maddenleftchat - Welcome Wander
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She/They/He\\Madden \\ {18}

940 posts

Deez Nuts

Deez nuts


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3 years ago

Hey everyone, so after the two posts that I will be posting today, I won't post likely for a little bit. I'll be working on this oneshot I've been putting off. Thank you. :)

3 years ago

Now I just keep thinking of a tired darling just forcing the two to get along for one moment so that there’s some peace and quiet in the house… maybe falling asleep between the two… I think I’m getting too soft for these two-

- 👑

Oh baby, if you fell asleep with in-between these two. They are immediately get along. Both gushing over how cute you are, as they keep you in between them. Maybe techno lays your head on his lap, and dream puts your legs in his lap.

And just accept defeat 👑, you have fallen for the two

3 years ago

TFW: attempted murder. How would yandere dream and technoblade react to their darling faking affection to get close to them, but only to assassin them by the orders of L’manberg because they are secretly a loyal member of the nation?

On the off chance that you are shared between theses two...

Triggers: Possessive/obsessive behavior, mention of fighting, murder, character deaths, mention of isolation, mention of psychological torture, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.




TFW: Attempted Murder. How Would Yandere Dream And Technoblade React To Their Darling Faking Affection

Now…I must warn you dear reader…you have quite the pair with you.

They are basically the opposite kind of yanderes.

Techno only wants to worship you, while Dream wants you to worship him.

So…this will be a challenge for you little killer.

Are you up for it?

You better be.

So…let's say, you somehow catch both these pretty boys’ attention.

It will definitely be a computation for the first few weeks/ months.

But eventually, the pair will come to the conclusion to just keep you at Techno’s home.

It was either that or you are forced hip and hip with Dream.

**cough cough** #homelessteletubby **cough cough**

So, at least to say, Dream will be coming over a lot more often.

And if you stay with them long enough, he might even move in!

I’ll have to teach you, little killer, the proper way to act with these two.

So, to keep Dream interested, you’ll have to struggle a bit, but not too much.

Just enough to where it looks normal.

While with Techno, it's best to listen to what he says, and do everything he says.

Because in this situation, the one you're going to fear most in this “relationship” is the voices.

They are going to be the hardest ones to fool.

Now, how do you act if you are together?

Well it's rare, since these two will trade days of who gets you when.

In the mornings, you tend to be with Technoblade.

Even if you aren’t a morning person.

He doesn’t mind just cuddling with you, or taking you on a small relaxing horseback ride with Carl.

But, the minute it turns noon, it's Dream’s turn.

Dream usually wakes up around 10:30-11 if it's a relaxed day.

Dreams usually take you out on hunts or something like that.

And when it turns evening Dream will either take you to dinner himself, or that’s when he’ll hand you back to Techno.


But there will be the rare occasion that they will share you together.

And when that happens, it's best for you to act more submissive and relaxed.

Evenings with them, together, usually are filled with Dream messing around with weapons or making plans and Techno just quietly reading, while you sit between the two bigger men.

Techno’s arm around your shoulder.

And Dream’s hand either around their waist, or hand on your thigh.


Now, let's say you’ve stayed long enough.

You have somehow not been torn apart by these two from their fighting.

You have somehow managed to work your acting magic and fool both the men and the voices.

Well..first off, that's impressive.

Secondly, congrats, Dream has moved in.

But you're still on the same sharing schedule.

I would imagine you assassination would go something like this:


It was early morning, before Technoblade even woke up.

You needed to get rid of the hunter first.

He could sneak attack you.

You wiggled your way out of Technoblade’s strong hold on you.

God, that got annoying.

No part of you felt remorse.

This was your job, your job for your country…Manberg.

As you carefully stood from the bed, not to wake the light sleeper next to you.

You knew Dream was a heavy sleeper, you could kill him easily.

Shit, you would kill him with his own axe.

As you left the room, placing your steps carefully, you had memorized what floor boards would squeak and which ones wouldn’t.

You walked across the hall to Dream’s room, and opened the door carefully. As you peaked inside, your face paled almost paper white.

But you didn’t let this small inconvenience affect you.

He left his Axe in his room.

So you took it.

It was heavier than you thought, and you weren’t used to it.

It would be a bit harder to fight with, but it was manageable.

As you made your way to the first floor where the kitchen was placed, and there you saw him.

He was cooking?

You hid the axe and acted like you had just woken up.

Dream had only heard you approaching, and looked up from whatever monstrous thing he was cooking.

When his eyes landed on you and a happy smile graced his face.

He had been a lot nicer since he had fallen for you.

“Morning, little doe.”

You gave him a sleepy smile.

“You look pretty cute in that hoodie, I must say.”

He said as he soaked in the sight of you in his hoodie that only went down to your lower thigh.

You hum in reply and walk over.

When you do meet Dream on the other side of the kitchen your free arm wraps around him.

“You ruined my surprise, doe.”

Before Dream could even fully turn around to face you as you had let go of him you were already swinging the axe at him.


Now this is when things get tricky.

You have two endings, one you successfully kill, or two you fail


Ending one:

You didn’t give Dream enough time to react and the axe ended up striking his collar bone.

He fell to the floor in pain, screaming out.

You quickly shut that up.

Your cold eyes were the last thing he would ever see.

After that, Techno was quite the fight, but you managed.

And when you returned to L’manberg, you were a hero.

You praised…


Lucky you,…you have caught the eye of a certain god…


Ending two:

You hesitated on your swing, so Dream caught the axe and was quick to take you down.

He would tackle you to the ground with a large crash.

This noise would wake the piglin.

Least to tell you some explaining to do…

And your punishment will be a mix of isolation from Techno.

And psychological from dream.

By the end of your punishment you’ll never leave their sides!


In short: this will be a highly difficult job to pull of, and if you manage to do it, all depends if you play your cards right~

Word count: 1009


Thanks for reading!

Tags :
3 years ago


Thank you 💝

3 years ago

I have no clue if it’s just me being touchstarved (I have no clue if that’s what is actually happening or if I just don’t understand) or what, but the idea of just having a relaxed evening with the two? Techno quietly reading on one side while Dream messes with his weapons on the other? In Techno’s house, in the cold, with two most likely warm people next to me? That’s the good shit, man.

- 👑

It honestly sounds really nice. Like especially if you can have like a gaming system or like music or something with you. (I'm listening to music 90% of the time) that wood be great. I honestly think this match would fit you the most.