Cold Water
Cold Water
Tim and Daniel are sitting watching the sunrise over the ocean. They want to go spearfishing but Tim forgot to bring their gear, so Daniel decides to improvise...
This is an inanimate TF story.
The sky was heavy with dawn and a looming mist draped over the water in front of us. Tim and I sat together on a rocky outcrop, listening to the gentle lapping of the ocean waves collapsing onto the shore below us. He sat beside me, wearing an oversized hoodie, a bright red beanie hat and black pants, watching the darkness of the sky melt away with the first lights of the morning sun appeared in the distance. A breeze blew off of the water and we both shivered while watching the inky black waves crash and foam below.
“I’m so sorry,” Tim repeated. “I thought I had all our gear.”
Tim had been in charge of bringing our spearfishing gear on this trip. He had packed our bags, prepared our wetsuits, fins, masks and snorkels. I was in charge of the spearguns, spears and floats, and they were all lying on the damp ground behind us.
I smiled at Tim, “It’s fine. Really. I’m happy to finally spend some time with you, that’s all I wanted.”
Tim didn’t return my gaze. He looked down at the soggy rocks and rubbed at them with his thumb.
“I know,” he finally said. “Me too. I was just really looking forward to diving the bay. The fishing here is supposed to be amazing!”
We both paused, letting the moment rest. I suddenly realised something. “Y’know... I might be able to sort something out.” I said, climbing to my feet. “Really? How?” Tim said, looking up at me.
I began to take off my own hoodie and pants, bracing for the cold sea air to wrap around my bare skin. I tossed my clothing at Tim, who playfully tossed it away from me. When I was just standing in my underwear, I took those off too and threw them at Tim’s head. He caught them and tossed them with the rest of my clothing. I stood in front him, shivering and cold, and naked as the day I came.
“Just wait. You’ll like this, I promise.”
I sat down next to Tim and stretched my legs out in front of me. The cold rock against my bare backside was only slightly colder than the air around me. But not to worry, I thought, soon I will be a thick neoprene wetsuit, ready for the cold water.
After a few minutes of deep breathing and concentrating, I felt the changes begin. It started with my toes growing numb and lifeless, flattening and stretching out into rubber flipper fins.
“What the fuck?” Tim exclaimed. “What are you doing?”
“Quiet. Just watch. You’ll be able to go spearfishing soon,” I grinned at Tim. If he asked any follow up questions, I didn’t hear them. Contorting my face slightly, I concentrated on making the changes happen.
My feet flattened and widened before they grew and stretched out to almost a metre in length. A red graphic sketched itself on the top flat part of my foot. I tried to bend and wiggle my toes but found I couldn’t as there were no bones or nerve endings anymore. I managed a brief shake with my leg and found that the flipper part was very flexible, perfect for diving down deep in the ocean. A plastic ridge formed at the edge of the fin that tapered all the way to the very tip of it, allowing for more flexibility and sturdiness. Sitting with the flippers straight up in the air quickly became taxing on my ankles, and made me long for the changes to the rest of my feet to hurry.
The top part of my foot bulged out and hollowed enough for Tim to slide his own foot inside. Parts of my bone and muscle transformed into a neoprene bootie so Tim’s own feet would not get cold in the freezing waters. With my feet now completely transformed into long spearfishing fins, and no longer able to support themselves, they both collapsed to the side with only a black neoprene bootie peeking from inside. I now sat, footless, on the rocks with a ring of black rubber forming at my ankles and creeping up my legs. The changes continued with the black neoprene ring climbing up my calves towards my knees. As it went, my legs hollowed and flattened. It felt like pins and needles were inching their way up my legs; my skin thickened and then turned numb as the rubbery texture grew larger and larger.
The black glideskin neoprene was rubbery and smooth. Reaching down to feel, it felt very odd under my skin, as my internal bones and blood faded away and my body transformed into thick, spongey neoprene. A 7mm thick wetsuit would be just enough for Tim. I pulled at the material and felt how elastic and stretchy I had become.
As the changes approached my crotch, I lay my top half down on the ground as I would soon lose any ability to keep myself sitting upright. The neoprene at my crotch was not the shiny rubbery glideskin that my legs had become, it was the nylon-covered closed cell style that would allow for more flexibility in Tim’s sensitive areas. I angled my arms and elbows beneath my back and lifted my upper neck and shoulders so I could still watch the changes.
Parts of my hip bone popped and groaned and slipped from my waist, thunking onto the floor as a diving weight belt. A piece of stretchy silicon and rubber snaked through each weight and a plastic clip snapped onto the end. My neoprene body was very buoyant and would make Tim float unless he wore a weight belt to help him dive to the bottom of the sea.
My penis became deflated and flat, but still maintained it’s cylindrical shape and definition. As it deflated and emptied, the neoprene material stretched a little longer, becoming a pee hole for the trouser section of the wetsuit. The trouser part continued to just above my belly button, covering over the place where the weight belt had just appeared. Once above my waist, an entirely new section of wetsuit formed. The jacket section forged itself towards my armpits, but it also continued down to my crotch and legs, overlapping the material from my legs. A white seam wrapped around my waist separating the open cell material from the closed cell. The shiny neoprene rubber went up my body towards my head. A beaver tail enclosure formed at my back and slid in between my legs and two plastic clips popped out from my stomach.
My arms suddenly buckled and gave away, forcing my top half down and making me unable to watch my chest and stomach change. My arms and elbows were next to be transformed into slick rubbery neoprene and hollowed out; without bones to support my neck and head, I couldn’t keep them up.
The shiny rubbery neoprene continued along my arms and shoulders. My hands formed into thick neoprene gloves, with thick material like the rest of my body and velcro adjustment straps that snaked around my wrists. My palms bubbled into a grippy rubber and waterproof seals and seams stitched down the sides of my fingers. Once finished they lay on the ground, lifeless and empty. I instinctively tried to move my phantom hand but was obviously unable to move an inanimate neoprene diving glove.
At my neck, the neoprene completely engulfed my throat and back of my head. The material stopped just short of my face, forming a tight rubber seal that enveloped my ears. It climbed around the top of my head, claiming every strand of hair and inch of skin as stretchy rubber neoprene now. A warm and dull feeling crossed over my head and everything inside the neoprene hood melted into rubber and nylon. A new purpose, as a spearfishing wetsuit, overtook my mind. My lips involuntarily formed an O-shape and every organic part of my mouth melted into back plastic and pushed its way out into a long tubular snorkel. The final change was my eyes which popped out into a glass diving mask, a thick rubber strap snapping around the back of my head and a silicon seal suctioning off of the last remnants of my face.

The mask, snorkel and hood flopped on the ground. I was done changing. I couldn’t breathe or move, but I knew I didn’t need to. I was a wetsuit now and awaited the icy depths of the ocean; my neoprene shell ready to disperse heat and wick away moisture. I was ready for a dive!
My mouth was still hanging open. One minute we had been talking, watching the sunrise and listening to the waves, the next Daniel was naked, sitting on the rocks in the cold morning air and asking me to be quiet so he could concentrate. He told me to watch his foot and I watched the very tips of his feet compress and flatten and stretch out really far. His pink fleshy skin turned into a black rubber and plastic, and when I reached and touched it, I was able to bend it slightly. His feet looked a lot like spearfishing fins.
“What the fuck?” I yelled. “What are you doing?”
Daniel told me to be quiet.
I watched as his feet continued to stretch and grow longer. The rest of his feet swelled and emptied out. I repositioned where I was sitting and looked closer to see the changes more fully. The inside of the flipper was void except for a black neoprene bootie: his entire foot was gone!
The changes kept going. Daniel’s ankles turned black and shiny, resembling the same smooth skin open-cell neoprene material that our wetsuits at home were made from. The material travelled up his legs to his crotch. Waterproof seams and seals appeared on the sides of his legs. I touched the trousers. They were vibrating slightly, and felt spongey and rubbery. Pushing down on the material, it felt exactly the same as any other wetsuit I had owned, except this one was growing from where Daniel was lying. There was no denying that Daniel’s legs had changed into a wetsuit.
As the changes reached Daniel’s penis I suddenly became aware that my own penis was erect. I pulled down my shorts and began stroking to what I was watching. Daniel didn’t notice as he had laid down on the ground fully. His own penis flattened and disappeared into the black neoprene.
He really was changing into a wetsuit! But not changing into in the way you put one on, I mean he was becoming the wetsuit!
A weight belt thudded to the ground beside him — I guess he thought of everything I would need down in there.
Once the changes got to his chest, I was able to nudge Daniel’s legs and see they were completely empty and hollow. His entire body was changing.
The shininess of the rubbery, black neoprene travelled under his armpits and down his arms. Any body hair was instantly absorbed and changed. His hands switched into thick neoprene gloves, and just as well as the water was going to be freezing!
Once the neoprene got to Daniel’s neck, it moved around the back to form the wetsuit hood. His facial hair and head hair melted and became neoprene, rubber and nylon. His eyes popped out into a diving mask, and a snorkel pushed out of his mouth. With that last change, everything flopped and fell to the ground; empty and cold and without a wearer. There was no sign of Daniel, just a black wetsuit, mask, snorkel and fins.
I came over the rocks and quickly rushed to take offmy clothing. The sea air ripped at my skin but it would soon be covered by Daniel’s new neoprene body and the ice cold of the sea water.
I slipped my feet and legs into the wetsuit trousers, careful to not tear the material. The inside was already lubed and slid across my skin with ease. I put on the booties and tucked the upper part of the boot under the ankle material of the trousers, so as to limit any water getting to my bare skin. Grabbing the jacket, I first put my left arm into the arm hole and threaded it through to the wrist. As I slid the rest of the jacket over my head and down my torso, I felt another vibration wrap around my entire body. My head popped out of the other side and I attached the beaver tail under my crotch. Grabbing the gloves, I slipped them on my hands and bent down for the mask, fins and snorkel. The weight belt was the last thing I needed and was fastened around my waist.

There was a rocky outcrop just beside where we had been sitting that lead down to a secluded beach. I picked up the speargun and floats and carefully treaded down the slick steps. Once at the shore, I took a deep breath and prepared to step into the water. Using a rock for balance, I put on my fins (Daniel’s feet) and slipped the wetsuit hood (Daniel’s head) over my head. I quickly used the sea water to clean out the mask (Daniel’s eyes and nose) before donning it over my face. I stuck the snorkel (Daniel’s lips and mouth) into my mouth and gripped the speargun. The sun was up now and the ocean was flat and calm. The only sound came from the gentle rush of the waves hitting the beach. It was still cold, but the thick neoprene that Daniel had become was going to be more than enough to keep me warm for a few hours.
“I don’t know what just happened,” I said out loud. “But I liked it. I wonder what else you can become.”
And with that, I took a giant plunge into the icy waters.

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More Posts from Malestransforming
Hi wishmaster! I could really use some help. I’ve been swamped with studies as a rail thin college student and I need some kind of escape from it all. I think I’m just overthinking everything but I can’t help it. Could you help me just forget my troubles and get the body of my dreams? You can have your way with anything, I just want nice big, strong, juicy pecs that are ripe with pleasure.
I would do anything to get lost in that pleasure, just have your way and fulfill my simple needs of a simpler mind and some huge pecs for other guys to worship.
Big 'uns!
Close your eyes, keep them closed, pull all of your worries into focus, now feel them disappear, in fact feel your mind empty totally, now imagine you do nothing but workout your pecs. They've become big and juicy, like man tits. You love the way the jiggle when you bounce them, mm, the jiggle, so sensitive to touch. You love when they're touched, when they're lick..ohh your nipples love to have a warm tongue caress them, you get hard thinking about it.

Fuck your body is so tight bro, the rock hard abs developed as you increased your tits. Fuck you just need attention constant, you're a good boy that just likes to be touched, worshiped, you love when your boyfriend takes his cock and titty fucks you, when his cum covers your chest that's truly when you are the happiest.

Fuck you stare at yourself, you are fucking perfect, in fact people now pay just to touch your chest as you are a star dancer at the new strip club, men worship your juicy pecs, tossing money at you to cop a feel, hell you even provide private sessions for more intense play time. Your old worries gone, you have a great life now, forever enjoying your new body, new life, the only pressure is in your cock after dozens of guys pay to cum all over your new tits, Life is good now. Cum dripping down your body. the smell over powering your senses , is the only thing that truly brings joy to you now.
Punish me, if you dare.

Hey! Huge fan from FA! I'm so glad you're back! I always wanted to see how I would look like in any kind of uniform. Would you be so kind to grant that wish?
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Yes, you're here. No, you're not dreaming. Yes, you can get naked. In fact I encourage you to be naked.
You want a uniform, huh? I love uniforms.
Let's get a good look at you... You're on the short side. I can fix that. Feel your body aching and stretching and cracking, as you grow up to over 6 foot. You're like 6 foot, 3 inches now. Tall. Nothing wrong with short guys, but tall guys can get it too.
Your top half is going to be bigger than your top half. Sorry, my guy, you like the gym but work is going to get in the way of going consistently. So, I think you'll have big, broad shoulders, beefy arms and some meaty legs. ... Fine, I'll give you a chest and abs to match. Feel the burn, the prickling skin as it matches to fit in your expanding muscles. Feel your blood rushing through your veins, pumping through your new muscles.
Man, you look better than I expected.
Face time! This is my favourite part. I'm going to crack your skull and face wider — big, pinch-able cheeks. With some great beard growth. Dark eyes, dark hair - it's the perfect combination. You're cute, with a big body to go along with it. Dark hair. Slicked back, dark hair! Oh, you're vaguely Italian? From New Jersey. You love your Italian roots.
Okay, take a look at yourself. Looking good! All that's missing is the uniform you asked for. Put these black dress pants on, and these black sneakers. I have a black t-shirt too — careful not to spoil your hair! You spent ages getting it perfect. And the pièce de résistance, your new Starbucks apron. Slip it on bro. You look great! You look disappointed... Why are you bummed out? It's not the uniform you wanted? Oh, I can change that too. I'll finish off with those mental changes.
You're in your twenties, working at Starbucks to save for college. You get to the gym every now and then, but you spend a lot of time slinging coffee. You played football in high school - those were the days. In your spare time you like the clubs down on the Shore, fist bumping until the wee hours.
One last touch, you have to have that one perfect thing... Give me a smile; I'll just tweak your teeth and lips and perfect. Okay now, back to work!

I had a friend who disappeared the other day. He said he had a plan to totally undermind and destroy you. But I can’t find him anywhere now! Did you have something to do with that? I hope you didn’t turn him in to a tall, dumb, hung meathead. He would have hated that!
Welcome, welcome. Sorry for the delay. I know, I've been absent for a while but I wasn't really gone. You see, I've been watching all of you for the past few months, biding my time, gathering and waiting for the right moment to pounce.
So relax, you're dumber now anyway. Chill, my dude. We'll pump up your testosterone in a minute, but for now just relish in the clarity. Who needs big thoughts anyway?
Because you were on to me, and quick to my schemes, I'm going to make an example out of you. You shall be my magnum opus. Shall we begin?
Let's get you out of those clothes first. In your new life, you will barely need them.
Your feet should be much bigger. Feel them crack and stretch. You've got fucking huge feet, bro.
While we're on the subject of huge... Everything about you is huge. Your legs are thickening, growing bigger and bigger. Your ass is expanding and your shoulders are so wide. You'll be going sideways through doors from now on!
Arms? Bigger arms for sure. 16- no 17 inch biceps. Go ahead and flex 'em. What do you think?
I’m gonna angle your jaw a bit, make you classically handsome to go with your brutish bull of a body. You'll dress up nice, but your body is made for showing off. Some stubble on your face is going to make your face perfect.
Something is missing. Your muscles are excellent, if I do say so myself, but they need a pop. What about some tattoos? The last guy I did had tattoos as well, but I want to go all out for you. How about we cover you in them! From head to toe, literally. Every inch of your muscled adonis is a canvas now. You'll have some cool designs, religious stuff, words and shit. Girls will love it, and so will the guys. Ah, it doesn't hurt does it? Take a look at your body, bro. See all the ink darkening on your skin? What do you think?
Okay, stand up for me. Steady on your feet! I'll correct your mind in a second. Oh shit! I forgot your dick. A man like you needs a thick penis to match. Go ahead and stroke it while it grows. See, it wasn't so bad! And to think, you were worried about your buddy before all of this. I assure you, he was just as happy as you are right now.
Okay, testosterone. You're dumb, but you make up for it with your body, of course. Lifting is your life now.
Let's get a full look at you. Yep, my best work yet! Now go get out of my sight, you fucking meathead.

Who am I? What is this blog? These are some questions you might be asking. I’m just a guy who likes transformations. I’ve been writing my own for about two years. I started with inanimate TFs, but I am branching out to MtoM stuff.
This blog will be where I post my own writing, and occasionally reblog some stuff I wish I had written. I hope you enjoy my work. Feel free to ask me to transform you. One by one, I aim to transform every guy on the planet into a massive, muscle beast. You could be next, even if you’re unwilling.
Just a few words about requests and ideas. I can’t get to them all. I don’t do gross stuff and I don’t like celebrity stuff. Please use the ask feature at the top of the blog. If I don’t use your suggestion, please don’t DM me to ask about it.
Remember to allow Mature work on your privacy settings. I personally would not classify any of my work as overly explicit, but it is intended for an 18+/adult audience. If tumblr deems my writing to be mature, then I won't argue with that label. I do implore you to change your settings though, so you don't miss any of my posts.
Thanks for reading my work.