marianapaola02 - mariana

in love with my moonboy and sunshine

243 posts

To : Guk

to : guk

from: mariana

happy birthday, moonboy♡

gukkie!!! my moonboy, my stars, the prettiest flower in my garden, you’re officially an adult today!!! i can’t believe that you’re an adult, you can do adult stuff!!! you can finally drink (in america) :o !!! but to be honest you’ll always be a baby in my eyes, even tho you’re like 5 years older than me but whatever, you’re still my baby. anyways, i just wanted to say ; happy birthday, my love, i hope you have the brightest of days and that that gorgeous smile never fades away, because it keeps me moving. i’ve been a fan of yours for not much time, only for like a year and a half, but in that year and a half, you’ve grown in my heart. a thought is constantly crossing my mind, isn’t it crazy and insane how the universe wanted me to fall in love with you? how you were destined to be my moon and my stars? how it molded my path and your path and demanded them to cross? isn’t that just insane??? think about it, i could’ve just become a fan of another group, not bts, but my heart followed you, you guys were meant to be on my path, because i share a special bond with you, this isn’t any fan-idol relationship, this is family, and family are always there for each other. from the moment i watched a video showing your goofy side and your lovely bunny smile and your adorable eyesmile and those eyes, that contain billions of stars in them, you captivated my heart, made it yours, and i’m not even going to complain, i fully believe you were meant to take my heart, and i’m glad you did. my favorite physical feature of yours is your eyes, god, i could stare at them for hours and i wouldn’t still be able to count all those stars you have in there!!! they’re really my favorite thing to look at, and i wish that someday i can be able to look at them and admire them in person. you have inspired me in so many ways i just i’m so happy whenever i think about you!!!

i love you, moonboy. you’re my light, you’re my stars, you’re literally my first love, i really thank the universe for letting me admire someone so pretty and so nice and so talented and just!! i love you!!! i hope you have the best birthday, get some rest, you need it. don’t overwork yourself please. i love you so much moonie, never stop smiling. happy birthday ♡

To : Guk

More Posts from Marianapaola02

6 years ago

there’s 13 types of biases:

1. the bias that makes you go HOLY GUACAMOLE WHY ARE SO CUTE PROTECT THEM

2. the one that turns you into a hard stan and makes you whisper “i need holy water” every time you see them

3. the one that makes you wonder how is it even possible to be so damn beautiful and has you wondering if they are even fucking real probably not


5. the one you fell in love with because of their mind. is THAT bias that makes you wish you could have deep conversations with at 3am sitting in a rooftop looking at the sky and just listening to them talking ‘bout the way they see life

6. THAT bias that makes you cry 24/7 'cause they work so hard, they are so kind, care so much, are so sweet, chased their dreams, started from the bottom and now they’re here, cries when they win, when they talk about other members/their fans, etc. you cry for them just because they fucking breATH

7. bias who’s got your favorite voice in the world. you could listen to them singing, talking, making weird noises and burping 25/8 and you would NEVER get tired. you fall asleep listening you their solo tracks or a compilation of them sneezing

8. you freaking love how silly they are. makes you laugh the hardest even when you’re fucked up and hate your life. makes you laugh so loud everyone looks at you wondering if something is wrong with you or you just high af. in every try not to laugh challenge kpop vers. you lose when they appears, even if they’re just standing there doing absolutely nothing

9. AESTHETICS. every time they post a pic you scream at your phone/computer “INSTAGRAM NEEDS YOU BITCH”. you wish you were as aesthetic as them. you attempt to it, you fail. you probably have them as your lockscreen

10. THAT BIAS THAT GOTS YOU WELL FED. posts 24/7 so you spend 24/7 jumping to get your phone every time you get a notification 'CAUSE IT COULD BE THEM. you wonder if they are trying to kill you, they probably are but you don’t complain

11. THAT ONE BIAS THAT MAKES YOU A STARVING HOE. post once a year, are probably shy/don’t talk too much in vlives or shows but they can also be sometimes the loudest and you thank god for every time they give you a sign they are still alive. when they are strangely active for more than two days you go ?????????????????? and think they’re just feeding you 'cause they plan on dissappearing for the next 100 years you right

12. YOUR BABY. it’s not like “the cute one”. you want to take care of them, don’t want nothing bad to ever happen to them, defend them with your life. don’t you dare insult them, their fans will literally kill 'cause “their babies only deserve love”. you want to keep them in your pocket and protect them from this cruel world. never a hard stan for them, just soft soft soft

13. THE ULTIMATE BIAS. it’s a mix of all the above so you just sit there and question what the fuck you are doing with your life and why the hell you’re so obsessed with someone you don’t even know/why you have so much mix feelings 'for them. you’re their hoe, their mum/dad, their best friend, their wife, their girlfriend, the mum/dad of their children, their doctor, their security guard, their babysitter, their sister/brother and even their fucking grandma/grandpa

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6 years ago
To Be Together Is Hard, But I Wanted To Express That Im Thankfulthat Were Together.
To Be Together Is Hard, But I Wanted To Express That Im Thankfulthat Were Together.
To Be Together Is Hard, But I Wanted To Express That Im Thankfulthat Were Together.
To Be Together Is Hard, But I Wanted To Express That Im Thankfulthat Were Together.
To Be Together Is Hard, But I Wanted To Express That Im Thankfulthat Were Together.
To Be Together Is Hard, But I Wanted To Express That Im Thankfulthat Were Together.
To Be Together Is Hard, But I Wanted To Express That Im Thankfulthat Were Together.
To Be Together Is Hard, But I Wanted To Express That Im Thankfulthat Were Together.
To Be Together Is Hard, But I Wanted To Express That Im Thankfulthat Were Together.
To Be Together Is Hard, But I Wanted To Express That Im Thankfulthat Were Together.

“to be together is hard, but I wanted to express that I’m thankful that we’re together.”

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6 years ago

here’s renjun’s ‘I need you right here~’ on loop

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6 years ago

i never talk about these things but i can’t remain silent.

i know tumblr doesn’t give a SHIT when things happen in countries outside the “most popular ones” (such as the usa & england). it’s true, don’t lie to me. y’all don’t give A FUCK. not every issue and problem in said countries gets the appropriate exposure but in general shit shows up on the news WORLD FREAKING  WIDE. you set up donations, you help out, your spread the word, you say “pray for x”……

southern europe is burning. 

my country is burning.

people are dying - at home, on the road, trying to run away, in their cars.

yesterday my country had 300 active fires.

people are losing EVERYTHING they own.

i have a friend that is on a train right now passing through places that have been burnt to the ground and she says the smoke is so intense it’s getting inside the train and she can barely breathe.

and yet, even though several people (myself included) have been trying to bring awareness to what has been happening in southern europe… what we get from most of you, those not part of the countries suffering, is silence. we don’t ask for money, we don’t ask for shit other than a reblog to spread awareness… something you can delete in 24/48hrs if you wish. 

i don’t know what to tell you. i’m angry. i’m frustrated. i’m disappointed. i feel like i’m screaming into the void. “a reblog does nothing” - you know that’s a damn lie, you know exposure always helps, you know people start paying attention when posts on social media become popular. my country in particular is a small one, we get ZERO exposure. y’all are only starting to figure out we even fucking exist bc of the shit we’ve been winning lately. 

but hell, if the EU doesn’t give a shit, why should some user on tumblr dot com?

again, i don’t know what to tell you so i’ll let the images speak for themselves: 


An image captured by a Nasa satellite shows a thick plume of smoke blowing southward from the Greek island of Chios over the island of Crete


Torneros de Jamuz, Spain


Duca, Croatia


A helicopter from Italy’s civil protection service drops water on a fire near the railway between Venice and Trieste


Residents take refuge on the beach as a wildfire burns on the mountain next to the village of Lithi, on the Greek island of Chios


Men gather cattle during a forest fire in Vieira de Leiria, Marinha Grande, Portugal.


Charred trees are seen on the hills above the Cloister of Thivaidas on Mount Athos, a World Heritage Site in Greece


