SCM - Department Of Wishes
SCM - Department Of Wishes
Tauxolouve ♐- Song Of Bliss
For fluffbruary event ( @fluffbruary )
A/N: Sorry for the delay. 😔 I hope you enjoy reading this! 🥺🌹💕
Prompts: rescue | inertia | lullaby
5th February, 2024
Sitting on the sofa, your phone in one hand and the other hand massaging your forehead, you pondered what to do first.
Your brother had just informed you about the sudden business trip that he has to attend. Time was running out as the clock showed 4 PM.
Taking a quick shower, you were brushing your hair; when the door bell started ringing. "( Name ), i am terribly sorry. If i had known earlier..." you brother explained.
"No, no it's alright. Don't worry, i will take care of Luna." you said, " You should get going. The traffic is terrible after 5 PM." you hugged him.
"Call me when you get there."
"I will, sis. Thanks." he said; quickly walking back to his car.
"Aunt, how are you? Do you have fever?" Luna asked, concerned. "No sweetie, i am alright." you said, smiling brightly, trying to ignore the headache.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" you asked.
"Will you not watch the movie?" she asked as you were walking to the kitchen. " I will, but first i need to prepare dinner. What would you like to eat?" you asked.
Luna shook her head and replied, "I am not sure. You pick something."
The door bell rang, as you were about to chopping some vegetables. Luna answered the door. "Aunt, your cool friend is here." she announced at the top of her lungs. Coming back to the living room, you saw Luna holding Tauxolouve's hand and leading him to the sofa.
She sat down next to him. "How are you?" she asked him excitedly. "I am doing well. How are you?" he asked.
The conversation continued. You decided to quickly finish cooking dinner, while they were talking.
6.50 PM, you walked back to the living room, carrying a tray, which contained three bowls and three spoons. Each bowl covered with a lid.
The movie had ended and the Television was turned off. Tauxolouve was reading Luna a story. Each delightful question she asked about the story, was answered in an equally enthusiastic manner.
Setting the tray on the table you said, "Dinner is ready." Luna looked up at you slightly disappointed, as according to her the story had just started to get interesting.
"10 minutes please. We can eat after that." she said looking up at you with that puppy eyed expression. "But, Tauxolouve is tired. He will read you the story later. " you said trying to reason with her.
She looked up at Tauxolouve who assured her that he isn't tired and resumed the story. Sitting next to Luna, you closed your eyes; resting your head on the sofa.
"Aunt? Wake up." Luna was softly tapping on your left hand. You softly rubbed your eyes. " What time is it?" you asked.
"7.46 PM." Tauxolouve replied. Quickly opening your eyes, you saw Tauxolouve, bringing a glass of warm water.
"You fell asleep. You looked tired, so we didn't want to wake you up. Uncle Louie fed me. The food was delicious, aunt. Thank you. " she said smiling at you.
Handing the glass to Luna, Tauxolouve sat on the sofa. You and Tauxolouve were eating in silence when Luna asked with a bright enthusiastic smile plastered on her face, "Will you sing some lullabies, uncle Louie?"
"Sweetie, he had a lot of work today. He needs to rest", You quickly add, "Maybe some other time." In hopes of pursuing her to change her mind.
"Uncle Louie?" Luna held Tauxolouve's hand and used the same puppy eyed expression all over again, "Please sing something for me. Just one song... please."
Her adorable expression and pleading tone worked its magic and soon Tauxolouve found himself looking at a book full of lyrics.
Brushing her hair, you braided it with a navy blue ribbon which matched her dress perfectly.
You tucked her in bed. As you were about to sit on the chair next to the bed, Luna held your hand. "Aunt, will you not stay here with me? What if there are ghosts under the bed?" she said slightly shivering at the thought of horrible creatures lurking under the bed.
You lied down beside her. She turned on her side and wrapped her hands around your left arm.
Tauxolouve began singing softly. The mellow tone of his voice filled the room with warmth. The words, soft as clouds filled in, by his honeyed voice, tenderly guiding you and Luna to dreamland.
By the time the song reached its conclusion, you and Luna were asleep.
Tauxolouve picked the chair and placed it infront of the study table. Keeping the book in the shelf; he turned off the light. Gently closing the door; he walked back to the living room.

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More Posts from Mairablue
I guess we all connected the dots, from painting to photography. 😂
For me, i also wanted to write a human!Tauxolouve x Reader story, so that is there as well.
@mairablue , @imhereforscm : I haven't read your fics yet but this is so funny. I didn't get a chance to write my story till this morning but I'd looked at the prompt yesterday evening and thought 'Tauxolouve', then I saw yours last night Mariablue and wondered whether I'd stick with Lou or choose someone else, and then this morning I saw yours Imhereforscm and then I just had to stick with him as the featured God because...
All three of us clearly thought it was perfect for him. 🤣
SCM - Department Of Punishment
Scorpio ♏ - Home Where The Heart Belongs
For fluffbruary event ( @fluffbruary )
A/N: This has turned a bit more bittersweet than fluffy. Still i hope you enjoy reading this! 🥺💞
Prompts: potatoes | blue | glass
7th February, 2024
Cool breeze flowed inside the kitchen from the window. The sky turning a bright shade of orange as the Sun was gradually setting.
The finely chopped onions, and potatoes cut in half made sizzling sounds, coming in contact with the hot oil on the saucepan.
"Thank you." Scorpio said as he paid the shopkeeper. Putting the box in his bag, he walked to the railway station.
You were busy setting the table; as your eyes wandering to the wall clock over and over again.
The restlessness in your heart increasing with each passing minute. For 3 months you have waited patiently. But now this pain feels unbearable.
Suddenly the ringing sound of the doorbell was heard. Finally, he is here.
You opened the door as rapidly as you could and hugged him tightly. Almost making him stumble.
Scorpio chuckled and picked you in his arms; tenderly kissing you.
"I missed you." you said, the overwhelming feeling of separation coating your voice. Scorpio held you against his chest,"I missed you too, love." He was better at hiding his emotions. You two stayed in each other's embrace for a few minutes, before slowly letting go.
"Something smells delicious." he commented as he walked in the living room. "It's a surprise, sir." you said jokingly. "Alright then." he replied cheerfully.
Scorpio walked into the dining room. His hair was still slightly wet. Few drops of water dripped down from them and soaked into his white shirt, whose two buttons from the top were kept open.
He sat down on a chair. You sat next to him.
Taking a spoonful of Biriany, he brought the spoon to his lips. Closing his eyes he softly chewed. The corner of his lips curled up,"I haven't had a home cooked meal in months", pausing to take another spoonful of Biriany in his mouth. " Thank you for cooking, love." You had known about his love for Biriany for a long time.
"I hope this is to your liking as well." saying that you filled a glass with Pomegranate juice from the pitcher.
His eyes lit up seeing the reddish liquid in the glass. Pomegranate was one of his favorite fruits, after all. And to get fresh Pomegranate juice, after three whole months of almost fasting and surviving off junk food, he indeed considered himself to be fortunate.
"I can't thank you enough." he said as he chugged down the glass of juice.
Once you two had finished eating, he helped you with washing the dishes. Deciding to continue your conversation in a much relaxed space, you lead him to your bedroom.
He wrapped his arm around you as you leaned your head against his shoulder. "How are you? How is work going on?" he asked.
"I am fine...," you sighed, "as fine as i can be without you. As for work, some students are dropping out."
"How long will you stay here?" you asked. The concern about his well-being too evident in your voice.
He remained silent for a few seconds,"Probably a week." Neither of you knew how to continue the conversation from there. He couldn't promise you anything. He knew that deep in his heart. And the one thing that you prayed for; every passing moment of the day, was his safety. That was all you wanted.
As a war correspondent, he never knew when or if he will ever see you again. Or the letter he sends to you, at the end of each month, is going to be the last one you ever receive from him. These thoughts clouded his mind, until he noticed his bag kept on the study table.
He opened the bag and took out a gift wrapped box and handed it to you. "Open it." he said.
A gorgeous silk dress, blue in colour, awaited for you. The fabric cool against your hand as you held it. " This is expensive!" you exclaimed. Your voice filled with slight panic as you knew, without a doubt, that a dress like this would cost a fortune.
"Why? How?" were the only two words that came out of your mouth.
Scorpio placed his hands on your shoulders, "Today is our 4th anniversary. I wanted to propose to you, but considering the current circumstances, i can't promise you a future... yet."
"I love you. I can't imagine a life without you. I don't know what tomorrow holds for us but for today let us be happy. " he said, holding your hands in his, trying his best to hold back the tears that threatened to overflow.
"I love you too." you said and kissed him.
The tiredness slowly desended as your eyelids started to feel heavy. He too felt the need to rest after the tiresome journey of the day.
Lying next to you, he started stroking your hair. No matter what happens tomorrow, you two will always have each other's company, with this promise you drifted off to sleep. Soon enough he fell asleep as well.

If y'all could read this fic in my brain you would be so impressed.
Aigonorus is always so sweet. 😭🤧🥺💛
This was relaxing. Thank you!🌹🌹💖🌹🌹
Star-Crossed Myth Fluffbruary Fanfic (5th Feb): A Good Night's Sleep (Aigonorus/MC)
Title: A Good Night's Sleep
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Genre: Fluff
Rating: T
Pairing: Aigonorus/MC (MC’s name left blank so you can fill it in with whatever you wish in your head)
Word Count: 560
Written for Prompt: Feb 5: rescue | inertia | lullaby @fluffbruary
February 5th: A Good Night’s Sleep (Aigonorus/MC)
Aigonorus frowned to himself as he checked the planetarium in the reflecting pool in the heavens when he had a brief few minutes alone to do so. ___ looked even more tired than she had when he’d picked her up from work the day before.
He sighed softly. If she wasn’t getting any sleep that worried him. As Tauxolouve came back into the room, he looked at the other. “‘M gonna go to the archives.”
“Everything alright?” Tauxolouve asked, somewhat surprised.
“... I don’t think ___’s getting any sleep. I should find a way to help…”
“You would worry about that,” Tauxolouve muttered teasingly, though he understood where he was coming from. “I’m not sure the archives is the best place to look for this though, unless you think there’s an outside issue causing it.”
Aigonorus sighed heavily. “I guess. What a pain. There must be something I can do…”
“Maybe try talking to Hue?” Tauxolouve suggested softly. “He has books on the Earth as well as the Heavens after all.”
“... ‘Kay,” Aigonorus reluctantly agreed. “I’m gonna head off then.”
Tauxolouve nodded. Whilst it wasn’t the end of their shift yet, this actually was more warning than he usually got from the other. He could tell that the other was troubled by this as he hadn’t had to wake the other today.
That evening, Aigonorus picked ___ up from the planetarium as per usual. He smiled softly at her as she headed over to him, though his eyes showed concern. “You’re tired.”
“I didn’t get any sleep last night, and not much the day before,” ___ admitted, leaning on him a little. “My mind’s been focussed on this event.”
“We should get you home,” Aigonorus muttered, holding her close and snapping his fingers before she could protest.
Once they were at her apartment, Aigonorus pulled her down onto the bed beside him and hugged her tightly.
___ went to say something, but then her eyes widened as Aigonorus started to sing a very old lullaby. She stifled a laugh.
Aigonrus cut off, frowning. “Am I doing something wrong? This can help people to sleep, right? It's not just children it works with?”
Laughing properly now, ___ wrapped her arms around him and returned his embrace before kissing him briefly. “I'm sorry. It's sweet of you to try. It's just… that's the wrong tune for those words… or the wrong words for that tune, depending on which you meant.”
“... Oh. Maybe I didn't fully understand what Hue meant then…”
___ smiled lovingly at him. “Or maybe you drifted off during the conversation. Especially considering you were talking about lullabies.”
Aigonorus sighed. “This was supposed to save you from another restless night.”
“Aigo,” ___ murmured softly and lovingly, “I don't need you to do anything to rescue me from that. You being here will be distraction enough. I take it you can stay tonight?”
“‘Course,” Aigonorus replied, now smiling brightly himself. “When's this event anyway?”
“... Tomorrow… so after that I'll have less on my mind.”
Aignorus squeezed her gently. “You always worry too much.”
“I can't help it.”
“I know,” Aignorus mumbled, holding her close. “It's always like this when you've got a lot on at work. But remember to lean on me…”
___ smiled and leant into the embrace, closing her eyes. “Thank you, Aigo. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Sometimes I feel weirdly and openly liberated, as if I am just a visitor, a passerby, a traveller seeking another destination soon, who is enamored by various sights until she has to go to the next, and then there are days where the journey feels deeply lonely, and all I want is to light a fire at night, and talk to a few people, listening to their stories, and sharing mine, until the sun comes over, and my eyes still possessing a waking gleam of life.
Beauty. Poetry. Passion. Romance.
Then one day, it feels to be limitless, to be a God, a flawed God, but God nevertheless. Immortal, and undefined, surrounded by the best and the worst, yet nothing attaches to this flesh of mine for long, because immortality weaves into my soul fitted in a mortal cage. To watch people and their stories, and never be a part of one, to witness smiles and tears of one, until you meet the next character, the next tale and life flits by, you never earned a friend or foe, because all relations end with death.
And then this loneliness of either the passionate artist or the flawed god clouds me. The great Void beckons me closer, and I leap, my soul finding home in the vast clear void.
All there is left is an old parchment, a God's brush and a body of a character, I can recognize from a recent story.