Ffxiv Spoilers - Tumblr Posts
I always wanted to recreate one of my favourite memes, so I did. This Azem belongs to @wyrm-on-a-string ! the Halmarut is mine.
I am the very model of a modern Warrior of Light
I’ve had to unite many sides; from dragonflight to socialite.
I’ve gone to different worlds and defeated Primal’s left and right
Ultima Thule was different, though, Endsinger gave me quite the fright.
But I challenged Zenos at the end and fist-fought him with all my might
The bad guy’s gone and once again my friends and I have won the fight
So let’s celebrate and take a break it’s time to settle down they said,
But if I’m not there to save the day then everyone could wind up dead…
I‘m very good at pushing past my limits when I take damage
In combat I’m unmatched my job-stones give me quite the advantage
In short, in matters that excite like outright getting in a fight I am the very model of a modern Warrior of Light. All: IN SHORT, IN MATTERS THAT EXCITE, LIKE OUTRIGHT GETTING IN A FIGHT THEY ARE THE VERY MODEL OF A MODERN WARRIOR OF LIGHT
Finally making progress in the new quest of the update, so I put my thought here.
Female Hroth really have a good render.
I love Wuk persona.
Erenville drop of shoulders and head when with her remind me of me with my best friedn sometimes. It's the "can't take you anywhere" one.
Thees two definetly are good friend if not childhood friend. Their interaction is just so similar to my own friendship.
I was right, they were childhood friend.
Ah! poor Estinien. Dude wandering the world , and somehow, always end up drawn into the matters of the scions.
Reblogging because my thought were way too long to put into a comment. I will try to keep it organised into point.
1. Their whole technology relie on soul and soul usage. Their knowledge and manipulation of it have to be on a total different level than ours.
2. Taking our souls out of our bodies isn't that difficult. It happen, quite often actually. But generally, the process used is offensive in nature, since it's to seal the being or steal its body, or use it for nefarious purposz, like zombie. Also let's remember that The exarch was not only trying to drag soul through the dimmensionnal rift but also fuck with time on the Source on top. Oh and also, he didn't really have them in his lune of sight, knowing where they are and "know" their souls.
3. The reason it was so risky with the scions was 3 fold:
- time discrepancy between their body and their soul. Alisaie and Alphinaud are good example. They are three years older, yet their body just aged a month or so.
- Aether discrepancy. Without necessary becoming a Sin eater, they did interact and evolved in a very Light rich aether world, in contrast of the more balanced one of the Source and this has to have influenced them somewhat. More light than they had when their soul/body where together.
- Finally, the souls need to cross the dimensionnal barrier... 2 times.
4. Teleportation and aetheryte network, if we're accurate to lore is actually a form of soul manipulation. You change your physical aether into soul aether, ride the current until your destination and then materialize again. Hell, our trip down the aithascope is us in soul form.
5. And finally, and that's what actually make me see it as maybe lore breaking, the simulation we interacted with maybe a form of advanced VR. But that stipulate that this simulation is working on different methods than Omega and Omicron one. Because you could access these one in a processus not too different from aetheryte teleportation.
5.2. Another possibility, is that it's further proof that all of the simulation was really just a very advanced simulation doing preedictive pattern extrapolated from the memories of people. There was no consciouness inside, and no simulated realm, the aether was merely used to power very complex calculation, and what we saw was merely how we interpreted it.
Omicron, on the other hand, would emulate an artificial realm/dimension, and the difference would stem from the fact there is soul and pseudo soul inside.
Sorry this got long
Overall, I liked Dawntrail as an expansion. The story is fun, especially the first half, the dungeons and raids have some interesting and novel mechanics, and I think they managed to do well with Wuk Lamat what they struggled to pull off with Lyse in Stormblood.
But the number of lore-breaking moments in it are driving me nuts. Setting aside even the timeline shenanigans, which I GUESS can be handwaved as "time doesnt always line up between the Source and its reflections" (heavy sigh)
The thing that really sticks in my craw is that we're apparently able to just. Choose to leave our bodies? And put our souls into the Meso Terminal?? And Cahciua just happens to have a plan ready to let us do this?
Like, there's a lot of lore already established about how bloody hard it is to safely separate your soul from your body. It's Aulus mal Asina's whole ~thing~. It's literally the entire premise of Shadowbringers, pre-, during, and post- patch quests. It took G'raha world shattering spells and the power of the Crystal Tower to drag souls out of their bodies and across the rift, and even if you want to explain that away as "that's not what he was actually trying to do, so maybe soul separation is easier than that" (and ignoring Aulus's whole storyline again), we see just how difficult and risky it is to try to transfer souls during the ShB post patch quests, where we have 3 whole patches dedicated to safely trying to transfer the Scions' souls back to their bodies.
Like I don't know about you, but my Warrior of Light heard the plan was "take your souls out of your bodies, shove them into the giant computer tower, and leave Erenville (untrained in combat) out here to watch over your empty shells" and went, "Nope. Nuh-uh. No thanks." (Before being forced into it anyway)

cries to 'answers' at 3am
(from the friday night request streams)
my little meow meow mayor

based on an rp moment in which chai-nuzz genuinely accidentally (because i didn't realise the bunny suit unequipped them) walked out in front of two random WoLs with no trousers on
from the friday night request streams

My suicidal heterosexual garlean defector and also the gay elf from heavensward the expansion where all the elves love you soooo much. Least violently suicidal industrial+hardcore listener

I just think ffxiv's new scythe mom is hot


Junelezen 1- Portrait
Ok so I'm late. I'm very late. But to be fair! I didn't know this was going on. And also I didn't get Mermay done.
TOO BAD. It's my son's month. And here he is! Aelaeis Kelleran, my Duskwight FF14 character, and his....numerous different lives.
Individual stills and intros below the cut! Credit to @venusbeautyshock for her incredible hard working posing, editing and putting together this piece!

Aelaeis Kelleran. A young man who woke up with amnesia (and permanent brain and nerve damage) among the Viera deep in Othard’s forests, coming to Eorzea based on a single curl of Kelleran Fern found attached to his clothes; a native species to Cortheas. Meeting with the Scions, he becomes their mailboy and errand lad—which starts becoming sillier and sillier the more storied he becomes. Archer who graduates to Astrologian.

Zardyn Bismark. An Ishgardian-Duskwight mix, born into a life after his parents extremely messy fall from grace after both the mixing of blood and their grandfather's scandalous involvement with a Cult surrounding the Vanu Vanu primal, Bismark (the only name they were given to keep once their extended family disowned them).
Growing up in the Brume with parents who did not know how to manage shame nor poverty made him a bitter and suspicious young man, and a series of hope-shattering events in the wake of the Calamity send him spiraling off the deep end and straight into the arms of Garlemald.
Becoming a traitor-spy for Garlemald in exchange for the life he'd always felt owed to him, things turn south and he has to flee to the East, vanishing with only his tattered name as his legacy...

Eionne wir Galvus, Empress of Garlemald and wife to Solus zos Galvus. The first empress of Garlemald was known as frail, gentle and simple-minded to her public. What a man of such glorious cleverness saw in her was anyone's guess, but never had Garlemald known such peace as the years when Solus had both her and their son Lucius at their side.
The death of the crowned prince was a tragedy, and the soon after fatal fall of Empress Eionne was attributed to her simple mind being simply too full of grief to notice her library tower's open window. Solus took another wife shortly thereafter and re-secured his bloodline, but none after would know that warmth from their Emperor again. If anything, it seemed almost as if the nose dive of the Empire began the moment Prince Lucius drew his last breath...

Janus was born with a strange anomaly, an unusual degree of aetheric gravity that proved no great issue until his mother's Returning Ritual, where when she tried to return to the star, he instead clung to her spirit so tightly that he trapped her spirit with him in a horrific and soul-scarring amalgam that kept her from the release of death until they could be extricated. From then on he was treated as a 'special care' case, a ward of the state that was disallowed performing most daily tasks without a handler on hand and slated for simple jobs and unassuming futures.
To be chosen by Azem as their protegee felt like a cruel prank at first--but it was a choice that changed the course of the star forever.
Phew! This was long, but I wanted to introduce the main character(s) of this story properly. I can't wait to get on the bus for this big adventure! Time to catch up!
(Also heads up. This is. Completely self indulgent. Cringe is dead and we live for living.)

Junelezen 11- Day
It wasn't the real thing. No, he'd never be allowed there--a place where things lived and died in natural cycles? He wasn't even allowed into the Academia Anyder until after hours and only on specific routes, even then. No one would allow human fly paper like himself to walk into a habitat and catch a lifetime of work up in his web.
But they could show him. Project the vision of a glorious day cycle, watch the lighthouse towers shimmer in the distance, the gentle golden roll of clouds. Breathe deep of air that should have smelled like water and sun, rest in what should have been a breeze. Would have been, if he were allowed to feel it.
It was a truly beautiful day. But he was not truly there to see it.

Junelezen 12- Sun
To see the world, and it's endless splendors. To catalogue in word and tongue, mind and heart, its myriad cultures and phenomenon. To champion and guide those most in need of that light. To give a voice to the voiceless. That is the vow of Azem.
(credit to @venusbeautyshock for the incredible work here!)

Junelezen 13-Ancient Times
"If it keeps raining like this, the whole city'll go under water!"
"Oh don't say that Eros. We might not be appreciating the rain so much, but the likes of Elpis or the farmlands certainly will. It all balances itself out in the end."
"Keep talking like that and they'll think you're the handler, not me, Janus."
"Is that you trying to tell me not to patronize you?"
"That's me saying you're all too pleased at getting days off. Most of us still have to work when it's raining you know!"
"As should I. I'm just blessed this way, I think."
"I'm stealing your dates."
(credit to @venusbeautyshock for another stunning pic!)

Junelezen 15-Romance
I don't know you but I need more time,
Promise me you'll be mine.
(Holy SHIT is one is indulgent. As ever, @venusbeautyshock is to thank for enabling me here in possibly my favorite set of pics ever. I know everyone and their dog ships with Emet, but I mean. Woof woof. Bark bark. Grrwor.)
And of course, courtesy of the photographer, bonus round!

Junelezen 17-Autumn
The King of Il Mheg offered their crown to the anguished hero, and wracked with the fate of worlds, he took it. In the dignity of the faeries halls he was consumed by light, a King of Dreams the world had never known before.
His faeries would play. The people would dream of black and jeweled skies. Salvation would come kindly to them, until every soul saw stars even in the day.
That was it's kindness. That was the kindness of the Autumn King.
To decay in silence.
Such was the reign of Forgiven Betrayal.

(credit to @venusbeautyshock for turning this incredible lewk! Lets go bad end boys!)

Junelezen 18-Landscape
You feel like you've somehow seen this place before...

Junelezen 20-Dungeon
There are some places a soul is trapped without end. These are often called dungeons.