 'try anything’?" Eren starts getting annoyed. He knows all of those things but that’s not gonna stop him from dreaming night and day about your pretty lips warped around his dick, crying and gagging for him with that seducing look on your face that you always give him.

"Ohh right, I forgot our boy is still a virgin. Don’t worry, you’re not less of a man!"

Jean ruffles through Eren's hair.

"I never said I was?!" Eren looks offended over at his friend.

"Yeah but you thought it." Connie laughs.

"I hate you guys." He just rolls his eyes… but what if they are right?

Did he ever have a real chance with you?

And do you even like him?

Friday was like any other day…

at least that’s what Eren expected when he sat down next to you like usually.

You immediately noticed that something was off. He seemed so cold and distant and even after you asked him "did I do something wrong?", with a cute pout on your face, he only responded with a "nah don’t worry." before turning his head away from you again. The truth is that Eren was just scared. Hurt and scared to be specific.

What if Jean and Connie were right, and he’s just your way of passing time during your boring lectures.

He always felt a little delusional for thinking there could be something going on between you guys, but the conversation he had with his friends yesterday just made things worse.

Eren basically ignored you for almost the entire lecture, thinking about thousands of reasons why you could think that he’s not good enough for you.

He always had his fair share of insecurities, but he still hoped you’d like him regardless.

However all of his worries got dismissed after he opened the letter you passed him when nobody was looking.

'𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒔𝒆𝒙 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆?'

It said, written perfectly in your handwriting.

You smile at him innocently before tapping the end of your pencil against your bottom lip.

There’s no way you would write something like that if you weren’t interested in him… right?…

You’re so cruel for playing around with him like that. At this point it doesn’t even matter anymore if all of this is a joke or game to you, Eren is willing to risk it all.

If he ever had the glimpse of a chance with you, then now is the time to make use of it and shoot his shot. He’s definitely going to keep the note and brag about it to his friends though, simply to prove them that he’s not some virgin loser and that he knows how to talk to girls, even if he doesn’t do it a lot.

He smiles softly to himself before ripping out a piece of paper from his notebook and scribbling something on it.

He hands it to you while giving you a cocky attitude. '𝘖𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘹 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦' You read on it. '𝑶𝒉 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚?' you write back with a sly smirk on your lips.

'𝘐 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯… 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘨 𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘰'

If having wet dreams about you would count, he’d definitely be considered a pro… so it’s not that much of a lie is it?

'𝒐𝒉 𝒔𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒐? 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒘' You giggle in amusement before you give him the small note.

~That girl is going to be the death of me ~

Eren thinks to himself as he noticed the bugle in his pants. Luckily none of his friends were here, seeing him embarrassed at the fact that he is fully bricked up, because of you just writing on a stupid piece of paper.

'𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯' he writes back, trying to keep his cool to impress you.

Deep down he knew he’s scared to death right now, even if he doesn’t want to admit it…

"You’re still here? Get the fuck out Armin, Y/n's gonna be here in like one hour and I still need to…get ready!" Eren bursts into Armin’s room after hearing him talk on the phone.

He never wanted to impress a girl so bad in his life.

"Shut up Eren I’m talking to my mom!"

Armin puts his phone on silent as he tries to make Eren leave by pushing him away with one hand.

"Fuck no, don’t ruin this for me! You need to leave."

Armin unmutes his phone before he sighs and starts speaking again.

"Wait mom, I- I’m gonna call you back. Yes I promise I won’t drink much. Okay, yeah love you too, bye." He hangs up. "what the hell is wrong with you man?!" he glares at Eren. "Did you already pack your things?" Eren continues bugging him.

"Yes I did, now stop rushing me or I’ll tell Jean and Connie that you practiced how to put on condoms last night!" Armin threatens him, remembering the painfully awkward encounter he had with his best friend.

"Okay okay but you have to leave now, please Armin." Eren nearly begs. This is one of the most important days in his life, there’s no way he going to let anybody fuck this up.

"Fine, I was about to leave anyways." Armin sighs while rolling his eyes as he takes his backpack from his bed and puts it on before grabbing his keys from his nightstand. "Thank you man I love you!" Eren says relived, following Armin to the door.

"Yeah whatever." Armin says before walking out of the door and closing it behind him.

The entire hour that Eren had left, he spent by lighting up scented candles around the house and praying that he won’t mess up, not tonight.

It can’t be that hard right? He watched enough porn to know the basics, he just hopes that you won’t notice it’s his first time.

The moment the doorbell rang he almost had a stroke…. However it was nothing compared to the way his heart was beating fast when you sat down beside him on his bed after he lead you in his room.

Fake it till you make it right? That’s what Eren thought when he started kissing you, pretending that his last kiss wasn’t in middle school. Getting hard on time was much easier than he thought it would be.

He felt his heart skip a beat when your warm hand slides under his shirt as you start trailing your fingers over his abs. Your skin is so unbelievably soft, it feels like heaven. You make him take off his shirt and play with the buckle of his belt before he pulls your face closer by your chin, only leaving inches between you.

"You’re so fucking pretty." He mutters under his breath while inspecting your face.

He always wanted to have you to himself, and seeing you like this, so desperately craving his touch just drives him crazy.

Usually he feels like you hold this power over him, but you whispering quietly in his ear "I want you so bad." was a major ego boost to him.

He can’t believe that his friends almost had him convinced that he wasn’t good enough for you… ridiculous.

He takes off your dress and removes your underwear, as he watches your nipples get hard at the cool air, with a smirk on his face, before he takes out a condom from his pocket.

It’s now or never.

He gets rid of his pants and puts on the elastic rubber just like he practiced the night before.

Now that he’s so close to losing his virginity, realization hits him, killing the adrenaline that just rushed through his veins.

He feels the palms of his hands getting sweaty and his breath quicken as he tries to keep himself from panicking to much.

He takes a deep breath and moves his hardened member to your entrance before you flinch and stop him right when he’s about to put it in.

"What’s wrong?" He asked confused.

Did you notice that he’s completely inexperienced? This is so embarrassing, he should have just told you the truth when he had the chance to.

"I need to tell you something…" you shyly look up to him. "Did… Did I do something wrong?" Eren says, worried that he’s making you feel uncomfortable.

"No it’s just,… please be gentle okay?" You try to avoid eye contact before continuing.

"Don’t laugh at me but… I-I never did this before."

Eren chuckles lightly to himself.

"I’ll try to keep it down for ya."

This is going to be so much more fun than he thought it would be.

Hope you enjoyed it, I refuse to believe that there’s people out there that don’t know the song, but if you don’t I can only recommend listening to it! 🧎🏾‍♀️

most recent work <3

Tags :
1 year ago

𝑬𝒓𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 ★


Jean Kirstein x Fem!reader | MDNI

Mentions of: Eren ,Mikasa, Hitch & Connie.

Synopsis: After an intense fight with Eren you decide that going out parting with your two girl best friends is the best way to keep your mind off things, when you meet a certain someone that is also close to one of your Highschool friends. (Based of this Drabble I wrote about Armin.)

Warnings: drug use (Alcohol), cheating, Eren making a scene, unprotected sex, oral sex (M!receiving), public sex, cuss words, lots of tears, yelling (and some more stuff like that).

WC: 3k +


Usually you don’t go out partying without Eren but today is different.

You spent your entire day fighting with him but soon you had to realize that arguing with Eren is pointless.

He keeps making dumb excuses like 'it’s just flirting' or he tells you that you’re acting crazy for picking a fight.

You’re just so tired of it, so you don’t say no when Hitch asks you to go to this new club with her and Mikasa.

"C’mon y/n don’t be so boring, you didn’t even drink anything yet!" Hitch squeals in your ear.

"Don’t be rude Hitch, you know she had a hard day." Mikasa comes in your defense.

If there’s one thing about Mikasa then it’s that she’s always trying to understand and help you as much as she can.

"No… it’s fine, Hitch is right. I came here to have fun."

You say confidently. There’s no way that you’ll let Eren win by not even being able to enjoy yourself without him anymore.

"Are you sure y/n? You don’t have to do that."

Mikasa speaks while giving you a worried look. "Yes, don’t worry about me. I’ll go get a drink at the bar." You give her a reassuring nod.

"Now that’s my girl!" Hitch proudly pats your shoulder before you walk over to the bar, when you suddenly bump into someone.

"hey, watch out." A strong pair of hands grabs you by your shoulders, shoving you carefully away from the chest that your forehead just collided with.

"I’m sorry." You apologize politely.

You take a short glance at the face of the short haired boy in front of you as you recognize his face.

"Connie?!" Your eyes lighten up as he gives you a cheerful smile.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He laughs, surprised at the fact to see you in a environment like this.

"Oh I’m here with Hitch and Mikasa, they asked me to come with them."

You clarify with a soft smile on your lips.

"Ahh I see," he grins. "Good to see you though, I haven’t heard from you in a while."

"Yeah I’ve been busy," you say, as if Eren wasn’t the one that made you quit contact with all your male friends.

"I was just about to get a drink actually, do you want to join me?" You politely invite him.

"Sorry I’m here with a few friends actually. I can’t just leave…" He declines.

"But I’m sure I’ll go say hi to Mikasa and Hitch later."

He adds when suddenly someone interrupts your conversation by tapping him on the shoulder.

"Connie, Reiner is ordering shots for everyone right now, do you want one? "

You make quick eye contact with the tall guy in front of you, before giving him a nervous smile.

"I’ll leave you two guys alone, see you around."

You excuse yourself as you cleared your throat and give him a small wave.

He just gives you a nod in response before turning to his friend again.

"Who was that?" Jean looks after you, before taking a sip from his drink.

"Oh you mean y/n? We used to be friends in Highschool. She’s here with Hitch and Mikasa."

Connie enlightens as he noticed a smirk appearing on Jean's face.

"Bro, I know what you’re thinking. Cut it out, she’s with Eren." He shakes his head slowly in disagreement.

"Eren? Eren Yeager?" Jean exclaimed, clearly taken back.

There’s no way a girl like you would date a Jerk like Eren.

"Mhm, she’s Eren's girl." Connie’s eyes flickered as nods in response.

"It wouldn’t hurt to introduce us to each other, would it?" A hint of amusement dances in Jean's eyes as he chuckles under his breath.

"Here we go again." Connie thought, rolling his eyes at the absurdity of his friend.

He doesn’t really like the thought of Jean trying to hit on Eren's girlfriend. He knows how Eren can be, and he doesn’t want him to get involved into pointless drama.

There’s hundreds of other girls here, it can’t be that hard to find a single one without a over possessive boyfriend.

"Y/n what took you so long?!" Hitch pulls you closer to her, almost making you spill your drink.

"I didn’t take long, I just bumped into Connie on my way." You explain calmly.

"Connie is here?" Hitch asks surprised.

After becoming college roommates with Sasha, she has become very familiar with Connie.

"Yeah, he’s with a friend, somewhere over there." You point at a rear part of the crowd.

"He said that he might join us later to tell you guys hi." You add before you drink from your cup.

3 drinks later and you lost all your coordination.

Your vision isn’t as clear as it was earlier and you feel your body temperature increasing when Hitch asks Mikasa and you to go dance with her.

Of course you don’t say no, the dance floor is full of people having fun and that’s exactly what you want to have.

Hitch grabs Mikasa's and your hand, dragging you deeper into the crowd.

You immediately squint your eyes together because of the bright colorful lights.

You’re sure that Eren would kill you for the way you’re dancing with your friends in that tight dress that Hitch borrowed you, but you deserve it. You deserve having fun and enjoying yourself like this.

You gasp when you suddenly feel a strong grip tightening around your Arm.

You turn around to face whoever dared to disrupt your amusement, ready to cuss them out but you immediately close your mouth when you realize that it’s your boyfriend.

"E-Eren?!" You look at him perplexed.

"You turned your location off." He frowns, giving you a stern look.

There’s so many questions you want to ask.

What is he doing here, how did he find you and how dare he ruin this for you.

"Let go of me." Is all you say, trying to sound intimidating but you fail miserably.

"We’re going home, now!" He’s way better at being scary than you are, yet you stand your ground by telling him no.

"I said we’re going home." He repeats himself.

"Fuck no! I’m not talking to you anymore!"

Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but you’re done being his punching bag. It’s time to put your foot down and demand the respect you deserve.

"Y/n is everything fi-" Mikasa stops mid sentence after recognizing Eren's face.

"What is he doing here?" Hitch also notices his presence with an annoyed look on her face.

"Don’t worry, he was about to leave anyways."

With a cold glance you let Eren know exactly how you feel about his behavior right now.

"Yes, with you." He looks down on you, giving you that death stare that he always uses to make you give in.

You give him a sharp push, ignoring his protests before turning away from him and walking away from him and your friends.

"Y/n, where are you going?!" Mikasa calls after you concerned, trying to follow you but not making it through crowd.

"I need to get some fresh air."

You respond quickly, before you get lost between all the people surrounding you.

You step out of the club and into a chaotic scene of people fighting, couples kissing, and taxi cabs waiting for passengers.

You sit down on the sidewalk as you put your drink down next to you before pulling out your phone from your purse and texting Mikasa that you’re sorry for leaving and that you’ll come back after you calmed down.

You take another sip from your drink when a tall figure sits down next to you.

You’re worried for a second that it might be Eren, but the shoes and the pants don’t match him at all.

"Can I help you?" You don’t even bother to look up at whoever just interrupted your peace, since you’re way to exhausted for that.

"You’re that girl from earlier right? You’re friends with Connie." A sly smirk appears on the lips of the mysterious man next to you.

"I- …" you look up at the stranger to notice it’s that guy from when you talked to Connie.

"….yeah I guess you could say so…"

You yawn, feeling the drowsiness taking over.

"Am I that boring?" He chuckles lowly at your obviously tired response.

"What? No, I’m just… I’m just worn out."

A quiet huff of displeasure comes from you.

"And I don’t even know you."

You didn’t mean to sound harsh or mean, it’s just that you’re really not in a good mood right now.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself earlier, my name's Jean." He says with a hint of a smirk on his face.

"So I heard you’re Eren's girl huh?"

He tilts his head before inspecting your face closely.

"Don’t even start." You roll your eyes at just the thought of what happened back at the dance floor as he let out a gentle laugh.

"I don’t want to talk about it." You add quietly while fidgeting with the tips of your fingernails.

"Hmm... Well it can’t be THAT complicated right?" He asks, sounding genuinely interested in your situation right now.

"You have no idea." Your chin rests against the palm of your hand while your elbow is placed on your knee as you give him a displeased look.

"Just tell me already. I’m invested now." He chuckles lowly.

You take a deep breath before explaining everything that just occurred to him as he nods slowly, listening curiously to you talk.

Speaking your mind out loud was probably what you needed the most.

It made you realize how fucked up your boyfriends behavior actually was.

"…. Did he hurt you?" It’s easy to tell how concerned Jean was by the way he looked at you.

His sorrowful gaze meets yours, almost as is he was trying to express how sorry he felt for you.

"No, he would never…" you say, while trailing the palm of your hand over your upper arm, remembering the way Eren grabbed you earlier.

"But I’m still mad at him for ruining this for me."

You add quietly while chewing nervously on your lower lip.

"That’s…. That’s really unfortunate." He mumbles, leaning closer to you.

His voice sounds so gentle yet serious as he scratches the back of his head.

You don’t know what happened, but just the thought of how many things went wrong during your and Eren's relationship made you tear up.

The worst part about it is that you’re still attached to him and somehow even after everything that happened, you believe Eren without a doubt that he’s speaking the truth when he tells you that he loves you.

"Hey look at me please." Jean grabs your chin gently, forcing you to meet his gaze. His expression softens slightly as he looks down on your face.

You quickly wipe the few teardrops from your face, hoping that he wouldn’t notice them.

"You shouldn’t cry over someone like him."

He says softly while shaking his head.

„Don’t say that… I- I love him."

Eren is very unique, and so is his way of 'Loving'.

No matter if you break up or not, he will always hold a special place in your heart.

"I’m sure you think you do, but-" He stops himself mid sentence as he sees tears welling up in your eyes again. "Shh.. It’s alright."

Somehow seeing you this vulnerable made him want you even more.

"I think he’s a jerk." Jean mutters bluntly.

You should feel bad for being that close to him, but he’s the first person to tell you how things really are, and you appreciate it.

Of course you have Mikasa, but she has a habit of sugarcoating things, making them sound less harsh and telling you what you want to hear because she doesn’t want to upset you.

"What if I told you…" he takes a pause to breathe in before continuing. "What if I told you that I could change all that?" His thumb is now trailing over you bottom lip as he leans closer to you.

"If only you would give yourself to me instead…"

"Jean I-"

"Please." He whispers once more, interrupting you.

"Why would I leave my boyfriend for a guy I just met?" You ask sharply.

"Just listen." He says calmly, his eyes still looking deeply at yours.

"You deserve better than him…besides.."

He places his hand on your lower back as he pulls your face closer to him. "I promise I won't hurt you." He captures your lips in a passionate kiss, leaving you momentarily stunned.

You can feel his heart beating against your chest and his muscles tense and relax with each movement, sending shivers down your spine.

He pulled away gently, breaking off the kiss, while looking into your yes with a mixture of passion and tenderness, hoping that you enjoyed it just as much as he did.

There it was again, that overconfident smile from earlier, displayed in all its glory.

"How about we head back inside and talk some more?" he suggests, a sly smirk tugging at his lips as his hands start to loosen their grip around you.

"Talk huh?" You ask skeptically, not believing him that that’s his only intention.

"You’re a real smart girl, aren’t you?"

"I try to stay humble about it."

"C’mon Jean hurry up will ya."

You fidget on the zipper of his pants impatiently as he lets out a soft groan.

Jean locks the bathroom stall door behind you as he pulls you closer to his chest.

"Easy there sweetheart, what’s the rush?"

A mischievous grin spreads across his face as he chuckles lowly, urging you down to your knees with a firm hand on your shoulder.

"You look so pretty from up here."

You can’t help but roll your eyes at his cocky smirk.

"Ohh so you think I’m only pretty on my knees?"

You say with a sarcastic smile, the irritation clear in your voice.

"Now don’t try to twist my words beautiful, how 'bout you close your eyes for me huh?"

His touch is gentle but commanding as he holds your chin, making you look up to him as his thumb softly brushes over your cheekbone.

"Now open wide up yeah?"

You feel a shiver run down your spine as you do as he says, not questioning his request.

You breathe in sharply when you feel something warm tap your cheek twice.

Abruptly you open your eyes, frowning at him in confusion when you realize what has just happened.

"Having fun up there?" You ask sarcastically, just getting a dumb giggle in response as he trails his tip over your lips before shoving his dick down your throat.

"Fuck yeahhh." He groans under his breath as he throws his head back, enjoying the heat of your mouth.

"Mhmmm feels so f-fucking good."

You watch him moan through half-lidded eyes, mouth wide open, feeling your jaw starting to get sore as Jean keeps thrusting his hips back and forth.

He's holding his breath, trying to not embarrass himself by having a quick shot, cause this is way to good to mess up right now.

"Wait wait wait!" He whines as he suddenly stops, shoving your head back and breathing in an out quickly.

"What’s wrong?"

You look up at him confused, wiping saliva from your lower lip dripping down to your chin.

"Just give me a second yeah?"

He’s still trying to catch his breath as you giggle to yourself.

"stop laughing, this is your fault!"

His attempt to blame you falls flat as you meet his gaze with an unwavering stare, refusing to take responsibility this.

"Alright minute-man whatever you say."

You’re not even trying to hide the cocky smile on your lips as he grabs you by your neck and pulls you back up on your feet again.

He turns you around and presses your body against the stall room door before pushing your dress up over your butt. "Mhmm." He hums before smacking his hand harshly against the flesh of your ass.

Your body twitches in response as you let out a quiet whimper.

His hands moves over the soft skin of your butt before he pulls down your panties. You can feel his chest pressing against your back as he slides his hand between your thighs where his index and middle finger to toy with your already swollen clit before entering your hole.

"You feel fucking angelic baby."

His breath tickles against your ear.

You let out a small moan while laying your head back against his shoulder.

He slowly pushes himself into your entrance as his other hand reaches out and gropes your breast through your dress.

He starts moving in and out out of you, leaving wet kisses all over your neck and shoulders.

You lean both of your forearm’s against the stall door for support as Jean starts thrusting deeper inside you.

"Atta girl, just like that."

His voice sounds raspy and gentle as both of his hands suddenly grab you by your waist.

"F-Fuck keep going J-Jean!" You feels tears running down your face, hoping that they won’t ruin your make up.

"See princess, you gotta find yourself a man that makes you cry like this, not like you were earlier." He laughs. "A man like me to be exact."

His thrusts are becoming faster and faster as you feel yourself getting closer to reaching your climax.

"I-I'm g'na c-cum!" You cry out loudly.

"Keep it down, you don’t want everybody to hear us do you?" He groans softly as he grips onto your thighs tightly. You can tell from how hard he's gripping them that he won't last much longer either.

With a soft whimper you bite down on your lower lip, trying to suppress any further sounds from escaping your throat.

"Ple…Please c-cum i-inside me."

You stumble over your words, gasping for air in between each one.

"Yeah? Well then cum for me baby! Let me see those pretty legs shake!"

He commands authoritatively, gripping your hair tightly to keep you in place.

You can feel him increase his pace even more, making you cry out in pleasure as you reach your peak.

"Oh yeah...that's what I wanted to see..."

He smiles smugly as he feels your juices coat his shaft before he lets a a deep groan while releasing himself inside of you.

"'re such a good little slut."

He slows down and pulls out, making you breathe in sharply.

"Ask me for anything and I promise I’ll give it to you."

He can’t believe what he just said, but the words spilled out of his mouth as he shook his head in disbelief, realizing that he meant it.

— "I swear I would." —


This was so much fun to write, I might write about Jean more often now!

If there’s any characters you want me to write about or I should do another part with, feel free to let me know! :)

Don’t forget to like and reblog <3

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