Issac Newton - Tumblr Posts
"I like 'em thick."
"But, sir Newton, we can't write that.."
"Then write 'The greater the mass, the greater the force of attraction.'"
If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.
Once again, a tmagp rant
Spoilers for tmagp 19
So the “Protocol” talked about in the incident has to have something to do with the burned Magnus Institute building. Given that in the incident it’s implied that fire and destruction is what is done when the “Protocol” is executed.
So is the OIAR the future incarnation of this Royal “Good Science” Society, and they seem to be doing the same sort of balance the fears and there incarnation to keep the public hidden from the almost fatal chaos it would cause, given the chaos of the Mr. Bonzo incident.
Also the fact that Colin specifically says he watches, relating back to the first episode where they might have mentioned a big boss above Lena, I can’t remember but I saw a post mentioning it, I’m going to go back and look just to confirm.
Also, the mention of Gwen’s family possibly having pull at the OIAR is interesting and could point to Elias still the big bad?
I honestly don’t know but thank you for coming to my ted talk!