marianapaola02 - mariana

in love with my moonboy and sunshine

243 posts

Namjoon Has A Coddling Way Of Showing His Love To The Members, Its Through Praise And Fond Looks, Its

namjoon has a coddling way of showing his love to the members, it’s through praise and fond looks, it’s through sweet laughter when they’re being cute, it’s through offering support and tailoring his way of helping for each member. it’s through how he takes on a lot of work, so as not to pressure the others. it’s through his capacity to hold more than one heart in his body.

seokjin is more gentle yet louder, he shows his love through soft smiles after hearing them bicker, only to join in a few moments later. it’s through his shameless personality and making them laugh with it, it’s through waking up at dead hours to cook for them. it’s through fitting himself to each and every member, and yet acting as a cohesive bond for them all.

for yoongi, there is love in the silence. it’s the little things, when he passes over a water bottle without looking, when he praises a member without needing to be prompted, gentle and reassuring. when he goes on and on about how they’ve grown behind their backs, but never really says it to their faces. when he’s watching them have fun and be stupid together, when he finally joins in and let’s them see his goofy side. when he says they’re not friends, they’re family.

and then there’s hoseok, unabashed and unapologetic about how he loves his members. he shares kisses and hugs and massages and serenades them and holds them all so, so tight. it’s in the way he looks at them with stars in his eyes when they make him proud or happy. it’s in the way he thinks of them as “us” rather than “me and them”.

jimin comes in next, and there’s so much love for him to give. jimin shows love through his closeness, jimin’s love is through knowing the other members better than they know themselves. through remembering that “wait taehyungie can’t eat that because of this”. through looking at the other and knowing exactly what they need, through affection and clinginess and a belief that they’re never going to be apart.

taehyung is a love opportunist, taking every chance he gets to pour his soul into everything and let them know how he feels. it’s in the way he’ll write meaningful letters to them all, never putting one member over the other. it’s in the way he’ll plan trips for all of them, it’s in the way they’ll be watching a movie together and doing absolutely nothing, and yet he’ll look around and find tears in his eyes. it’s in the way he’ll listen to them, with an open heart and open arms.

jungkook comes last, the baby of the group. jungkook’s show of love is hard to pinpoint, but it’s in the way he turns his members into art, into songs and video and pictures. it’s in the way he’ll say why he admires them in front of thousands, but will be too embarrassed to say it at home. it’s in the way it’s home and not dorm. it’s in the way he knows he’ll get away with everything and get through anything, as long as he has his members.

they’re an odd little group, but they love in a lot of the same ways. they let eachother see sides of them usually closed off, they cry with eachother, they laugh with eachother. they find comfort in eachother when no one else can give it to them. and they go to sleep knowing bangtan is one body, one heart, forever.

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More Posts from Marianapaola02

6 years ago

there’s 13 types of biases:

1. the bias that makes you go HOLY GUACAMOLE WHY ARE SO CUTE PROTECT THEM

2. the one that turns you into a hard stan and makes you whisper “i need holy water” every time you see them

3. the one that makes you wonder how is it even possible to be so damn beautiful and has you wondering if they are even fucking real probably not


5. the one you fell in love with because of their mind. is THAT bias that makes you wish you could have deep conversations with at 3am sitting in a rooftop looking at the sky and just listening to them talking ‘bout the way they see life

6. THAT bias that makes you cry 24/7 'cause they work so hard, they are so kind, care so much, are so sweet, chased their dreams, started from the bottom and now they’re here, cries when they win, when they talk about other members/their fans, etc. you cry for them just because they fucking breATH

7. bias who’s got your favorite voice in the world. you could listen to them singing, talking, making weird noises and burping 25/8 and you would NEVER get tired. you fall asleep listening you their solo tracks or a compilation of them sneezing

8. you freaking love how silly they are. makes you laugh the hardest even when you’re fucked up and hate your life. makes you laugh so loud everyone looks at you wondering if something is wrong with you or you just high af. in every try not to laugh challenge kpop vers. you lose when they appears, even if they’re just standing there doing absolutely nothing

9. AESTHETICS. every time they post a pic you scream at your phone/computer “INSTAGRAM NEEDS YOU BITCH”. you wish you were as aesthetic as them. you attempt to it, you fail. you probably have them as your lockscreen

10. THAT BIAS THAT GOTS YOU WELL FED. posts 24/7 so you spend 24/7 jumping to get your phone every time you get a notification 'CAUSE IT COULD BE THEM. you wonder if they are trying to kill you, they probably are but you don’t complain

11. THAT ONE BIAS THAT MAKES YOU A STARVING HOE. post once a year, are probably shy/don’t talk too much in vlives or shows but they can also be sometimes the loudest and you thank god for every time they give you a sign they are still alive. when they are strangely active for more than two days you go ?????????????????? and think they’re just feeding you 'cause they plan on dissappearing for the next 100 years you right

12. YOUR BABY. it’s not like “the cute one”. you want to take care of them, don’t want nothing bad to ever happen to them, defend them with your life. don’t you dare insult them, their fans will literally kill 'cause “their babies only deserve love”. you want to keep them in your pocket and protect them from this cruel world. never a hard stan for them, just soft soft soft

13. THE ULTIMATE BIAS. it’s a mix of all the above so you just sit there and question what the fuck you are doing with your life and why the hell you’re so obsessed with someone you don’t even know/why you have so much mix feelings 'for them. you’re their hoe, their mum/dad, their best friend, their wife, their girlfriend, the mum/dad of their children, their doctor, their security guard, their babysitter, their sister/brother and even their fucking grandma/grandpa

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6 years ago

dl link here because we all love god 

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6 years ago
Happy Birthday To Our Favorite Pink Boy Jungkook #HAPPYJKDAY
Happy Birthday To Our Favorite Pink Boy Jungkook #HAPPYJKDAY
Happy Birthday To Our Favorite Pink Boy Jungkook #HAPPYJKDAY
Happy Birthday To Our Favorite Pink Boy Jungkook #HAPPYJKDAY

happy birthday to our favorite pink boy jungkook ♡ #HAPPYJKDAY

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6 years ago
HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONELets Say Its 6.15pm And Youre Going Home (alone Of Course), After

HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE Let’s say it’s 6.15pm and you’re going home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You’re really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself..!! NOW HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE… Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can perhaps buy precious time to get themselves to a phone and dial 911. Rather than sharing another joke please contribute by broadcasting this which can save a person’s life! Be prepared and become part of the solution. Get your free next-of-kin notification card today. Click here: