May I Request A Dodge Piece?
may i request a dodge piece?
The reader (he/him) helps dodge through a bad ainxiety/panic attack ? Idk why i asked this, i just like angsty stuff :D
hi! first of all, thank you for requesting! this request really sounds like this one right here (i'm right here) that i already did. if i believe right, the reader has no pronouns stated and it is about the reader having a panic attack. due to being burned out of writing dodge content and most importantly, the request already being very similar to one that has been alreayd done, i won't write another one, but thank you so much for requesting!! hope you like it.
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More Posts from Luwritesomething
surfer!stu macher x gn!reader mini blurbs
CONTENT: gender neutral reader (they/them pronouns used), very brief sexual + drug references, stu isn’t a safe driver at all

↪ surfer!stu’s room, hair and car all smell of surf wax. you’ve lost count of the amount of times you’ve stuck your hand into his hair after a day in the water, and he’s coated over sea salt with the product. ‘ew stu, what is that?’ he sticks his hair up into a ridiculously vertical look. ‘you like?’ you frown, and he pouts with a hand held firmly against his heart.
↪ he has a pickup truck he describes as “shitty”, but his frame of reference is completely messed up. his parents stopped letting him drive their sports car after he crashed it (measures only got this drastic after the third prosecuted incident). his board doesn’t fit well in the bed of the truck, but stu does his best to reassure you. ‘no babe, it’ll be fine.’ he turns to check, somewhat unsure of his own statement. ‘no one’s stupid enough to run into this. gonna hurt them more than it’ll hurt me.’ you bite your tongue on his long list of accidents, most his family were able to get him out of repercussions for.
↪ you rub aloe vera into his back when he comes back burnt, which is every time he goes. he winces and whimpers. ‘stop being a baby,’ you chastise. ‘i’m not,’ he whines with a less than convincing pitch. ‘if you just sunscreened, this wouldn’t happen.’ ‘didn’t have time. the waves were too good. you should’ve seen them, babe. picture perfect. just like you.’ his cheesy grin distracts you from your concern, for better or worse.
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@karen-from-krypton okay, i’m so (not) sorry that you asked.
first we have COURTNEY NOVAK !! she’s my latest oc i created for a dc character. court became jason todd’s bestfriend when they were about 13 years old after she helped him in the streets, and continued to be best friends until jason was well, killed by joker. nine years later, once jason has already resurrected, healed and regained his memories, he approaches court and their bond becomes stronger than ever, developing into a slow-burn angsty romance because best friends to lovers with mutual pinning is the angstiest of the angstiest.
i also have BIANCA BARBOSA !! a poor young adult from blüdhaven that struggles to make a living to support herself and her little brother. her path runs into young vigilante nightwing’s and after some tragic events, bianca becomes a vigilante with a justice lust that escapes nightwing’s control.
then there’s BLAKE KYLE !! half-sister to maggie and selina kyle in an alternate universe with a grown-up damian wayne, whom she hates, and a snarky robin, whom she hates even more; of course with our beloved trope of enemies/rivals to lovers. she’s the most elaborated oc i have (counting absolutely every fandom) and her wip has currently a word count of 51365 words, at least three different alternative universes and a sequel with a word count of only 5399 words.
and that’s just a little summary lolz.
Share your ocs with me please
speechless. damian had me in a chokehold through the whole thing.
Just One Night - Damian Wayne x Reader
request: Can you please do a fic with the tropes of fake dating and idiots in love with Damian and f!Reader please?? 2k words & and a very bold Damian Wayne. Hope you enjoy <3
"When pigs fly." you laughed.
"You know I could make that happen." Damian said with a yawn. He had asked you to accompany him through a day of press. He was under paparazzi fire for allegedly being seen with the domino mask a familiar hero was known to sport, he still claims he would never make such a mistake, the press however, says otherwise.
So in a horribly drafted redirection of attention, you got to be an arm piece to the Prince of Gotham for the day. It made sense, you two were openly close friends being the children of hugely famous Gothamites, and no stranger to the public eye, but this was a stretch.
You whined, "why are you not more upset by this? You hate these events more than I do, let alone with the added drama of a date." you watched him shift uncomfortably before replying, "father made it clear that until my name is separated from Robin, Drake is tasked with the title, and I'm benched. You know I hate to say it, but please y/n, it's just one night" and suddenly his desperate agenda became clear.
"Alright, but I come at a price," you smirked as his eyes met yours, "If we are really going to sell this, you have to be nice to me, a gentleman even, and I want McDonalds afterward, no complaints," you crossed your arms over your chest as Damian rolled his eyes at the preposition.
"Do you really think so lowly of me, my love?" he tacked on the cheesy pet name with a grimace. "Oh I certainly do," you replied with a cackle.
Damian's PR team had set the agenda, dinner in the public eye then off to a short appearance on a talk show announcing the non-profit both of your families were funding, and finally a short appearance at an after party for a gala, which meant a paparazzi stretch. Overall, nothing either of you haven't done, but so much more stressful with a "partner".
And just like that, you were whisked into a sleek black car, dressed in a dangerously sultry dress, set to arrive at a restaurant Damian would already have a table at, meaning the paparazzi were already en route.
As soon as the car door was opened for you, the flashes began. Pushing forward, eyes trained downward, the shouting began: "Y/n who are you wearing tonight?" "Does this count as a date?" "Damian has an empty seat, is that where you're headed?" "Any comments on your late night appearance tonight?" you managed to glance up and smile before slipping into the restaurant, quickly making your way upstairs to the balcony table where Damian sat, fiddling with silverware like a literal child.
As his eyes met yours they swept your body swiftly, something more than boredom flashing behind his eyes. Quickly he stood up, sauntering to your side he pulled your chair out for you, but not letting you sit down before pecking your cheek, his lips cold to your touch.
"At least they cannot hear what we say," he grumbled as you both sat down.
"Is it that miserable to pretend you like me?" you teased back, glancing down at the fans below.
"No, no it's not," he near whispered, his hand came to rest on yours, a gesture you felt no one could see. Your eyes met his and held his stare for a few seconds too long.
He broke eye contact by glancing at the flashing cameras below. "Are you ready for tonight?" he asked softly, letting you key into just how nervous he actually was.
"There's no one else I would do this for," you breathlessly replied, but his gaze never met yours, stuck on the hoard below.
The rest of dinner was regular, Damian already knew your order so the food came quickly, and the two of you fell into the comfortable friendship you'd always had.
"10 minutes to go time" your assistant called into your room as you glanced at yourself one more time in the mirror. You hated talk shows: uncomfortable clothes, questions, and all in the public eye.
Damian's voice was muffled from outside your door a minute later, "can I come in?" was all you heard, pushing the door open slightly so he could enter.
"Please don't comment about the dress, this whole thing was last minute and I did my own makeup because I absolutely hated the artist here, and-" you rambled, staring at yourself in the mirror with exhaustion.
"Y/n, you look exquisite." Damian appeared behind you, he was tall enough that his shoulders were at your head, you looked up and met his eyes, noticing his hair neatly slicked back. He looked older, handsome even. Leaning back into his chest you tilted your head back, prompting him to look down at you through thick lashes, your eyes meeting without the mirror.
"Just one night," you whispered up to him with a smile.
His hand found it's way to your hip, steadying you against him, "one night," he hummed in agreement.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Damian Wayne and Y/N L/N!" applause echoed in the studio as you both walked on stage. Almost instinctually Damian stopped in front of you, his hand catching your hip, guiding you in front of him, into the chair to his left. You glanced up at him with a smile before sitting down, letting you attention fall to the host.
"What an honor to have the two of you here together! Y/n we are so excited you brought your date tonight," the host slid in the remark hoping to catch any type of reaction, but you just smiled before answering "it is so exciting to bring my partner to announce our family's non profit! This effort is such a huge step towards a brighter future for Gotham, we are so, so excited," you grinned, turning to face Damian who's eyes were trained on you.
"I noticed she said partner, how does that feel Mr. Wayne?" the host waggled his eyebrows at Damian who finally met his eyes. "It feels incredible to call our families partners, I know I speak for the Wayne family when I express how honored we are to join this program as benefactors." you bit your cheeks to withhold a smile at his question dodge.
"So you don't mind me asking if there's really nothing between the two of you?" the host leaned in, knowing eyes meeting yours. Feeling your cheeks heat up you whipped your head to Damian, eyes telling him to speak.
He simply smirked, lightly pushing a piece of fallen hair behind your ear while saying "nothing," his eyes only looking into yours. The silence had you in a chokehold, unable to look anywhere but Damian.
You knew the host was saying something cheeky in response, but you couldn't pull your eyes from Damians until he broke the electric feeling. With a cool smile he responded to the host, leaning back to place his arm on the back of your chair. His wingspan large enough that your head rested against his forearm.
The rest of the interview was a blur, you mindlessly answered questions until your 30 minute segment was up. Finally the host stood up, ready to set you free. As applause filled the room you shook the hosts hand, pausing to wait for Damian who did the same before following you out of the studio and into another black car.
"That went perfectly," Damian hummed while you looked out the darkened window to the city. The ride was short but you couldn't help but ask, "how is this, all the pretending and flirting so easy for you?" your voice cracked, raw emotion pushing through as you turned to face him.
He went quiet, strictly staring ahead as the car pulled up outside the paparazzi stretch into the after party you two had to attended. As the driver stopped the car and stepped out to get your door Damian turned to face you, his voice low and raspy like he'd been sitting on the words the entire drive there.
"You think this is just all fake? Darling, I'm not pretending."
Before you could catch your breath he stepped out of the car, flashing cameras and yelling started almost on queue. Your door opened, with Damian standing stoically outside, waiting for you. Legs damn near shaking you got out of the car, immediately clinging to his side as he led you down the carpet.
When the screeching and pleading to stop for photos got too intense Damian paused, stepping in front of the cameras to let you adjust your straps and hair, this put his face inches from yours, but this time his eyes failed to meet yours, trained only on your lips. When he fell back into place besides you his hand found its place on your hip once again, this time his thumb rubbed circles around your waist through the whole photo-op.
Once inside the cold air met your blushing cheeks, knocking a breath of fresh air into your lungs, enough to give you the confidence to drag Damian into a corner of the room.
"You think you're funny Wayne? Flirting with me all day then saying it was real? Toying with me like that? Absolutely not." you were talking animatedly with your hands while he just towered above you with a smirk.
"And what if I meant it?" Damian cocked his head to the side, smirk still plastered on his face. "Then you would've done something! Anything! You just get the chance to be with me today so take it!" you exclaimed, waving your hands in front of you.
"Ok," was all Damian said before his hands grasped either side of your face, leaning down to your height and crashing your lips to his. You threw your hands up in confusion, eyes opened wide, but his were closed, squeezed shut as if he couldn't think of anything else to do but kiss you.
And suddenly you melted, deepening the kiss as your eyes fluttered closed, hands pulling desperately on either side of his tuxedo.
Lightheaded from the aggression behind the kiss you pulled away, your chest rising and falling in unison with his. "That was something," you whispered.
"Had to take the chance," he whispered in response. Suddenly he was on the move, grabbing your hand and pulling you through the entire ballroom, out the back door, and into another car.
As he slid into the drivers seat he mumbled "I believe there was one more requirement for the night." You couldn't find the words to respond, your fingertips dancing on your lips, feeling how puffy they were from the kiss, the only reminder that it really happened.
After a short interaction with the McDonalds employee who happened to recognize both you, you were parked in an empty lot, silence grasping the car.
"Not how I thought today would go," you whispered. Damian glanced at you, eyes searching yours, "better or worse than expected?" you appreciated how blunt he was.
"I- honestly, better. Way better." you sighed, smiling to yourself while looking back on the nights events.
"As promised, it was just one night. You can hold me to that promise." Damian looked earnest, like he was saying it as much to you as himself.
You paused, deciding to test the waters. "And what if it wasn't just one night? Brunch tomorrow maybe? Movies at yours after? Maybe one week only, or a month?" you glanced in his direction, unable to contain a smile as his eyes lit up.
"Could I interest you in a lifetime?" he raised his eyebrows, frozen in waiting for your response.
"Only for a lifetime D? I'm in."
"Only for a lifetime beloved," he whispered, leaning in to seal the promise with a kiss.
Mickey Altieri x Reader: Umbrella Link.
Words: 1706
Warnings: bad date.
Summary: you are alone in the rain because you forgot to brin an umbrella. mickey has one, though.
Author's note: OKAY SO I’M OBSESSED WITH SCREAM, and i’ve been writing in ao3 instead of in here because i wanted to get away from my responsabilities and numerous dodge mason request. sorry, i got overwhelmed, but i’m back, and i’m bringing all of my pieces in ao3 with me. here you go. you can find the link to ao3 here:
Criticism is appreciated and request are open! Hit that anon button and tell me your idea!
College was definitely better than high school. You had never believed your friends back in your hometown whenever they talked about how great university was going to be. How it would change everything, how no one disliked college. You had never had, on the other hand, too much faith on this idea, though. Middle school had been hell and high school hadn’t been any better. Instead of thinking positively, theorizing that college couldn’t be worse than what you had already lived, you stayed on the half empty view. So, arriving at Windsor College and discovering that you had been wrong all along was a pleasant surprise that Derek Feldman, your old friend, would never allow you to forget.
Derek and you had been friends since kindergarten. You wouldn’t know what to do without him, and neither did him without you, so it had been a relief to find out both of you had been accepted into the same high school. Your friendship, however, hadn’t stopped either of you when it was time to find some other friends, and slowly but firmly, the new group of friends strengthened with the friendships that lasted after the first weeks of class. Randy, Derek, Mickey, Hallie, Sidney… You’ve all become inseparable and that’s everything you know by now.
That, and the fact that it is raining like it’s the last day on Earth and you have no umbrella.
Hallie and Derek told you earlier, before you went on your date, that you should take an umbrella with you but you hadn’t listened. There were no clouds in the sky and you were convinced you would come back to your dorm before the sky could get cloudy. As you had expected, the date hadn’t gone well for you, but the guy talked a lot about himself — so much, you had loathed the sound of his voice only half an hour in. Still, you hadn’t found a valuable excuse to leave earlier than supposed to, and he literally gave you no time to tell him that it was already late and you should head back home. He had offered to walk you home, making a brilliant observation about you not having an umbrella when it was raining cats and dogs, but you had nicely told him you would wait in the coffee shop’s doorway until it stopped. You had no intention of spending more time with that person, ever again, and it had been a relief seeing him finally walk away. It wasn’t a relief, though, that it was still bucketing down with no intention to stop. You were cold, and tired and a bit annoyed by the result of your date.
“Nice weather, isn’t it?” The voice near your ear made you jump on your place, not knowing someone had approached you from behind. You gave Mickey Altieri a dirty look when you recognized him behind his umbrella, a grin in his face. “Whoa, relax, Y/N. It’s just me”
Mickey had been Derek’s first friend on campus. He was his roommate and the two of them had quickly hit it off. He also turned out to be a film student, just like you, but you were closer with Randy Meeks. Mickey was everything opposed to Randy, which meant he was everything that got you a little nervous. His nonchalant playfulness, his flirtatious comments, his easy going but intense personality — it was all nice until you two were alone, when those things focused on you more than usual.
“Yeah.” You scoffed, burying your hands in your hoodie’s pockets. You avoided his eyes for some seconds before looking back at him, finding he moved from behind you to next to you. “For a duck, it might be”
Mickey chuckled softly and his face lightened up when he did. You didn’t need to look at him to see the wrinkles that formed in his eyes, you’ve already memorized them. He happens to laugh a lot. “Where’s your date, uh?”
“Gone, thankfully.” You said, and that made him chuckle again. Your lip corner twitched gently and you crossed your arms. “No, I mean it. He was so… he only talked about himself, I swear. He literally began by saying he loved how his voice sounds”
“Sounds like a jerk.” Mickey agreed, his smile still shining bright.
“Well, he was pretty sure he was awesome”
This time, you joined Mickey’s chuckles. It was sweetly contagious, and if you looked at the situation with a little bit of humor, it was actually really funny. How many chances did someone have of going to a date where the date was only going to talk about themselves? Self-love was definitely something important, but this guy had crossed some serious boundaries. Mickey’s brain came up with a thousand jokes about what you had told him about the date, but he held himself back from saying them. It was already hard for him to make you laugh, he had no intention of screwing up the little good time you two had together.
“So.” Mickey pointed at the rain with his chin and then looked at you. “You need some help getting home?”
You nodded softly, and grabbed his free arm when he offered it to you, so you would be better covered by the umbrella — and closer to him. Mickey was warm, probably because he hadn’t been standing outside in the cold like you had been doing. It actually made you pull impossibly closer to him, to feel the warmth and stop being cold. If you had looked up at him to check if he was okay with the proximity, you would have found Mickey smiling as softly as ever, comforted by your easygoing attitude.
“Why aren’t you in your dorm already?” You asked, not wanting the walk to be an awkward, silent one.
Mickey shrugged his shoulders. “I was taking a walk. You know, calming down and stuff”
You hummed, understanding what he was saying. Mickey had been in an odd mood lately, and he had snapped during the morning, bickering with Hallie about something you hadn’t paid so much attention to due to your Film Theory homework. Him storming out of the cafeteria had been the only thing that had made you look away from your paper, both confused and curious. Hallie looked too angry to ask her anything, and Derek’s eyes had promised telling you what had happened later, but he never did. Sidney and him had a date, and you had been too busy with helping Randy to choose some films to think about what had happened. You had only remembered the incident after Mickey’s answer.
“If you need to talk I’m here, okay?” The words left your mouth without you thinking them twice. You didn’t need to, however, because it just made sense. Friends were there for you whenever you needed them, or they were supposed to. “You’re my friend”
Mickey looked away shortly before flashing you with a well practiced smile. “I know, Y/N”
Once again you hummed, and you allowed the silence to settle between the two of you. As much as you didn’t want silence during the walk, you couldn’t force a conversation on him, and it actually turned out not to be as awkward as you had imagined. Mickey’s aura just kept it from being awkward.
By the time you arrived at your residence hall, the rain had calmed down a bit and changed to a slight drizzle that bothered more than soaked. It was ironic thinking that, if Mickey hadn’t been there to walk home with you, you could have just waited a bit more and come home by yourself. You were still grateful he had decided to take the route he had taken.
You held the door open for him to come inside the building, knowing he wouldn’t have plans for tonight and would rather just stay in his dorm. Mickey thanked you with a smile as he closed the umbrella, and stepped inside with you.
“Um…” You played mindlessly with your hoodie’s sleeves. “Should I worry about you, Altieri? You seem off”
That was by far Mickey’s brightest smile since you had met him. It actually confused you to see him smiling that hard when he had been so weirdly silent, but you smiled back at him. There was just something about him that set you in a good mood whenever he wasn’t making you nervous.
“You definitely shouldn’t.” He assured, nodding his head as a thank you.
“Then I’m going to, uh,” you pointed at the hallway to indicate you were going to leave. Mickey smiled “Yeah. Night, Y/N”
You waved at Mickey before turning around. You hadn’t even taken the fifth step when you heard him take a quick step into your direction. “Y/N, wait!”
“Yeah?” You turned around in your heels, tilting your head to the side as you watched Mickey. You saw him hesitate for a second, like he shouldn’t have said anything. “Mickey?”
Mickey scratched his neck and laughed under his breath, nervously. His confidence shattered for those seconds, before he looked back at you with his characteristic, charming smile.
“I wanna take you out on a date,” Mickey said, surprising you. Your eyes must have widened, because he chuckled shortly. “Is that so weird to you, Y/L/N?”
You scoffed, thinking his joke wasn’t funny at all. That made him raise an eyebrow, which shed doubt into you “Like, for real? A date, date?”
Mickey smiled like you were hilarious. “Yes, a date, date,” he mocked, and you felt the heat rush into your cheeks. “What’d say? Tomorrow morning at the cafeteria?”
Crossing your arms, you licked your bottom lip before letting your teeth nibble at it. You stared at him like he would eventually crackle up, saying it was a joke. But he didn’t, because it wasn’t. “Um… yeah, sure”
“It’s a date, then.” Mickey finger-gunned you as he started to walk towards the other hallway, without turning away.
“A date,” you repeated, nodding. A smile slid into your lips. “Yeah”
fanon will always be better than canon wizarding world and it's all because of j. k. r*wling. so there you go, girly girl, thank you for giving us (almost) nothing.
the slander on slytherin people is shameful -- other users had made better post about this with better writing expression than i, but it's true. name one slytherin that wasn't described as ugly or evil since the beginning, i dare you. snape was ugly and had greasy hair, voldemort became a sick baby, regulus was the less attractive brother and less likeable, narcissa was described by harry as always smelling shit or something, lucius was straight up evil giving he was draco's dad, draco was also ugly and evil, pansy looked like a dog i think, theodore was weedy or something like that, crabbe and goyle don't even get me started -- and all because jk wanted to be a... let's say rita skeeter. she literally said 'all slytherins are evil and therefore they are ugly and you don't like them', yes, snape is inside this too because he was an asshole, redeemed or not. i mean, girl, you wanna be petty about your high morals so you make this??? ah, no, fuck you.
also don't even get me started in the presence of ravenclaw and hufflepuff on the books and movies. and by that i mean their absence. i'm a slytherin, and honestly? i get why we hate gryffindor. they are always prioritized and given more screen time/recognition than any other house. i know that before happy boy potter came to hogwarts slytherin won the tournaments and stuff BUT THEN THEY WERE FUCKING ROBBED -- at least in philosopher's stone there was some explanation for dumbledore's favoritism to gryffindor/potter (the moral of the story and friendship and bla bla bla), but it continued like that in the following years and no wonder why we're still bitter about this. i just can't imagine what ravenclaws and hufflepuffs thought.
like, the wizarding world is so badly constructed. yeah, when i was like 10 years old i thought it was fire and really great but not anymore -- it's a literal place for prejudices and black/white moral situations only, no greys. i still really enjoy the wizarding world although its creator is a fucking terf and is badly constructed, but that's because i rely on fanon. i rely on the amazing writers and artists (synonym) that create great pieces about the fandom fixing all the things that jk did wrong. that's why fanon, IN THIS FANDOM, will always top canon, and no, i wi not argue with anyone about this.
anyways fuck gryffindors (hj)