nanami kento's & jiang cheng’s wife, professional fangirl & aspiring author, multi-fandom, college student so slow updates 🖤

666 posts

I Love Jkk But I Will Never Ever Simp For This Little Fcker

i love jkk but i will never ever simp for this little fcker

I Love Jkk But I Will Never Ever Simp For This Little Fcker
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More Posts from Mariesdeluluworld

2 years ago

i need an asexual vampire rep

we need bisexual vampire rep.

we need pansexual vampire rep.

we need asexual vampire rep.

we need transgender vampire rep.

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2 years ago

I am WEAK to the thought of jjk characters children being an absolute mama's girl/boy and they aren't even bothered because "me too, y/n is my favorite person too"

Anyone is fine but please include yuta, gojo and negumi. Thanks 🥰

Requests: Open (Please tell me if you want a HC or a Fic, or you will be skipped)

Warnings: None

Characters: Yuta, Gojo, Megumi

JJK Characters With a Child Who's a Mama's Boy/Girl

I Am WEAK To The Thought Of Jjk Characters Children Being An Absolute Mama's Girl/boy And They Aren't


- When your pregnancy was announced and the two of you discovered that you'd be having a little girl, your close friends (yourself included) had already come to the conclusion that she would be a daddies girl.

- As soon as she was brought home, as you rested Yuta made sure to be at your daughters side most of the day unless you called him for something. Everyone was sure this would spark the daddy daughter bond that's shown in movies, that's always gushed over.

- Honestly it looked to be going that way. When your daughter took her first steps, it was her trying to make her way towards Yuta who was having to plan a trip across Japan for a couple of days to get rid of some curses.

- If the three of you went out as a family Yuta was always holding her, and if she was put down she was clinging to his leg.

- However, as she got older and Yuta took on more jobs, that quickly changed.

- Though he wasn't gone for long, it definitely provided you with some bonding time with your daughter.

- Brunch dates, shopping trips, cooking together in the kitchen as she stood beside you on her little stool. All core memories that will forever remain treasured in your mind.

- Now Yuta won't lie, he does miss hearing his daughters cries of joy as she rushed him at the door once he came home from a long trip. But, he loves seeing his two girls happily conversing while you prepare dinner.

- Wiping away flour from her cheeks before happily pressing your lips against them and blowing, causing her to giggle.

- It also appears that a habit that had formed since him leaving was his daughter sleeping in bed with you. He had tucked away her tired form and went to join you in bed, just for a few minutes to pass and your door was slowly being opened.

- Yuta had helped your daughter into bed, watching as she climbed in between the two of you and latched onto you. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

- "You don't want to cuddle with the both of us?" He had asked with a tired smile. He watched as his daughter tiredly shook her head burying her face into your chest.

- "Mama's warm and soft and smells nice. She's my favorite." She grumbled tiredly. Yuta blinked, taken back by her words before chuckling.

- He'd drape his arm around the two of you, pulling you both closer before kissing the top of his daughters head and whispering that you were also his favorite.

I Am WEAK To The Thought Of Jjk Characters Children Being An Absolute Mama's Girl/boy And They Aren't


- When you found out you were pregnant with twins you didn't know if you should be happy or terrified. A boy and a girl, that's what the doctor had told the two of you, and Gojo seemed over the moon about it.

- You silently prayed each night that they wouldn't be as chaotic as him, and you're thankful for whoever granted you your prayers...Kinda.

- Both of you love your children with all your hearts, however you're the one mostly at home with them.

- Now, it's not a bad thing, they mostly picked up your personality, though they do share Gojo's wit and sarcasm to some extent. However, they try their best to stay out of trouble for you.

- They've had a nanny since they were born, however they always managed to evade her and find you, latching onto your legs begging you to play with them, let them help you with the laundry, read to them, etc.

- Thus, when Gojo would return home from school or a business trip, he was never surprised to find your two spawns latched onto you.

- Now, due to Gojo being gone often he is definitely the type to try and win his kids over with materialistic things. Dolls for his daughter, action figures for his son, etc.

- However, as soon as you'd enter the room, they'd drop their new gifts and rush to your side.

- Honestly, Gojo can't blame them. You're charming, warm, and just have a personality that people naturally gravitate to, himself included. He never thought he'd ever rid himself of his playboy lifestyle until he met you.

- However, he does wish to spend a little time with you.

- He remembers a day when he was home for a while, reaching out to try and grab you by the hips, however his hands were slapped away as two heads appeared from the front of you. They narrowed their piercing blue eyes at him, each shifting over to latch onto your hips.

- Although, he does have to give you credit for making them spend time with him at some points. Usually it's him teaching them how to control and use their cursed energy, to which when they succeed in something will happily pounce on him, asking if he saw.

- You'd watch happily from the side, sipping on some tea you had prepared.

- It was no surprise that you were the favorite parent, instead it was rather obvious.

- Though, it made Gojo chuckle to actually hear it for the first time. You had gotten sick and Gojo had offered to take the kids out for the day while you rested. They weren't exactly happy about the ordeal, but they didn't express their disappointment upfront.

- The day had been spent shopping around for clothes, new toys, and by the end of the day the three had gotten dinner to go so you wouldn't have to worry about cooking.

- He had watched as the two bickered back and forth about what to order you, each having a thorough reason as to why you'd like the dish each one had selected.

- "You know mama well, don't you?" He had joked, to which the twins stared at him with unreadable expressions, "Of course, she's our favorite."

- He couldn't help but blink behind his shades, before laughing happily, earning him a weird look from his two children. "Yeah, your mama is my favorite to." He'd state.

I Am WEAK To The Thought Of Jjk Characters Children Being An Absolute Mama's Girl/boy And They Aren't


- Unlike the rest he's actually nervous about being a dad. It's not the fact that he thinks he'll be a bad one, he'll definitely be better than his father and his guardian Gojo, but for some reason he just feels like he's bound to do something wrong.

- When your son is born, he's honestly a little nervous to hold him. The nurses originally thought it was because he didn't know how to properly hold a child, so he earned a laugh and wince from you as you watched the nurse basically force the child into his arms, and adjust his arms as if he were a doll.

- Once you bring your son home, he's always peaking into his nursery when he feels its to quiet. He'll peer into the crib, and watch his sons chest steadily rise up and down as he sleeps, terrified he could stop breathing if he moved away.

- It takes a little coaxing to get Megumi to step away and actually rest, promising that you could take care of your son sometimes, and that he doesn't have to be such a helicopter parent.

- The face his makes after you call him a helicopter parent is hilarious honestly.

- However, he does back away though, allowing you turns to take care of your son, watching as the baby happily babbles, tugging at your hair.

- Once he's finally reassured, he goes back to being a full time sorcerer.

- Now, it's not exactly a bad thing, it provides you and your son a good amount of bonding time, and Megumi's isn't exactly gone for long, so it doesn't provide his son enough time to possibly despise him (Megumi's words, not yours).

- When he does get home, his son greets him with a tired welcome back, and will give him a quick hug before racing right back to your side.

- Honestly makes Megumi's heart beat just a bit faster when he see's your son bouncing around trying to help you with chores, setting the table, etc. A domestic life he was never really provided as a child.

- Megumi is aware that you're the favorite parent, and he's honestly okay with that. He admits he's not around all the time, and that your son does spend basically his entire time with you. However, when he is home he's grateful that his son is interested in spending time with him as well.

- Most of their bonding time is spent either watching a show together, practicing your sons cursed energy, or going out to run errands together. You had convinced the two to go fishing together one time and when they came back vowed never to do it again.

- Your son openly admits that you're the favorite parent when it's your birthday.

- The boys had sent you on a wild goose chase basically, convincing you that Megumi wasn't feeling very well and needed some medicine. Your husband was a terrible actor, however you rolled your eyes and went to the market as they prepared the house.

- As they did this, Megumi was surprised with how bossy his son had become. Insisting that the birthday banner they had gotten needed to be lifted higher, that the cake looked right, etc.

- However, Megumi couldn't be mad, he understood that your son just wanted everything to go well with how much you do for them.

- "You really care about your mom huh?" Megumi had asked, ruffling his sons dark hair. He smirked as his son gave him a stern yet determined look, "Of course, mama is my favorite." He grumbled, gently swatting Megumi's hand away before rushing to the door as he heard your keys jingle.

- Megumi watched as you gasped at the display the two had set up, happily dropping the bags you had brought in to scoop up your son and pepper his face with kisses.

- He leaned against the wall, watching the scene with soft eyes, "Your mama is my favorite to." He'd admit to himself before walking over to receive a kiss from you.

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2 years ago

You're getting married to your Tumblr pfp how fucked are u

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2 years ago

how is this so accurate???? i feel called out about gojo and my obsession with other white-haired characters ahhhhhhh

(hi megumi, nanami, choso, and sukuna)

Calling out jjk simps

Well hello everyone, this has to be the most random post I've made but here's the things I've noticed about each jjk simp.

Aot version here

Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken to heart, what I say is meant to be taken as a joke and not offend anyone.

Yuuji simps: You guys are just like him a ball of sunshine, honestly most optimistic people ever and full of energy but also very delusional, like come on we all know there won't be a happy ending in this one, I know you hope there will be but you have to come to terms with it someday. You know every Britney song by heart.

Megumi simps: In a world where everyone wants his father you choose him (or you want both, I won't judge), either you guys have the same fuck my life energy or you're actually friendly and kind, it's the fucked up hair isn't it? Also you spend longer than you should imagining what it would be like to walk his dogs with him or playing fetch with them. MCR Stan.

Nanami simps: You guys have taste, either you have your life together or it's complete chaos but you crave stability. Daddy issues, but you actually know what's good for you, pretty sure you'd want him to be a stay at home husband. If you're a manga reader I'm sorry, I won't roast you you actually make good decisions.

Toji simps: DADDY ISSUES, but you're also self distractive. Everything about him screams run but y'all ignore every red flag just because he's a badass dilf, he'd scam you out of every cent you own, he'd probably lose your house gambling and you'd still do anything for him, you deserve better. He's hella hot tho same. Also you scare me and every time I open tik tok it gets worse

Sukuna simps: ISSUES, straight up, y'all possessive as fuck, you probably change your appearance and rebrand yourself every week. If toji simps ignore red flags you're colour blind. You don't want him to change for you, you like him just the way he is, murderous with 4 arms and all. You get upset when someone says "he's yuuji with tattoos". Addictive personality. You like degrading others, but you wanna be degraded. You probably simp for someone else junichi suwabe voices.

Gojo simps: Lord have mercy, nothing actually gives you serotonin as much as gojo taking his blindfold off and saying domain expansion. I just know you want him to beat you up like you were jogo. No, you can't fix him, btw how's your obsession with white haired characters going? we both know he ain't the only one. The only music you listen to is labelled 'a gojo satoru playlist' or 'god complex playlist'.

Geto simps: honestly, I really like you you're the chillest, y'all pretty and not over the top also you keep quiet a lot WHERE ARE YOU ALL GETO SIMPS HAVE MY HEART. Firm believer that the back is the sexiest part of the body for obvious reasons, you're a - ok being called a monkey, anything for master geto.

Choso simps: I actually lied before, you're the chillest of all, another group that knows what's healthy for you, he'd treat you right, I can't roast you. Probably goth fashion, either stoner rock or metal enjoyer.


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