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Halloween Special

halloween special

characters: jade leech x gn! reader wc: 2.1k warnings: none? i dont think so anyway a/n: i meant to post this on halloween but it wasn’t finished so you get this for jade’s bday 🥰 this might be ooc idk…i also used a halloween prompt for this so i’ll link it

Halloween Special

Halloween night at Ramshackle dorm is quiet, well…it was quiet. It had been quiet for a total of 3 minutes and 27 seconds before Grim burst through the door and into the living room. He skids to a stop in front of where you’re seated on the couch. He jumps up and yells, bragging about the desserts he managed to sneak out from the Halloween festival that the school was hosting.

“Why’d ya leave the party so early anyway? You left before the the party got good!” Grim hops up onto the couch, making you clutch your legs closer beneath the blanket you’re curled under. Your arm rests on the armrest of the couch, cheek in your palm as you watch Grim scarf down the contraband.

“I was tired, Grim. While you may have been a fan of the clout you received from all the magicam freaks, I am definitely drained.”

He yawns and sinks into the couch, continuing to stuff his face with the sweets. “Either way, you missed a good party and even better food.” He pauses as he notices you’re in your pjs. “Hey, where’s your costume?”

“Oh, I took it off as soon as I got back to the dorm. Grim, like I said…I’m tired. Now please, leave me alone will you?”

Grim scowls but hops off the couch. “Yeesh, it’s Halloween…lighten up!” He takes a swipe at your blanket as you throw a pillow at him and pull the blanket toward you. Grim races to his room, clearly in a rush to eat the delicacies by himself. God, he’s so stingy.

“So annoying,” you whisper to yourself as you try to find the comfortable position you were in before Grim so rudely interrupted your peace and quiet. And as you scrolled through the scary movies playing on the TV to see which one appealed to you, a knock rang on your door.

“Grim! Are you expecting anyone?!” Of course, no response. You sigh, kicking the blanket off and walking toward the door. Three knocks are heard once more after a brief pause. The knock almost sounds polite, yet demanding that the door be opened. You look through the peephole and see Jade Leech standing while holding a cellophane bag between his clasped hands. True to the knocking, he looks like a gentleman.

You open the door and give a small smile. “Hey, Jade. Were we expecting you?”

Jade steps forward and pauses, a silent plea for you to allow him in. He looks at you as he waits for you to decide. Almost instantly you step back, letting him walk into the foyer of the dorm. He smiles graciously, courteous smile never leaving his face as you lead him toward the living room.

“No, you were not expecting me. I came on my own will.” He tails behind you as you maneuver your way to the couch. His proximity made you a little nervous, not because you were afraid of him, but because you and Jade had a bit of a…situation. You weren’t exactly sure if you were reading too much into the comments he made when he was with you, but you felt like he was trying to tell you something!

“I didn’t mean to come off as rude, by the way, I just wasn’t expecting to see you at this hour.” You motion for him to sit beside you on the couch, moving the blanket aside so he’s not uncomfortable.

He chuckles, and that little polite laugh of his makes the butterflies in your stomach swirl like crazy. “No need to worry, I didn’t take it that way. I’m here because I have something for you.” He shifts in his spot so he faces you completely and extends the hand that was holding the bag toward you. “I noticed you left the event early and that you probably didn’t get the chance to taste the dessert, so I thought I’d bring some for you.”

You look down at his extended hand and grab the bag, your fingers brushing against his. You both smile, eyes lifting to gaze at each other momentarily before looking away. “You know sneaking out the food wasn’t allowed right?” You peek into the goodie bag and honestly, you’re glad he snuck some of the food out for you. It smells delicious.

He smiles, one that shows all of his teeth in their pointy glory. “I’m aware, but I could not let you go without tasting these.” Jade begins to stand, clearly feeling like he’s overstaying the visit. You reach out a hand to stop him while glancing over at a clock on the wall.

“Hey, Jade?”

He stands before you and waits for you to continue. “Yes?”

“It’s not that late…do you wanna stay and watch a movie or something??”

He gives a sly smile and quirks an eyebrow. “Or something?” Your cheeks burn as you look down, the ground suddenly very intriguing.

“I mean- well I was looking for a movie before you got here. And you brought me so many snacks that I think it’d be best if we share while watching something.”

He moves the blanket so that he can sit beside you. “I agree with that sentiment, prefect.” He takes his seat beside you, seemingly unfazed.

While you try to look for a movie, Jade’s presence is very much in your face. Well, it feels that way. He’s calmly sitting beside you, holding the sweets that you handed back to him so you could find a movie. Jade points at one of the titles of a horror movie that had come out earlier this year. “What about that one? I have heard it is good.”

“Oh really?” You turned to look at him, his physical proximity making you nervous. He’s so close to you, my god he’s pretty. His arm is brushing against yours and you swear he can feel you shaking. Jade nods in response to your question, so you click on the movie, not actually caring whether the movie is good or not.

“Care for a dessert?” Jade holds his hand out, goodie bag in his palm.

“The movie hasn’t started yet, let’s give it a few minutes.” You leave the living room to grab beverages and return in record time. After setting the drinks on the end table, you sit beside Jade. While you’re trying to give him his personal space, he doesn’t mind leaning in close. If anything, he keeps scooting closer while you try to keep a sliver of space between the two of you.

You can feel the warmth radiating off his skin, how his arm brushes against yours, how his hand slowly inches your way. The movie keeps rolling in the background, and Grim’s annoying snores can be heard down the hall-he’s definitely under a food coma. Jade looks in the direction of the hall, slyly smirking at Grim’s snores. “That will be a joy to sleep with.”

You groan, rolling your eyes as you sink into the couch and further under the blanket you crawled under at the start of the movie. “Don’t remind me.”

Jade peers down at you, playful remark on the tip of his tongue. “Okay, I will not.” Once again, he holds out the bagged sweets, seemingly wanting to change topics.

“Why are you so persistent?”

He raises an eyebrow. “About?”

You motion toward the bag with your eyes, looking at the bag for a brief second before meeting his gaze again. “About that.”

He clears his throat and sits up. “Ah, about this.” Jade holds the bag open as you reach in to grab one of the desserts, both of you staring intently at each other until you lean back once you’ve grabbed the delicacy.

He takes in a breath, holding it as he watches you take a bite. “I made them.”

Your eyes widen for a split second, until you recall that he’s a skilled chef, despite him denying his talent. “Why am I not surprised-but wait…”

Jade waits for you to continue, eyeing you intently. “I thought the school was preparing the food for the Halloween festival, not the students?”

He sinks into the couch, leaning in closer. “You are correct.” You wait for him to continue since it sounds like he’s only halfway through an explanation, but the latter half is never said.

“You made these for me specifically, didn’t you? You definitely didn’t snag these from the party like you said earlier.”

He turns his body so he’s facing you more directly. He’s about to open his mouth when another knock is heard at the door, this one sounding a little harsher, desperate. Your eyes dart from the TV to the door, the knocking only increasing in volume.

Jade looks at you expectantly. “Are you not going to open the door?” He tilts his head, making him look innocent. Not that he looks guilty, but Jade’s polite attitude seems a little excessive sometimes.

You shake your head, feeling the slightest bit uneasy as the knocks on the door seem to be timed perfectly to the current scene on the TV. “Nah, whoever is at the door can come back tomorrow.”

The music is picking up, clearly indicating there’s about to be a jump scare in the movie. It’s just your luck that you suddenly feel like you’re in a real life scary movie. Another knock is heard, this time on the window.

“I believe you should check who’s at the door, prefect.” Jade pauses the movie, fully expecting you to stand up from the couch.

You lean away so that you can get a good look at his face. “Are you crazy?! I’m not answering that door! That’s exactly what happens at the start of all of those movies, right before the killer gets in and-”

You’re stopped mid sentence when Floyd bursts into a fit of laughter. When Floyd managed to sneak into your dorm, you’ve no idea, but he definitely was not accompanying Jade when you let him inside.

Floyd stands up from behind the couch you and Jade are seated in, clutching his sides as he laughs. “You scare so easily, Shrimpy!”

You stand up and glare at the tweels, Floyd laughing unashamedly while Jade hides his small smile behind his hand. “You were in on this, weren’t you?”

Jade stands up, hand splayed on his chest. “Are you accusing me, prefect? Are you accusing me after all I did was bring you homemade sweets?”

Floyd frowns. “You’ve hurt my poor brother’s feelings Shrimpy, this is bad.”

You roll your eyes, not in the mood to deal with the twins’ antics. “And I thought I was the dramatic one.”

Jade drops his hand to his side, stepping closer to you. “May I apologize?”

It’s your turn to raise an eyebrow questioningly. “You’re not one to apologize, Jade Leech. Now can the both of you leave?” You point toward your door.

Jade is somewhat annoyed because while he did enjoy the prank Floyd pulled, he’s not happy that it ruined the intimate moment you and he were sharing. He’d have to speak to Floyd once they’d returned to their own dorm, but for now he’ll pretend like he was in on the prank the whole time. Jade was not one to be made a fool of nor was he a fan of being interrupted. At least he knows how to get back on your good side.

Like the gentleman he is, he stayed behind to help you clean after having sent Floyd to the dorm. You’re standing in the foyer while Jade stands outside your door. “Thank you for inviting me into your home.”

You snort. “And thank you for ruining the mood with your silly little prank. How did Floyd even get in?”

He shrugs, hands clasped together in the usual Jade Leech fashion. “As I asked before, may I apologize?”

“You’re asking me if you can apologize? Why would you need my permission?”

Stepping into the foyer upon your short interrogation, he bursts your bubble as he, once again, invades your personal space. He tucks a few strands of hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek with his knuckles as he smiles.

“I will only ask once more. May I apologize?”

He’s knocked the breath out of you, and all you can do is nod. His smile widens for a brief second, his sharp teeth on display for a moment before he presses a tantalizing kiss to the corner of your lips. Damned the way he toys with you.

He steps outside so quick you’re not sure if he actually kissed you or if you imagined it. In the blink of an eye, his hands are clasped once again and is standing up straight as he smiles his usual, polite smile.

“Happy Halloween, prefect. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night.”

And with that, he walks away, leaving you questioning what happened between the two of you on Halloween night in the Ramshackle dorm.

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More Posts from Mdnghtfae

1 year ago

Rafah is currently under bombardment, so I will spreading as much links as I can possibly can. If I miss any, please add on if you can

Help Mayar and her family

Help Nour

Help Marah Owda escape Gaza

Help Sobhe and his family escape Gaza

Help Razan and family escape from Gaza

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Help the Zamli family evacuate

Help this handicapped child escape Gaza

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Help this family evacuate

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Help evacuate this family to safety

Help this family survive

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Help Mohammed’s family

Help Abdullah Salem’s family

Help Dalia Masoud and her family

Help Mahmoud’s family

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Help Dr. Abdelwahab and his family

Help this displaced family

Help Abood and his family leave Gaza

Help Lara Sharif evacuate her family to safety

Help secure this family

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Help Walid and family escape

Help Sarah Aljamal and her family

Help Walaa and her family evacuate from Gaza

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Help Mohamed Zaqout’s brother escape Gaza

Help Bayan Meghari and her family

Help evacuate this injured father out of Gaza

Help Hossam and his family

Help evacuate the Abu Halabia family

Help treat Mulataf who has brain disease

Help a family of 7 evacuate Gaza

Help this child with cerebral palsy evacuate

Help Abdalla Mughari and his family

Help the Alashi family

Help Ghadeer Saeed’s family

Help Yousef and Khaled Al-Sultan’s family

Help Firas protect his family

Help Moneer and his family

Help Aya Adham get treatment for her hematoma

Links masterpost 1

Links masterpost 2

Links masterpost 3

Links masterpost 4

Please keep Palestine in your minds tonight and onwards even with distractions like the Oscars, helping the people is more important

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2 years ago

FINALLY GOT HIM DAMN 😭 had to pull 100 times for him smh idia ur a pain to pull for but whatever 🫶🏼

FINALLY GOT HIM DAMN Had To Pull 100 Times For Him Smh Idia Ur A Pain To Pull For But Whatever

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1 year ago
"Be Careful Venturing Too Deep, Darling, Things Aren't Always What They Seem In The Dark..."I Remember

"Be careful venturing too deep, darling, things aren't always what they seem in the dark..." I remember reading a note in one of the art books that the eels' body is luminescent since they live in the deep sea and I just...went a little out of control again and my victim is Jade.

This was so HARD, I don't draw underwater things, but I think this turned out really nice <3 I especially had fun adding the speckles to Jade's body.

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