I Love These Type Of Head Canons-stories, Theyre Always Fun To Read
i love these type of head canons-stories, they’re always fun to read 🫶🏼
♡ Reblogging from my shadow-reader days ♡
ex-boyfriends describe their relationship with the same person w/ txt’s choi line!

choi yeonjun x fem!reader, choi soobin x fem!reader, choi beomgyu x fem!reader
warning(s): swearing, itty bitty angst, mostly fluff, mentions of past relationships
word count?! ooo ermmmmmm good question…it’s long…
coco's love note: this is based off a video made by glamor titled "3 ex-boyfriends describe their relationship with the same woman", I may make this a series so lmk which other idols you'd like to see (from who I currently write for)!

video preview starts: now!
[y/n sits comfortably in a chair as her interview begins]
Y/N: How would my exes, describe our relationship?
[the video cuts to a pink screen with the words that follow it below]
We brought in three of Y/N's exes:
Ex #1 – Choi Yeonjun [he is seen smirking at the camera]
Ex #2 – Choi Soobin [he smiles shyly at the camera in front of him]
Ex #3 – Choi Beomgyu [sits nonchalantly while "shooting" the camera]
And asked each about their experience dating her.

[y/n will ask all the questions presented in bold unless stated otherwise]
— So we met at?
Yeonjun: A dance studio near the area we both worked in.
Soobin: The bakery my aunt owns that I sometimes work at on the weekends.
Beomgyu: A pet store near my house.
— My type is?
Yeonjun: [he contemplates his answer before saying] Well me of course...just kidding she likes fun guys, the confident ones.
Soobin: The sentimental type maybe or the party guys.
Beomgyu: A guy who can hold their own but still love her.
— He was attracted to my?
Yeonjun: Her dancing of course. The energy along with it was always so captivating.
Soobin: Her smile was really pretty.
Beomgyu: Her energy, she was always smiling or laughing and I really liked that.
— And I was attracted to his?
Yeonjun: She always told me she loved the way I could "light up" a room just by walking in so I think the energy I gave and how I present myself.
Y/N: The way he presents himself to a room full of people he's never met will always leave an impact on me.
Soobin: My height and if she tells you otherwise it's a lie!
Y/N: His...caring nature? [she laughs as the producer calls her out for her blatant lie] okay okay! His height was crazy!
Beomgyu: My handsome face! [he gestures to his face and raises an eyebrow]
Y/N: His stupid jokes, as cocky as he seems the guy is funny as hell.
— Who made the first move?
Yeonjun: I did definitely.
Soobin: Surprisingly it was me, she would never.
Beomgyu: It was me she was too "nervous".
— Who made the first move? (cont.)
Yeonjun: It was during a performance we did together, all the emotions were super high so at the very end of the dance, I pulled her in and kissed her. Yeah best time of my life, the crowd went wild.
Soobin: She came in super late to the shop and asked for whatever croissants we had left but we didn't have any so I offered to make her some if she went out with me the next day
Beomgyu: We had been hanging out and I was bored so I just asked and surprisingly she agreed.
— His first impression of me?
Yeonjun: I thought she was going to be this cold partner that I wouldn't get along with, but obviously I was very wrong.
Soobin: She was a bit quiet but really sweet, then you get to know her and it's the complete opposite!
Beomgyu: I swear I thought she was crazy. I walked into the pet shop for some bird food and there she was fighting the clerk because he called her dog overweight. She is crazy but man I was scared.
— Our first date was?
Yeonjun: It happened right after that performance when I kissed her. We went out together and had burgers, then stayed up well past morning just messing around and talking at a playground near the venue.
Soobin: I took her to play mini golf. It didn't go too well since it has mini in the name and well...look at me. She laughed the entire time and instead of me helping her, she helped me.
Beomgyu: We went to an arcade and I beat her in every single game, then she pouted for the rest of the day till I promised to let her win next time we went back.
Y/N: no comment...
— Our first kiss was?
Yeonjun: Well you see...our first kiss kind of started it all.
Soobin: In her car after our, second or third date.
Beomgyu: Ha she was way too scared to kiss me so I did it when I walked her home after we hung out.
— We bonded most over?
Yeonjun: Our love for dancing and performing.
Soobin: We both had an affinity for baking?
Beomgyu: In the beginning our pets and then gradually just everything.
— I introduced him to?
Yeonjun: She introduced me to this entirely different view in life, it was just so uplifting.
Soobin: A new way of cooking, I dreaded it but turns out it can be fun if you do it right.
Beomgyu: A lot of new music came from her, my playlist if filled with it all still too.
— He introduced me to?
Yeonjun: A new outlook on dancing.
Soobin: So many places to eat and drink.
Beomgyu: To not worry what others think whatsoever.
— Did we say, "I love you?"
Yeonjun: [he leans forward and cups his hands around his mouth] We did but I said it first not her and if she lies then it's because she's a liar and hates me.
Soobin: She said she loved me after she met my family for the first time, and of course I said it back immediately.
Beomgyu: Yes, it was a phrase we often told to one another.
— In the morning I would?
Yeonjun: She wouldn't let me get out of bed to cook or shower or even pee. I mean not complaining too much but damn woman I had to pee.
Soobin: She would give me kiss then get up to cook.
Beomgyu: We didn't get up till like 11 if we were together we liked to just be with each other.
— In the morning he would?
Yeonjun: I always woke up first but never got up first since she would cling to me.
Soobin: Um hit snooze? Stay asleep.
Beomgyu: I would wake her up.
— He would call me?
Yeonjun: I didn't have one designated name for her but to get her mad I'd call her sugarplum or something really cheesy.
Soobin: Arm rest. [a smile finds its way on his faces as he's asked to elaborate] There isn't much to say she was my arm rest.
Beomgyu: Fiesty or crazy.
— I would call him?
Yeonjun: She was so mean she called me stupid head all the time.
Soobin: She always called me really nice things or something super mean like giant.
Beomgyu: She called me stupid head a lot and big baby.
— The best thing he did for me?
Yeonjun: I helped her open up a lot more I think.
Soobin: I always made sure she knew how special she was.
Beomgyu: No matter what I always spoken highly of her.
— And the best thing I did for him?
Yeonjun: She helped me with communicating. I get very upset very fast but she always made me feel better.
Soobin: She lessened a lot of my insecurities and that really boosted my confidence.
Beomgyu: Take care of me in a way no one before had ever done.
[the screen cuts back to a pink background with the words below appearing on it]
So who knows her best? (next segment)

— I'm really good at?
Yeonjun: Dancing.
Soobin: Making people feel comfortable/comforted.
Beomgyu: Getting her way? In a good way not bad I swear.
Y/N: Dancing definitely but also teaching others.
— I could be better at?
Yeonjun: Singing because she loved to dance but singing...wasn't her forte.
Soobin: Packing for trips. She overpacked a lot.
Beomgyu: Not fighting with the pet store guy.
Y/N: Being on time or toning down when appropriate.
— I loved to travel to?
Yeonjun: Any place with good food and people.
Soobin: Oh she liked going to sunny places.
Beomgyu: Where didn't she like to go.
Y/N: Places with good food or a nice sun.
— He knows I'm really proud of my?
Yeonjun: How far she's come with dance.
Soobin: She always took pride in how quickly she learned to be on her own.
Beomgyu: Just her life in general, she is doing what she wants and not many people get to do that.
Y/N: As much as I am proud of my dancing, I am so proud of how quickly I was able to go out and do things on my own.
— He knows I hate?
Yeonjun: When people criticize her but have absolutely no background knowledge on what she's doing and why.
Soobin: People who project or are just bullies.
Beomgyu: Not being able to be independent.
Y/N: Not having freedom to do things I know I should be able to do.
— My greatest skill?
Yeonjun: Her passion for wanting to do things.
Soobin: Dancing, I probably haven't mentioned it but she can dance really well.
Beomgyu: Her brain is huge and she uses it well.
Y/N: I know how to make people feel comfortable and I can cook really well.
— I've always wanted to buy?
Yeonjun: What kind of...man I don't know. Clothes? She had a lot of clothes.
Soobin: Shoes maybe, also like jewelry.
Beomgyu: One of those big extra dog houses for her dog.
Y/N: I want to buy my dog his own house.
— I have a talent for?
Yeonjun: Being herself and taking no crap from others.
Soobin: Making people comfortable.
Beomgyu: Tossing small candies in the air and catching them in her mouth.
Y/N: I can make people laugh I think.
— My biggest pet peeve is?
Yeonjun: People adding their opinions in situations that don't involve them.
Soobin: When she feels like she's being restricted from doing things she loves.
Beomgyu: People calling her dog fat of course!
Y/N: When people call my dog fat!! Why would they ever be so mean to him!
— Who takes longer to get ready?
Yeonjun: Definitely me…but only because I need to make sure my fit is good you know?
Y/N: Him always.
Soobin: Of course her! We never made our dates on time but honestly she was so pretty it didn’t matter.
Y/N: Me but only because he has such a nice style he puts his outfits together so quickly!
Beomgyu: Her, no questions asked.
Y/N: Bye it was so him, he is so indecisive!
— One word that best describes me is?
Yeonjun: Amazing.
Soobin: Kindhearted.
Beomgyu: Soulful.
Y/N: Unforgettable.
[screen behind y/n changes to a different color indicating a shift in the types of questions being asked]

— We dated for?
Yeonjun: Three years and two months.
Soobin: Eight months.
Beomgyu: Two years.
— We broke up because?
Yeonjun: Our paths were moving in different directions and we began to not really know one another in a sense.
Y/N: Our lives were moving in different directions and we started to argue a lot, so we decided to split.
Soobin: I think we realized that our relationship was more like friends than a couple.
Y/N: He’s like my best friend, and that was all we started seeing one another as.
Beomgyu: Our communication was really bad, and we had a hard time being honest with one another.
Y/N: We weren’t completely honest with our feelings and thoughts towards one another. It caused a lot of problems for us.
— My worst habit was?
Yeonjun: She didn’t believe in herself enough.
Soobin: She had a really busy schedule and prioritized work.
Beomgyu: Workaholic.
Y/N: Impostor syndrome was BIG.
— His worst habit was?
Yeonjun: Didn’t spend enough time with her.
Soobin: I wasn’t the easiest to communicate with.
Beomgyu: Prioritized my bird over her dog.
— He hated my?
Yeonjun: She could never sit still, always needed to be doing something, could never relax and take care of herself.
Soobin: I didn’t and still don’t hate anything about her, honestly.
Beomgyu: She was bad at communication and so was I so it was hard to get things out.
— And I hated his?
Yeonjun: Probably my friends, she said they liked me too much.
Soobin: How serious I was all the time.
Beomgyu: I couldn’t take anything seriously, we’d fight and I’d laugh it off.
— Were we in love?
Yeonjun: Definitely, always will be.
Soobin: I think at the beginning yes we definitely were.
Beomgyu: Yeah no doubt.
Y/N: Yeah I loved them all, I think Soobin was more of a friendly or brotherly love but Beomgyu and Yeonjun were love love.
— We always fought about?
Yeonjun: Never seeing one another.
Soobin: Being with each other too much.
Beomgyu: How we never communicated with one another.
— I got over the break-up after?
Yeonjun: I wish I could tell you.
Soobin: After we both realized we wanted to same ending.
Beomgyu: What kind of question is that? I don’t know.
— He got over the break-up after?
Yeonjun: Am I even over it? [he chuckles and looks away from the camera]
Soobin: It wasn’t too long, I think I’d accepted it long before it was over.
Beomgyu: Never.
— How did things end?
Yeonjun: Not the best, but we’re better now. We grew apart and it will take time to get back to a great place but right now it’s good.
Y/N: We hadn’t been a real couple in a long time so when it ended it was hard, it hurt both of us a lot but I think we’re getting better.
Soobin: It ended super well I think?
Y/N: It took a bit of space but we’re happier now.
Beomgyu: We argued so much, and that hurt our relationship a lot. I wouldn’t say it ended well.
Y/N: It sucked so bad at first, like I really loved him so much so the end not ending well hurt a lot.
[ending music switches on and the background behind y/n changes colors for one last time]
— Would we date again?
Yeonjun: I think if our schedules and paths aligned with one another, then yes we could.
Soobin: No! But I adore her always.
Beomgyu: Ummm well like assuming we’ve grown and gotten better at communicating with one another then yeah maybe? I don’t know? Yes?
Y/N: I don’t know, I guess only time can tell.
— Are we still on good terms?
Yeonjun: I think so? Could be better.
Soobin: Oh definitely. We have movie nights together.
Beomgyu: Could be better, but our animals have play dates so there’s that.
Y/N: Yes! I love them all, and like yeah some terms could be better but we’re working on it!
— We stayed friends because?
Yeonjun: I don’t think I could live a normal life without her.
Soobin: She’s like my best friend, of course we’d stay friends!
Beomgyu: I think I’d die if she wasn’t in my life, not to be dramatic or anything.
— He would say he misses my?
Yeonjun: Personality, she made me super happy and we had a great time together.
Soobin: I see her too much I have no answer for this!
Beomgyu: I miss her dog, but like I mean like living with him not just co-parenting him.
— I would say I miss his?
Yeonjun: Cuddles, I give the best ones.
Soobin: Can you really miss something of someone’s when you see them all the time?
Beomgyu: My jokes definitely, we laughed a lot.
— Best memory of our relationship was?
Yeonjun: One time we danced in the rain because she said it was on her bucket list of things and I wanted to do that for her.
Y/N: He helped me check off a lot of things I wanted to do in my lifetime and I appreciate that so much.
Soobin: When we made a giant, I’m talking four foot tall, gingerbread house for a contest and still lost but it was fun to do it.
Y/N: We have so many good ones don’t ask me to pick please!
Beomgyu: Walking in the park at night when it was peak golden hour and she looked so damn beautiful.
Y/N: Weekly walks around the park near his apartment.
— The best thing to come out of our relationship was?
Yeonjun: I think I gained a lot of knowledge from her and our relationship in general.
Soobin: Our friendship.
Beomgyu: I grew as a person definitely.
— He would tell my future boyfriends?
Yeonjun: Oh don’t even get me started, good luck is number one. Have fun.
Soobin: You’re very lucky, she’s amazing.
Beomgyu: [he adjusts in his chair and looks the camera dead in the eyes] I hate you. She’s mine. [he flashes a smile after]
[screen flashes back to y/n and all three exes sitting in our shot together]
Interviewer: Would you do this again?
Y/N: Possibly? I think it’s been fun to see their answers especially because they’re all such different people, special in their own ways definitely.
Interviewer: Okay Y/N, that’s a wrap! Thank you so much for coming and thank you boys for agreeing to participate in this video today.
All: Thank you!
[screen pans as the words “ENLUV” flash indicating the ending of the video and we watch y/n and her exes walk off screen]

txt taglist! @yeoforce @nikis-mum @bloom-bloom-pow @gyuuss @yourlocalhotgf @kyublr @spooooooooooon @enhacolor @butterfly-skinnylegend @dinosdance @simpforsung @misschubswrites @junityy @soobin-chois @fairybinie @lolalee24 @ja4hyvn @syrxiee2 – (bold can’t be tagged, & if you’d like to be removed from the taglist or added please let me know!)
coco’s love note: HELLO TOOTS! this is my first “fic fic” back!! tbh idk if I like it, it took such a long time to write and I feel like it’s not my BEST but I’m warming back up to writing so I promise I’ll get better again soon 🫶🏼 thank you so much for reading and feedback is always welcomed/appreciated!! if you liked it please let me know!! (p.s: i was stuck between gyu & jun so 😮)
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More Posts from Luumiinaa
♡ reblogging from my shadow-reader days ♡

PAIRING → jake sim x fem!reader || GENRE → friends to lovers!au, non-idol!au, dancer!au, fluff, angst || WORD COUNT → 8.6k
FEATURING → tomorrow x together’s yeonjun; le sserafim’s chaewon and yunjin; nmixx’s lily; ive’s wonyoung and liz; and newjeans’ danielle || WARNINGS → mentions of food, contains an argument or two between jake and reader (lmk if i’m missing any!)
SYNOPSIS → being part of the same dance team for two years and counting, jake and y/n have never found the courage to confess to each other about their feelings, until one day, they are forced to grow closer as they just so happen to get paired for the first time as the team prepares for a new performance. and luckily for the both of them, they’ll be partners for the entire season. and who knows? this particular partnership might just evolve and grow into one that will last them a lifetime.
AUTHOR’S NOTE → after putting together jake’s birthday fic extremely last minute (heh ,, procrastinator things <//3), it is finally here !! this is my first time writing such a long fic, but i honestly enjoyed it sm, and it makes me wanna write more of them in the future !! happy birthday to jakey, and i hope you all enjoy this one !! <3

“jake totally has a crush on you.”
Keep reading
ᯓ now that’s an adorable skaterboy 🛹

p — PARK SUNGHOON x gn! reader. g — fluff, meet cute. w — swearing, secondhand embarrassment because sunghoon doesn't know how to to talk to cute people. 706 words.
note — park sunghoon is a rizzless loser pass it on. PART TWO. if you enjoy loser! hoon, you might also enjoy this other series of mine.

you only came along with your friends to the skatepark because you had nothing better to do, but now you’re starting to regret that decision because for some reason— while you’re sitting on the stands all by yourself, minding your own damned business because you don’t know how to fucking skate— you’ve caught the attention of six to seven guys who don’t look very friendly.
what the hell? why are they staring? sweat starts to wet your palms as you duck down to untie and retie your shoelaces because their staring was really starting to make you uncomfortable. they look like a group of freaking delinquents. they’re definitely nothing but trouble.
but you regret taking your subtle glances off of them for a second too long because for some god damned reason, one of them started to roll up to you.
you feign ignorance, playing with the laces on your other foot because maybe he isn’t skating to your direction. maybe he’s going to make a turn to the ramps or some shit. maybe he’s just passing by and— of fuck, he’s literally three feet away from you now, and he’s got an ice cold face, and a very terrifying scowl, and he looks like he’s about to curb stomp you three feet into the ground.
he’s leering down at you with his hands in his pockets, posture leaned slightly back and confident. his thick eyebrows are slightly furrowed with a frown that’s housing a lollipop stick. he’s handsome, but he looks like he wants to fight you. he’s pretty, but he also looks like he’d call you a pretty stupid bitch. the kuromi band-aid on his cheek doesn’t make him any less intimidating. he takes out the lollipop from his with a pop!
you wince, ready to piss yourself in fear until you hear him say, “h—hey.”
his voice cracks. you look up.
“i think you’re— i think you—” you failed to notice the red staining his neck earlier, nor the sweat nervously trickling down his forehead. you should’ve known he’d be harmless from the cute bandaid decorating his cheek. all the fear you felt is melted every time he stumbles on his words, every time his cheeks grow increasingly pinker by the second, until he gives up and turns around to yell at the group he separated from to tell them to, “shut the fuck up!”
they’re cheering him on, “you can do it, sunghoon!” you’re more confused than you’ve ever been.
the guy you assume is named sunghoon snaps his head back down to face you, brows that were once knitted in annoyance quickly scrunching into a nervous jitter and he measures up a smile that matches his confidence— faltering and falling apart. you’re starting to feel bad.
“i just...i just wanted to say that i think you’re really—”
go on, you encourage him with a nod. you can do it. maybe you shouldn’t have tried to help him, because the moment you give him an assuring smile, ten million emotions flash through his face at once— shock, fluster, panic in shades of pink, rose, and cherry— until he ultimately settles with defeat when he sinks his head down with a pair of hands covering his face, but he can’t hide the color tinting his ears.
“i think...your shoelaces are pretty.”
his voice is muffled. he looks like he wants the ground to eat him.
“thank you?”
“no problem.”
sunghoon spins around, puts the lollipop back into his mouth, and kicks the ground once before letting the momentum from the roller skates slide him back to the direction where he came from, but he’s sliding slowly and pitifully enough for you to hear the, “oh god, oh no, i’m so fucking stupid, oh no—” sputtering from his mouth in quiet grumbles and hisses as his friends continue to cheer him on from a distance.
the back of his neck is still searing red. when he reaches his friends you watch as his legs give up and he sinks into the ground with a cry of anguish.
maybe you shouldn’t have judged the poor guy too quickly. maybe he just wanted to tell you that he thinks you(r shoelaces) are pretty.

© hannie-dul-set, 2023.

♡ reblogging from my shadow-reader days ♡
the element of substance.

pairing: earthbender!jeno x avatar!reader
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 5.2k
author’s note: jeno’s chapter to my 00 line x avatar series! also this is important - i wanted to clear some things up since i noticed a few of you were confused with jaemin’s chapter. this series is formatted like a dating game. you pick a route with a character (00 line) and then once you finish that route (the fic), you go back and pick another one. the stories have nothing to do with each other, like wiping clean the slate! (this message has also been posted on the masterlist to avoid further confusion)
additional: check out the art that the lovely and EXTREMELY talented steph ( @aqiaquas ) did for this fic here!

Your journey to the Earth Kingdom has not been kind to you.
Everything is so dry, and for lack of a better word, so earthy. No matter how much water you drink, your throat still feels like sandpaper. The food you eat somehow always has the slight aftertaste of dirt. Plus, the weather is horrendous. Most people would enjoy it, since it’s a pleasant springtime warmth, but you’re from the North Pole. Winters are harsh, and summers are practically nonexistent there, which means any rise in temperature is absolute misery for you (you are dreading your eventual trip to the Fire Nation).
You’re about a couple of hours away (by foot) from the Earth Kingdom’s capital, Ba Sing Se, where you will have to consult with the Earth King to find yourself an earthbending master. You don’t really know if marching into the most populated city out of all of the four nations, demanding a conference with the Earth King and asking for an earthbending master immediately is the best approach, but it’s not like you have any other idea or someone else to tell you otherwise.
You’d never realized how awful it is to travel alone. Not having a person to just interact normally with is something you didn’t know you would miss so sorely.
Keep reading
now what if we got an angsty-airport goodbye spinoff 🥹💔
chapstick challenge

pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader
genres: fluff, suggestive
wc: 1163
warnings: making out
summary: the chapstick challenge is just an excuse for you to get heeseung to kiss you. thankfully, he’s more than happy to oblige.
note: i don’t have the motivation to write but i didn’t wanna let the blog die either so here’s another repost :)

“Heeseung!” you popped cheerfully and poked his cheek with your pencil. “Can I ask you something?”
The boy looked at you suspiciously. “What do you want?”
“Do I always have to want something from you?” you asked, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout.
“You’re being weirdly nice and unnecessarily upbeat at 8:30 in the morning so—” he shrugged— “yes.”
“Okay, yeah, I do want something,” you deadpanned, dropping your charade immediately. Heeseung rolled his eyes and you shoved his shoulder playfully in response. “But you have to promise you won’t say no.”
“Boo!” you complained. “You’re such a party pooper!”
Refraining the urge to roll his eyes again, Heeseung reminded you, “The last time you made me promise to not say no, we ended up in the goddamn police station.”
“That’s on you for running too slow.”
“You forgot to pick up the bag with the fucking spray paints, Y/N!” he exclaimed incredulously. “They’re expensive!”
“I didn’t mind ditching the bag if it meant our parents remained uninformed about what happened that night!”
Letting out a long sigh of exasperation, Heeseung said, “Just tell me. The free period will be over soon.”
“Okay,” you declared and dragged your chair closer to his desk. Gesturing for him to come closer, you whispered in his ear, “It’s a TikTok challenge.”
The disappointment on Heeseung’s face could not have been more evident. “I thought you had something interesting to tell me. This was so lame.”
“C’mon!” you urged. “I swear it’ll be fun!”
“You know I’m not into TikTok.”
“Are you opposed to the idea of kissing me too?”
“Oh.” His demeanour changed immediately and he leaned towards you with a curious expression on his face. “Tell me more.”
“You’re such a dork,” you teased.
“I’m down for anything that involves kissing you,” he admitted shamelessly and shrugged. “Maybe this will finally persuade you to be my girlfriend. What’s the challenge?”
You snorted. You and Heeseung were definitely more than friends, but you weren’t exactly dating either. He wanted the two of you to be together, but you weren’t inclined to get involved with him—he was moving to another country for college in a few months.
It was already hard for you to come to terms with the fact as a friend. You weren’t sure you’d be able to cope if you began dating him.
Heeseung tried to convince you that you could make a long-distance relationship work, but you knew better than that. It wasn’t realistic—the timezones weren’t compatible at all and you were both way too career oriented to be able to commit to someone who lived on the other side of the world.
So, you just flirted with each other without ever putting a label on whatever you were. A few platonic makeout sessions here and there, a few not-a-real-date dates to make memories, but never girlfriend and boyfriend.
“I apply a bunch of different chapstick flavours and you try to guess them.”
Heeseung grinned mischievously. “Oh, I love what you have in mind.”
“Meet me at our usual spot during lunch break?” you asked, your lips mirroring his contagious smile.
“Can’t wait.”

“Will we be recording the challenge?”
You raised an eyebrow and looked at Heeseung over your shoulder. Tightening your grip on his hand as you tugged him along faster, you said, “I wasn’t planning to. Do you want to?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I’ll just get self-conscious.”
You laughed. “Are you saying you’re camera shy?”
“I’m saying I would rather focus on the challenge!” he exclaimed, the tips of his ears turning red with embarrassment.
“Relax.” You chucked and let go of his hand. “I’m just messing with you. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
Fetching an eye mask from the pocket of your hoodie, you handed it to Heeseung and told him to put it on. He did, and you uncapped the first chapstick.
After putting it on, you grabbed his tie and pulled him closer. His arm immediately wrapped around your waist, his hand finding its way to your jaw and cupping it gently.
Then, his mouth was on yours. You were a little surprised by how easily he was handling you even though he couldn’t see anything. It made you realise just how well he knew you—how much you’d gotten used to being with each other.
Heeseung tilted his head to the side for better access and ran his tongue over your bottom lip, sucking on it to get a better taste of the flavour you had applied.
“Strawberry,” he guessed without bothering to break the kiss.
You hummed. “You’re good at this.”
He smiled against your mouth and kissed the corner of your lip before pulling away. Removing the eye mask, he asked, “At guessing flavours or at making out?”
“Guessing flavours,” you said with a smirk and slung your arms around his neck. “I’m gonna need to conduct more experiments to reach a conclusion on that regard.”
“Oh, yeah?” he teased, running his thumb up and down the curve of your waist. “Go ahead and apply a second flavour then.”
You did, and this time, Heeseung wasn’t sweet nor gentle. He pretty much had you pinned against the wall, your fingers weaving through his hair and tugging at the strands.
The kiss was deeper and messier, as if the boy couldn’t get enough of you. Could never get enough of you.
His tongue forced its way into your mouth and you knew he wasn’t holding back anymore. He nibbled on your bottom lip, sucking and licking till you lost sense of everything else but him.
Out of breath, you broke the kiss, but Heeseung, it seemed, was nowhere near done. He placed his lips on your neck, allowing you to get some much needed oxygen into your system.
“That’s not where the chapstick is,” you whispered. You wanted his mouth back on yours. Now.
“Chocolate,” he muttered, sucking hard on the underside of your jaw. You hissed in both pleasure and pain. “It’s chocolate.”
Panting, he detached his lips from your skin and leaned against the wall next to you. You glanced at him and noticed that his tie had come loose.
Not only that, but part of his shirt had also somehow untucked itself and his hair was sticking in all directions. What you loved the most about his dishevelled appearance, though, were his swollen lips.
“Bingo,” you confirmed, resisting the urge to pull him against you again. “It was chocolate.”
Heeseung smirked. “Do I get a reward for passing the challenge?”
You didn’t answer immediately, instead fixing your uniform and hair. He watched you intently with dark eyes.
On your way out of the alley between the two secluded buildings at the back of your school, you said, “Why don’t you meet me back here after class and find out?”
The mischievous glint in Heeseung’s eyes was all the answer you needed.

♡ reblogging from my shadow-reader days ♡
the element of change.

pairing: waterbender!jaemin x avatar!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 5.5k
author’s note: hi so this is jaemin’s chapter to my avatar series with the 00 line! also this is my first time writing action scenes so please excuse their mediocrity, i’m trying my best
additional: check out the art that the lovely and EXTREMELY talented steph ( @aqiaquas ) did for this fic here!

Never in a million years did you think the feeling of dread would wash over you when the chief tells you that you are the next Avatar.
Then again, never in a million years did you think you would be the Avatar. You’re a female waterbender from the Northern Water Tribe, where women are only allowed to use their abilities for healing (and you can barely even do that). How are you supposed to master all of the elements when you can’t even master one?
“There must be some sort of mistake, Chief Baek,” you say nervously, wringing your gloved hands. Even though you’re wearing thick layers, you feel your blood run cold and prickly goosebumps dot your skin. “It can’t be me.”
The chief hums in agreement, shaking his head. “I feel the same way, but alas, it is. Therefore, you will be granted special permission to use your waterbending for fighting.”
You feel your annoyance flare slightly at his blatant lack of faith in you, but it’s not like he’s wrong (which only makes you feel even worse).
“But who will teach me? None of the waterbending masters here would ever teach a girl,” you protest.
“We will make arrangements,” Chief Baek says vaguely, “For now, you will observe Master Yang’s class.”
Master Yang is the fiercest and cruelest teacher in the tribe. Only the strongest waterbenders survive under his tutelage, like Na Jaemin―the star bender of the Northern Water Tribe and your longtime crush. The two of you used to be attached at the hip when you were kids, but that quickly changed as you got older and Jaemin’s abilities grew stronger (while yours remained stagnant). You still have a schoolgirl crush on him but nothing more, because you are very aware of the fact that he couldn’t care less about you. Jaemin is most likely on his way to surpassing Master Yang and becoming the strongest waterbender in the world, which makes him the perfect candidate to be Avatar.
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