My Dad Literally Won't Look At Me Because He Thinks I Undermined His Authority When He Was About To Give
My dad literally won't look at me because he thinks I undermined his authority when he was about to give my brother an eating disorder.
Thanks a lot dad.
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english is not a real language it's just the internet language and the "we have a different first language so we need to speak in a language we both know" language
Sticky Man Peter Parker x reader
[no pronouns used]
Summary: A bit of jealousy, a bit of angst and a whole lot of fluff | The reader doesn’t know he’s Spiderman btw.

“You have heart eyes again. Is it safe to assume that it’s MJ who’s texting you?” you asked, half-bored and half-hurt.
Peter did an elaborate shrug, one that did not convince you otherwise.
“Who is it then?”
“Uhm, not important.”
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Halloween night // Fluff Fic with Timothée Chalamet
this fic is about: hugged/kissed wrong person in a costume like my friend's. by: @/dailyau - basically meeting someone by 'accident' at a party and getting to know them better all night long
warnings: none

The Cure was stifling your ears, the beat of their songs seemed to be following the same rhythm as your heart.
You’d never understand why parties were so loud.
“I think I'll get myself a drink, I'll be right back,” your friend's voice awoke you from your self-deprecation, or a soon to be one. “You’ll like it darlin', just give yourself some more time.”
She could be right, at least it was what you had been hoping for since the beginning of the night. However, the tiredness and misunderstanding you had made when choosing your costume was enough to consume the rest of the good mood left in you. Pessimistic, but being in the middle of several people dressed in sexy costumes while you were dressed as corpse bride - wearing a nothing cute and not at all attractive makeup - wasn't being much pleasant. With a heavy sigh, all alone, you leaned the side of your body against the cold wall. A few more hours, just a few more hours and you'd be allowing yourself to leave through that door. Looking for your friend, who you already imagine would no longer come back to you, your eyes caught a sexy nurse, a kind of playboy bunny and a shirtless fireman. You didn't feel like you belonged there, and the funny looks you received said so. That'd be a hell of a night.
Then Gold Dust Woman blessed your ears, making you smile involuntarily at the sound of Stevie Nicks's voice, just so that you found yourself considering trying to put up with the party for a little longer. Anyways, after a long week of work and a crazy friend, who let you go to a halloween party with a dirty wedding dress while she was wearing wings with an expensive shiny dress, convincing you that you had made a good choice; a few drinks to the sound of good music seemed healing for you.
Fixing your wedding dress, so that your train wouldn't stick to your sneakers so you could awkwardly dance through the crowded room, you felt a pair of arms hugging your midst from behind, spinning you around in the air like you were a piece of paper.
Startled, you opened your eyes, as wide as a doll, and placed your hand on your chest, feeling your heart getting crazier than the music. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" You shouted at the man in front of you. His big, radiant smile fading away as soon as he saw the expression on your face.
"Bloody hell, lady, my bad!" He said, running a hand through his hair. "Just expect you to be someone else, my cousin is in the same costume."
Nice choice this stranger's strange cousin.
"I'm sorry, you're alright, right?" His accent enveloped your mind, as did his perfect teeth.
"All good, I almost had a slightly heart attack but I'm fine." You offered him a smile, letting your eyes hover over him. He was nice to look at. Apparently, he was a vampire, a high-necked shirt - way too high, yet somehow sexy on him -, a lovely reddish circles under his long lashes, shiny eyes and unwashed gorgeous curls that you were craving to touch. Definitely a vampire, who looked a lot like Victor too.
"Well, I'm glad I didn't kill you." He sighed after a few minutes of silence. His eyes were locked on yours as well, then you realized how creepy you must be looking not letting your eyes leave his for even a second.
"Then I'm relieved, imagine how lame it'd be to die on halloween night." He smirked, rocking his shoulders in a so perfect move, and you wondered if it was from your comment or because of your sudden shyness under his constant glare.
"Corpse bride killed by vampire? it looks like a great report, don't you think?"
"Oh, no. I'm not looking for it, don't kill me, sir." You raised your hand in surrender, feeding him with more of your sense of awkwardness as you felt your cheeks hot with the rose of blood.
"Don't worry, I'm not planning to." He let out an amused laugh, creating wrinkles in his eyes, making you wonder if he was ever capable of feeling sad - you truly hoped not, it didn't fit his face.
"Lookin' for your cousin?" You asked suddenly, watching him stand on tiptoe, looking around.
"Not really, I've been trying to find my group of friends for about 15 minutes, still haven't found any of them." His hands rested in his pockets while his nose wrinkled a bit, everything about him was so adorable in your eyes, even his night-weary eyes that looked like those of a newly adopted puppy without knowing their new owners. He looked deserving of affection.
"Sure," You whispered, weirded out about how you wish he could stay with you for a little longer. "Maybe they are closer to the drinks at the back of the party, you could check there."
He looked at you, seeming to think about what to do next. You thought about getting out of there, walking in the other direction, but you had nowhere else to go, so you just stood by his side; and it wasn't uncomfortable to be around him, just different, a good type of defferent. "Do you smoke?"
"Do you wanna go outside, and have a smoke with me?" He said, now getting his mouth close to your ear. Your whole body shivered in goose bumps.
You nodded to him, allowing him to guide you out of the house.
Standing next to him, under all of the magnificent stars, you supported the weight of your body on one of your legs, enjoying the fresh cold air of the night while watching him taking a cigarette out of his pocket. He lit it, putting it between his pink, well-designed lips as he brushed his hair away from his face. By now, to say that he was breathtaking would be an understatement.
“You do that a lot, huh?”
“Do what?” You shifted your eyes to your feet, your cheeks getting even hotter.
“That staring thing. It's quite cute actually, not completing.” He commented, blowing the smoke through his mouth with a weak smile, appreciating how easy he could make you blush.
You wrinkled your nose, holding a small grin to yourself. Your hands clumsily searching for your cigarette pack and lighter, trying to avoid looking directly at him as he wasn't a distraction. "Can you lend me your lighter?" You asked, putting the tube between your lips.
"Here, let me." He murmured, coming up to you. A little too close, you thought.
You took note of the strong smell of cigarette mixed with mint that he exhaled as his face came close to yours. Holding your cig still in your lips, he lit the small object with the shinning fire, using it to bring life to your tube and cheeks. His piercing eyes weren't shy at all in analyzing every spot of your face, which finally made you comfortable to admire every sweet freckle on his nose.
"Like your hair, it reminds me of period Parisian movies." You said abruptly, restraining the urge to wipe a lock of his bangs off his face as he walked away from you.
"That's the intention, mum said it's good to attract the ladies," he tossed his hair back and stopped in a funny pose. "What do you think, is it workin'?"
Taking a few steps back, you put your hand on your chin and pretend to think seriously about it. "Nah, it's definitely not working."
He laughed, showing you his perfect teeth, emitting a cute sound. “So do you live near here?” He took a long drag, walking toward the street.
Just then you noticed that the place was busy even outside, not that you mind about it at this point; you were just too distracted to pay attention to it.
“Yeah, a few blocks from 'ere, what 'bout you?”
“Same,” He threw the butt on the sidewalk while you enjoyed your last puffs in the midst of his not-so-well-disguised glares. “Did you come alone to the party?”
He touched his shoulders on yours as you started walking to the dark street, the music was barely heard anymore. “No, I came with a friend, but apparently, she found something better to do.”
“Well, her loss, my gain.” You chuckled, feeling him brush his fingers against yours. The night was getting more and more comforting.
Suddenly, you were holding hands, sharing all sorts of facts and stories at random about yourselves. You know by now that he has a best mate (just like he said, his own words), named Nicole, his mum; who was everything to him. He also told about his dog; named Zendaya, after his friend that was in a important movie with him. Weird, but since he said you could pronounce his name however you pleased, including Doug, Alex or Rick in such a happy face, you even thought it was normal, and even a little cute.
By this time your head was already resting, awkwardly, on his shoulder while you were walking in disastrous steps, he already knew more about you than your co-workers, from how you hit a boy in sixth year because he had stolen your lunch to current days, full of college exams and volunteer work. In which he made you explain, in detail, what it was like to cheer children up in hospitals with small theater shows.
"You seem to love what you do, your eyes shine talking about it and all those stuffs."
"I love helping people, just as I love children, so yeah, doing both at the same that is just so wonderful," you explained, all excited, talking with your hands while you grinned at each other like idiots because both knew what it was like to do what you loved. "But the same goes to you, you talk about being an actor and how you can be, express yourself by doing that with so much love that I can almost picture you acting or even reciting a poem with all your love on top of a stage for a crowded audience."
He couldn't help but beam even more, he could also imagine you wearing some costume, just like you were now, talking and playing with some kids. And then, he thought, that maybe, if you kept in touch he would be able to watch it. "You should go to one my plays, there are some scheduled for next week, you definitely need to go, love."
"I'd love to, I would be happy to see you in one of my children's plays too," You said in a high-pitched voice, with the butterflies in your stomach as happy as you were.
A sudden silence hung between you, but it was far from uncomfortable, it was more like an invitation to enjoy each other's touch and breath.
Stopping walking abruptly, you cleaned your dress and stood in front of a sidewalk, making Timmy frown at you. He certainly had no idea where he was, your bad.
"Well, this is where I'm... live." You hesitated, not even you could explain why your mind - and feet - guided you home.
"Did you bring me to your home?" He scoffed, failing to hide a sweet smile. "Could have told me, I wouldn't think twice."
"God, you're so cheeky."
"And I didn't hear any complaint." He replied, taking a few steps closer to you.
"Yeah," you confirmed it as if it were a question, feeling nervousness take all over your body. After all, would you see each other again? would he at least ask for your number? or you who should ask first?
He rested his hands on either side of your waist, bringing your body closer to his. "Is it okay?" You nodded as your eyes traveled from his eyes to his lips. Then, the space between you was no longer there to be seen, his soft lips moistened yours as his nose tickled your cheek, just as smooth as him. It was warm, gentle and you were sure that you could live in that moment forever. Your hands clasped around his neck, letting him deepen the kiss with his forehead stuck to yours as his curls tickled your skin.
"That was good." He mumbled, breaking the kiss with small pecks, keeping his nose touching yours so slightly.
With your eyes still closed, you sighed as you felt his fingers caress your jaw and his warm breath on your face. "You want to come inside?" You whispered as you opened your eyes, realizing that his gaze was on you all this time - just when you thought you were recovering from the kiss; even knowing it wasn't a possible thing. "We can have some tea, talk more or do a lot of other stuffs, I don't know."
He laughed sweetly at your nervousness, making a nasal noise that you made a mental note to remember of the sound later. "Of course. I mean, cute girl at a halloween party brings me to her house and even calls me in, how could I say no to that?"
i'm taking requests at the moment :) smuts and flufflies and lots more
About amour

Timothee Chalamet x fem best friend! Reader
Word count - 1354
The crunch of popcorn carelessly thrown around the room melded with our souls to create the tender caress of a lover, in place of a dear friend
Masterlist and request rules <3
Our laughs filled the room as pieces of half popped popcorn flew across the couch, some successfully landing in our mouths and some being lost to the abyss. The parchment bag started to wrinkle as I swiftly stuffed it behind me, slapping his hands away when he tried to reach for it.
"Manners" I teased
"In my defence, you hit me first!" he laughed, spreading himself over the couch so that he was lying on my lap with his feet hanging off the edge.
"Well in my defence I couldn't not take the opportunity, you know our agreement!".
On the first day we met, we watched a movie together, starting a mini food fight, so from then on it became a little tradition that was really just an excuse to be competitive twice a week, or more if we had to make up for the occasional lost time.
"Yes, yes whoever wins gets to choose the next movie bu-"
"You're just pretending to act defensive when in reality you are thrilled about the fact that we get to watch Paddington 2 for the fourth time in two weeks".
He let out an exasperated sigh, his face so close that I could count every freckle, and feel every breath. My brain felt as if it was losing track of its motions, making room to focus on just how beautiful he looked in the moment, hoping to save a little snapshot in my memories forever. He turned, his arms hugging my waist as I sifted my fingers through his hair.
"Stop staring at me like that", his voice muffled through my silken shirt, leaving a mark of hot breath on my skin.
"Shouldn't pretty things be admired?", my tone laced with a slight tease.
"Hmm I like when you compliment me though"
"You practically get compliments for a living", becoming more incredulous to hopefully retreat from the subject of romance.
"But it means more when it comes from someone I love". He sat up, the green of his eyes mingling with mine, my body slowly warming from only his mere words.
Love used to be so casual for us. We would say it when we left, when we would meet, practically anytime we could. Now my heart lit a spark, burst into a slow steady flame that could combust at any moment. Not sure how to react anymore. My hands grabbed the parchment bag, shaking it wildly before forcing myself to walk over to the kitchen.
"I'm going to pop more popcorn," I said, feeling stiff with every word. Feeling his eyes follow my figure as I walked towards the kitchen.
The sizzle of oil fizzled into a layer, glazing over the unpopped kernels that sat in the bottom of the saucepan. I placed a lid on, an occasional pop sounding here and there with its low heat. A puff of air escaped from my mouth in the brisk night air that infected my house. I felt Timmy’s hands snake around my waist, my body leaning into his warm atmosphere, as if on instinct. His hands started to tickle over my stomach. My mouth let out a yelp, giggling into his touch that infected my body with a flutter before separating his hands from mine, feeling my body burst with buds of heat. Slowly I began to turn flustered as my cheeks flowered into warmth, nervously twirling with my hair.
I covered my eyes with my hands, unable to face his gaze. "Someone's embarrassed" he teased, manoeuvring me with my waist so that I was turned facing him instead of avoiding him at the stovetop.
I let out a steady breath, biting my lip as I averted my gaze.
"Hey, are you okay? I know you bite your lips when you're nervous. You can tell me anything y'know", he said sincerely, brushing his hands over my cheeks to calm me down when it only made me lose track of thought. Now I had to confess. He always knew when I was lying or avoiding the truth.
"Okay. Okay. This is taking a lot of courage right now so be patient please"
He nodded, his eyes focused nothing else but me, staring into the frosted glass planes of my fear, my loves, and my doubts.
"So, do you remember that night in the park? We looked up at the stars and decided to create our own constellation named Bernadette's comet". My lips let out a shaky breath, his hands intertwined with mine, bringing me that same sense of familiarity I had that night, trying to send him a small smile. "Then, you caught me. Staring at you. So you asked what I was thinking about. Back then I said how it was like a perfect encapsulated moment in a book and if someone out there was experiencing the same thing, right in that exact moment. But that was actually the first time I wanted to take your lips into mine, confessing so we could love each other every day for the rest of our lives, until the day we saw that same star again, but differently". Brushing a piece of hair out of my face, he gazed into my eyes with the same gaze he gave me every day, every time I beat him at chess, every time we promised sweet nothings, and every time I thought about kissing him right where we were.
His face started to flush, his cheeks turning red, but not like roses. Like a painted sunset reflected over a lake glittering with water lilies that made the day seem so much brighter. "I remember the full fourteen hours we spent together, taking a road trip because you seemed so happy and I couldn't say no to you. I remember thinking on the drive back home that I wish those hours could never end, that I should've kissed you underneath that waterfall where you looked like a goddess among nature, and-" "-and that I loved you so much it was frightening, so much it felt like a miracle that I was lucky enough to have you in my life. Because I love you - my y/n l/n". I stood there, unsure of what to say, my eyes tracing each feature of his face, sculpted from glazed marble and blown glass. His voice whispered into the air, sending tingles through my body that reflected the stars. All the stars that could never compare to our memories of this very moment, trapped in harmonic bliss.
"Was that romantic enough? Sorry - it's just you're not saying much so-"
Upon hearing his words leave his lips, I guided his hand over to my cheek, letting him absorb the warmth that burst through my lungs and heart, unable to let me think or say something perfect enough for this moment.
"It was amazing", my laugh rang through the silent air. The blush in his face only spread, like the wisp of a cloud emerging in a sky. His fingers traced over my lips as he simultaneously rubbed my neck. The corner of his eyes flicked over to my lips too nervous to move first.
I leaned in, feeling his soft lips against mine, savouring each curve that graced my own, almost imprinting a pattern of our adoration into our own world and bodies.
But then he pulled away. With my mind still intoxicated with his touch. He started to kiss up my neck, starting at my collarbone, my hands wandered across his back, tracing little hearts until he kissed the corner of my mouth, all his moments seeming all too fast yet too slow.
In an instant his lips touched mine again, a myriad of sensations washing over me. The messy locks I lightly tugged with my fingertips, the ever satisfying rhythm of his body moving against mine, and his whispered confessions of love that sent me smiling into the kiss for as long as I could muster, erratic pops ringing through the air, an odd accomplishment to the amorous moment that almost released all the tension out of the air, our bodies melding and relaxing into one.
Thank you so much for reading and please send in requests!

![SOMETHING ABOUT YOU [Peter Parker]](
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: While getting ready for a date you get insecure and Peter’s always there to comfort you (inspired by the song ‘something about you’)
Warnings: A little bit of angst but mostly fluff, a few swear words, ED talk, self hatred, not proofread so there might be some mistakes
A/N: I cried while writing one of the paragraphs but what’s new? sorry it came out mainly dialogues but I had to get it out what was build in me sorry
reblogs and feedbacks are always welcome<333
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