nanami kento's & jiang cheng’s wife, professional fangirl & aspiring author, multi-fandom, college student so slow updates 🖤

666 posts

I Am WEAK To The Thought Of Jjk Characters Children Being An Absolute Mama's Girl/boy And They Aren't

I am WEAK to the thought of jjk characters children being an absolute mama's girl/boy and they aren't even bothered because "me too, y/n is my favorite person too"

Anyone is fine but please include yuta, gojo and negumi. Thanks 🥰

Requests: Open (Please tell me if you want a HC or a Fic, or you will be skipped)

Warnings: None

Characters: Yuta, Gojo, Megumi

JJK Characters With a Child Who's a Mama's Boy/Girl

I Am WEAK To The Thought Of Jjk Characters Children Being An Absolute Mama's Girl/boy And They Aren't


- When your pregnancy was announced and the two of you discovered that you'd be having a little girl, your close friends (yourself included) had already come to the conclusion that she would be a daddies girl.

- As soon as she was brought home, as you rested Yuta made sure to be at your daughters side most of the day unless you called him for something. Everyone was sure this would spark the daddy daughter bond that's shown in movies, that's always gushed over.

- Honestly it looked to be going that way. When your daughter took her first steps, it was her trying to make her way towards Yuta who was having to plan a trip across Japan for a couple of days to get rid of some curses.

- If the three of you went out as a family Yuta was always holding her, and if she was put down she was clinging to his leg.

- However, as she got older and Yuta took on more jobs, that quickly changed.

- Though he wasn't gone for long, it definitely provided you with some bonding time with your daughter.

- Brunch dates, shopping trips, cooking together in the kitchen as she stood beside you on her little stool. All core memories that will forever remain treasured in your mind.

- Now Yuta won't lie, he does miss hearing his daughters cries of joy as she rushed him at the door once he came home from a long trip. But, he loves seeing his two girls happily conversing while you prepare dinner.

- Wiping away flour from her cheeks before happily pressing your lips against them and blowing, causing her to giggle.

- It also appears that a habit that had formed since him leaving was his daughter sleeping in bed with you. He had tucked away her tired form and went to join you in bed, just for a few minutes to pass and your door was slowly being opened.

- Yuta had helped your daughter into bed, watching as she climbed in between the two of you and latched onto you. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

- "You don't want to cuddle with the both of us?" He had asked with a tired smile. He watched as his daughter tiredly shook her head burying her face into your chest.

- "Mama's warm and soft and smells nice. She's my favorite." She grumbled tiredly. Yuta blinked, taken back by her words before chuckling.

- He'd drape his arm around the two of you, pulling you both closer before kissing the top of his daughters head and whispering that you were also his favorite.

I Am WEAK To The Thought Of Jjk Characters Children Being An Absolute Mama's Girl/boy And They Aren't


- When you found out you were pregnant with twins you didn't know if you should be happy or terrified. A boy and a girl, that's what the doctor had told the two of you, and Gojo seemed over the moon about it.

- You silently prayed each night that they wouldn't be as chaotic as him, and you're thankful for whoever granted you your prayers...Kinda.

- Both of you love your children with all your hearts, however you're the one mostly at home with them.

- Now, it's not a bad thing, they mostly picked up your personality, though they do share Gojo's wit and sarcasm to some extent. However, they try their best to stay out of trouble for you.

- They've had a nanny since they were born, however they always managed to evade her and find you, latching onto your legs begging you to play with them, let them help you with the laundry, read to them, etc.

- Thus, when Gojo would return home from school or a business trip, he was never surprised to find your two spawns latched onto you.

- Now, due to Gojo being gone often he is definitely the type to try and win his kids over with materialistic things. Dolls for his daughter, action figures for his son, etc.

- However, as soon as you'd enter the room, they'd drop their new gifts and rush to your side.

- Honestly, Gojo can't blame them. You're charming, warm, and just have a personality that people naturally gravitate to, himself included. He never thought he'd ever rid himself of his playboy lifestyle until he met you.

- However, he does wish to spend a little time with you.

- He remembers a day when he was home for a while, reaching out to try and grab you by the hips, however his hands were slapped away as two heads appeared from the front of you. They narrowed their piercing blue eyes at him, each shifting over to latch onto your hips.

- Although, he does have to give you credit for making them spend time with him at some points. Usually it's him teaching them how to control and use their cursed energy, to which when they succeed in something will happily pounce on him, asking if he saw.

- You'd watch happily from the side, sipping on some tea you had prepared.

- It was no surprise that you were the favorite parent, instead it was rather obvious.

- Though, it made Gojo chuckle to actually hear it for the first time. You had gotten sick and Gojo had offered to take the kids out for the day while you rested. They weren't exactly happy about the ordeal, but they didn't express their disappointment upfront.

- The day had been spent shopping around for clothes, new toys, and by the end of the day the three had gotten dinner to go so you wouldn't have to worry about cooking.

- He had watched as the two bickered back and forth about what to order you, each having a thorough reason as to why you'd like the dish each one had selected.

- "You know mama well, don't you?" He had joked, to which the twins stared at him with unreadable expressions, "Of course, she's our favorite."

- He couldn't help but blink behind his shades, before laughing happily, earning him a weird look from his two children. "Yeah, your mama is my favorite to." He'd state.

I Am WEAK To The Thought Of Jjk Characters Children Being An Absolute Mama's Girl/boy And They Aren't


- Unlike the rest he's actually nervous about being a dad. It's not the fact that he thinks he'll be a bad one, he'll definitely be better than his father and his guardian Gojo, but for some reason he just feels like he's bound to do something wrong.

- When your son is born, he's honestly a little nervous to hold him. The nurses originally thought it was because he didn't know how to properly hold a child, so he earned a laugh and wince from you as you watched the nurse basically force the child into his arms, and adjust his arms as if he were a doll.

- Once you bring your son home, he's always peaking into his nursery when he feels its to quiet. He'll peer into the crib, and watch his sons chest steadily rise up and down as he sleeps, terrified he could stop breathing if he moved away.

- It takes a little coaxing to get Megumi to step away and actually rest, promising that you could take care of your son sometimes, and that he doesn't have to be such a helicopter parent.

- The face his makes after you call him a helicopter parent is hilarious honestly.

- However, he does back away though, allowing you turns to take care of your son, watching as the baby happily babbles, tugging at your hair.

- Once he's finally reassured, he goes back to being a full time sorcerer.

- Now, it's not exactly a bad thing, it provides you and your son a good amount of bonding time, and Megumi's isn't exactly gone for long, so it doesn't provide his son enough time to possibly despise him (Megumi's words, not yours).

- When he does get home, his son greets him with a tired welcome back, and will give him a quick hug before racing right back to your side.

- Honestly makes Megumi's heart beat just a bit faster when he see's your son bouncing around trying to help you with chores, setting the table, etc. A domestic life he was never really provided as a child.

- Megumi is aware that you're the favorite parent, and he's honestly okay with that. He admits he's not around all the time, and that your son does spend basically his entire time with you. However, when he is home he's grateful that his son is interested in spending time with him as well.

- Most of their bonding time is spent either watching a show together, practicing your sons cursed energy, or going out to run errands together. You had convinced the two to go fishing together one time and when they came back vowed never to do it again.

- Your son openly admits that you're the favorite parent when it's your birthday.

- The boys had sent you on a wild goose chase basically, convincing you that Megumi wasn't feeling very well and needed some medicine. Your husband was a terrible actor, however you rolled your eyes and went to the market as they prepared the house.

- As they did this, Megumi was surprised with how bossy his son had become. Insisting that the birthday banner they had gotten needed to be lifted higher, that the cake looked right, etc.

- However, Megumi couldn't be mad, he understood that your son just wanted everything to go well with how much you do for them.

- "You really care about your mom huh?" Megumi had asked, ruffling his sons dark hair. He smirked as his son gave him a stern yet determined look, "Of course, mama is my favorite." He grumbled, gently swatting Megumi's hand away before rushing to the door as he heard your keys jingle.

- Megumi watched as you gasped at the display the two had set up, happily dropping the bags you had brought in to scoop up your son and pepper his face with kisses.

- He leaned against the wall, watching the scene with soft eyes, "Your mama is my favorite to." He'd admit to himself before walking over to receive a kiss from you.

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More Posts from Mariesdeluluworld

2 years ago

Hello! I hope you're well!

I have a request...

Can I ask for headcannons about how the JJK men would be with an s/o that has a child from another relationship before them?

Specifically the main main guys like Itadori, Gojo, Sukuna (soft pls, he scares me as equally as he excites me) and Megumi if that's not too much 😅

Can 100% throw in nsfw stuff like your possessive gojo post if the inspiration arises for it. That's up to you, I'ma be really happy just to see whatever comes from this in any form it takes haha

(totally acceptable too if this is not your cup of tea though and you don't write it. No pressure, fellow writer!)

CW/ TW. Explicit. Domestic Softness, Breeding Kink, Rough Sex, Pet Names (ex. Dove, Baby), Almost getting caught (If I missed anything, please let me know!)

AN. Hi there😄💕 Thank you for the ask, and you came to the right place because single-parent!reader x character is literally my trope (???) at the moment! Also, I added Nanami🙈 Anywho, I hope you enjoy <33

Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated:)

M. List

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Gojo is a grown child himself sometimes, so he most likely has zero problems getting along with your daughter.

He calls her princess, and one day you walk into the living room to find your daughter putting clips in Satoru's platinum hair and unicorn stickers on his face. It's cute, and you secretly take a picture to make it your lock screen on your phone.

Most days, you have to cook or else those two will eat nothing but sweets all day. But on the days he does try to make dinner, he'll have a chair pushed up to the counter for your daughter to see and help—though your kitchen is often left a total mess afterward.

He probably develops a breeding kink because he wants more little you's running around the house—and you shiver when he tells you this while you're washing dishes, pressing himself along your back so you can feel how hard he is.

Satoru has your wrists pinned above your head, biting at your breasts greedily, his thrusts rough and needy. He's pretty sure you're both going to have carpet burns later, but his head is too gone to care.

He nuzzles the side of your face, hips brushing against your clit every time he presses his cock into you: "You gonna take all my cum in this tight cunt and make it mine, yeah?"

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Yuuji is more shocked by the fact you have twins and less about you actually having kids.

It's no surprise that they're as drawn to his sunny personality as you are, both of them constantly vying for his attention. He takes the twins to the zoo and buys them new plushies for their bed—he even takes care of them when you're sick or stressed from work.

He has no issue considering the twins his and even lights up when someone points out how he makes a good father.

One thing he does lack, however, is subtlety.

You whine about moving to the bedroom when he decides to pull your small sleep shorts to the side and impale you on his achy length. His grip on your hips is gentle compared to the unforgiving pace of his thrusts below you, the couch groaning in protest.

"Shh, it's okay, baby." He presses a messy kiss to your lips. "They're sleeping. Now keep riding my cock."

And it's almost a close call when he cums with an animalistic groan, and you barely miss the sound of a door squeaking open upstairs before you throw the blanket over both of you.

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Sukuna is probably super awkward—the type that's never wanted kids, and yet he knew that you and your daughter were a package deal when he met you.

This doesn't stop him from hating the fact that every time he leaves his room, he always ends up stepping on Legos, or that he can't eat anything without a small hand reaching out for his food.

Eventually, he warms up to the idea, and affectionately calls your daughter brat—he'll even go as far as begrudgingly making her chocolate pancakes and watching cheesy cartoons to appease the little tyrant.

Although you try to stifle your smile when you come home from work to find him and your daughter curled up next to him, equally invested in whatever cartoon is playing on the TV.

He most likely still gets annoyed that he has to be more cautious about when and where he fucks you. He'll hold you down against the mattress if you're too loud, pushing your face into the comforter to cover up your little moans.

"If you make any more noise, you'll wake the brat," he hisses into your ear, though, smirking when you barely contain a sob each time his cock slides deeper.

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Megumi most likely doesn't know what to do. After all, he didn't exactly have the best role model growing up.

He doesn't know what four-year-olds are interested in and probably bores your kid to sleep whenever he starts talking about mundane adult topics. You call it a gift because your son never takes naps for you—but really, he knows you're only saying that to make him feel better.

His first win is when he takes your son to the beach, and after a long day, the little boy cuddles up in his lap on the couch with soft snores muffled against his shoulder.

Megumi looks up at you in shock, and you can't help the little giggle that escapes your lips at the cute picture they make.

However, he gets super embarrassed when your son nearly walks in on him railing you into the mattress, and he practically knocks you off the bed in his haste to cover up.

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Nanami is definitely made to be a dad and adjusts pretty easily when you and your son move in with him.

He lets the little boy sit on his lap while drinking coffee and reading the paper in the morning. During the week, he picks him up and drops him off at daycare and packs lunches for the three of you.

You would have never expected the silent and very intimidating man to be so good with kids.

Your son also seems to be just as smitten with him that he often asks for Nanami when he thinks there are monsters in his closet—rubbing his wet eyes while standing near Nanami's side of the bed in his shark pajamas, sans one sock.

He lets the boy sleep between you most nights because he's usually too tired to get up. But on the nights when he tucks the boy back into his bed, you can't stop yourself from straddling his lap and pawing at his stiff cock through his boxers.

"Want you," you whine, freeing him from his underwear.

He grunts when you slide his heavy cock through your messy folds, and you whimper—teary-eyed.

"Dove, you're going to wake the baby." Though he hardly follows his own warning when he releases a feral groan as you slowly sink down until you feel like there's no more room in your swollen pussy for him to go.

His hands come up to dig into your hips, helping you grind back and forth. "My good girl," he mutters, watching your folds split around him. "You're gonna take the whole thing, aren't you?"

Then he thrusts up until the last inch is nestled in your tight, wet cunt.

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Tagging. @ajaviary @barbiekatz @smexyair @chloee0x0 @levylovegood @dukina @sunaspillowprincess @bigsluttforitachi @toughbook @pulchritxde @https-gassen @1-800-mocha @grim_gal @amortentiaxo @izukusfreckle @devynfayrer

2 years ago

did i just buy legend of zelda: breath of the wild even though i don't have a switch? yes i did. why? because i am obessed with it after playing it over at my cousins place. link and sidon are hot okay? thats my reason


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2 years ago
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.

Lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, skin white as snow.

march moodboards - snow white

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2 years ago

V. ~Survival~

V. ~Survival~
V. ~Survival~

Summary: You were determined to survive, longer than anyone, even if you were set to marry him.

Genre: Historical AU, angst, mature, suggestive, arranged-marriage

Warnings: Dark themes, themes/depictions of horror, swearing/language, suggestive, mentions of child murder/adult murder, breastfeeding, pet names (Y/n called Little Flower 2-3x), Implications of child neglect, implied Stockholm Syndrome, images/depictions of dead bodies, slight misogynistic themes (if you squint).

Word Count: 4.3k

A/n: I apologize for being so late with this post, a lot is going on right now and I have had a few other writing projects that I have been working on for you guys, but I was finally able to sit down and finish this chapter. Thank you all for being patient with me, it is greatly appreciated. As a friendly reminder, my asks are open if you want to ask me any questions about this story/other works or to talk about hcs, maybe even suggestions, or to be added to the taglist for any of my series, have at it! I'm going to update my navigation soon so that it has a link that can take you to the post where I have my taglist rules. I hope that due to it being summer I will be able to post more consistently, hopefully, every Sunday if possible. For now, my upload schedule will be a bit inconsistent until I figure out some kinks. Thank you for sticking around and enjoy Part 5 of Survival!

Fun Fact: I stayed up to watch the Lunar Eclipse while writing part of this chapter, it was quite awesome!

JJK Mlist

• Pt.I • Pt.II • Pt.III • Pt.IV • Pt. V

V. ~Survival~

For the first time in a long time, you felt normal. Those few hours you spent with your two little infants were the best moments out of the time you had spent at the temple. It was quiet, with no one there to disrupt your peace, not even Sukuna himself, it was just you and your children.

Yes, your attendant would walk in every once in a while, most likely on Sukuna’s orders, but she always made her visits quiet and short. She would leave you food and water to make sure you were well-nourished — you appreciated that because you knew if she hadn’t, you would’ve forgotten to eat or drink anything, too lost in admiring your children.

Sadly, it wouldn’t be this way forever, as soon as your twins were old enough to not need the nourishment from your breasts, you would go back to the normal routine around the temple; however, there would be small exceptions to watching and raising your children. Despite knowing these future events, you would enjoy the time you had with your babies.

Taking a deep breath, a long sigh following, you enjoyed the tranquility of the room. You wished this setting would last forever, but knew that it wouldn’t; however, you didn’t expect it to be disrupted this soon as an unexpected visitor made themself present.

“Had a good rest, Little Flower?”

As much as you hated that familiar teasing tone, you paid no mind to it as you didn’t want the presence of Sukuna to damper your mood. You gave a simple response, not bothering to make eye contact as you were too enamored with your twins to give him any attention.

“Not feeling very talkative today are we, Little Flower? It’s almost as if you are distracted by something or rather someone?”

Feeling a shift in bedding, you could tell that Sukuna was now leaning beside you, staring you down as you paid him no mind. You knew that this was a risky move of yours, but you would be damned if you were to miss a second of time with your children due to the likes of the twisted, two-faced man beside you.

It stayed silent for a couple minutes.

At first, you thought Sukuna had gotten the hint and would decide to leave you alone, but you should have known better. The man took your chin between his fingers, forcing you to face him; however, he was still gentle in this action, making sure to not harm you as he forced you to make eye contact.

“I apologize, I do not know what to say with such an unexpected visit,” you responded after a couple seconds of staring into his eyes.

Sukuna was only able to smirk before letting go of your face, allowing you to bring your focus back onto the infants that were curled up against your chest, trying to achieve warmth from your body.

“That seems like a valid answer, for now,” Sukuna started, pausing to examine the twins before turning his attention back to you, “Answer me this, did you know a young maiden in your village who was a seamstress? She was a couple years younger than you and I believe she would’ve been a neighbor and a close family friend of yours.”

You were a little confused by his question, but took some time to think about his description. You ransacked your mind trying to match someone to the details he had given you about this person until it finally hit you.

Your mind went back to your “wedding day” and the girl that was helping you into your ceremonial robes. You remembered that girl well, she was sixteen at the time and was practically glued to your side whenever you made your presence known around her. The same naive girl who believed a marriage with Sukuna was more of an achievement rather than a punishment.

“I do recall her, why?” you simply asked.

“She wouldn’t stop talking about you, at least for the first few minutes after the ceremony; however she had no trouble pushing the thought of you aside after I told her you were due to go into labor soon, she actually went silent for a few minutes before she started to blabber on how she would be a great wife.”

You were confused, what was he trying to prove with this story? You pondered on it, trying to think up an answer, but nothing was coming up. Why was Sukuna bringing this up now? Was he trying to stir a reaction out of you per usual? Was he trying to threaten you?

Questions kept flooding your mind until an answer finally hit you.

“It was a shame I had to kill her, she made a pretty convincing commitment about being a good wife, but her jealousy felt more of a threat towards our future heirs and if I were being honest she was getting on my nerves.”

He killed her.

The night when you went into labor, that piercing scream you heard was her. The blood that tainted Sukuna’s robes that night was her’s. You felt so on edge that night because she, the girl who practically saw you as her older sister had been murdered on her wedding night, and a part of you couldn’t help but feel like it was your fault.

Before you had the chance to snap at Sukuna for what he had done, a tanto blade appeared in front of your face.

“I noticed her slip this into her hand the moment I told her you were pregnant.”

You were quick to flick the blade away as to keep it away from your twins, worried the blade would cut them, but that wasn’t the only reason you were quick to dispose of it. A part of you didn’t want to believe that the girl you had grown up with wanted to harm you out of jealousy; moreover, you didn’t want to believe that the girl had been completely blindsided by the rumors going around the village, so much so that she lost all rationality.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“To warn you,” Sukuna quickly responded, “from this point on, you will be looked down upon in your village, maybe even your own family. From here on out everyone is out to kill you and our children…”

You looked down at your children as they began to cry, grabbing at you as they began to squirm. You tried to calm them down, but nothing was working. You attempted to adjust yourself, but something caught your eye.

There was blood on your hand.

You checked for any open wounds on your body, even inspecting your hand twice to make sure you hadn’t cut yourself with the tanto blade from earlier, but nothing; however, when you turned to examine your children, you noticed cuts and small slices littering their bodies. Out of panic, you looked over to where the blade should have landed but found nothing. You turned to look at Sukuna to see if he had grabbed it only to discover that he wasn’t there.

She was standing in his place, blade held above her head, ready to strike it down onto you and your children. Your eyes were wide in fear. You wanted to say anything but no words came out of your mouth when you went to speak some sense into her. You could only stare into her crazed eyes with fear, even when a hand made its way onto your shoulder a figure leaning in to whisper into your ear.

“Everyone is out to take what is ours Y/n.”

V. ~Survival~

You gasped as you opened your eyes, sitting up immediately as you breathed heavily, trying to recover from your nightmare; however, it didn’t take long to check on your infants. You were so shaken up you examined them more times than you could count, making sure they were unscratched.

“Y/n-sama, are you alright?” your attendant asked, clearly concerned about your current state of shock.

It took you a few seconds to calm down before responding to her, giving her a simple yes so as to not give her any reason to call for someone. Now some may believe it would’ve been best for you to confide in her, but a part of you worried your children would be taken away from you.

Your attendant looked a little hesitant, clearly wanting to ask you more to make sure you were alright, but she could tell that you weren’t necessarily in the mood to talk as you had already gone in for another round of inspecting your children. She was only able to observe from afar, afraid that if she were to overstep her boundaries she would spark an adverse reaction. She decided to wait for the right time to approach you, and not necessarily question you but to at least be able to talk with you without causing you any sort of distress.

It took you a few minutes to settle down, finally feeling comfortable enough to relax, leaning back to allow a slight breather. Your attendant approached you cautiously, bringing you something to eat and drink since it had been a while since you had done so.

“Is there anything I can do for you Y/n-sama?” she asked carefully.

You only shook your head, giving her a soft smile to reassure her everything was alright. The gesture seemed to bring her a little relief as she smiled back, bowing before making her leave.

The second those doors closed, you allowed your mind to run wild. You thought back to your nightmare, still feeling distressed from the whole situation. You had no idea why you had such a horrific nightmare despite being nothing but happy these past few days, spending what quality time you could with your newborns. You were finally starting to feel a bit of normality, so why now?

You tried to convince yourself that the nightmare was another part of the exhaustion post-labor, but you knew it was not that. You tried pushing it out of your mind, you tried to forget it happened and deem it as nothing more than a nightmare, but some part of you wouldn’t allow yourself to provide that sort of relief. It invaded your mind for a solid hour until something clicked in your mind.

“Everyone is out to take what is ours, Y/n.”

Those words echoed in your head. Those words were telling you something, quite literally, about your current predicament. Those words weren’t Sukuna’s, they were yours, and you were giving yourself a warning.

If you were to somehow escape and run back to your village you would be welcomed with open arms, but your children would not, they would be taken from you and slaughtered at the elder’s command as a way to threaten the almighty, Ryomen Sukuna. Even if you tried to convince them, they wouldn’t even listen to you. They would only believe you were simply manipulated by Sukuna, nothing more.

Your children weren’t exactly safe in the temple either. There was competition among the small families in the temple. In order to impress Sukuna and to gain power among the other wives, mothers would raise their children to be the most compatible heir, even if they had to eliminate some of the competition. It is an actual survival of the fittest situation, if you aren’t careful enough and not quick enough to catch on to your possible assassin, you would wake up to find a corpse in the crib. Knowing that some of the wives already resented you, you knew your children would become subject to the one-sided rivalry.

At this point in time, you couldn’t trust anybody because no matter where you took your children there would be a knife at their neck.

Everyone was truly out to take what was yours, so you had to protect it or rather them, no matter what the cost.

You were taken out of your thoughts by the sound of the door, your attendant making her presence known. As soon as the door closed she approached you, a tea set in hand. Before she made it to your side she stopped in her footsteps, staring at something that was seemingly next to you. You turned your head to see what she was looking at only to see the previous meal she had left you earlier today.

“Y/n-sama, are you alright you haven’t touched your food from this morning, should I retrieve the doctor?” She asked, already turning on her heel to approach the door.


Shocked and a little scared your attendant froze in her place. She stayed motionless for about a minute, fearing that she would upset you if she dared move.

You cleared your throat before the girl could get suspicious and spoke up once more.

“I apologize for my outburst, let me explain. No, I do not need the assistance of the doctor.”

“B-but Y/n-sama, I think it would be best to-”

“There is no need for the doctor, I’m perfectly fine, I simply was not hungry this morning,” you interrupted.

The girl only nodded hesitantly before making the rest of the way over to place the tea set down. She moved over the previous set before placing the current one down, pouring a cup, and handing it to you. However, she paused once more noticing your hands were full.

“Y/n-sama, I do not mean to intrude, but I believe it would be easier for you to eat if I held the twins for you,” she explained, slightly reaching over to take one of the babies.

Impulsively, you brought the twins closer to your chest, causing your attendant to pull her hands back a little. It could have been paranoia from your nightmare or the realization you had a little while ago, but you did not feel comfortable with giving your little blessings to her; however, you didn’t have much of a choice, unless you wanted to get a surprise visit from the doctor, who would most likely remove the twins from your care for a while to perform a check-up. If your children were to be removed from your care, they wouldn’t be given to your attendant or a wet nurse, but rather one of the wives, and based on your realization from earlier that was definitely not a risk you were willing to take.

Reluctantly, you began to hand over your baby boy first as your attendant reached her arms back out to hold the infant. After a minute of her holding your baby boy, you handed your girl over next. The moment your attendant had both your babies she sat down and began rocking herself back and forth.

A part of you wanted to jump up and take your children back into your arms, but you knew better than to do such an abrupt action. You only stared for a couple minutes before taking a teacup and taking a small sip of the warm beverage.

It did not take you long to finish your meal, quickly setting all the ceramics back onto the tray they were brought with. You did not hesitate to take your newborns back to the warmth of your chest as your attendant handed them back to you. You couldn’t help but smile at the little blessings as they snuggled into you and latched onto your breasts to eat.

As much as you wanted to ponder on your nightmare and your small conspiracy, you thought it best to just enjoy this moment and think about all those worries later. You softly smiled as you gazed at your beautiful twins. You would enjoy these moments of peace with your children before you had to leave the room before you had to deal with the chaos outside those doors.

V. ~Survival~

One hundred, one hundred days went by where it was just you and the twins, and occasionally your attendant who came in to check up on you. You had to admit those one hundred days were the best days of your life, the only thing that could have made it better would have been your family's presence. You would've liked to have stayed in that room a little longer, but you knew that wasn't possible.

You stepped out those doors, properly dressed and slightly unbalanced. All eyes were on you and your twins, and you could not say they were one hundred percent looks of adoration. You have come to learn that during your pregnancy more of the wives had begun to grow more envious of you due to the excessive attention you had started to receive from Sukuna, so much so that he had stopped sleeping with the other wives, this being one of the reasons you would try to keep your distance from them.

"Y/n-sama, you have been requested to make your way over to Sukuna-sama's chambers. Internally sighing, you were only able to nod and advanced to the room with a slight wobble with each step, your attendant being quick to assist you before you could fall over. As you proceeded towards Sukuna's chambers, you couldn’t help but hear the whispers of gossip, no different from the day you arrived. Not all the hushed words were of ill intent, some even admiring you, but most of them held jealousy and threats.

These women were only validating your fears. You have entered the survival game, and you had to play it cautiously. No matter where you turned there would be a blade held to your neck, and not just yours but your children’s as well. Their eyes were on you, tracking your every move, trying to predict your actions so they could plot against you and your twins.

You were the prey and they were the predator.

Before you could grow even more paranoid, you were pulled into Sukuna’s quarters by your attendant. You hadn’t been in this room for one hundred days, and being in it now made you wish you could stay out of it for one hundred more. Unfortunately, that was not possible.

You watched as your attendant gave you a soft smile before making her exit, leaving the door open. You looked around the room, familiarizing yourself with the atmosphere. Nothing much had changed except for the bedding, but you just assumed that was a personal touch from one of the wives due to your absence.

Despite the small change not being that big of a deal, something about it made you feel off. You approached the bed, now noticing there was a lump in it as if someone was sleeping there, but the shape of the lump made it too small to be Sukuna. Before you could pull the sheets back, the door shut close.

“Snooping around once more, aren’t we, Little Flower,” came a sudden voice from behind you.

You jumped back slightly, holding your babies to your chest. You watched as he walked out from behind the door. Had he been there the entire time? Why was he waiting there? Questions flooded your mind as you began to worry for the safety of your children.

“I apologize, I didn’t mean to push m-” a hand covered your mouth before you could finish your statement.

“You don’t need to explain yourself; After all, you didn’t do anything wrong, she did.”

Before you could ask him what he was talking about, he pulled the bedding back to reveal a gruesome sight- a mutilated female’s body. You were quick to cover your children from the gory scene.

“Do you recognize it?” Sukuna asked with a slight bite to his tone.

What you thought had just been a nightmare was now a reality. There laid the corpse of the seamstress, the girl that admired you. Her body was disfigured, but the look of horror was still visibly etched on her face.

You could hardly stomach the sight, slightly turning your head so as to not look at the body. The twins had their heads’ buried in your chest, keeping them from viewing the scene before them. Why would he show this to you? Why would he do it now?

“Why?” You asked weakly, trying to keep the bile from climbing up your throat.

“So you do recognize her?”

You only nodded, afraid that if you opened your mouth you would regurgitate what you had eaten earlier.

“I believe that your village elders sent her out to kill you or rather what was growing inside you at the time,” the man paused looking to see your reaction to the news, “As much as I would like to kill those bastards, I have no legitimate proof, so for now they remain untouched.”

“Unless you want to do something about it.”

Your exterior seemed rather calm, but on the inside, you were fuming. Those old cowards had sent you out here to conceive children, and now they were sending people out to kill them; moreover, they had sent someone they knew was close to you to do the deed.

You couldn’t tell if it was your new motherly instincts that were making you think this way, but you wanted them to hurt like you had hurt. To see them burn and scream at your mercy would have been a delightful sight to see. At this point, Sukuna’s offer had become very tempting, but you didn’t want to stoop down to their level, to his level even.

“No,” you simply said, now looking at the body with little to no emotion, too infuriated with the recent news.

You could only hear a slight chuckle from Sukuna before he covered the body, a few staff members making their way in, taking the corpse.

Although you weren’t dismissed, you could tell Sukuna had said what he needed to say, so you turned on your heel to make your exit. Before you could walk out the door you felt a hand on your waist, effectively stopping you. You only stood there, not bothering to move another inch. You were too infuriated to be scared.

He didn’t say anything, he just held you in place as he walked up from behind. You felt his breath on the back of your neck as he leaned over your shoulder, bringing his hand around to place his palm on your daughter’s cheek, tilting her head up slightly so he could get a better look at her. It did not take him long to do the same to your son, only spending a few seconds longer to admire the infant.

You thought he was done when he pulled back, but he surprised you once more when he pulled your hair away from your neck. A poke at your head alerted you that Sukuna had placed something in your hair. Hands were placed upon your waist not too long after, turning once you around so the four-armed man could get a look at you.

There was some sort of intensity in Sukuna’s eyes. At the beginning you couldn’t understand why, but when you looked into the reflection in his eyes you got your answer. There was an object sticking out of your hair and you had a feeling you knew exactly what it was.

The kanzashi pin.

“It suits you,” Sukuna blurted out, a strange look on his face, a look you couldn’t decipher.

“Use it well, Little Flower, you will need it,” The man stated before grabbing your jaw and kissing you, allowing you to leave after.

The kiss was abnormally softer than normal, it still was still violating in a way, but it didn’t feel as uncomfortable. Sukuna’s strange behavior was throwing you off balance. There could’ve been many factors that were affecting his behavior whether it be the silent battle he was having with the elders, the recent birth of the twins, or the fact that he was touch starved.

You pushed the thoughts out of your mind as you left the room and made your way to the garden, wanting to familiarize your children with the area and atmosphere as they would spend most of their childhood there. The garden was where most mothers stayed with their children during their infancy to watch over them. Although it was a place for infants, there were still a lot of mothers who brought their older kids there, sometimes to do chores or to give their children a place to train.

The moment you entered the garden, all eyes were on you or rather the kanzashi pin that was placed in your hair. You could see some of the scowls and harsh glares, and you should’ve been scared, but you weren’t. Some might’ve thought that the kanzashi pin made you a bigger target, but you didn’t see it that way. The pin would show that you were now the top dog and that if anyone tried to lay a hand on you, they would suffer the repercussions.

You walked through that garden, your head held high and your back straight. It didn’t take you long to settle into an empty spot in the feild, a few of your acquaintances joining you as they cooed at the sight of your twins.

You were making a risky move in this game of survival by being so bold, but you believed that if you pulled this card at any other time, you would already be dead. You weren’t in this game to play it safe, you were here to win, and if that meant you would have to play cautiously or to make some questionable decisions, you would. If you weren’t winning for yourself, you were winning for your babies.

You were going to win for your family because you made a promise, an everlasting oath — you weren’t going to break it anytime soon.

V. ~Survival~

@littlemochi @mistalli @youngbeansprout @bbylime @bangtan-forever1479 @idktbhloley @izayas-rings @o3o-aya @pyschopotatomeme @persephonehemingway @otomaniac

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