maxtotallyfluid - MaxLikesThings

My shit

203 posts

Maxtotallyfluid - MaxLikesThings - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago

This is so eye coded u guys,,,

It's like this universe has the same fear entities, but elevated in the way they present. It's not that you need to Know other people, exactly, it's that you need to Be Known; further than that, you need to be Seen and Liked and Popular.

I've seen people say this isn't about fear, it's about desires, and I'd say this episode proves that pretty darn right. You don't need to strike the Fear of Knowledge into people, you don't need them to be afraid you can See them, you need them to Desire Knowing you.

8 months ago

the Blueprint™ for any mlm ship is literally just a dark-haired skinny loser and his himbo light-haired bf

oh and also at least one of 'em has blue eyes... I don't make the rules here

8 months ago
maxtotallyfluid - MaxLikesThings
8 months ago

Recalling that Kunikida can activate Doppo Poet remotely, I like to imagine everyone at the Agency keeps on their person an emergency, pre-written page from Kunikida's notebook that serves as both a distress signal and weapon for self defense in the event of an emergency.

Except for Dazai, of course. Kunikida had to have him microchipped at the vet like a cat.

8 months ago

it is interesting that sam chooses to keep bringing up the cases specifically to alice, after she has told him time and time again that she would rather not talk about it. it could be because alice is the “longest inmate”, as she put it, and sam suspects that she knows something. part of me also thinks that he just wants to hear her admit it out loud.

8 months ago

"I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home."

~ Taylor Swift (Enchanted) - Pairing: Wolfstar - Rating: G

Sirius Black did not get flustered. He was confident and smooth, and used pick-up lines like it was his job. He didn't get nervous. Nerves were for lesser mortals.

But for some reason, one person always made his ability to keep himself together fly out the window. So it was no wonder that, on his first date with Remus Lupin, Sirius was a blushing, stuttering mess.

"Fuck!" Sirius swore as he spilled his water on himself for the third time that evening, fighting back tears as Remus made to dab at the table with his napkin. "Shit, Moons, I- I'm sorry."

"Sirius, you have nothing to be sorry about. It's okay," Remus reassured him with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

But after the waitress brought Sirius a new drink, Remus seemed to finally speak his mind. "Sirius, do you want to be here? It's don't seem like yourself. If you said yes just to pity me, you don't have to-"

And, terrified, Sirius interrupted. "No, Remus! Moons, have no idea how much I want to be here! Fuck, I'm just so bloody nervous, you know?" And as he gestured with his hands wildly, he knocked into his glass again, sending it tipping, but thankfully not falling.

"You're nervous," Remus repeated, surprised.

"Yes," Sirius nodded, biting at his lip. "I just...I want to make sure you like me, you know? I mean, I know we're friends, but more."

But at that, Remus gave a soft grin. "Sirius...I told you. I've liked you for ages. You don't have to worry about...about pulling me, or something. Fuck, I've been yours for ages."

Those words made Sirius's eyes water as he blushed, relief flooding through his body, wonderstruck at the adoring way Remus was looking at him.

And, hours later, as Sirius lay in bed, the blush still stained his face as he grinned, thinking of the words. Fuck, I've been yours for ages.

8 months ago
About Colins Lines At The End
About Colins Lines At The End
About Colins Lines At The End

about colin’s lines at the end 🫡

8 months ago

Calling it now, the Magnus Institute in the TMAGP universe is named after Albertus Magnus (the first great alchemist of the middle ages) rather than Jonah.

8 months ago

Once again, a tmagp rant

Spoilers for tmagp 19

So the “Protocol” talked about in the incident has to have something to do with the burned Magnus Institute building. Given that in the incident it’s implied that fire and destruction is what is done when the “Protocol” is executed.

So is the OIAR the future incarnation of this Royal “Good Science” Society, and they seem to be doing the same sort of balance the fears and there incarnation to keep the public hidden from the almost fatal chaos it would cause, given the chaos of the Mr. Bonzo incident.

Also the fact that Colin specifically says he watches, relating back to the first episode where they might have mentioned a big boss above Lena, I can’t remember but I saw a post mentioning it, I’m going to go back and look just to confirm.

Also, the mention of Gwen’s family possibly having pull at the OIAR is interesting and could point to Elias still the big bad?

I honestly don’t know but thank you for coming to my ted talk!

Tags :
8 months ago

Oh man, this is an *interesting* one.

"It was I who begged patience, certain as I was that my work on Micrographia might have rendered a remedy for that most awful plague. It was I who warned that to enact a Protocol against the great city of London itself was a step beyond the rights of our position, but you were, as is so oft the case, correct in your steadfastness and I confess purgation of all that most dangerous and unfit knowledge was both necessary and good." (bolding mine.)

In 1665 there was an outbreak of bubonic plague in London; during this time Robert Hooke was pioneering the study of life on a microscopic scale. In 1666 the Great Fire of London destroyed a major portion of the city; Hooke played a major role in helping the city to rebuild, and rose to wealth and respect as a result.


1. The plague year had a supernatural cause (or Hooke and Boyle thought it did, at minimum.)

2. The Great Fire of London was probably a result of the Protocol being carried out. Yikes.

3. The Protocol, however, was not about fighting disease directly. It was about purging "dangerous and unfit knowledge." This lines up with the 1666 fire: along with everything else lost to it, some £150,000 worth of books were destroyed, which... that's in 1660s money. I'm not sure how many books that would have been but it had to be quite a few.

So if this universe had the equivalent of Leitners, this might be where a bunch of them went. Also seems increasingly likely that the Magnus Institute fire was an enactment of the Protocol.

Not even touching the whole apple thing right now other than to say I'm doubling down on my suspicion that ink5oul's tattoo is a reference to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Got a lot of other thoughts but they're going to have to wait for after work.

8 months ago
Happy June!

happy june!

8 months ago


9 months ago

I'm seeing way too many people give Sam shit for laughing at Gwen and too little people acknowledging how off and abrupt that laugh sounded

Almost as if something was compelling him to laugh, you know the same way Mr. Bonzo's mortal victims were laughing uncontrollably as they were being eaten alive ??

My theory right now is there's something preventing people from knowing about him, same way most people couldn't tell the Not-them weren't their loved ones

And just like with the Not-them there was one person it didn't work on, and that person survived the encounter with Mr. Bonzo

And Alice, notably, didn't laugh

9 months ago
Redraw My Favourite Harry Art

Redraw my favourite Harry art

9 months ago
Happy Pride Month To Our Dead Gay Wizards!

Happy pride month to our dead gay wizards! 🌈🌙

9 months ago

Hello mr boss man! Is The Magnus Protocol going to have 40 episodes per season like The Magnus Archives did?

The Magnus Protocol will have three seasons. Each season will have 30 episodes. Thanks to generous Patrons and Kickstarter Backers there will also be the following bonus content on a per season basis: 1) An Epilogue episode 2) A Fluff episode 3) A What If episode 4) Actual play episodes There will also be other bonus materials but to my knowledge the above are guaranteed whereas the rest are negotiable. There will also be a short spin off podcast and some other fan facing stuff. That means the "core" story content will run at 93 episodes but you should expect significantly more than that if you include all the bells and whistles.

9 months ago

skk au where everything is the same except Chuuya and Dazai have literal red string of fate tied to their pinkies. It appears when Chuuya kicked Dazai down in Suribachi. No one can see the string. They've tried to untie it, cut it, burn it, rip it, bomb it- but to no avail. There's no limit to the length of the string. No matter how far they go, they're always tied to each other.

9 months ago
Alice Dyer, The Only Sane Person In This Podcast

alice dyer, the only sane person in this podcast

9 months ago
Spiders? Spider Like Hilltop Road? And Rotten Wood Like In The Magnus Institute? And Too Many Rooms And

spiders? spider like Hilltop Road? and rotten wood like in the Magnus Institute? and too many rooms and passageways and doors like the Spiral? the Distortion?? my babygirl???

9 months ago

Listen Alice. If you keep running from the plot, the plots gonna run after you.

9 months ago

I need to talk about Gwen for a minute because Gwendolyn baby sweetheart I'm so sorry they did you so dirty this episode.

Screenshot from The Magnus Protocol episode 18, it reads as follows:
They’re not… I don’t think they’re people. Not all of them, anyway. Not fully.

She was opening up!! She was trying!! To tell them!! About The Externals!!!! And then

Screenshot from The Magnus Protocol episode 18, it reads as follows:
(cont’d, working up to it) 
So… Do- Do you remember from TV… Mr. Bonzo? 
Pregnant pause. 
Sam suddenly bursts out laughing.


Okay look, I get that saying Mr. Bonzo is an evil being out killing people for the OIAR is objectively ridiculous BUT COME ON MAN how much more ridiculous is it than magic tattoos?? Or doppelgangers from alternate universes?? Or computers that can talk in multiple voices despite running on software that came out before text-to-speech was even a thing?? No fucking wonder Gwen freaked out and ran off, I'd have had a hard time not slapping him if it was me.

Also, I like the touch that Alice didn't laugh... not even a chuckle from the resident jokester... if i can't have protocule please give me Alice and Gwen together, they would be such messy fucked up sapphics and i want to explore that dynamic so bad

9 months ago

bit of an odd one but bare with me, I was thinking what if celia keeps waking up on the edge of roads and train tracks and stuff is because she’s kind of sleep walking to hill top road. like the web, or the tmagp-verse equivalent of the web, keeps pulling her to it, trying to pull her back through to her original dimension? idk just a thought

9 months ago

hey guys , you notice a trend with the monsters in protocol ?

• trenchcoat guy

• needles

• bonzo

• ink5oul

they're all themed with the desire to be known , the exact opposite of " i do not know you "

think about it , tattoos are easily identifiable . mascots are a staple of identification for franchises , the dnd trenchcoat guy made a distinguished persona to be known . needles whole thing was being afraid because he is to be known , seen .

in tma we didn't know and we were afraid , but in tmagp we are known and scares us .

to be known is to be seen , and to be seen is the most frightening thing because you are vulnerable .

even in alice's stalker ties into this , stalkers follow and find out everything about you and that is terrifying .

in tma , jon was driven to know so he was not afraid . but he " died " not knowing who he was anymore , and now we don't know either .

its the age old " some questions are better left unknown " because alice is right , the more you know your fears , the more they are drawn to you to be known on a deeper level .

stay safe canaries

9 months ago
Day At The Museum
Day At The Museum

day at the museum

insp. // it’s so fyodor coded i had to draw it