maxisanangrywell - Max is an Angry Well.
Max is an Angry Well.

I write sometimes. Most of it is Religious Trauma, or Hellenic & Celtic Polytheism tied into my flavor (fandom) of the month. Occasionally spits out headcanons. May or may not actually write them. Pro-Antifa & Leftist Content He/She/They/It/ -- 18+

154 posts

In Case You're Wondering How We Got To The Point Fascism Is So Rampant In This Country, I Urge You To

in case you're wondering how we got to the point fascism is so rampant in this country, I urge you to look at the history of the USA with the lens of a POC person. And to also look up Operation Paperclip. We've always been the wolf hurting some sort of minority, now they're focusing their attention to the vast majority of us.

It's almost like AFAB people were warning us when they overturned Roe they would come for others too.

Further more, if Israel is a police state and our best friend/political foothold, what makes you think this line of genocidal thinking hasn't came from the United States and fester here? This right now is about control, they are pushing us right now to see how much we fight back, so fight like your life depends on it because it does.

More Posts from Maxisanangrywell

10 months ago

Some of us just like him as a character it's not that deep.

And you're not even black


Me not being black means NOTHING.

God, this fandom is a bunch of uneducated fucking idiots.

You think my skin colour determines who I'm gonna stand up for? My morals? Not being fucking racist?!

Do yall even sit back and think that there's REAL human beings who see your comments, your exclusion of the ONLY character who happens to be black and I say happens because it shouldn't fucking matter what his race is for yall to include him in his OWN game. He IS the main character.

The voice actor, Elliot, is a REAL person. And it is fucking heartbreaking to see the way yall treat him. Someone who worked on all three projects and did a fucking phenomenal job giving us such an interesting bad ass character.

Do yall understand that this goes beyond fictional characters? That how you treat Gaz because of his race affects REAL people? Do you not have a single functioning brain cell to understand why we speak out on this?

König is a FICTIONAL character and I can bitch and moan about him however the fuck I like because it doesn't affect ANYONE. Not even those who like him or create content about him.

Yall nasty racist fucks who exclude Kyle from his own game affect real individuals and you'd be a fucking idiot to think that I'd stop posting about it because I'm not black or because Gaz is a fictional character.

Now fuck off my account.

10 months ago
Spontaneous Mermay Sketch

Spontaneous mermay sketch

He was originally going to be an orca bc that seems to be the consensus around here but i found out about Risso’s dolphins.

Their scars heal without the original pigment so the older they get the paler they get. Perhaps other creatures in the ocean find Ghost jarring since he’s not with a pod, especially if they aren’t aware of the lack of repigmentation is natural.

Not sure if I’ll draw more for mermay but feel free to suggest cod characters and animals (especially soap, maybe i’ll draw mermay ghoap :3)

10 months ago

It's incredible how openly terrible celebrities are these days. If I wasn't so completely insane in my own personal way with no way to change my mind about it because I'm just barely hanging on by a thread with a few forms of cope I have, it wouldn't be so ridiculously chaotically funny. But it still devastating.

10 months ago
Not What I Expected Coming From John Green

Not what I expected coming from John Green

10 months ago

Doctor: $140,000 a year

Furry artist on Patreon: $160,000 a year