Hanagaki Takemichi - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Remember when adult Naoto wanted to solve all his problems through murder? What if baby Naoto thought the same way?

Remember When Adult Naoto Wanted To Solve All His Problems Through Murder? What If Baby Naoto Thought

Like Naoto managed to find out through Takemichi that Kisaki was the thing going to ruin the future for him and his sister. So he decides to try taking care of the problem himself, the same way his future self wanted to.

Imagine this happens

Remember When Adult Naoto Wanted To Solve All His Problems Through Murder? What If Baby Naoto Thought

then Naoto just jumps out the van like "we did it!" While Takemichi stares on in horror.

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1 year ago

can it be x reader & how do u join?! o(*≧□≦)o

Are Revengers ready to revive the town?

Are Revengers Ready To Revive The Town?
Are Revengers Ready To Revive The Town?

↪ I know you checked the "tokyo revengers" tag and it's a ghost town. I know you still love our boys very much, but it's other anime that stole the spotlight for now. It's our duty, as true fans, to bring back the hype for Tokyo Revengers! ↩

Are Revengers Ready To Revive The Town?

Open Collab for everyone with a Tumblr account! +18 preferred, especially if you join with a ns/fw piece of work.

❗ dark content is permitted, but please, use all the appropriate tags ❗

Are Revengers Ready To Revive The Town?

✾ What is accepted? ✾

↪ fanarts, fanfiction, mood boards, playlists, metadata analysis, cosplay photography

↪ you can join with a character or a ship (character x character / character x OC)

✾ When are posts accepted? ✾

↪ the entry to the Collab is open unlimited!

↪ the event itself will take place between 1st of March-30th of April 2024. Yes, two months to post and make the tag overflow!

✾ How to tag it? ✾

↪ use 1st tag ”tokyo revengers” - this is our target tag! but please add ”tokrevcollab” as the second, so I can find it easily and reblog. of course, you can add the character tags as well.

↪ you could tag me as well, at the end, or dm the post to me to add it to the masterlist.

✾ Ao3/Insta/Twitter accepted? ✾

↪ Yes! I will be opening the Ao3 collection as well (on 29th of February) and you can add your fic there, but please share the link on Tumblr as well, with indications above.

↪ For fanarts and other illustrations, it is preferable to post them directly on Tumblr, but if you want to protect the nsfw, you can upload a safe version here, then give the link to Instagram or Twitter

✾ Prompts ✾

↪ None. I am giving everyone full liberty! The only goal is to create things for our beloved fandom.

Are Revengers Ready To Revive The Town?


↪ my askbox and dms are always open. feel free to ask anything about the collab.

↪ Spread the news people, reblog this post with the tags ↴

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1 year ago

TOKREV Incorrect quotes#31 Siblings

The Hanagaki siblings vs The Sano siblings...

Take*Sharing scoops of his ice cream with you*You deserves an award for putting up with me...

Y/n*Sharing bits of your cake with him* You are my award, Bro-Bro

meanwhile at the park watching the two from a distance

Mikey: You deserve an award for putting up with me-

Emma*Not even batting an eyelash* You’re goddamn right I do

TOKREV Incorrect Quotes#31 Siblings

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𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞

— Like or reblog if you save ♡

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Okay, so the recent chapters of Tokyo Revengers is like, Mikey beating the shit out of Michi, yk.

Remember Mikey's dark impulse?

So it's Michi getting beaten up

And Senju's promise? yeah.

Imagine if Senju stepped in and since there's almost no one near Mikey's strength? And she's possibly the only person that can save Michi from being beaten to death.

Imagine if Waka stepped in to save Senju 😍

Now... Let's wait for it.

Say the line, Wakasa!

Wakasa : ... Take Care of Brahman's Princess?..

Me : YAY.

And Mikey ending up in prison is just straight up plain.

Police officer : so, why did you kill them?

Mikey : I have something called ✌️ Dark Impulse ✌️ after my brother died then my sister comes next. and somehow, killing people doesn't bring them back to life. I'm not Senju nor South, so, I can't control my own shit. Deal with it.

No, Mikey, your reasons and opinions ain't ✌️ valid ✌️😐

Like, move on, you're not that special when it comes to family relatives dying.

I'm welcoming Mikey slander if he kills Waka bae.

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At last, I realized why I wanted to be a cat since I was a kid.

At Last, I Realized Why I Wanted To Be A Cat Since I Was A Kid.
At Last, I Realized Why I Wanted To Be A Cat Since I Was A Kid.
At Last, I Realized Why I Wanted To Be A Cat Since I Was A Kid.
At Last, I Realized Why I Wanted To Be A Cat Since I Was A Kid.
At Last, I Realized Why I Wanted To Be A Cat Since I Was A Kid.
At Last, I Realized Why I Wanted To Be A Cat Since I Was A Kid.

like & reblog if used :>

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On Mikey’s ‘Dark Impulses’, 241, and Shinichiro

I’m pretty sure Mikey isn’t a real person, or at least not the real Manjiro.


This analysis is all pure speculation after the events that happened in 241, but speculation based around manga canon.  I’ve done my best to interpret things as objectively as I can, and acknowledge when something can have a more charitable interpretation.  

I’m fairly positive that Mikey not being Manjiro is one missing puzzle piece that connects everything together so we can see the full picture. I think what isn’t said in Tokyo Revengers is so much more interesting than what has been said so far.

I think that the other puzzle piece is Shinichiro. And that Shinichiro was a bad guy. 

I think he’s the bad guy and everything we’ve been told about him is a massive misdirect.  

I think the story is telling us the truth, while the characters are lying to us or are unreliable narrators.

And I think I have a pretty compelling argument proving this.


*Trigger warnings for mentions of: child abuse, violence, and basically everything bad Tokyo Revengers has already covered in canon up until now.  Anything worse than what we’ve already seen in TR will have a giant warning beforehand with more detailed TW’s so you can turn back*

*Also spoilers for the entirety of Mr. Robot (an American TV show).  Yes, it is connected*

**DISCLAIMER:  I am in no way attempting to assign any diagnosis to any character, nor insinuate that any specific disorder may manifest itself in a particular way in real world situations involving real people.  Any perceived similarities to real life are completely incidental and unintentional** 

**For consistency, only official translations were used from digital volumes 1, 2, and 14-24; and for volumes 3-13, I’m like 99% sure readtokyorevengers dot net has just screen-shotted all of the official translations and re-uploaded the images for every official English release, lol. There are no official translations I can find for volumes 25 and 26 chapters since they don’t seem to get official English chapter releases outside of finished volumes, so my opinions could change once those are out, if the story isn’t finished before then.  If I goofed on any details, please let me know**

On Chapter 241 and What it Means


Mikey badly hurts Haruchiyo in 241.  I’m going to ask ‘why’, not to excuse his violent behaviour, but because people just don’t do shit like that, and the ‘why’ is important.  Also, it’s fiction, so let’s try to analyse what’s going on in this ongoing (very much not finished) story with that in mind.

Mikey mutilating Haruchiyo over a model plane breaking makes no sense, if only for the fact that Shinichiro was still alive and kicking at the time. He’s literally in the scene, lurking around the background of the page, contributing nothing to the events going on. If Mikey was retaliating against Haruchiyo, it would be wrong regardless, but why like that?  Most kids with anger issues would resort to punching, or kicking, or throwing.  

I don’t think Haru was a very physically strong kid; in the present day he uses weapons and we’ve never seen him fight once (before the 3 Dieties, where he uses a weapon).  We don’t actually see him at all until volume 14 or 15, and he’s never shown fighting a single time.  Even when he’s in Tenjiku, he just stands there in the background (anime fights featuring him were added and not in the manga, trust me I kept trying to find him in the background).  He also doesn’t seem to have attended the dojo with Mikey and Baji, or learned any martial arts. Mikey is a martial arts prodigy, he could have taken Haruchiyo down in an instant. He could have just kicked him a bunch of times if he wanted to hurt him, or bullied him some other way.  Again, of course this is wrong, but little kids express themselves in wrong ways all the time when they don’t have anyone teaching them better.  It doesn’t make him evil. He was like nine, he’s sick.

The kids were all nine or ten years old, maximum, and Mikey was already like that. They were so young.  Without knowing the context, because we don’t, that’s some serious serial killer energy.  Kids don’t lash out with that level of violence and literal bloodshed, just because they’re angry. That’s the kind of behaviour that comes from very bad trauma.

As Senju is telling her story, it’s pretty obvious that she’s confusing correlation and causation. She breaks the plane, lies about it to Mikey, and then sees Mikey standing over Haruchiyo’s bloody form with blood all over his hands. So she thinks cause and effect, but admittedly, she just kind of walked in on the scene and didn’t hear or see much of what happened.  This would be a traumatizing thing for anyone to see, at any age, but especially when they’re all so young. In her mind she thinks she caused it, because she was maybe eight.  We all know it had nothing to do with a broken plane.  Maybe the plane led to a confrontation between Mikey and Haruchiyo, but based on everything we’ve seen up until this point in the story, it would be out of character for Mikey to hurt his friend because of a toy.  

Mikey may be possessive, but he doesn’t seem to care about material objects all that much, at least not above his friends.  And he’s never shown to be a bully.  When Baji is getting beaten up protecting Mikey’s moped, Mikey trashes it himself, because it’s dumb that Baji got hurt over such a stupid thing like an object.  Baji was precious to him, not the bike.  When the plane breaks, Shinichiro was still alive to build him another plane. If he was mad about it (though we don’t see him actually express any anger), it wouldn’t be because of the object, but the sentimental value it held.  Which is none as far as we know.  Again, Shinichiro is still alive at this point and will be for years to come.

Mikey could have easily overpowered and beaten the shit out of Haruchiyo, these kids would probably be accustomed to physical altercations, and familiar with the casual violence of punching someone.  Kids play rough.  These kids have older brothers in a gang.  But instead of roughhousing, Mikey permanently scars his face.  And not his nose, or his eyes, or his ears.  Mikey seems like he’d be that kid that bit people, he could have pulled a Mike Tyson even.  But he rips open Haruchiyo’s mouth. Why his mouth?

I think something Haru said set Mikey off or …maybe Mikey was trying to help him in a messed up way? (I know, I know, just stick with me.  I’m not absolving Mikey of being an absolute terror.  I have a reason for thinking this, just keep reading, I’ll get there I promise.)

I have a very bad feeling and the more I go back and think about it, the worse that feeling gets. Re-reading the manga did not alleviate that feeling, it just reinforced it.  I could be wrong, but.  Well.

This is incredibly long but I promise there’s a point. This is mostly about Mikey as a character and what I think is going on with him (and therefore the entire story).  But also Shinichiro and Izana, and what that all has to do with Sanzu.

I’ll get to Shinichiro and why he’s a bad person.

I’m prepared to be way off the mark here and reading way too far into things, but this has been bugging me since the leaks for chapter 240 came out.

Against my better judgement I re-read the entire manga (and the volumes I own several times) to make sure I’m not misremembering anything, but if I’m flat out factually incorrect about anything, please let me know (I wrote this twice (well, three times) and it’s long, so I may have missed an error I made in an earlier draft).  

But I digress, if you’ve seen Mr. Robot through to the end, I imagine you know exactly where I’m going with this and that it’s in a very BAD direction.  

Let’s start with why Mikey is NOT Manjiro.


I don’t think Mikey is a ‘real person’.


I don’t know enough about mental disorders that cause one to disassociate as hard as Mikey does to try and put a name to it, nor do I want to armchair diagnose someone (and the same disorder can vary wildly from person to person, so).  But it really seems like Wakui has been laying the groundwork and leaving clues the entire manga so far, that the Mikey we’ve seen for the majority of the story is not the original Sano Manjiro.

And I don’t mean that Mikey is a second time traveler.

I strongly suspect that those 'dark impulses’ or 'other Mikey’ is an alter, or another personality (for lack of better terms) completely separate from 'our Mikey’.  Maybe we’re almost always seeing Mikey and we’ve either never met Sano Manjiro, or we see him very briefly, when it’s just him and Takemitchy.

Tokyo Revengers is a story about becoming a whole person again when you’ve lost yourself.  It’s Takemitchy’s entire journey.  It’s also Mikey’s journey.  They’re both just parts of the whole person they should make up and not ‘real people’ themselves.  If they were both ‘real people’, they should have all their memories and neither of them do.  

In fictional stories, names are very important. Not just the meaning of the name and how it relates to the character or overall story, but if a character has a name at all, or if they have multiple names.

Takemichi has two names. He’s given the nickname Takemitchy (by Mikey, isn’t that interesting), because he’s a different person. Mikey may not know that until the Tenjiku conflict, but we know it as the audience. He’s an alternate version of himself when he’s in the past, and annihilates his alternate self to take over that body when he goes back to the future. There’s a version of him, Takemichi, that we never get to see. We only follow Takemitchy’s story. We never really see what kind of person younger Takemichi is, because we’ve never met him. We aren’t afforded the opportunity to see what happens in the past when Takemitchy isn’t there and Takemichi gets his body back. We can only piece together what happens from information other characters give us.  Takemitchy doesn’t get any of Takemichi’s memories in the future, because he’s not him.

Mikey has two names. Manjiro and Mikey, but he only goes by Mikey. A name he gives to himself to no longer be Manjiro. NOBODY calls him Manjiro aside from Shinichiro, Izana, and Takemitchy that one time (no, a character saying his full name does not count).  I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Takemitchy calling his real name is the thing that gets through to him at the last possible moment as he finally asks for help.  

Mikey isn’t the original Manjiro, and Takemitchy isn’t the original Takemichi.


But then there’s also “Mikey”. In the Bonten timeline, Sanzu says “Mikey” is gonna speak, in quotation marks. It’s possible that this is just a strange stylistic choice made by Wakui or a rogue translator, but.  He already called him Mikey when they were children, why the distinction in quotations here?  Is there a difference?  Can Sanzu tell the difference because they know each other so well and have for so long?

Mikey also goes between calling him Sanzu and Haruchiyo, which could be nothing, but IS interesting, since he calls everyone else by one chosen name and only that one name. He doesn’t go between ‘Kenchin’ and ‘Draken’, or ‘Mitsuya’ and ‘Takashi’, or ‘Takemichi’ and ‘Takemitchy’. Sanzu is the only person who’s different.

Keep reading

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Listen wakui I'm gonna need alternate ending because I don't mind the way the manga ended it's just

Listen Wakui I'm Gonna Need Alternate Ending Because I Don't Mind The Way The Manga Ended It's Just
Listen Wakui I'm Gonna Need Alternate Ending Because I Don't Mind The Way The Manga Ended It's Just

What happened after all this

I know there's an alternate timeline out there where takemichi has his funeral, I already wrote the funeral seating. So I'm waiting

Listen Wakui I'm Gonna Need Alternate Ending Because I Don't Mind The Way The Manga Ended It's Just

Also here's a picture of my child

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2 years ago

Little peke j so cute

Uhmm hello??? Tuxedo revengers exist????? INCLUDING PEKE J IN A TUX!?!?!?!?

Uhmm Hello??? Tuxedo Revengers Exist????? INCLUDING PEKE J IN A TUX!?!?!?!?


Uhmm Hello??? Tuxedo Revengers Exist????? INCLUDING PEKE J IN A TUX!?!?!?!?

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9 months ago

tokyo revengers incorrect quotes

a/n:ya'll its like 3am im sleep deprived and i have work tmrw and this is all i had tome for love ya'lllll

Tokyo Revengers Incorrect Quotes

chifuyu: If you had too, what would you give up food or sex? emma: Sex. hina: Seriously, answer faster. emma: I’m sorry honey, when they said sex I wasn’t thinking about sex with you. hina: It’s like a giant hug. chifuyu: kazutora, what about you? What would you give up sex or food? kazutora: Food. chifuyu: Okay, how about sex or dinosaurs? kazutora: Oh my God it’s like the movie Sophie’s Choice. draken: What about you takemitchy? What would you give up sex or food? takemitchy: Oh... um... I don’t know, it’s too hard. draken: No, you gotta pick one. takemitchy: Um, food... no, sex... no, food... sex... food. Ugh! I don’t know! I want both! I- I want hot people on bread!


chifuyu: Can you PLEASE peer pressure me into doing my project? emma: Do it or you're straight. chifuyu: I said peer pressure, NOT THREATEN!


emma: *sighs* takemitchy: You bored? emma: Yeah. takemitchy: Wanna start drama for no reason? emma: I thought you’d never ask.


baji: chifuyu, I want a bedtime story! chifuyu: I’m busy, baji. I’ll tell you one tomorrow. baji: If you don’t tell me a story, I won’t go to bed! chifuyu: Once upon a time, there was a person named baji, who always wanted things their way. One day, their friends got sick of it and locked them in the basement for the rest of their life. Everyone else lived happily ever after. The end. baji: I don’t like these stories with morals.


emma: Please pray for chifuyu. draken: What happened to them? emma: Nothing, they’re just very stupid.


baji: I love the term 'partners'. Are we dating? Are we robbing a bank? Are we the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies and are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit? Who knows.


chifuyu: I hate you. takemitchy: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.


kazutora: What? I'm not aggressive! baji: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips? kazutora: Survival of the fittest, bitch.


baji: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight? kazutora: *raises hand* chifuyu: *puts their hand down*

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9 months ago

This is only my second time writing. English is not my first language, so there might be some wrongs here and there. It is not proff read :,) There might stand my real name instead of Y/n sometimes, sorry!

(My requests are open, please feel free to ask:) <3)

Kazutora x reader but also Baji x reader. (Angst)


As you take your first steps out of the airport you hear people calling your name.

You had been living with your mother and just got back to japan.

a short male with long blonde hair leads the group off boys you known since you were a kid your way.

You smile when you see them….its been so long since you saw them…your friends.

The small blonde greets you with a smile he had ran before the others when his eyes had landed on you.

“Hi, Mikey..”

Your smile grows, your finally back..

The other males of the group approach and You look at them one after another.

A tall blonde with both sides of his head shaved and a dragon tattoo on his temple.

His hair is tied back into a braid, last time you saw him it was a tiny ponytail.

Hes draken.

The man beside him has long black silky hair, That cant be the same black short hair he had once could it?

His iconic smirk is on display and his fangs are showing.

He leans against the wall that we are standing by and he stares at you with his beautiful eyes.

He has lots of necklaces and even one you gave him back in the day.

His shirt is from a band you two used to love together, you even went to one of their concerts when they came to tokyo.

It's baji.

Then a male that is on drakens other side has lilac hair and eyes.

His hair is very short and almost a tiny bit buzzed.

The sun shines on his erring that he only has on one ear.

The guy who helped you when you accidentally fuck up your clothes, he fixes them for you.

Poor mitsuya, He spent so much time on those clothes.

Then of course your close friends, The hairballs Nahoya and souya.


Who's this guy with yellow flabby hair?

She raises her glasses to set them on top of her head.

The guy looks nervous and Confused.

beside him is another short dude who also has dirty blonde hair but with a darker color under his hair.

Baji takes her glasses, putting them on himself, surprising her in the process.

“Why are you only greeting Mikey, Eh? How rude of you.”

She chuckles and puts her hand on her waist.

“I'm not going to greet you when you steal my glasses, dude.”

Draken sighs at how they are behaving.

"Ah, come on Y/N/N. We all know you have three pairs more in your bag.”

The way Mikey says it makes it sound like he knows everything about you.

Mitsuya laughs a little with a kind smile.

Baji Snickers at that and Puts his arm around your shoulder to steady himself on you.

The guy with yellow hair accidentally speaks


Everyone looks at him.

She Smiles as he panics because everyone is looking at him.

"That's just a stupid nickname Mikey gave me, My name is Y/N. Who are you?”

“Ah! That's takemitchy! My new friend!”

The Takemitchy or whatever his name was smiles nervously.

She Leans back a little into the arm that baji still has around her neck.

Looking over at the other guy beside ´Takemitchy´ Who looks unbothered.

“You must be Chifuyu, am I right? Baji sent a picture of you when we were discussing friends.”

Chifuyu Gets a little surprised and holds back a smile to look cool.

He gave a quick nod and crossed his arms.

“Well, I'm exhausted. You guys came here on your bikes or did you walk?”

Baji pushes off her shoulder to stand straight.

He grabs one of her bags and carries it behind his back over his shoulder.

he grabs another, throwing it over to Draken who catches it.

“Hey careful there's important stu-”

“We came on the bikes stupid, so we gotta split your bags.”

He walks over to the bikes.

“Smiley, take the bag I'm carrying. She's riding with me.”

Y/N throws her hands up.

“Hell yeah!”

The boy called takemitchy turns to chifuyu with a confused face

Chifuyu runs up to baji by the bikes.

“But, Then who am I riding with? I dont have one yet and I came here with you?”

Baji looks at him and shrugs then hands Nahoya the bag he's carrying.

He doesn't really look like he cares like he usually looks like.

In the end he ended up on the back of souyas bike with an annoyed face.

Takemitchi is very confused by this situation.

Naoto said nothing about a girl named Y/N.

This Woman was a mystery…

He didn't want to be weird and ask questions though…

He was even more confused when he noticed that they were at Mikey's house..?

“Uhm…Mikey? Why are we at your house?”

Takemitchi said with a confused stare.

He looks over at baji who's helping Y/N off his bike.

“Oh, well Y/N is gonna stay at my house until Her dad gets back from work.”

Mikey smiles as he parks his bike.

The twins wave their goodbyes and leave, leaving The seven alone.

The place Y/N’s things inside mikey's room and then Takemichi makes up the courage to finally ask.

“who uhm..? Who are you now again?”

Y/N looks over at him with her small smile.


She gives a simple answer and he feels embarrassed for making the question seem like that amd when he hears Mitsuyas and bajis small laughs.

Mitsuya pats Takemichis shoulder and sits down beside him.

“Y/N is an old friend, she moved to Another country with her mom some years ago. That's why we met her at the airport.”

Takemichi nods slowly, finally understanding the situation.

That explains why Mikey got so happy when they met her earlier.

Though..? if it was years ago they met her, why did they act so chill like that?

Well Mikey did act chill the first time they met too so maybe it's not that weird.

Baji grabs his phone and scrolls through his camera roll.

He grins and shows Takemichi and Chifuyu an old picture of Y/N.

“That's Y/N the last time we saw her.”

He chuckles with his classic grin.

She had A very ruined and messy braid instead of let out hair.

She had red scars and Looked beat up, But still made a funny face for the picture.

Baji scrolls again and shows a video of her dancing in what Takemichi and chifuyu guesses is her room.

Its a very Fast song and it sounds like Rock.

Baji was the one filming but then Mitsuya goes over with a soda and baji gives him the camera and joins her.

Their headbanging and laughing lots.

“Don't show that! It's embarrassing!”

Y/N Says and tries to grab bajis phone but he laughs and holds it out of her reach.

His other hand holds on her shoulder to hold her off.

“No way! its hilarious!”

He laughs.

Draken shakes his head in disappointment and chifuyu gets ahold of his phone.

“But wait? that looks nothing like her though..? and why is she so beat up in the first picture?”

Y/N who is still tackling with baji looks up.

“I mean how would you know that you picked up the right girl?”

Chifuyu continuous but Y/N Cuts him off as she sits up straight.

“Which girl would willingly go with some random guy who looks like they're in a gang?”

Now Chifuyu got embarrassed slightly.

“but..? What about the scars on your face?”

Baji whos now laying on the ground, leaning his face against his hand and his elbow on the ground speaks up.

“Shes one of tomans founders with us. Actually The reason Draken hates Fighting with women is cause He accidently pushed Y/N too hard once and She fell over onto the road in tokyo. I was there too.”

Chifuyu and Takemichi were surprised at that.

“Wait? i thought that it was because he respect them a lot and cause he promised emm-”

“Promised what?”

Emma cuts him off as she walks into Mikey's room with tea.

“Oh! I thought I heard your voice Y/N. I missed you!”

She puts down the tea drag Y/N with her to the real house.


Mitsuya Holds his tea and looks at baji.

“Baji, you seemed to act like you see her every day when you met her earlier? What's it been? 3 years? Do you still-”

Baji cuts him off and his grin falls.

“No. No i don't."

Mitsuya nods and Draken stands up.

“Im going to go check on those two, ill be back.”

He then walks out of the garage that is called mikey's room towards the main building.

Mikey then says.

“Y/N doesn't know about kazutora right? Should we tell her? I Mean since Y’know..?”

Mitsuya Sighs a bit, A takes a deep breath and smiles.

“Let's let her be happy for a little while longer, yeah?”

Takemichi leans forward, steadying his elbows on his knees. Who's kazutora now again?

“Kazutora is coming out soon anyways.”

Baji announced still not smiling.

“Still, Y/Ns gonna freak out if she knows hes been locked in without her knowing.”

Mitsuya nods slowly and sips the tea. Mikey did have a point.

"I still suggest we let her be happy. Atleast for a small bit. And if Kazutora is comming out soon then its all Okay right? Plus If she asks why we never told her we could just say she never asked."

Takemitchi tilts his head, and chifuyu copies his movements. Chifuyu had heard from baji about Kazutora before but both males wondered what Y/N had to do with him?

"Who is Kazutora and what does Y/N have to do with him?"

Takemitchi finally asked as his chin rested in his hands. He was so confused about this situation.

"Kazutora is an old founder of toman and a dear friend of ours. Y/N and him was a couple before she moved and they never broke up. Kazutora did something horrible after she left though..and now he's in juvie. He gets out this year though.."

Mitsuya explains setting the tea down softly. Takemichi looks at Mitsuya as he talks and nods.

"What did Kazutora do?"

Mitusya looks at Mikey as if asking if he can tell or not...Mikey looks up at Takemichi.

"He killed someone. Someone very dear to me."

Takemichi's eyes widen and so does Chifuyus. Did Y/N know about this? Probably not..?

"Of course he was very affected by Marias move and really missed her. What he did cannot be blamed on sadness but I believe it was a part of it."

Mitsuya smiles a little as he talks to make the tension lift. Takemichi nods again. Y/N used to be a member off Toman...Tomans only girl too. If Y/N now is back that means she will be a part again right?

"Hey..? Now that Y/N is back does that mean she will join toman again..?"

They all look at him. Baji nods and Mikey shrugs.

"It's her choice, of course."


Y/N's Dad got off work pretty quickly And Baji Drove her over. Miley and takemichi followed along for fun and Takemichi's jaw almost dropped.

Y/N had a mansion..!? Her house was huge...Was she rich? Damn.

"Thanks for dropping me off guys, I'll see you tommorow?"

Baji grins and Mikey nods.

"Yeah! Baji can pick you up tommorow and we can Hang out."

She smiles brightly at that.

"Okay! It's been a while since I saw the shrine too."

Baji ruffles her hair and chuckles.

"You can come along to the next toman meeting if you Want."

She looks at him surprised But really happy.


Baji nods and She squeals and jumps a little.

"Thanks! Gotta go now, I'll see you guys tommorow yeah?"

The three guys nodded and waves her goodbye. Takemichi then taps Mikeys shoulder.

"Is she like...Rich?"

Mikey laughs and baji snickers. Mikey looks back at him from his shoulder.

"Yeah? She is, so?"

Takemitchi quickly became defensive.

"N-nothing! I was just surprised.."


Kazutoras pov:

I got realized a week ago. I've set my plan to end mikey into game. I'm now a part of valhalla...

I'm walking down the alley to see Draken in the big tunnel. What could he possible need to tell me? Probably not to go against Mikey. But that's to late.


I say and my earring jingles with my every step. Draken looks at me with the same face as always.


Draken takes a breath before continuing.

"Kazutora, If your planing to go against Mikey then-"

I cut him off with a slight chuckles and I smile.

"Im not planing anything. I'm doing it."

Drakens game darkens and he looks to the side. His braid sways with the wind.

"Y/N is back."

That's all he said, and my smile drops as I hear those words. Is she back? Y/N... He must be lying. I dont believe him and now my mood is ruined. Draken then continues.

"Would you really try to kill him when the woman you love is in town..? How would she see you?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and I feel my anger boiling.

"Shut up..."

A turn to leave and draken calls after me.

"Mikey would give you another chance if you would take it."

I ignore him and continue walking. Was Y/N actually back? No way. Don't fall for his tricks Kazutora. I say to myself.


I walk back to the place I hang out, I dont really own the place. It's abandoned enough for me to stay in.


Back to normal:

You had been hanging out with The guys for about a week now.

You knew Kazutora was missing, but you didn't ask...You didn't want to pry or anything.

Then baji started distancing himself from mikey and the others.

He still hung out with you but not the others..?

You were hanging out with baji in your room, simply listening to music and just vibing.

Talking about everything and anything.

"Hey baji?"

You say and look at him, he's sitting on the end of your bed with a soft smile. You smile back and bajis heart flutters.

"Mhm yeah?"

He answers and pets your dog who's also laying on your bed.

"Whats happening between you and the guys?"

You tits your head and he looks down at the dog.

"Its complicated. I'm switching gang to valhalla. But its all good. Kazutora is on that side so why can't I?"

Your eyes widen slightly and Your head is straight again. Did he just say Kazutora? Finally someone talks about him...but wait what? Hes in another gang..? Since when?

"Wait kazu is in another gang..? Since when?"

Baji sighs, he doesnt want to be the one who tell you all this. You can feel your heart beating faster.

What had happend to Kazutora..? Sure he never tried to contact you like the others but you didnt think anything had happend.

Baji started to explain everything for you, Word after word gave you another shock. Kazutora had been in juvie? No matter how much you asked baji didnt tell you why. Your heart pounded so loud...This was a really big shock...

"He just got our and now he's in a gang called valhalla."

Baji said calmly as he pets your dog, not meeting your gaze, it was desperate...Of course you still love Kazutora...Why wouldnt you be? Its not like You ever lost those feelings.

"Wait so...Your leaving toman to be in a gang with Kazutora cause he did something and just got out of juvie? Why cant he just join toman again?"

You were confused. This made no sense.

"Thats somewhat on the right track. Kazutora chose not to join toman again...Some stuff happend, alright? Stop asking so much. The less you know the better it is."

You feel the bed shift as Baji gets of the bed. He didnt want to tell you too much, he didn't want this to affect you in anyway possible...He looks back at you.

"Im going, see you."

You scramble to get off the bed too. Your dog reacting with a jolt and looks around confused since it was so cuddled up.

"What? Why?"

Grabs his bag and carrying it over his shoulder.

"Gotta get home, before my mom gets mad. You know ill never hear the end of it otherwise."

You nod slowly and understand his point. Then you remember something and hurries over to your desk. You open a drawer and dig around in it. You got what you searched for and held it up.

"Whats that?"

Baji says, He didnt mean for it to come out like he was annoyed. He was never annoyed with you.

"A necklace, duh."

You walk up to him and hands it to him. He feels the cold metal of the necklace against his warm palm.

"Give this to kazu will you?"

He frowns but nods, how annoying. It's a necklace with a symbol on it for good luck... He puts it in his pocket and gives you a small wave then leaves.

You really hope Kazutora gets your gift...Does he even know your back? Probably not.


Baji,s pov:

I held the necklace in my hand as I sit on my bed in my room.

Im annoyed. Im irritated. Why does she still love him...And not me..? Of course im happy for their love but im not.. I wanna burn the necklace...what if I just...dont give it to him?

He probably wont believe that its from her. Goddammit...Why is it so complicated to give him something from her?

I let out a long sigh and close my hand around the necklace. I lay down and and stare up at my ceiling.

What's wrong with me?

The next day I meet up with Kazutora again. I have to do this...Kazutora smiles as he sees me.


I grin to hide my emotions and A small nod as a 'wassup'

"Yo, Kazutora."

Kazutora chuckles and we lean on the railing. Then I remember the necklace....Shit..I take a breath and reach down in my pocket. I hold it out and push it against his chest.


Kazutora's eyes widen and he tilts his head.

"You got me a necklace?"

He asks confused, He didnt look very fond of it.

"What? No, Its from Y/n. Not me."

I freeze when I see Kazutora Grabs it and throws it as far as he can. The necklace is gone..just like that? I'm shocked as fuck but I hide it behind a bored face.

"Hm, guess you didn't like it."

I try to act calm and like I dont care when I actually do. Kazutora turns his head to me and I can see in his eyes that he's annoyed.

"Y/n isn't back. Stop trying to make it seem that way. It's annoying."

Now it's my turn to tilts my head and raise my eyebrow.


Kazutora looks in the direction he threw the Necklace. How he wanted to believe that you were back, he truly did. But not once in three years did he receive a letter or anything. She just moved...and that was betrayal to him.

"She's not here. she's not coming back either."

I have to hold back a laugh at that. What is this nonsense he's talking about.

"Whatever you say, man."


Your pov again:

Your walking down the street when you see the two boys you seen with your friends when they picked you up from the airport.

You walk over to them, The boy you remember as chifuyu has bruises and lots of bandages. The other guy who you remember as 'takemitchy' looked shaken up and he has bruised knuckles.

Well by this you got the wrong idea...

"Hey! Takemitchy was it? The hell did you do to him?"

Takemitchy turns to see you with An umbrella, it's raining a bit. He got Confused and looks around.


Chifuyu asks also confused.

"Why do you both look confused? Did you hit chifuyu Eh?"

Now your getting irritated, who beats up their own friends? Chifuyu then understands and starts laughing.

"You thought Takemitchy beat me up?"

Takemitchys eyes widen and he starts to understand.

"Nah this guy can't beat up anyone, well except this tire that's supposed to be a swing not a punching bag."

Chifuyu clears, He leans back a bit and Takemitchy looks offended then embarrassed.

"Wait so...? Who beat you up?"

Chifuyu looks off to the side, Clearly unsure about telling you.

"Baji-kun did."

Takemitchy says with ease. Chifuyu refuses to look at them. You don't really believe that. From your view they seemed kinda close.

"No way. I thought baji and you were close..? Why would he-"

Chifuyu cut you off, He looks at you and smiles.

"Dont worry, baji San only did it cause he needed to get in to Valhalla. He didnt mean it, plus I believe he has a plan."

You tilt your head to the side, What the actual fuck are they talking about? Baji had a plan? Plan for what? What's going on?

"A plan for what? What plan? Did I miss something?"

This was all so confusing. What was chifuyu talking about? And why did baji even go into the rival gang? Its not like him...

Takemitchi looks just as awkward and confused as you. He didnt really know what Chifuyu was talking about but he knew mikey said he would kill him if he didnt get baji back (He obviously wouldnt)


Chifuyu and takemitchi shared a stare. If Chifuyu was gonna explain this he would have to explain it in a way that didnt give Takemitchi off as a timeleeper.

What if he just said that kisaki gave him bad vibes? Would that pass? This was giving him a headache, and not only from getting beat up earlier.

"I think baji did it to go against kisaki. Kisaki is giving off a bad vibe and-"

He tried to make it sound like a good enough reason while still not giving away to much info. You werent supposed to be in this mess. Now that the two think about it, they shouldnt have told you at all. But you cut off their train of thoughts.

"Are you sure? Because baji told me it was cause Kazutora was back in town. Baji and kazu were very close back then. So its not a surprise."

You shrug, not finding the situation that bad. Sure, it's a little weird, but not that bad. Baji was acting protective of the information about why and other things. But he had the right to have his secrets. Chifuyu nods, feeling confident.

"Im sure! Me and takemitchi can talk to him before the war"

He didn't even think that he just gave you free info. The war between valhalla and toman...? Why would he change teams just a while before the war?


This Is Only My Second Time Writing. English Is Not My First Language, So There Might Be Some Wrongs

Part two???

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