marianapaola02 - mariana

in love with my moonboy and sunshine

243 posts

To : Guk

to : guk

from: mariana

happy birthday, moonboy♡

gukkie!!! my moonboy, my stars, the prettiest flower in my garden, you’re officially an adult today!!! i can’t believe that you’re an adult, you can do adult stuff!!! you can finally drink (in america) :o !!! but to be honest you’ll always be a baby in my eyes, even tho you’re like 5 years older than me but whatever, you’re still my baby. anyways, i just wanted to say ; happy birthday, my love, i hope you have the brightest of days and that that gorgeous smile never fades away, because it keeps me moving. i’ve been a fan of yours for not much time, only for like a year and a half, but in that year and a half, you’ve grown in my heart. a thought is constantly crossing my mind, isn’t it crazy and insane how the universe wanted me to fall in love with you? how you were destined to be my moon and my stars? how it molded my path and your path and demanded them to cross? isn’t that just insane??? think about it, i could’ve just become a fan of another group, not bts, but my heart followed you, you guys were meant to be on my path, because i share a special bond with you, this isn’t any fan-idol relationship, this is family, and family are always there for each other. from the moment i watched a video showing your goofy side and your lovely bunny smile and your adorable eyesmile and those eyes, that contain billions of stars in them, you captivated my heart, made it yours, and i’m not even going to complain, i fully believe you were meant to take my heart, and i’m glad you did. my favorite physical feature of yours is your eyes, god, i could stare at them for hours and i wouldn’t still be able to count all those stars you have in there!!! they’re really my favorite thing to look at, and i wish that someday i can be able to look at them and admire them in person. you have inspired me in so many ways i just i’m so happy whenever i think about you!!!

i love you, moonboy. you’re my light, you’re my stars, you’re literally my first love, i really thank the universe for letting me admire someone so pretty and so nice and so talented and just!! i love you!!! i hope you have the best birthday, get some rest, you need it. don’t overwork yourself please. i love you so much moonie, never stop smiling. happy birthday ♡

To : Guk

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