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7 months ago

Recommendation of BL games everyone should play Part 1

There are quite a lot of people who are into dmmd so it having probably the biggest BL game fandom in the West makes sense. However, many don’t know or don’t try to look for other bl games, so I wanted to make this recommendation list for everyone, who is into BL games but doesn’t know other games.

When I first started playing bl games in 2013 I, too, didn’t know any other games. Nitro+Chiral games are probably the most well known in the West, but there are so many games out there with such amazing stories and I want to encourage people to play them. So, let’s begin~

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8 months ago

the issue with writing for yourself is that you will get sucked into rereading your own fic over and over and pretend it’s “editing,” but really you’re just reading because it’s exactly what you want to read. because you wrote it. for you.

8 months ago

PROMPTS FOR DENIAL, DENIAL, AND MORE DENIAL * assorted dialogue for saying no way! adjust as necessary

it wasn't me.

you must be mistaken.

i didn't do that.

i don't love you.

that wasn't a kiss.

denial is a river in egypt.

please just tell me the truth.

you've got it all wrong.

i don't think you're lying to me.

i never said that.

you're imagining things.

when did i ever tell you that?

that never happened.

i was in the other room when it happened.

i heard everything, but i didn't see it.

that was someone else.

just tell me what you know.

you know what? i believe you.

i didn't lie to you.

are you sure it was me that said that?

i swear, i didn't do anything.

if you didn't do it, you need to tell me who did.

on my mom's life, i didn't do it.

someone is setting me up.

who told you i was here?

the truth will set you free.

i wasn't here to do that.

you're making a big mistake.

they're blaming me for something i didn't do.

i didn't say that to you.

technically it wasn't a lie.

i was fast asleep when it happened.

i didn't hear anything.

you've mistaken me for someone else.

maybe you saw someone, sure, but it wasn't me.

they'll tell you where i was.

i never touched it.

if it's missing, it's not my fault.

i thought someone else was watching it!

i didn't promise you anything!

when did this happen?

you're shitting me.

this is a frame job.

who are you covering up for?

why don't you just tell me the truth?

i never said we were exclusive.

you didn't tell me you were going out.

it slipped my mind.

i didn't mean to lie to you.

i don't know how else to tell you i wasn't here.

they said i did it? when?

when are you going to quit lying to me?

yesterday you told me one thing, and today you're giving me a whole different story.

so what is the truth?

that's never been the case.

you made that up.

this is how you wanted me to find out?

10 months ago

interesting fact i have titanium in my spine

1 year ago
marissmth - maris or smth
1 year ago
Reborn X Skull , RSK
Reborn X Skull , RSK
Reborn X Skull , RSK
Reborn X Skull , RSK
Reborn X Skull , RSK
Reborn X Skull , RSK

Reborn x Skull , RSK

1 year ago
marissmth - maris or smth
1 year ago
marissmth - maris or smth
1 year ago
marissmth - maris or smth
1 year ago


1 year ago

A little thing I wrote a while back when I was revisiting KHR... basically my very self-indulgent thoughts on a BAMF!Skull who decides the best strategy to survive the underworld is by letting everyone else underestimate him.

I've never really been fond of the way he's treated by others in canon, and it completely baffles me why they'd choose to characterise him like this if he's supposed to be one of the strongest seven.

There are ways of making supposedly OP characters weaker - inner fears, disagreements, conflicting loyalties, a person who is their achilles heel, a lack of motivation - you DON'T need to make someone into a bullied lackey.


As far as navigating the wild seas of the mafia goes, Skull believes that being underestimated is the best strategy.

Skull is a method actor.

And that means embodying clumsiness and hysteria.

He makes mistakes. He plays up his confusion. Joins the weakest family that he could find (With some sense of ethics that he could stomach, obviously. He'd be speeding down the highway in the opposite direction if he so much as caught a whiff of the Estraneo. Ugh, hurting children.)  He botches his jobs. He falls and screams and cries and shrieks. He lets himself get hit and made fun of.

He picks himself up and dusts himself off at the end of every day.

It's a fine balance, this game of being just competent enough to affirm his status as the Cloud Arcobaleno, and yet leaving others completely baffled at his continued survival.

It's a risky game to play, stringing some of the world's most powerful along and playing them for fools.

He is Skull, the world's greatest stuntman. Taking big risks is just another day to him.

You see, those who are born and raised in the mafia have a complacency to them. They look at civilians and think weak.

They look at Skull and see nothing but civilian. Weak. Coward.

These mafia men forget that stuntmen like Skull actively run into death with their eyes wide open. 

They forget that being born a civilian means that they have actively chosen this life of danger. They have seen it all and decided to stay.

So Skull lets the other Arcobaleno have their fun at his expense. He takes on the role of useless lackey and screams into all their ears at the first sign of danger. Makes them forget that he's the first one to spot any danger at all. Lets them gloss over the fact that appearances aside, he was also chosen to stand beside them as one of the strongest, in spite of his civilian background.

It feels like a huge prank he's playing on them, one that may never see an end and it tickles Skull deep inside that these mafioso who pride themselves in their strength and intelligence and spy networks have never quite figured out that Skull is simply performing a role in front of them.

He's content to let life continue on this way. He has no qualms allowing their arrogance to one day cause their demise. After all, the fall of many great men has been caused by their very own hubris.

That is, until, he catches wind of something very interesting.

Reborn has been assigned to tutor the up and coming candidate for Vongola 10th.

A civilian candidate.

And Skull has never quite been interested in involving himself in mafia affairs, but just perhaps…

He could impart some teachings to help a kindred soul navigate this world.

And really honestly, it seems like it'd be fun to fuck around with Reborn. Just a little.


A Little Thing I Wrote A While Back When I Was Revisiting KHR... Basically My Very Self-indulgent Thoughts

Like I REALLY don't get canon. He's a STUNTMAN. Danger is pretty much his job??? He actively chooses to jump through rings of fire and taunt death and the mafia decides he's weak?????

1 year ago

Amane Voice Drama Really Bad Translation

Please take my really bad translation with a truckload of salt. It's super incomplete. I was having troubles understanding what's going on because of my current anemia and uh episode. I wanted to share this because I want to see how close I got later when more competent people translates the Voice Drama.

Amane: We were disappointed in MILGRAM's judgement. We thought it could be a new world. You're quite something, always looking down on others from above. I'm pretty sure I told you not to be conceited. On top of that, you say something incomprehensible like not forgiving us.

How dare you say that. But we are magnanimous. Let's set aside time for dialogue with the warden once again. After all, our history is one that has been made through dialogue.

Es: Get to the point quickly. What's wrong, Amane? Don't think I can just overlook your drastically changed attitude and move on. It's the result of my judgment that you've become like this. The way you talk. You're like a completely different person at the moment. Everyone who is unforgiven is under the mental stress of hearing voices blaming their own sins. Is your change also due to that influence?

Amane: The ridiculous voices? Ah, we did indeed hear it. But, that's not a big deal because we have steadfast teachings. We have clear and sublime faith. No matter what is said from the outside, we won't be shaken.

Es: Faith. You're talking about the religion you believe in.

Amane: The power that Milgram possesses seems to be true. Have you also taken a peek at our faith?

Es: It was quite an abstract expression(??), but I judged that your killing of people was due to religious beliefs.

Amane: It's not murder; I simply administered punishment according to the doctrine.

Es: So you're saying it's not a sin.

Amane: Is faith a sin?

Es: Faith itself is free, and while many are non-religious, I understand that there are those who are saved by religion.

Amane: Is that so? Are the unforgiven prisoners lost? They might also need our faith.

Es: I'd rather you refrain from proselytizing within Milgram

Amane: Faith is free. Faith exists for the sake of those who are lost.

Es: We've gotten off-topic. So, what exactly are you now? You keep saying 'we,' does that mean you're not Amane Momose?

Amane: I am Momose Amane and yet not Momose Amane. I am a spokesperson for our faith. You said you won't forgive us. I think there's a need for dialogue and warning because you made a wrong judgment, so I am speaking as 'we.'

Es: So, in essence, I am speaking with the concept of your religion itself right now. Is that what you're saying?

Amane: You can think of it that way if you like. So, let's issue the warning again. Warden. Milgram made the decision not to forgive us.

Es: Ah, yes, that's correct.

Amane: As I said earlier, our actions are actions of faith???, and they don't amount to sin. Therefore, Milgram is wrong. People are getting killed in the prison. I understand that I'm breaking the law.

Es: As I said before, there are things more important than the law. This is Milgram. Such arbitrary rules cannot be accepted as a standard. Therefore, I won't forgive. That's all. Faith in religion is also free. However, your so-called doctrine cannot become the standard for overall sin.

Amane: Isn't Milgram trying to establish new standards precisely because foolish laws can't properly guide this world? Are you still bound by the law?

As a mere warden I have no way of knowing Milgram's philosophy. It's not because love is against the law. Your killing of people is not forgiven by Milgram. I simply made that judgment. The orders are to deny your doctrine.

Amane: If you don't change your mind, we can never forgive you either.

Es: What do you mean "we"? You make me laugh. What you're doing is simply murder. Whether you talk about it as a whole or sing it like a noble ideal, it's murder. Momose Amane. The one who killed was not "you all," it was you. Don't divert your eyes from your own actions by playing games.

Amane: I have a duty for God!

Es: So? What are you gonna do about it? / What would you do if that's the case?

Amane: I will never forgive you! I will definitely never forgive you!

Es: I'm saying that attacking me is pointless.

Amane: I will never forgive you!

Es: Weren't you taught that those scissors you got from the supply should not be directed at people?

Amane: According to the doctrine, the guards' insults towards us are fully subject to penalties. We won't forgive.

Es: It's poitnless, you might as well give up.

Amane: I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you!

Es: Attacks from prisoners to guards are not possible. It's Milgram's principle, but a certain multiple personality individual slipped through this rule. In other words, Milgram's prisoner classification focuses on the mind rather than the body, so if the mind is separate, the rule doesn't apply. It seems like they're struggling with a flawed rule.

Amane: I'll kill you! I will fucking kill you!

Es: Thanks to that flawed rule, it has been proven this way. The fact that you're wielding scissors now doesn't make you a god or a concept. You're just Amane, plain and simple. Quite literally, what you're doing is just a pretend game. It's trivial. This is what you wanted with Milgram, isn't it? A direct showdown.


Es: What's wrong? Have you indeed desired to be treated like a child? In my opinion, the fact that you are a child is closely related to this matter. No matter what you assert, no matter how much you try to act mature, you are a child. It's an unchangeable fact.

Amane: You're also a child!

Es: I'm 15 years old, so in Puerto Rico and Haiti, I'm considered an adult. You're 12 years old, so you're a child in any country. You look frustrated.


Es: Either way is fine. Why? In the first place, there are two main reasons why children are given reduced sentences by law: the potential for rehabilitation and the influence of their environment, I believe. In this case, it's mainly the latter. As I mentioned before, early childhood is heavily impacted by parental upbringing, and the effects of the rearing environment are substantial. Children born into households that practice religion, for instance, grow up recognizing it as a rule of the world.

Amane: What are you trying to say?

Es: It's about how they feel that the doctrines of what is commonly known as a religion are everything in the world.

Amane: You are arguing against the idea that being underdeveloped due to being of a young age.

Es: Certainly, the ego was fully developed. However, because this ego was nurtured in a specialized environment isolated from society, the argument remains among us whether this is your sin or rather the sin of your parents' environment. Here, we assess the potential for rehabilitation, as I mentioned earlier.

Amane: W-well, what do you mean by "among us"? Isn't it me? Aren't we from the same country? The warden and I understand five years' worth. As for me being special, it's just that my environment is unique, and everyone else's is ordinary. There are people who have actually gone there. I've been told things like you're being deceived, it's not too late even now, or you're mentally unstable. They still treat me like a child after all. It's because I'm a child that they think I've been brainwashed. But that's not the case. Even I, as a child, understand everything. Please don't label people as unhappy. I'm fortunate to have been born to my parents. It's challenging, and sometimes it gets tight, but I'm happy to live under pure teachings. That's the path I want to take. I see, you all think it's brainwashing, don't you?

From my perspective, you all are also being brainwashed by the religion of mainstream values. Why do you blindly believe in it just because there are many people following it?

Es: I understand

Amane: It's only natural that those of us who haven't been acknowledged by society due to our small numbers would see the potential for a new world in Milgram.

Es: Yes, I understand well. That's why your doctrines aren't acknowledged. Teachings that affirm life are not permitted by my standards. Huh.

Amane: That is correct.

Es: Our judgement, huh? I'll take another look at your feelings. Next time, if you feel something even deeper there, I intend to accept it properly. It's like a direct showdown, isn't it? That's right.

Amane: If, in the end, you deny and don't forgive me or us, then at that time, I won't forgive you. No, that's not it. I won't forgive you. Evading responsibility for your actions through pretend play is the next line. Thanks, it's not just you. It's all of you. I said I won't forgive you. It's a direct showdown. You're not allowed to keep your hands clean.

Es: What are you talking about?

Amane: I suppose so. The warden refers to themselves as "you all." If it's you, then it's you.

Are you experiencing a headache? Are you alright, warden? Please stand up on your own. That's a trial given by God. It's a trial of pain/sickness. Escaping from it is the greatest evil according to our teachings. One of the Eight Principles, isn't it? It's not allowed for anyone, no matter who they are. People do tend to act that way. Like a devil among prisoners, trying to steal trials from others.

Kirisaki Shidou, his actions who is cutting and tearing, violating our taboos. I issued a warning. If they continue, I might have to intervene. Is it perhaps already too late?

Es: Shut up.

Amane: Resorting to violence, how childish

Es: Silence. I am the one who makes the rules here.

Amane: What sets us apart from you?

Es: I told you to shut up didn't I? Listen to what I say.

Amane: If the world you create is attractive to me, or perhaps.

Es: Prisoner #8, Sing your sins!

1 year ago
KHR : Reborn + Skull

KHR : Reborn + Skull 💛💜

2 years ago
Nightmare / Dark Hinatake
Nightmare / Dark Hinatake
Nightmare / Dark Hinatake

nightmare / dark hinatake

2 years ago

! delusional

! Delusional
! Delusional

assistant director takemichi on good and bad day

Tags :
2 years ago

2 years ago
marissmth - maris or smth

marissmth - maris or smth
2 years ago
marissmth - maris or smth
marissmth - maris or smth
marissmth - maris or smth
marissmth - maris or smth
2 years ago

Volo is already pretty manipulative in canon, but it will be so much worst in the “Volo finds Akari first” au lmao Showering her with praise and compliments, making her reliant and trust only him. Plus the others would probably accidentally confirm whatever lies Volo tells her, like their apprehension towards her or fear of Pokémon when they’re more than normal in Akari’s world. It’s so messed up but I’m eating popcorn waiting to see how far it goes

I'm right there with you anon, pass me some of that. Because YES, unless he's getting excited and letting things slip he's very good at crafting the narrative he wants to make Akari believe. I imagine he'd find a very good balance between not keeping her completely sheltered so nobody - including herself - suspects something is off, and being her only source of information about Hisui and everything else, making her wary of revealing much to anyone other than him.

He scares her with tales of banishment, and those he doesn't even have to lie about! People really are left to die in the wilderness if they're deemed untrustworthy, and those tales make her too scared to lose their access to Jubilife for resources, shelter and information to ever reveal anything that could make her stand out to them. He maybe even shows her to some graves, away from any settlement, made hastily to bury the remains of people who died in exile before wild pokemon could get to them. It terrifies her, the thought of being sentenced to die alone without getting to go home, until he smiles and promises he won't let this happen to her. She'll be safe as long as she stays by his side.

That isn't to say he treats her badly. He doesn't, quite the opposite even - she's precious to him, as someone he believes to be the key to Arceus. He manipulates her so he doesn't lose that key under any circumstances, but he doesn't view her with the same jealousy and bitterness he comes to in canon. She's his blessing, and he means it when he says he'll keep her safe. Manipulating her is just a necessary mean to that end, and he needs to ensure she trusts him. Until they reach Arceus, he won't let anything happen to her. Once they do reach him... Whatever she's meant to accomplish, he'll make sure she does.

3 years ago
..for Some Reason I Dont Remember Uploading This So Im Uploading It Now A;lsjdg;ljkl;jkl;;lksdkl;

..for some reason i don’t remember uploading this so im uploading it now a;lsjdg;ljkl;jkl;;lksdkl;

3 years ago

when the capitalists die out either thru global warming or revolution will we be able to start homegrown internet

3 years ago

The Various Senyuu AUs

Senyuu has a lot of AUs, (no) thanks to Haruhara’s doodles that take off, spawning their own universes and art and doujins and etc. There’s a lot of them, so I’ve been compiling a list of the ones I know currently exist. Well, it was started mostly out of boredom, but it got really long.

Keep reading

3 years ago
My Entry For The Keisara Slowdraw Event On Twitter.

My entry for the Keisara slowdraw event on twitter.

Theme is 「Rain」 or 「雨」! 🌧

3 years ago
Day 2: RPG AU (Late Entry)

Day 2: RPG AU (Late Entry)

An AU where Sara is a heroine. She has a slime pet, but in reality, it’s Keiji who has been cursed by a witch (Megumi).