Me? Falling For Them? Never. I Definitely Would Not Get Comfortable And Forget They Are, Indeed, Yanderes
Me? Falling for them? Never. I definitely would not get comfortable and forget they are, indeed, yanderes more than once. No clue what you’re talking about-
- 👑's okay, I'll keep your secret ;)
fujisakura liked this · 3 years ago
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I have no clue if it’s just me being touchstarved (I have no clue if that’s what is actually happening or if I just don’t understand) or what, but the idea of just having a relaxed evening with the two? Techno quietly reading on one side while Dream messes with his weapons on the other? In Techno’s house, in the cold, with two most likely warm people next to me? That’s the good shit, man.
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It honestly sounds really nice. Like especially if you can have like a gaming system or like music or something with you. (I'm listening to music 90% of the time) that wood be great. I honestly think this match would fit you the most.
Although looking at the headcanons there, apart from the part where the reader tries and fails to kill him, Dream almost seems (dare I say it) softer? You did a fantastic job on it, of course, but now I’m curious about if he’s actually softer or if I’m just misinterpreting it
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I decided to make him a bit softer to see if people liked that better than the cold hearted dream. But also in the request it said that reader had already fooled both dream and techno that the reader has fallen in love with them. And I personally see it the dream would be very much softer if you finally fell in love with him :)
I mean, I love the angst and fear and everything else, I find it makes the scenarios interesting, but at the same time my heart aches for the softer bois… this is dangerous information that I have been given, as well as dangerous information about me that probably would put me even more at risk with some yanderes-
(feel free to ignore all my ramblings, I have gotten sucked into this yet again)
- 👑
It's completely fine I love to read all your commentary and I'm glad that you could be so invested in my content
Hello everyone! So I think I will start taking the weekends off of writing. Unless I feel like posting. Sorry, but I just see it as my time to relax. Hope you can understand. Thank you 😊 so just to clarify, I will only be posting
Mon-Thur unless I feel like posting on the week end. :)
Hey everyone, so after the two posts that I will be posting today, I won't post likely for a little bit. I'll be working on this oneshot I've been putting off. Thank you. :)