manythoughts-headstillempty - Head has many ideas, but still blank
Head has many ideas, but still blank

ok, I'm done trying to theme this blog. it just exists now. Purely so I can dump my thoughts here he/him, age 18, probably bi (still figuring it out), no idea what I'm doing in life

454 posts

This Is One Of The Greatest Garfield Images I've Seen Out If Context. I Had To Take A Screenshot.

This Is One Of The Greatest Garfield Images I've Seen Out If Context. I Had To Take A Screenshot.

This is one of the greatest Garfield images I've seen out if context. I had to take a screenshot.

  • a-very-angry-mango
    a-very-angry-mango liked this · 5 years ago

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Johnny cage does Elon musk style tweets

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Erron black: 🎶you think that you can take me on? You must be crazy. There ain't a single thing you've done, that's gonna phase me. Ooh, but if you wanna go, I just wanna let you know. Yeah! Get offa my back and into my game! Get outta my way and outta my brain! Yeah, get out my my face or give it your best shot! I think it's time you better face the facts! Get offa my back! You know it's all just a game, that I'm playin'. You think that you can find a way in? That's what I'm sayin'. Oh, but if you wanna go, I just wanna let you know! Oh, get offa my back and into my game! Get outta my way and outta my brain! Get out of my face or give it your best shot! I think it's time you better face the facts! Get offa my back! Oh, but if you wanna have a go, I just wanna let you know! Get off! Get off! Yeah, get offa my back and into my game! Get outta my way and outta my brain! Get out my face or give it your best shot! You know this train is coming off this track. Get offa my back! Yeah, get offa my back!! Get off! Yeah! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Yeah! Get offa my back!🎶

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Kronika: I never thought any of you essential. You're all crude and unspeakably plain. But maybe you all have a glimmer of potential, if allied to my vision and brain.

Kronika: 🎶I know your powers of retention are as sick as D'vorah's back side. But as sick as you are, pay attention! My words are a matter of pride. It's clear from your vacant expressions, the lights are not all on upstairs. But we're talking about God's and successions! Even you can't be caught unawares. So prepare for a chance of a lifetime. Be prepared for sensational news. A shining new era is tip-toeing nearer.🎶

Liu Kang: 🎶and where do we feature?🎶

Kronika: 🎶just listen to teacher. I know it sounds sordid. But you'll be rewarded when at last, I'm given my dues! And justice is deliciously squared. Be prepared!🎶

D'vorah: yes, be prepared. We'll be prepared! ...prepared for what?

Kronika: for the erasing of earthrealms defender, raiden

Kung Lao: why? Is he sick?

Kronika: no, you moron. We're going to kill him and anyone who helps him.

Kung Lao: great idea! Who needs a defender?

Kronika: you fool! There will be one.

Kung Lao: but, you said-

Kronika: I will be earthrealms protector. Stick with me and everything bad that happened to you, will be wiped from history.

All except kronika: long live kronika! 🎶it's great that we'll all be connected to a god who'll be all-time adored.🎶

Kronika: 🎶of course, quid pro quo, you're expected to take certain duties on board. The new future will be littered with prizes, and though I'm the addressee, the point I must emphasize is: you won't have a chance without me! So prepare for the coup of the century. Be prepared for the murkiest scam. Meticulous planning. Tenacity spanning. Decades of denial is simply why I'll be god undisputed. Respected, saluted and seen for the wonder I am. Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared. Be prepared!🎶

All: 🎶yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared. Be prepared!🎶

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Sheep are like onions. They have layers.

manythoughts-headstillempty - Head has many ideas, but still blank