nanami kento's & jiang cheng’s wife, professional fangirl & aspiring author, multi-fandom, college student so slow updates 🖤

666 posts

Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.

Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.
Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.

Lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, skin white as snow.

march moodboards - snow white

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More Posts from Mariesdeluluworld

2 years ago

i'm at a point in my life where if i read a love triangle and they all don't get together then i wont be satisfied. i'm done choosing one over the other. just get them all together and let them have kinky sex. problem solved.


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2 years ago



Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader

Summary: Your marriage to him had always gotten in the way, but what if the two of you tried to make it work out.

Genre: Arranged marriage AU, mature, suggestive, slight angst

Warning: language, somewhat dysfunctional marriage, mentions of breeding (non-kinky), mild manga spoilers (Gojo's past arc), slight misogynistic themes, Gojo being a dick jerk for a little bit.

Word Count: 3.9k

Notes: I tried to keep Gojo as canon as I possibly could, he does get a little OOC at some moments. Also, I didn't give Y/n a specific cursed technique because I wanted you, the reader, to be able to create/pick the cursed technique of your choice. ٩(˘◡˘)۶

JJK Mlist


Gojo Satoru had only met you a few times, once being when you were kids and the other times being when you were both students, you being from the Metropolitan Curse Technical College in Kyoto and Gojo being from the one in Tokyo.

After Satoru was born, the family immediately started looking for a suitress for him among the clans. So, when word got out that the L/n clan had conceived fraternal twins, one of them being a girl, not too long after Satoru's own birth, the Gojo clan jumped onto the opportunity.

Your first encounter with Satoru Gojo was when the two of you were 7-years old.

The meeting wasn't intentional, it had just been a matter of time and place. You had managed to escape your etiquette lessons to watch your brother training, something you did often. Satoru had happened to be there when you had arrived one day. Your families, unknowingly to you, had made an arrangement for the white-haired boy to train with your brother.

From birth, your family had always paid more attention to your brother, thrilled that he had inherited the family technique. You had inherited the technique as well, but because of gender roles and you were being set to marry, you were forbidden to train along with him.

You were never upset with your brother, but you would be lying if you said you weren't jealous of him. You knew jealousy would not accomplish anything, so when you snuck to your brother's training sessions, you would watch everything he and his instructor accomplished and taught yourself to do it better.

However, your spectating session on that day was cut short. Satoru had quickly spotted you out, and out of curiosity, he approached you. Before he had the chance to talk to you, your father had come over, noticing Satoru's disappearance.

When he came over and found you skipping out on your lessons he quickly became displeased, but since he did not want to cause a scene in front of his guests he let you off with a warning.

After that first encounter, you only noticed how Satoru only kept screwing up your future plans.


When you began going to the Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College, after getting your brother to convince your family to let you attend, you saw Satoru a bit more. However, you were more aware of your arrangements with him and it made encounters a bit awkward.

Being older, you realized your marriage to Satoru would get in the way of your plans of becoming a professional Jujutsu sorcerer.

In the world of Jujutsu, especially when being a part of a clan, a woman had one role, which was to bear strong heirs to a clan. In your case, you were supposed to bear the Gojo clan a strong heir. It almost seemed unfair that you didn't have a say in the matter, the assignment given to you since birth. It disgusted you.

If you had a say, you would be unmarried, driving yourself to be the best Jujutsu sorcerer you could be.

Regardless of your situation, you would still try to find a loophole to your problem. Whether it be cutting off your marriage somehow or finding a way to be married and still become a sorcerer, you would sacrifice almost anything.

With these thoughts in mind, it became one of your reasons for finding it hard being around Satoru. The other reason was that Satoru wanted nothing to do with you.

The few times you had encountered Satoru when you would occasionally visit each other's schools, you would try to make conversation with him. Although you weren't thrilled about your engagement, you didn't want to be completely miserable. Every time you tried to talk to him he would give your short responses or try to find some excuse to leave, usually saying he needed to help Geto, his friend.

The excuses were obviously lies and his friend Geto was beginning to become a little concerned.

"Why do you hate her so much?"

Satoru looked over to find his best friend who was pointing his thumb towards someone behind him. Looking at where Geto was pointing, seeing you walking away, he sighed.

"I don't hate her," he blankly said.

Geto turned his head to look back at you, before bringing his attention back to Satoru.

"Then why do you keep avoiding her?" he asked.

"It's nothing," Satoru quickly responded.

"Then why aren't you over there talking to her?"

Satoru let out a big sigh of annoyance, clearly getting sick of the topic. He really wasn't in the mood to talk about his arrangements, but it was clear Geto was going to keep asking questions.

"I just can't stand being around her," Satoru started, trying to be careful with his next words, "She's a suck-up, Geto. She's the elders' perfect little doll."

Geto sighed, deciding to drop the topic. He felt like there was something deeper that Satoru wasn't explaining, but he couldn't figure out what. He wasn't going to try to push anything out of him, knowing it would only make matters worse; however, he felt like he could get answers by observing you at the goodwill event.

Those plans were quick to flush down the drain

"Where is she?" Satoru had asked suddenly when seeing your brother had made his arrival.

Quickly understanding what Satoru was getting at, your brother heaved a sigh before giving him an answer.

"She withdrew from the event," he said in a somber tone.

Geto knew something was off once hearing the answer and tone your brother gave, but that wasn't the only thing. Based off of a few things he heard from Ieiri, you had been nothing but excited about the exchange event, so why would you withdraw?

The answer was simple really, but Geto was never able to figure it out.

Your engagement had gotten in the way once again.

Your father said it was inappropriate to be competing against your fiancé and that you weren't prepared for such an event anyways.

He couldn't be more wrong.

That day was the first time you had let your emotions get the best of you. When you found yourself in your room you lost all control of yourself. You had thrown all of your personal belongings to the ground and had even punched your mirror, completely breaking it.

The injury you had received from that reckless action was covered up with bandages and a simple lie, saying you had burned your hand while practicing your cooking.


It didn't take long for your wedding day to arrive. You could specifically remember the night before. Spending that time with your brother, who was the one person who could truly understand you.

You would miss living with your brother. He had always been there for you and never looked down on you, he had always seen you as an equal. In some cases, he would consider you his other half.

You would really miss seeing him every day.

The morning of your wedding, servants burst into your room to get you ready. Putting you in the bath, brushing your hair, clothing you, applying your make-up. If you were being completely honest you could hardly remember half the things they did to ‘beautify' you, you were spaced out most of the time, not snapping out of it until they left.

"This isn't me."

Those were the words you muttered when you looked at your reflection in the mirror. You looked like some sort of princess, a true aristocrat, but that's not who you were. You almost ripped off the suffocating garments, but before you could get the chance your brother walked into your room, ready to escort you to the ceremony.


If there was one word that could describe your wedding, that would be it.

You and Satoru hardly made eye contact. The one time you managed to get a good look at his face it was clear that he wanted to be anywhere but there, he was completely miserable and the ritual of purification hadn't even started yet.

You would have to say the worst part was when the two of you exchanged your vows. They were empty, and while you were able to use a clear and natural tone, Satoru could hardly bring himself to do that, almost muttering his vows. You didn't even want to get started on the kiss you shared. You weren't expecting anything passionate and deep, but the quick kiss he gave, hardly being a kiss at all, had left you a little offended. Regardless you took it and went on to conclude the ceremony. Were you that revolting to him?

When the ceremony ended, you both begrudgingly attended the wedding reception. You didn't talk to each other, not once. There was the occasional glance but that was it.

Satoru didn't even stay for the whole thing. One minute he was there and the next he was walking out the door. He had said something along the lines of having business to attend to. You couldn't really blame him though, you didn't want to be at the party either.

The only topic that was presented at the party was your future children, the children you were not planning on having any time soon. Even if Satoru wanted children soon, which you highly doubted, you were willing to be selfish and straight-up reject the idea.

You spent the rest of the night with your brother, finding comfort with his presence as some of the elders and guests came up to give their congratulations and blessings.


After a couple years of being married, you and Satoru had made little progress. He didn't treat you terribly, but he still acted indifferent when he was around you. Satoru had already made his evaluation on what kind of person you were because of that he tended to your 'special needs' and did nothing more.

Too busy with trying to loop yourself into becoming a Jujutsu sorcerer, you had no time to be upset or annoyed, you took it all with a smile on your face. Unknowingly to you, that was what Satoru hated the most about you. No matter what treatment you got whether it be from him, your family, or the elders, you took it with a smile on your face as if you had no backbone. He wanted you to snap, to yell at him, the elders, anyone really, but you wouldn't. You took the punches with a sickening smile on your face.

It wasn't until Fushiguro Megumi and Fushiguro Tsumiki did things really start to change.

You remember when Satoru came home and told you about his plan to take custody of the two kids. He had shocked you with his words, but because of the circumstances with their father, their only parent figure, being dead, you didn't have the heart to reject the idea. If you were being honest you were scared to be housing two kids and not because of them but because of yourself.

You never wanted kids, at least your own, but still, it never came to mind how fostering or adopting would work. You feared that you would be disgusted by them and neglect them; you feared that you would overall hate them. You realized those fears were foolish when you met the kids.

To make sure the kids were more comfortable, you and Satoru had come to a silent agreement to try and act more like a married couple. This had involved a lot of teasing on Satoru's end, which annoyed you a little, but it felt nice to see him treat you like how he treated his friends, it was different. Even though it was more of an act, you would still like to think it was real because it felt nice to look at him and not think about how repulsed he was by you.

However, today, he had taken it a bit too far.

Satoru had been training Megumi, but he ended up getting called into a last-minute assignment. He had left Megumi's lesson half-finished but had promised to pick it up when he came back. Even though Megumi said that he understood, you could see the little bit of disappointment and annoyance he had.

Although the situation wasn't exactly the same, Megumi's slight disappointment and annoyance had reminded you of yourself when you were his age.

Occasionally, your brother would try to teach you what he had learned at his training, but because you both lived separate lives, you preparing to be the perfect little wife and him preparing to be a strong Jujutsu sorcerer, your schedules didn't really align, that is why you began going to his training sessions to self-teach yourself.

Because of your little flashback moment, you decided to finish the lesson Satoru had left unfinished. You walked up to Megumi and gave him your little offer. You swore you saw the boy's eyes light up a little bit, which was rare because he never showed much emotion, other than annoyance, in the first place.

Leading Megumi to somewhere more private, due to the prying eyes of the estate staff. You feared that if the staff saw you training the boy, they would go off and spread rumors. Knowing the elders, you knew they would misinterpret the situation and would think you were organizing a mutiny, most likely resulting in execution.

For the rest of that morning, you trained the boy. You had noticed that Megumi was a fast learner so you were even able to go beyond Satoru's lesson. After a few hours, you eventually stopped and treated the boy to a pleasant lunch along with Tsumiki.

As you watched the two Fushiguro children eat, you heard footsteps. The cursed energy was strong and because you hadn't expected Satoru to come home anytime soon you panicked for only a moment but quickly recovered, preparing yourself for any attack that may come.

The door to the room slid open, and before you could do anything you realized it was Satoru after all, he had managed to return from his mission early. Although, when he came into the room he looked a little confused. Deciding to ignore his abnormal behavior you turned to the kids, who had finished their food. You quickly made your way over and picked up their dishes, exiting the room before Satoru had the chance to do his normal teasing.

While exiting you heard muffled voices, as if in conversation, but decided to ignore them. It didn't take long for you to end up in the kitchen, the dishes being taken from you by one of the cleaning staff members.

Walking out, you saw Satoru and Megumi in the training room, door wide open. You tried to quietly make your way over, but Satoru had startled you.

"Would you like to watch Y/n, I saw you sneaking around over there," he said in a teasing voice.

Hesitant on what to say, you stood there in silence for a few seconds. It wasn't until your eyes shifted over to Megumi, seeing his anticipated expression as if he wanted you to stay, looking at you.

"I suppose it will be more entertaining than writing a letter to my parents," you sighed out.

You sat in an unoccupied corner of the room to watch them spar a little for a few minutes , at least that is what you told yourself. You sat there for an hour watching them, you observed Megumi using some of the techniques you had taught him. Your heart began to swell with pride until Satoru stopped, a look of confusion on his face.

"Where did you learn all this Megumi, I don't remember teaching you those moves?"

"Y/n did, she helped me finish the lesson you were teaching me," the boy innocently said.

Your body froze the second the boy mentioned your name, then your heart when Satoru turned around to look at you.

"That's enough for Today Megumi, go hang out with your sister," he said, not taking his eyes off your form as you slowly got up.

Noticing the tension in the room, Megumi left, but not without a bit of hesitance before doing so. After Megumi closed the door the room was deadly silent, the tension thick enough you could cut it with a knife.

"Did you really help him train, Y/n?"


You didn't know what to say, you were in too much shock. How do you explain you've not only hidden the fact that you had full control of your cursed technique, but also the fact you had been masking your cursed energy ever since you were a little girl, that's why he had never picked up on it when you were kids or when you were students.

"I'm just messing with you Y/n, you don't have to cover for him," Satoru chuckled, "You're too weak after all."

Your eye twitched a little when he uttered those words.

"Excuse me, too weak?" you muttered darkly.

"Well I mean, you might have a cursed technique, but you were too busy becoming a trophy wife, you hardly had time to actually learn how to control it, right?" Satoru said in a teasing tone.

Your jaw clenched, but you weren't going to lose control, your future depended on it.

" Right," you mumbled, hanging your head low.

"Right," Satoru said in disbelief, "Is that all you have to say?!"

Before you could cut in to say something he continued, his voice getting louder.

"Shit! Y/n, you can defend yourself you know that, right?!" he yelled out angrily, "I can't believe I had to marry someone that has no spine! Do you just enjoy being treated like shit as long as you get a life of luxury?!"

That is the moment you snapped.

"You know what Satoru, you're right," you started off in a dark tone, "I have been pretty spineless, but I am not living a life of luxury!"

Satoru was about to interject, but you didn't give him the chance.

"I have to hide behind a mask every day and suck up to those old bastards! Oh, and then there is our marriage! Believe me, when I tell you this Satoru, I was not psyched to get married to you either because it ruined my entire life! I wasn't supposed to be some trophy wife, I was supposed to be a Jujutsu sorcerer, but because I was given the assignment of being your wife since birth, that all went away!"

You took a deep breath before continuing.

"It fucking sucks to have a husband who has painted you out to be some entitled princess that is nothing but a nuisance, but I guess being married to you is better than being married into any other clan because at least you don't see me as a breeding hole, right?!"

At this point you looked like a crazy person, eyes blown out, your hair messy, your clothes slightly disheveled. You had hardly noticed how close you were to Satoru, but once you did, you let out a big sigh and took a step back to leave space between the two of you.

A moment of silence passed.

"You know, I've been waiting for you to yell at me for the longest time now," Satoru said letting out a small laugh, "feels kinda shitty, especially after hearing what you had to say, makes me wonder if it was even worth it."

"Are you saying that this was some shitty excuse for a test?" you asked in disbelief.

"No, honestly I wasn't expecting you to say anything," he said, putting his back against the wall and sliding down it, "I know this might sound shitty, especially now, but I'm sorry, I had no idea that you were going through all that crap."

You sighed and took a seat next to him before giving him a response.

"Yeah it does sound shitty," you let out a small laugh, "But thanks for making the effort to apologize."

Satoru chuckled as he leaned his head back against a wall, looking up at the ceiling. He didn't know what to say, he was still processing the past twenty minutes.

"So what are we going to do now?" you asked as you looked off into space.

There was a moment of silence, however, this time it wasn't suffocating; the silence was comforting for the first time in a while. You and Satoru couldn't remember the last time silence felt nice. It stayed like that for a while, the comfort too great to break.

"Let's start over."

You looked over at Satoru, a look of confusion on your face.

"What do you mean?" you asked, still lost on what he meant.

"I mean, let's start from square one, as none of this had ever happened, let's try to be an actual married couple, a non-dysfunctional one."

"How would we do that?" you questioned, not even sure where to start.

"Maybe we should start with a proper introduction, we never got the chance to do that," Satoru said, turning towards you and extending his hand, "Hello, my name is Gojo Satoru and I really like sweets."

You snorted as you turned to face him.

"Hi, I'm L/n Y/n, and I read a lot," you said as you went to shake his extended hand, but he pulled it back before you could.

"Try again."

"What's wrong with the introduction I just gave?"

"I want you to say your current name, I've been referring to you as L/n Y/n for a long time now, and tell me something I don't know," he said, a knowing look on his face.

It took you a little while to understand what he meant, but you eventually got it. When you did get it, however, you were a little shocked, but still gave in.

"Hi, I'm Gojo Y/n, and I have a really annoying brother."

You reached out your hand slowly to make sure Satoru wouldn't pull his hand out. Once your hand was close enough for him to not do so, you grasped his hand and gave it a firm shake.

"I thought you loved your brother," Satoru said teasingly.

"I do, but that doesn't mean I don't find him annoying every now and then," you stated, rolling your eyes at his teasing.

You were so caught up in your small talk you hadn't noticed how Satoru laced your hands together until you felt your hand being tugged a little. Looking at your hands you began to question what had transpired a few hours ago, it kind of felt like it was a sort of dream, a dream where you didn't have to hide behind a mask anymore, one where your brother wasn't the only person who knew the true you.

"Are we really going to make this work, Satoru?" you asked, sounding a bit conflicted.

"It won't be easy, but I think we can. For right now, we'll take it slow, starting off as friends," he said, looking down at your hands, "Or maybe a little more if that's what you want, we are married after all."

Your entire life you had seen Satoru as a roadblock on the plan you had set out for yourself, but at this moment, you could care less about your plan.

"Yeah, it'll work out, but for now, can we just enjoy the silence?"

Satoru turned to look at you, noticing your soft expression. He would be lying if he had said this hadn't been the first time he'd seen you like this. He wanted to enjoy this side of you a bit more so he answered your question softly, not wanting to disturb the current atmosphere.

"Yeah, we can enjoy the silence for a bit longer."


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2 years ago

when and if u can, can u update unwanted love?

Unwanted Love~ Jacob Black x Cullen!Reader

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A/N: @hawaii5ofan you asked, and you shall receive. If you ever have any ideas (any of you) on how I can help the story, please let me know. I want to know what makes you happy in a story. And that is for any of my stories. I will accept any constructional criticism.

BTW- I did create one other character other than Y/N, and that is Daniel Howard played by Brenton Thwaites.

The Start Of Something New

When And If U Can, Can U Update Unwanted Love?

I finished writing in my journal at the same time a knock erupted from my door. I quickly ran into my closet and hid my journal before making it back onto my bed. I look over and grab the book off of my nightstand.

"Come in!" I yelled to whoever was at my door. I lay on one side of my body. One arm supported my body as the other held my book up to my face. The door opened slightly, and a head of blond wavy curls poked out of it. I look up from my book to see the man's golden yellow eyes looking straight into mine.

"Hey. How are you today?" Jasper asks with his thick southern accent. I give him a bright smile, but I can tell he can see the slight look of sadness in my eye. He gives me a sad smile and brings his full body into my room. "Okay, I know that smile. What's wrong?" he asks.

Ever since Jasper almost killed me, he's felt this overwhelming sense of regret. The first couple of years, he could barely look at me, and he always said "sorry" over stupid mistakes he would make. Over time, we built a friendship that no one in this house had. Our relationship has grown to the point where he doesn't need his powers to know how I feel. Sure he was friendly with Alice, but she's his wife and that's just what I like to call the 'Alice effect'. Everyone loves Alice.

Jasper walks over to my bed and sits down next to me. I sit the book back onto the nightstand and sit up, allowing my legs to dangle off the bed. I shrug my shoulders, leaving a silent pause until I start to speak.

"Being a vampire doesn't give me the same feeling on my birthday that I had as a mortal being. Every year, Alice throws me a huge party when she knows it's just going to be us, I look the same, and we're most likely in a different state every couple of years. I want something new that I haven't felt in a long time," I tell the vampire next to me.

"And what is that?"

"I want to go out and have fun like a normal teenage girl," I say. I gasp loudly at the realization of what I wanted to do tonight. Jasper looks at me with wide eyes. "Let's crash another party!" I finish.

"For your birthday, you want to go to someone else's party?" The Texan says in a questionable tone.

"Yes! It's almost time for school to start. You know there has to be someone throwing a 'back to school' party," I say excitedly.

"Well there are two things wrong with this plan," Jasper says. I give him a look, allowing him to continue with what he's saying. "1. I don't do well around humans, hence... you. And 2. How will you find a party?" he asks.

"You do quite well in school, ..." I start before being interrupted by "Eek" and "Yes! Finally!" I knew who was making the sound, and I knew why.

In an instant, a gust of wind rushes past us, and a wide smiled girl with a pixie cut is standing right in front of me. "Did someone say "find a party?!"" Alice says excitedly. I look at Jasper with a knowing smirk. ❤💛❤

In less than 30 minutes, Alice was able to find the biggest party hosted by a student at Forks High School. After practically begging Jasper to join us, we finally split up, so we could all get ready.

Because it was my birthday, I decided to go all out. It might not be my party, but I felt that I needed a change in scenery and clothing. I decided to wear a short 2-piece black dress. The top part of the dress was a halter top with different designs using different gems and rime stones. The bottom part was a black gathered skirt with gems and rime stones around the waist. And to top it off I wore matching black chunky block heels with straps around the ankle.

I joined Alice and Jasper in the living room, and I was marveled at their looks. Alice wore a blue 2 piece fit and flare dress. The top was a long-sleeve lacy top with a wavy design for the hem of the top. For the bottom part, she wore a blue floral pleated skirt. And she wore a black open-toed heel with a strap around the ankle.

Jasper didn't go too all out, considering he didn't want to go in the first place. He wore a crème white, black, and blue v-neck sweater vest with a white dress shirt underneath. Along with the vest, he had on some light blue jeans, along with sneakers. He looked good, but that was just something Jasper would wear anyway.

"Damn! We all look good!" I yell out towards my favorite couple. Alice looks at me in utter shock.

"Us? Y/N, I've never seen this side of you. First, you want to go to a party without me forcing you, and now you actually dress up for a party. Our little girl is all grown up," Alice said, turning to look at Jasper with her hand on her heart. Jasper and I chuckled at the girl's comment.

Esme soon walks into the living room to see her 3 adopted kids all dressed up. She smiles as she calmly walks behind them. "You kids look good. Where are ya going?" Esme asks in a loving tone.

"Y/N finally wants to get out of the house for her birthday! Can you believe it?" Alice asks the brown-haired woman in front of her. Esme only nods her head. She turns to me and gives me a bright smile before walking towards me.

She gives me a tight hug and whispers, "Happy Birthday, Y/N. I'm glad you're a part of our family." We pull out of the hug, allowing me to give Esme a wide smile with a shimmer of happiness in my eyes. "Now, you three have fun... but not too much fun. Oh! And girls... watch out for Jasper," Esme says walking off.

We make our way out to the car, and we start heading to the party. When we get to the location, you could easily tell which house it was, because it was the only house buzzing with lights and music. Every other house was calm.

We walked in, and the first thing I smelt was loads of blood mixed with alcohol. I could easily point out who was drinking and who was faking since it seemed everyone had a cup in their hands.

"Woah, you two look like total babes! Congrats, dude," a jock came up behind us. He held his hand in the air, waiting for Jasper to high-five him back.

"They're my sister and girlfriend," Jasper replied. I could see Jasper retaining from jumping on the man. He had that 'killer' look in his eyes. Alice softly grabs Jasper's hand and rubs his hand with her thumb.

The jock slowly put his hand down and said, "Hey, I'm sorry, dude. I didn't know." The jock quickly walks away in embarrassment.

"Can I kill him?" Jasper asks, not taking his eyes off the jock.

"Not yet," I say, earning a smack on the arm from Alice.

(Just a little SPN humor for my Supernatural fans. 😁)

"Hey, I'm gonna go get a drink. I'll be back," I say, getting nods from both Alice and Jasper. I walk through the gigantic house and find my way to the kitchen. On my way there I passed a kid throwing up in the bathroom, a group of guys playing beer pong, and a couple was making out in the middle of the hallway. I tried my best to slide past them without cringing, but they were taking up the whole hallway with their hands all over each other. Hopefully, they don't start stripping.

I get to the kitchen, and surprisingly there were only 3 other people there. I grab a plastic red cup and walk over to the punch bowl. I use the ladle to pour the drink into my cup, but the smell of the alcohol in the beverage gave me a sickening feeling in my stomach. I never had even a drop of alcohol before I was turned, but I'm guessing that this is the sick feeling drunk people get.

"Are you okay?" An unfamiliar voice said from behind me. I took a deep breath and gave the stranger a nod, hoping they would go away.

"Well, you don't seem it," the masculine voice behind me took a pause. I heard a chair being dragged against the floor. "Here, take a seat," the man says, taking my arm and helping me into a chair.

I sat in the chair hunched over, taking in all the things around me. The smell of blood was strong, but the alcohol was stronger. It was even mixed in with blood. I could feel myself slipping into my bloodthirsty vampire state. The man's arm still clung to mine, allowing me to feel his pulse pound inside his body. It was hard to hear over the loud music, but I could just imagine the sound of the blood flowing through his veins.

"Are you okay?" he asks again.

The most I could do at the moment was look up at him. I looked up to see a good-looking man with soft brown eyes and a kind smile. I looked at him as if he was a Y/F/M (Your favorite Meal) from Y/F/R (Your favorite restaurant). His blood was one of the only ones in the house that didn't wreak of alcohol.

"Yeah, maybe we can go outside. The smell of alcohol is making me dizzy," I finally speak. He nods, agreeing with me. He helps me up from my seat and walks me outside. His actions made me feel bad for the temptation to eat him.

As we're walking, I decided to apologize to the man.

"Hey, I'm sorry about back there. Parties, alcohol... people, it's all kinda new for me," I apologize.

"Yeah, I get it. I'm new to Washington, and my parents actually forced me to go to a party. They said that I need to make new friends. But- I mean- what's the point of making new friends if we're just gonna move again next year?" He says, walking with his head facing the ground. Even though I couldn't see his face, I could still tell he was upset. His slightly slumped posture and clenched hands in his pocket basically gave it away.

I looked ahead, towards the night sky. The moon held itself high in the sky. And behind it, hundreds of tiny stars glistened, giving the moon some pizzaz. But there was one star that had shimmered more than the others. One star that had given me the courage to step out of the Cullen traditions, and shine brighter.

"Well, I know that feeling. That feeling of always having to move, and never getting to stay anywhere long enough to make any real memories or real friends. But maybe we can change that. And we can start by you telling me your name," I say firmly.

"Daniel. Daniel Howard," the man said, now looking towards me.

I smile towards Daniel and say, "Well Daniel Howard, I'm Y/N Cullen, and I'm am so proud to call you my new friend."

"Well Y/N Cullen, it's nice to be able to call you my new friend too. And I'm not just saying that so I can get my parents off my back. I saw something in you when we met, and I think I wanna explore that," Daniel says confidently.

I chuckle, but my smile is soon lost when I saw where we had walked to. We had passed a sign that said 'Welcome to La Push Beach'. Silently panicking, I stop walking. Daniel continues walking, not noticing I'm not following. When he does notice, he looks around frantically before finding me in the spot next to the welcome sign.

Daniel runs up to me, "Hey, I know I keep asking, but are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just don't really enjoy the beach all that much," I calmly say. I have heard stories of the people on this side of town. Emmett describes them as wild men who feed on vampires. Now I've never met one of these men, but I don't plan on making today be my first encounter with them.

"Oh, well, that's fine. Let's walk back," Daniel tells me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

We turn to start walking back, but our path is blocked by a well-sculpted man. He wore a tank top and shorts, but he didn't smell like a normal human. He looked at me with an unpleasant face. He looked angry with me, but I didn't know why. Does he know who I am? What I am?

"You guys lost?" The man said with a growl. He continued to stare at me as if he was looking into my soul.

I looked back at the man in shock, but that didn't stop Daniel from being suspicious. "Who are you? Where did you come from?" Daniel asked, tightening his hold of me.

"I'm Sam, my family and I live by. When you live in a small town, people talk, and when people told me a guy and a girl was walking around these parts at this hour, I just had to check," he said, now looking at Daniel. He looks back at me and says, "Lots of tourists come through here, and I would hate for them to go missing"

I slightly cuddle closer into Daniel's arm and look down. Daniel starts to speak, "Well, we're fine. We came from a party nearby and felt the need to getaway. We were just heading back."

"Well, you guys be careful. You never know what creatures are hanging around here at this time," Sam said, giving me one last glance before walking away. I finally release the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"That was weird. I say that that's a sign to leave... now," Daniel says, making me chuckle.


In my opinion, this has been the best birthday ever. I didn't need presents or a party centered around me, because I made a lot more memories today than I ever could.

When I got back to the party, I couldn't find Jasper or Alice anywhere. I knew Jasper felt uncomfortable about the party, so I knew that they had probably gone home, which I was right by the way.

My brand new friend, Daniel walked me home. The look on his face when he saw my house was priceless. We said goodbye at the door, and he left me to myself. When I went in, Alice and Rose teased me, thinking Daniel was a possible new boyfriend. I just denied everything and left them for my room.

To say vampires are nocturnal is a lie. We don't sleep. Well... it's more like we can't. When I first turned I thought something was wrong with me, but Carlisle eased my worry by telling me the truth. So, I stocked my room with a new book every day and I learned new hobbies. Sometimes I would do homework that I chose not to do earlier that day, or I would go with Jasper and Alice, or sometimes Edward (When he isn't moping around) to hang out at the lake nearby. Or on nights like this, I would lay awake on my bed, and I would think about my day.

I couldn't get the man from the beach out of my head. He seemed to only want to look at me. It was almost as if he was weary of me. As if he knew what I was. But his smell- his smell was interesting. He didn't smell completely human. It brought my mind to the story Emmett would tell me to scare me. He told me that these things were protectors of the night. Almost like werewolves, but they could change at will. I remember him telling me that they could get up to the size of 2-3 wolves.

But why didn't he attack me, if he knew what I was? Was it because Daniel was there? Or was it because they really aren't the rabid, vampire-eating, killers that Emmett scared me with?

I don't know. But even if I can't sleep, I'm still worn out. That mystery would have to be solved another day.


Hey guys! I'm back right before New Year with this awesome story. I did throw my own character into the story, and I might need your help with the character relationship developments soon.

Anyways, I was thinking of bringing Bella and Jacob in the next chapter. What do you think?

Hope you're enjoying the story! 😁

~Love ya

2 years ago

Hello! I hope you're well!

I have a request...

Can I ask for headcannons about how the JJK men would be with an s/o that has a child from another relationship before them?

Specifically the main main guys like Itadori, Gojo, Sukuna (soft pls, he scares me as equally as he excites me) and Megumi if that's not too much 😅

Can 100% throw in nsfw stuff like your possessive gojo post if the inspiration arises for it. That's up to you, I'ma be really happy just to see whatever comes from this in any form it takes haha

(totally acceptable too if this is not your cup of tea though and you don't write it. No pressure, fellow writer!)

CW/ TW. Explicit. Domestic Softness, Breeding Kink, Rough Sex, Pet Names (ex. Dove, Baby), Almost getting caught (If I missed anything, please let me know!)

AN. Hi there😄💕 Thank you for the ask, and you came to the right place because single-parent!reader x character is literally my trope (???) at the moment! Also, I added Nanami🙈 Anywho, I hope you enjoy <33

Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated:)

M. List

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Gojo is a grown child himself sometimes, so he most likely has zero problems getting along with your daughter.

He calls her princess, and one day you walk into the living room to find your daughter putting clips in Satoru's platinum hair and unicorn stickers on his face. It's cute, and you secretly take a picture to make it your lock screen on your phone.

Most days, you have to cook or else those two will eat nothing but sweets all day. But on the days he does try to make dinner, he'll have a chair pushed up to the counter for your daughter to see and help—though your kitchen is often left a total mess afterward.

He probably develops a breeding kink because he wants more little you's running around the house—and you shiver when he tells you this while you're washing dishes, pressing himself along your back so you can feel how hard he is.

Satoru has your wrists pinned above your head, biting at your breasts greedily, his thrusts rough and needy. He's pretty sure you're both going to have carpet burns later, but his head is too gone to care.

He nuzzles the side of your face, hips brushing against your clit every time he presses his cock into you: "You gonna take all my cum in this tight cunt and make it mine, yeah?"

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Yuuji is more shocked by the fact you have twins and less about you actually having kids.

It's no surprise that they're as drawn to his sunny personality as you are, both of them constantly vying for his attention. He takes the twins to the zoo and buys them new plushies for their bed—he even takes care of them when you're sick or stressed from work.

He has no issue considering the twins his and even lights up when someone points out how he makes a good father.

One thing he does lack, however, is subtlety.

You whine about moving to the bedroom when he decides to pull your small sleep shorts to the side and impale you on his achy length. His grip on your hips is gentle compared to the unforgiving pace of his thrusts below you, the couch groaning in protest.

"Shh, it's okay, baby." He presses a messy kiss to your lips. "They're sleeping. Now keep riding my cock."

And it's almost a close call when he cums with an animalistic groan, and you barely miss the sound of a door squeaking open upstairs before you throw the blanket over both of you.

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Sukuna is probably super awkward—the type that's never wanted kids, and yet he knew that you and your daughter were a package deal when he met you.

This doesn't stop him from hating the fact that every time he leaves his room, he always ends up stepping on Legos, or that he can't eat anything without a small hand reaching out for his food.

Eventually, he warms up to the idea, and affectionately calls your daughter brat—he'll even go as far as begrudgingly making her chocolate pancakes and watching cheesy cartoons to appease the little tyrant.

Although you try to stifle your smile when you come home from work to find him and your daughter curled up next to him, equally invested in whatever cartoon is playing on the TV.

He most likely still gets annoyed that he has to be more cautious about when and where he fucks you. He'll hold you down against the mattress if you're too loud, pushing your face into the comforter to cover up your little moans.

"If you make any more noise, you'll wake the brat," he hisses into your ear, though, smirking when you barely contain a sob each time his cock slides deeper.

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Megumi most likely doesn't know what to do. After all, he didn't exactly have the best role model growing up.

He doesn't know what four-year-olds are interested in and probably bores your kid to sleep whenever he starts talking about mundane adult topics. You call it a gift because your son never takes naps for you—but really, he knows you're only saying that to make him feel better.

His first win is when he takes your son to the beach, and after a long day, the little boy cuddles up in his lap on the couch with soft snores muffled against his shoulder.

Megumi looks up at you in shock, and you can't help the little giggle that escapes your lips at the cute picture they make.

However, he gets super embarrassed when your son nearly walks in on him railing you into the mattress, and he practically knocks you off the bed in his haste to cover up.

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Nanami is definitely made to be a dad and adjusts pretty easily when you and your son move in with him.

He lets the little boy sit on his lap while drinking coffee and reading the paper in the morning. During the week, he picks him up and drops him off at daycare and packs lunches for the three of you.

You would have never expected the silent and very intimidating man to be so good with kids.

Your son also seems to be just as smitten with him that he often asks for Nanami when he thinks there are monsters in his closet—rubbing his wet eyes while standing near Nanami's side of the bed in his shark pajamas, sans one sock.

He lets the boy sleep between you most nights because he's usually too tired to get up. But on the nights when he tucks the boy back into his bed, you can't stop yourself from straddling his lap and pawing at his stiff cock through his boxers.

"Want you," you whine, freeing him from his underwear.

He grunts when you slide his heavy cock through your messy folds, and you whimper—teary-eyed.

"Dove, you're going to wake the baby." Though he hardly follows his own warning when he releases a feral groan as you slowly sink down until you feel like there's no more room in your swollen pussy for him to go.

His hands come up to dig into your hips, helping you grind back and forth. "My good girl," he mutters, watching your folds split around him. "You're gonna take the whole thing, aren't you?"

Then he thrusts up until the last inch is nestled in your tight, wet cunt.

Hello! I Hope You're Well!

Tagging. @ajaviary @barbiekatz @smexyair @chloee0x0 @levylovegood @dukina @sunaspillowprincess @bigsluttforitachi @toughbook @pulchritxde @https-gassen @1-800-mocha @grim_gal @amortentiaxo @izukusfreckle @devynfayrer

2 years ago

sometimes it's so weird being ace, like there's nothing for real humans??? i mean would i want to do the sexy stuff with a person? yeah, just to see what the hype is about and test some theories. but humans and i are just not ... there, y'know? but fictional characters???? whoooooooweeee. anime boys? come here. but real life humans? nothin. i can like the aesthetic, the vibe, the pretty-ness if they have it, but do i want to jump them and climb them like a tree like i want to do to sirius black, bakugou katsuki, aizawa shouta, and nanami kento??? no. i don't. and sometimes i feel like im an imposter, like im not really asexual, but then i see the humans and im like yeahhhh no thanks. why are we so weird???

asexual thoughts from an asexual

disclaimer: not all asexual people think like this. asexuality and the ace community is a spectrum. everyone who identifies as ace has different preferences and ideas. because no one is the exact same. this post is simply just me voicing my thoughts out into the void and sharing my thoughts about my personal preferences on being asexual.

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