Ship ? Did Anyone Say Ship ? No . . Just Me Than ?
ship ? did anyone say ship ? no . . just me than ?
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so i was writing this headcanon for one of my characters, and it got me thinking about how some characters are absolutely, to their very core, protectors, and even then they still need protecting! so i made this list which is similar to about five other memes i've made. feel free to add a "reverse" if you so wish! DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST NOR CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN. THANK YOU.
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " is there a problem over here? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " can i help you with something? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " i think it's time you were leaving. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " why don't you and i go outside for a sec? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " you wanna tell me why you're hassling my friend? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " you better start running before i really get pissed. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " i'm sure there's a rational explanation behind you upsetting this person? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " i hope you're not thinking of staying here a moment longer. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " get out. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " right, either you leave or i kick you out. your choice. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " i think it's fairly obvious my friend doesn't want anything to do with you, don't you? "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " leave them alone. now. "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " didn't you hear them? back off! "
[ TO THE THREAT ]: " don't even think of pretending you didn't hear me the first time: leave! "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " hey, are you okay? "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " don't worry. i'll take care of this. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " why don't you go on out back? i got this, it's okay. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " here. you go on into the car, alright? i'm right behind you. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " is this person bothering you? "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " it's okay. hey, hey… look at me. they're gone. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " hey… what's going on? what's wrong? i… has this person said something to you? "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " it's alright. the others just went out to the car; why don't you join them? i'll handle this. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " hey, hey… talk to me, huh? what's the matter? you look like you've seen a ghost… who was that? "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " don't be scared. i'm going to take care of this. i promise. "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " you don't need to say anything. just nod if you want me to kick them out, okay? "
[ TO THE RECEIVER ]: " you're alright. i'm right here, don't worry. and they'll be gone before you can blink, that's another promise. "
[ HAND ]: sender, having seen the receiver's encounter with the threat, gently takes the receiver's hand to assure them they aren't alone.
[ INTERVENE ]: sender wordlessly steps in between the receiver and the threat, facing the threat while shielding the receiver from them.
[ BLOCK ]: sender steps in between the receiver and the threat, this time facing the receiver while turning their back to the threat and blocking them from the receiver's line of sight.
[ BACK ]: sender places a protective and gentle hand on the receiver's back, preparing to guide them away from the threat.
[ DOOR ]: sender firmly but politely insists that the threat leave the building, and escorts them out of the door.
[ EXIT ]: sender physically catches hold of the threat and drags them away from the receiver, and outside of the building.
[ PUSH ]: sender places a careful hand on the threat to keep them at arm's length, and steps forward again to give the receiver more space between them and the threat.
[ SHOVE ]: sender runs over and forcefully shoves the threat back and away from the receiver.
[ SPACE ]: sender pushes between the receiver and the threat and begins to move forward, invading the threat's personal space as both a means of intimidation and a way of getting them away from the receiver.
[ DIVERT ]: sender arrives behind the threat and gains their attention, distracting them from the receiver so as to give them time to leave the area.
[ CLEAR ]: the sender firmly and clearly tells the threat that they are no longer allowed in the premises nor anywhere near the receiver.
[ ARM ]: sender wraps a protective arm around the receiver and guides them away from the threat and out of the premises.
[ PUNCH ]: the sender, having seen the receiver's reaction to the threat and the threat's lack of consideration, moves forward and punches the threat in the face.

﹆⋆ renji ♡ mitsuri : @koikiken death isn't the end. it's a new beginning

does anyone want to be affiliates / mains . . exclusives ?
👀 send me a muse and i'll attempt to write them !