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54 posts
Feelin Blue
Feelin’ Blue

Arthur Morgan but painted with purely blue tones! I kept the color wheel on the same spot while only adjusting values n stuff-
It’s not my best but I’m getting back into the groove of art after a bit of a break!
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More Posts from Majorstumbles
I did not- Lord help me I am too tired to be posting on Tumblr-
Honestly, I love how most artists depict Ares as mostly bare, not even a chestplate, and yet his face and hair is usually completely covered.
You'd take a look at his body and assume he was boasting his invulnerability and strength, and then you take a look at his face and you see nothingness incased in gold and a blood red plume matching the cloak around his shoulders. He is literally depicted as an Everyman, someone for soldiers to strive to be, and yet is faceless so he could be anybody. He's faceless in the war of the gods, a soldier's pawn in the games of his generals. And sure, he is somewhat shown to have his own will in myths, the Net and Jar ones for example, those both ended with him being bound and either mocked or forgotten about. He is the perfect image of the perfect soldier, faceless and yet intimidating, able to survive battle and yet follows orders to the tee because he knows what happens when he doesn't. And the cloak around his shoulders and neck paired with the golden protections around his wrists, forearms, and shins mostly have always screamed a bit 'shackle' to me with its placement. Like he's constantly being reminded of his failures by the very armor he's wearing- though it is limited. An aggressive figure to send into battle, and yet cowed at its master's beck and call with chains of its very own reliance. One that is dehumanized by the very thing that keeps it safe, and yet is shown off by the lack of safety almost everywhere else. The blood red on its plume and cloak reminding those around it of what it is capable of, and that it's not doing that to them because the master has not willed it.
But, maybe I'm just tired
(I wrote this at like 3 in the morning, I’m sort of its bad)
Why would the X-Men name Hank Beast?
Why would the X-Men name Hank Beast? Sure, he’s big, blue, and hairy, but a ‘beast’ is usually something that is uncivilized and brutish. While he may be ‘scary’ to some, he is anything but uncivilized. He regularly quotes novels like Dante’s Inferno, and isn’t just spitballing something that sounds smart. He has the ability to discern decent interpretation of the texts and use them at his discretion in fitting scenarios. The speedo might be a bit weird, but shoving that much fur into clothes must be uncomfortable. The chafing would be horrible, with constricting materials not necessarily being made to fit him. And a lot of anti-mutant organizations like the ‘Friends of Humanity’ call many mutants beasts. So why would Xavier take one of his most ‘monstrous’ mutants and let him be called Beast? It’s almost like he’s attempting to ‘reclaim’ the term like the IRL LGBTQ+ community reclaimed the word ‘queer’ for themselves. But it’s more akin to some trying to reclaim the f-slur- I’d expect ‘mutie’ to become something to reclaim, not something that has such heavy connotations with ‘monsters’. Xavier found Hank after the deaths of his team and made him forget. He turned him into this icon of ‘beasts’ unwittingly, and surrounded him with ‘more palatable’ mutants like he was some sort of diversity hire.
Maybe that’s why Hank clings to humanity so much, he wants so desperately to not be seen as a ‘beast’.
Edit: this was me being a dumbass again and not checking my sources while sleep deprived and in the middle of a lecture, I was wrong lol
Lil Sketches

I may get around to cleaning these up for more stuff, but here’s some trad stuff that I did during my lectures
Team Free Will

Just some lil guys I drew during a lecture.
Lil men

He’s kinda blurry but I’m proud of him :)