mangorumpuscandyfactory - What's a mask layer
What's a mask layer

(Artblog for itsjohnsegman)

247 posts

Mangorumpuscandyfactory - What's A Mask Layer - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

RUBS MY HANDS TOGETHER. OK. Satoshi Hiwatari. My god this boy. Daisuke, the MC, gets a funny little shoujo whoopsie where he transforms into his alternate magical boy self when he sees his crush? That's cute. Satoshi gets the other half of that curse, where instead HIS magical boy self sniffs out Daisuke's like a gay yandere bloodhound, and RIPS himself out of his host body to go pursue the guy to the death. This more or less dooms him to an early death where he has to secure an heir even as young as _junior high school_ because if he doesn't no one in his blood line will stay alive to try and fix this. Cause oh yeah, it's HIS artsy fartsy ancestor who decided to fuck around with forbidden magic that made this happen. So not only is he living a cursed, shortened life solely based around trying to fix his ancestors mistake, he can't even make stuff of his OWN since people of his blood line are fated to make work with a life of its own, and a life intrinsically meant to suffer.

This boy catches a break literally only once, and that is by transforming without hurting himself a single time thanks to experiencing one (1) positive emotion that helped him transform the same way Daisuke does. He's in so much pain just being alive that a singular positive emotion is more or less a turning point in his whole life. And he still finds time to be the commander of an entire police department, top student in his class, and bisexual disaster. I stand my incredibly sad boy inflicted with chronic 'other people's problems becoming his death sentences" syndrome.


Excellent propaganda! I am now intrigued! This has been copy-pasted into my spreadsheet in its entirety. Thank you very much.

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1 year ago

Guess what Iiii didddddd.

@kellerankept is the new blog for everything about my WOL! Figured its the most active I’ve been in years it deserves its own thing. If you followed from Junelezen, please follow there too!

1 year ago
After The Events Of Heavensward And Stormblood, Where He Both Remembered And Was Forced To Embody His

After the events of Heavensward and Stormblood, where he both remembered and was forced to embody his pre-amnesia identity as a spirit-broken traitor to the realm and enemy of life, finding out about his ancient self as Janus became an obsession. Finding a meaningful, loved, powerful self from a perfect world had become a needful pursuit he fully intended to lose himself to in order to escape the pain of what he’d learned about the sins of his mortal self. To become, even embody, that old blameless self and bring him forth—it was an unnamed, impossible dream he doggedly pursued throughout Endwalker.

Ultimately an impossibility. At the end of that road, no matter how many scraps of Janus he tried to cram inside of him, no matter how well he began to remember that life and self, anything that was there for him was in a very old grave. The self he wanted to be was not past, but present. His future was forward, not back. To accept the good with the bad and go on to tomorrow instead of trying to reconstruct an innocent halcyon past—perhaps there was a reason he and Emet-Selch had always been drawn to the same places.

At least Aelaeis has the chance to move on.

(Credit again to the lovely @venusbeautyshock !)

A WoL question for the day, since I'm home sick and feeling awful:

How much does your WoL know about their Azem (or their ancient if they weren't Azem)? Have they unlocked the memories in the memory shard? How do they feel about their past self? Gimme your lore.

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1 year ago
This Crafted Top, And Some Scion Pants! A Friend Crafted It For Him, And Now Hes Never Let It Go. Perfect

This crafted top, and some scion pants! A friend crafted it for him, and now he’s never let it go. Perfect for every class!

Does your WoL have a signature outfit (show us pictures too!) ?

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1 year ago
Junelezen 30-Free

Junelezen 30-Free

Shepard to the Stars. Keeper of Lost Souls. Arbiter of the Doors. The Path Divided.

Janus, the Final Azem.

Junelezen 30-Free
Junelezen 30-Free

Free at last.

(Thank you to @venusbeautyshock for this final, beautiful present. Final thoughts below!)

Junelezen 30-Free

As you may have noticed, almost every single one of these pictures was done by my good friend @venusbeautyshock. This month really deserves to go to her for the credit, with all the hard work she did to make these visions come to life.

She's the one most responsible, too, for having me join in the first place. Coaxing through the Astro class and the housing system got me hooked, and brought me on a journey I could never have imagined being willing to pay 15 a month for. And yet, here I am! Gladly, willingly, happy to be here. Richer as a person, more confident and with some truly bragworthy accomplishments under my belt. Who knows? Maybe soon, I'll start savage raiding for that Axolotol mount! Anything's possible.

Thank you Air, Blue, Chesh, Sam, Kris, Squid, and all the others who made this journey not only possible but one of the best in my life. If you haven't tried this for yourself, here's your sign to. Free trial it! Be silly! Watch people dance in the plaza! And of course, play a Duskwight Elezen. Remember our necks aren't weird, we just have longer ones to show off how weird ALL FFXIV necks actually are.

Thank you for this wonderful month, and for a challenge I was finally able to complete! I look forward to the next adventure!

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1 year ago
Junelezen 29--Holiday

Junelezen 29--Holiday

Starlight was one of the worst times in Ishgard. The rich were tucked away warm in their houses celebrating the coziness, while the rest got to count their fingers and see how many were still pink. 'Won't be a change for you to go blue, would it lad?' joked a man who'd been found dead of the cold the next day.

The strings of festive lights looked like a taunt, to Zardyn. They blocked out the light of the very stars, and left all still so very, very cold.

...He'd live in a nice warm house someday. All by himself. And it would be the best life ever.

(Thank you to @venusbeautyshock for baby Ael! Hes BABY)

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1 year ago
Junelezen 28-Family

Junelezen 28-Family

Family wasn't defined by who birthed him. Family was not cold-eyes and absent warmth, by blithe profiteers off of of a young child's indignity and shame. Family wasn't the ones who had shown him that the only thing in life worth relying on was oneself.

They had found him a dead man on the other side of the world, and placed themself between him and a sure end. They were the ones who had welcomed him even has he healed from wounds that would never truly mend. Family was here, now. And never had it felt realer than this.

(Credit to @venusbeautyshock again for the wonderful work getting all our characters together!)

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1 year ago
Hullo Lads, Sorry For The Hold Up On Junelezen! A Certain Someone Demanded A Date Night, So Dinner And
Hullo Lads, Sorry For The Hold Up On Junelezen! A Certain Someone Demanded A Date Night, So Dinner And

Hullo lads, sorry for the hold up on Junelezen! A certain someone demanded a date night, so dinner and flowers were in order. I’ll play catch up tomorrow!

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1 year ago
Junelzen 27- Fancy Clothes

Junelzen 27- Fancy Clothes

"See Ael? You really do look stunning when you let yourself branch out! Who says Elezen don't have any bums? The proof is in the pudding! And the cake, as it were. Hehe." "....Couldn't have found a dress?"

"It doesn't always have to be a dress, Ael."

"I like dresses :( "

Junelzen 27- Fancy Clothes

(Credit to @venusbeautyshock for the lovely shot and wardrobe!)

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1 year ago
Junelezen 26-Relaxing

Junelezen 26-Relaxing

In the old wards he'd stayed in a lifetime ago, they hadn't had public baths like this. The renovations were much appreciated, and often enjoyed--Kugane was the king of bathhouses, the chill of the snows with the heat of the baths created a unique, refreshing cycle that could keep a fellow soaking for hours without waning.

(Not that one should. Ishgard could learn a thing or two from the East, in terms of having suitable refreshments on hand after a soak. Knight's Bread and ale didn't cut it exactly.)

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1 year ago

@venusbeautyshock @brokenpocketwatch @squidamalink

WoL/FFXIV OC Swap Meet Sign Ups!

Alright, since people seem to dig the idea, let's do it! Reblog this post to enter yourself in (reblogs please! makes it easier than just likes) and in a few weeks... let's say, July 15, two and a half weeks, I'll draw names and do a Secret Santa-style pairing system (so who you get isn't necessarily who got you) to exchange OC info and make something lovely!


Reblog this to be entered!

Please be ready with info about your characters - a brief summary or bio, posted writing, reference sheets, character files for posing (if you don't have this someone else can help don't worry), etc. Don't make somebody read 50k words or search through your unorganized tags for OC info.

Be kind! Everyone has different levels of OC lore, there is no hate or no cringe here, and everyone has different levels of creative skills, so appreciate what you get and know it was made with love!

Be mindful of mods - if you use them, provide that info but don't be upset if the person who gets your character doesn't.

There are no rules on what the gifts can be, only that it must portray your assignee's OC in some manner, and if you want to do something explicit/adult with them, please clear that with your assignee first! There's also no time limit on the prizes, but do try to be timely/considerate.

As of right now, I'm not going to limit how many OCs you can include in your gift, but please discuss this with your assigned and be mindful of how much work additional characters can be, and have a favorite ready in case they'd only like to work with one.

Don't be an ass about your reward - no one knows your characters like you do, and if someone interprets them differently based on the info given, don't be rude. This is all just for fun and we go into this understanding that others will see our characters in their own way!

No skill level required - just do your best and create from your heart, novice or professional alike!

FFXIV only, please!!! If your character exists outside the realm of XIV, you can include that info, but don't expect others to be able to follow necessarily.

If I think of more rules I'll add more - and fear not, no one will go without a partner! I'll take on multiple people if need be, to make sure we all get something sweet. If you have any rules to add, please let me know.

And above all else... have fun, and treat each other with kindness!!!

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1 year ago
Junelezen 25-Cozy

Junelezen 25-Cozy

Every portion of the house was constructed to be cozy. A place that screamed 'home' for those who had never heard of the thing themselves. But easily, the coziest part of the house was the knitting corner, right between the bookshelf stairs and the fireplace. It was a spot that begged for pajamas, half finished scarves, cups of tea kept warm on the mantle, and a really good book (or two. Three. As many as the bookshelf could hold, really.)

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1 year ago
Junelezen 24-Winter

Junelezen 24-Winter

Winters in Garlemald were cold as the hells. Winter in Ishgard, he'd heard, was similarly eternal now. The worst time of year in that gods-damned place, now its only face.

Fitting. It deserved its icy tomb.

Soon, Zardyn's training would be complete. Soon, he would return to the world that scraped him off its heel, and live the life he should have had from the start. Respected astrologian and society man, Zardyn Bismark. The mark of shame, now the name of a wealthy and powerful man.

Everything, Garlemald would supply. So they could have their eyes and hands inside the walls of Ishgard.

And gladly, would those hands keep from idleness.

Gladly, would those eyes watch Ishgard burn.

Junelezen 24-Winter
Junelezen 24-Winter

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1 year ago
Junelezen 23--Hobbies

Junelezen 23--Hobbies

"I'm not a professional, but herbs...fascinate me. I owe my life to kelleran fern, so. Cooking I do, but tea's my passion--the number of ways people all around the star make hot herb water.

"...Excuse me, I need to drink this. Been a while since I said this much in a go. Tea's ...special." [Cough, cough!]

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1 year ago
Junelezen 22-Harvest
Junelezen 22-Harvest

Junelezen 22-Harvest

"Phew! Sure is a scorcher out here today! I'm not looking forward to going out mugwort picking today, but I guess the ocean's right there. I can just dunk myself whenever. That actually sounds pretty good, after all this."

Junelezen 22-Harvest

"Welp! Time to get back to it! I'm pretty sure this was how this thing was meant to be used :)"

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1 year ago
Junelezen 21- Deity
Junelezen 21- Deity

Junelezen 21- Deity

By all rights, his loyalty should have been with Halone. The people of Ishgard had long been her chosen children.

...Chosen for what? To live in squalor to make more room for knights to live their fantasies of chivalry against an enemy they earned, in her name?

Junelezen 21- Deity

Were ever he given the chance, he'd have liked a word with her.

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1 year ago

oh thank fuck im caught up

ok i can start posting like a regular person from here out. Oh thank fuck. cheers mate

(also I am aware Im a day ahead for most ppl. Sorry yall! I’m in a different time zone, and its the 20th for me.)

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1 year ago
Junelezen 20-Dungeon
Junelezen 20-Dungeon
Junelezen 20-Dungeon
Junelezen 20-Dungeon

Junelezen 20-Dungeon

There are some places a soul is trapped without end. These are often called dungeons.

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1 year ago
Junelezen 19-Travel

Junelezen 19-Travel

In the days where his feet would wander after answers, purpose and coin, Aelaeis would take the time to trace old steps and greet familiar faces. Some were waiting for promised loved ones to return. Some were working hard to create miracles by their own hand. Some were content to trade tales and chat over tea.

But some could only be greeted, and kept companion. Of those, he most enjoyed visiting his friends in Mor Dhona. Crystal was worse than dirt by far for sleeping on, but the light of the Tower and the shadow of the Keeper were enough to know he was sleeping in good company.

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1 year ago
Junelezen 18-Landscape
Junelezen 18-Landscape

Junelezen 18-Landscape

You feel like you've somehow seen this place before...

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1 year ago
Junelezen 17-Autumn

Junelezen 17-Autumn

The King of Il Mheg offered their crown to the anguished hero, and wracked with the fate of worlds, he took it. In the dignity of the faeries halls he was consumed by light, a King of Dreams the world had never known before.

His faeries would play. The people would dream of black and jeweled skies. Salvation would come kindly to them, until every soul saw stars even in the day.

That was it's kindness. That was the kindness of the Autumn King.

To decay in silence.

Such was the reign of Forgiven Betrayal.

Junelezen 17-Autumn

(credit to @venusbeautyshock for turning this incredible lewk! Lets go bad end boys!)

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1 year ago
Junelezen 16-Magic

Junelezen 16-Magic

There's never a certainty to it. Any of it. But there's something so utterly right about feeling the stars speak through you, and tell you with cosmic certainty that everything is going to be alright.

Ok this one was easily my FAVORITE photo shoot I did just myself, so I'm including bonus pics below! Astrologian pretty and make brain go brr

Junelezen 16-Magic
Junelezen 16-Magic
Junelezen 16-Magic
Junelezen 16-Magic

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1 year ago
Junelezen 15-Romance
Junelezen 15-Romance

Junelezen 15-Romance

I don't know you but I need more time,

Promise me you'll be mine.

(Holy SHIT is one is indulgent. As ever, @venusbeautyshock is to thank for enabling me here in possibly my favorite set of pics ever. I know everyone and their dog ships with Emet, but I mean. Woof woof. Bark bark. Grrwor.)

And of course, courtesy of the photographer, bonus round!

Junelezen 15-Romance

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1 year ago
Junelezen 14-Night

Junelezen 14-Night

When there's a moon shining as bluely as this one,

Mysterious wonders can happen at night.

Somewhere deep in the heart of the forest,

Wandering slowly am I.

(credit to @venusbeautyshock for this awesome filter!)

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