luukka - Luukka

Fanarts and OCs baby me would've love to draw 🥺 I have à lot of stories. But like a LOT. I think I can say I'm bilingual but obviously English isn't my first language(I speak le croissant 🇨🇵 bien ou quoi hehe) sooo mistakes may be common. Animated movies and cartoons are like my mana 🔥 same with manga and anime tones of book 📚 read like- the half's half... anywayyy hope you like my childhood (but better because it's 20's me that draw them) Also, I like to blablating about things I like, fandoms I'm in, sometimes things that aren't popular because I can do this here hehe

400 posts

My, My, My ! Look Who Is There ! Aren't They The Famous Mad Max And Triple C ? YES IT IS BITCH

My, my, my ! Look who is there ! Aren't they the famous Mad Max and Triple C ? YES IT IS BITCH

My, My, My ! Look Who Is There ! Aren't They The Famous Mad Max And Triple C ? YES IT IS BITCH
My, My, My ! Look Who Is There ! Aren't They The Famous Mad Max And Triple C ? YES IT IS BITCH

Aren't the so cool and cute ? That's so fun to draw them but Jim and Ivy take all the places 😮‍💨 (but I love them more than anything so I forgive them) Ooooh if only I could make this real 🥺

But I don't know if I would be confident enough to make them a couple

Because they could they- they clearly could be one, they have lots of stuff that would put them together, and my friend said when I showed him a drawing of them dancing, I quote:


So yeah. The message is clear as glass 😅

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More Posts from Luukka

9 months ago

Here's part two yaaay 🙌🏾

I told you they take all the place 🤷🏾‍♀️

Here's Part Two Yaaay
This girl just doesn't feel the pain.
I'm joking, she does but she has a very high pain resistance, so a few pieces of broken glass won't even make her bat an eye.
Here's Part Two Yaaay
"Idiot" is one of the worse thing you could call her. Don't insult a genius' process of thought
this one was very fun xD
I had to redo this panel because the first one was a catastrophe.
I'm not very good at drawing expressions, especially on boys 😶 help
Here's Part Two Yaaay
Here's Part Two Yaaay
Here's Part Two Yaaay

Ooh it's cringe but I don't care anymore

Just one more part and it will be done ! 😏❤️ There'll also be a bonus because haha why not

Yeah I took the word "test" to seriously. How ironic.

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9 months ago
before getting together
after getting together
they're just adorable okay

I love this. I love doing this so much

But I don't have a lot of their dynamic now lol

BTW I found a OTP card and I did it because why not and I always wanted to do this with some of my ocs and IT'S FINALLY THE TIME

I thought of Jim's possible sexuality weirdly seriously because my first thought was "straight" but then maybe he was mostly attracted by her intellect, "so sapiosexual ?" but then I thought he wasn't very into seggs immediately so I thought "demi-romantic, then ? but what is demi-romantic ??" but they will- er- and then I gave up and yelled "AND WHAT IF HE'S JUST IVYSEXUAL AND SHIT NOW WHAT ABOUT IT BITCH" (yeah i was yelling at myself) but I remember I planned him to date Kate -more or less cannon LI- and I sobbed before angrily eating and watching some True Crimes.
So unless I understand all these romantic and sexual orientation, for now he's unreported.

and I have no idea if the submissive/dominant is in character or if it's naughty, so I decided to not answer that because they're are dam minors here🧍🏾‍♀️

I'll do another one when they're young adults and one in the 30s. One day.

If you want more explanation, ask and I'll do my best to answer 👌🏾

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9 months ago

Part 3 and there's only the bonus left 😭

Damn I didn't think it would be that long, I never really finished a comics before 💀

Part 3 And There's Only The Bonus Left
funfact: Ivy has predator eyes, so when she's happy or see something that get her interest, her pupils getting bigger, and on the contrary, when she's angry, they get smaller
Part 3 And There's Only The Bonus Left
Part 3 And There's Only The Bonus Left
this frame. was. so. hard.
I love it
fun fact n°2 : when she's nervous or embarrassed, she has tendency to laugh
fun fact n°3 : when she's very happy and excited, she holds her cheeks
fun fact n°4 : Jim and intimacy have a very complicated relationship, and he literally never even dreamed to kiss her on the lips, but the more they grow up the more comfortable he is with the idea of kissing something else that the cheeks or the forehead or the hand (I won't tell you now tho hehe)
Part 3 And There's Only The Bonus Left
backgrounds are so hard man
Finally ! it was so weird to draw her without her glasses 😳
Part 3 And There's Only The Bonus Left

Here 🙆🏾‍♀️ technically it's the end - but theres a three frame bonus like. Tomorrow or something

That last panel was so hard to do because it's actually two panels that I had to manipulate 😮‍💨

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9 months ago

Konomaë : OK two truth one lie, hm... OK. I've ate forty of my siblings, I can't eat eggs and I have a Elton Josh music store standee in my room.

Jim : First of all, we've all seen that standee and I still think it's really disturbing, even more after what you said you did to it. Second, you're supposed to say things realistic ! I know you never had sibs, Ivy told me.

Ivy, coming back with snacks : Jim, in case you forgot, you saw her have three omelettes for lunch last Thursday.

Ivy : And she's a lizard.

Jim :

Jim : yoU AtE WhAT-

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