mangorumpuscandyfactory - What's a mask layer
What's a mask layer

(Artblog for itsjohnsegman)

247 posts

Junelezen 16-Magic

Junelezen 16-Magic

Junelezen 16-Magic

There's never a certainty to it. Any of it. But there's something so utterly right about feeling the stars speak through you, and tell you with cosmic certainty that everything is going to be alright.

Ok this one was easily my FAVORITE photo shoot I did just myself, so I'm including bonus pics below! Astrologian pretty and make brain go brr

Junelezen 16-Magic
Junelezen 16-Magic
Junelezen 16-Magic
Junelezen 16-Magic
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More Posts from Mangorumpuscandyfactory

RUBS MY HANDS TOGETHER. OK. Satoshi Hiwatari. My god this boy. Daisuke, the MC, gets a funny little shoujo whoopsie where he transforms into his alternate magical boy self when he sees his crush? That's cute. Satoshi gets the other half of that curse, where instead HIS magical boy self sniffs out Daisuke's like a gay yandere bloodhound, and RIPS himself out of his host body to go pursue the guy to the death. This more or less dooms him to an early death where he has to secure an heir even as young as _junior high school_ because if he doesn't no one in his blood line will stay alive to try and fix this. Cause oh yeah, it's HIS artsy fartsy ancestor who decided to fuck around with forbidden magic that made this happen. So not only is he living a cursed, shortened life solely based around trying to fix his ancestors mistake, he can't even make stuff of his OWN since people of his blood line are fated to make work with a life of its own, and a life intrinsically meant to suffer.

This boy catches a break literally only once, and that is by transforming without hurting himself a single time thanks to experiencing one (1) positive emotion that helped him transform the same way Daisuke does. He's in so much pain just being alive that a singular positive emotion is more or less a turning point in his whole life. And he still finds time to be the commander of an entire police department, top student in his class, and bisexual disaster. I stand my incredibly sad boy inflicted with chronic 'other people's problems becoming his death sentences" syndrome.


Excellent propaganda! I am now intrigued! This has been copy-pasted into my spreadsheet in its entirety. Thank you very much.

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Junelezen 21- Deity
Junelezen 21- Deity

Junelezen 21- Deity

By all rights, his loyalty should have been with Halone. The people of Ishgard had long been her chosen children.

...Chosen for what? To live in squalor to make more room for knights to live their fantasies of chivalry against an enemy they earned, in her name?

Junelezen 21- Deity

Were ever he given the chance, he'd have liked a word with her.

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oh thank fuck im caught up

ok i can start posting like a regular person from here out. Oh thank fuck. cheers mate

(also I am aware Im a day ahead for most ppl. Sorry yall! I’m in a different time zone, and its the 20th for me.)

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Junelezen 14-Night

Junelezen 14-Night

When there's a moon shining as bluely as this one,

Mysterious wonders can happen at night.

Somewhere deep in the heart of the forest,

Wandering slowly am I.

(credit to @venusbeautyshock for this awesome filter!)

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Junelezen 25-Cozy

Junelezen 25-Cozy

Every portion of the house was constructed to be cozy. A place that screamed 'home' for those who had never heard of the thing themselves. But easily, the coziest part of the house was the knitting corner, right between the bookshelf stairs and the fireplace. It was a spot that begged for pajamas, half finished scarves, cups of tea kept warm on the mantle, and a really good book (or two. Three. As many as the bookshelf could hold, really.)

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