Aid - Tumblr Posts
There are good people
This guy delivers food to stray animals with a little remote controlled car.
Don‘t forget: Be kind to everything that lives
Squirrel asking for water

142 out of 50k raised
Hello my dears! My name is Mahmoud Abed, I ask you to support my campaign to help me reach my goal. I am now in dire need of your support to help my family save them from the besieged and destroyed Gaza Strip. Gaza is a very dangerous place. I need your financial support to enable me to obtain the basic needs of my family until the Rafah crossing is reopened to transport my family to safety and peace. Please help the family survive their ordeal through your small donations or by sharing my campaign with your friends and others. Thank you very much for standing by those in need.
I'll share! best of luck <3
Their gofundme is:
Hello, I am Omar Al-Habil from Gaza. My family and I were displaced from northern Gaza after my house was bombed and destroyed. Now, my wife, my three daughters and I live in a tent made of some cloth. My daughter is sick and suffers from malnutrition. We are suffering a lot. Please help me and my family by donating through the link or sharing. Thank you.
Please donate to me 🙏🏻
I can't offer any money at the moment, but you have my support!
their gfm has raised 163 dollars out of their 35 dollar goal!!!!
And now that I have your attention...

@maximumtravelerwizard's brother, Mohammed owns a water truck and wants to provide clean water and other basic necessities, blankets, clothes, food, drinks and medicine for the people around him. These are necessities other countries, like America, take for granted.

Faisal has opened up a GFM in order to achieve this goal!
However, they currently only have £55 raised of £150,000 goal! Funds are VERY low, and he needs your donations in order to provide these necessities to his people!

You can help provide Gaza with clean drinking water with just a simple donation for the same price as a cup of coffee!
🍉🍉Thank you for your generosity.❤️❤️
Tagging for reach, dm if you want to be removed from the list:
@thatsonehellofabird @buttercuparry @malcriada @neptunerings @butchmagicalboi @dlxxv-vetted-donations @appsa @imjustheretotrytohelp @rhubarbspring @commissions4aid-international @amvs4palestine @a-shade-of-blue @khanger @jezior0 @lesbianmaxevans @lonniemachin @monstermashpotato @raatwitch @crapscicle @tortiefrancis @mangocheesecakes @schoolhater @comrademango @deathlonging @girlinafairytale @littlegermanboy @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @heydreamchild @dlxxv-vetted-donations
@el-shab-hussein @sar-soor @good-old-gossip
Hello everyone👋,

We are a Palestinian family from Gaza, consisting of five members: father Mohammed, mother Lina, daughter Misk (4 years old), daughter Masa (2 years old), and son Abdullah (4 months old). We live under harsh conditions and daily suffering due to the ongoing conflict.
Misk, Masa, and Abdullah: Stories from Gaza

Misk was excited to start kindergarten at the beginning of the school year, but just one month later, the war began, and we had to keep her at home. Now, Misk faces the sounds of shelling and explosions instead of laughter and play.

Masa, only two years old, loves toys and bright colors. Her wish is to grow up in an environment filled with love and safety. But in Gaza, Masa finds darkness and constant power and water outages instead of toys and colors.
Abdullah, only four months old, needs care and attention to grow up healthy and safe. In Gaza, Abdullah suffers from a lack of essential medicines and food needed for proper growth.
Call to Action

We are seeking to escape this hell and secure a better future for our children away from war and violence. We have launched a GoFundMe campaign to cover the costs of crossing the Egyptian border from Gaza and to provide for our basic needs in Egypt.
We are asking for your support and assistance at this critical moment. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a big difference in our lives.

Please donate and share this post with your friends, family, and social networks. Your support can help us escape the genocide in Gaza and secure a better future for our children.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and generosity.
Hello,I am Amira from gaza, 23 years old, and the breadwinner for my family after my father's death. My mother has a weak immune system and suffers from the widespread diseases. We were displaced to southern Gaza after the heavy shelling, and our home was completely destroyed🍉🍉. Now, we are living in tents for displaced people.
Please help us by donating or sharing the link to our donation campaign to escape this danger and return to a safe life. May God bless you and reward you 🙏🙏.
please help amira !
Homeless LGBT couple needs help with shelter/food! (PRIDE Edition!)

Hello everyone.
It's unfortunate, but things haven't improved much this past month. We have been struggling a lot with making ends meet and between the heat and both of us being sick, we're not holding up well. Right now, I'm just asking for help affording food and a motel room for us to shelter in while we recover and look for work. I cannot be outside too long right now in this heat and my stomach has been a mess so we really need a room. I'm trying my hardest to find a decent job to get us out of this mess but it's been slow going.
It's pride month so please consider sending a bit of relief our way, or even just reblogging this so others can. Any help is appreciated.
Venmo: @garbageconnoisseur
CashApp: $garbageconnoisseur
PayPal: @garbageconnoisseur
(Please, not hate or unsolicited advice. I don't have the strength to deal with it and I will block you.)
My refugee friend Abdul got robbed
I've been managing a gofundme for Abdul Luyombya, he's a gay refugee currently in a south sudanese camp. I've been mostly able to help him on my own since I've started working at my part time job on campus again, but all his things have been stolen and I don't have the money to help replace it.
I've raised a couple hundred dollars over the course of a few months but keep in mind that this money is gone often as soon as i give it to him, because he needs to spend it on necessities and medicine. What I'm fundraising for is the ability to keep buying him food, shelter, and clothing until he's able to be resettled.

If you can't use GoFundMe for any reason I also take donations through these other money transfer services.
Ko-fi: Nervesnebula
Cashapp and Venmo get to me faster than Ko-fi or GoFundMe which means I can send it to him within minutes instead of days, so I deeply appreciate any donations via these apps!!
Cashapp: nervesN, and Venmo: @nervesnebbin
here's the text he sent me below

Keffiyeh pattern, filet crochet, 30 x 40 cm Help Palestinians evacuate Donate to Crips for E-sims Click for Palestine Donate to PCRF
Help Haya and her family!
Please donate and share, this is urgent, they are very close to their goal!! Haya and their family have been certified by operation olive branch!

(Note that the child is Filipino and this is a real story all-translated to English, but in our actual conversation We both used the language of mixed English-Tagalog)
An extraordinary day that was supposed to be spent as a normal day.
I woke up and smiled before sitting at the bed knowing it would be nothing but a normal day.
When I got to the kitchen to fetch myself some food and while I’m stirring my cup filled with coffee, It peaked my attention to read my messages at my phone.
At first, I don’t mind a lot of messages at my phone but one actually got my attention.
It was a message from my superior senior officer at the Philippine Red Cross and he notified me to report immediately at the quarters for we are to be briefed about today’s giveback to a Pediatric Cancer Orphanage at the nearby city.
At first I’m about to send back a message, politely declining my attendance for this week’s volunteer opportunity.
But then I decided to go for it. And so I took a bath and got dressed with the Red Cross Uniform. And so rushed to report.
And so I and my fellow peers at the organization was briefed and not sooner than an hour later, We went to the orphanage we will render our day for.
Stepping inside the room and seeing the children with cancers immediately broke my heart. There’s nothing but a bit of silence and Innocent eyes of children looking at us.
Every Volunteer was assigned to a child with the said ailment. And We were accompanied by the orphanage staff to our respective room with a child waiting for us.
Her name was Lucy, An 7 year old kid with brain cancer. of course seeing her condition was a like a mix of emotions I can’t hide for myself. At first I let her know my name in person.
To cut to the chase, We both chat about something for like an hour. She told me about her life knowing that at the age of 5 She has an extreme ailment that can’t be easily cured. Even worst, She told me about the time when her parents abandoned her because they’re unable to pay for her medical bills.
She even told me about her ambitions about being a Scientist and solving the greatest mysteries of Mankind, About one day, being a Doctor of Medical Research. She even told me about her obsession about stars and the universe, tennis and cooking. A great and total connection to my obsessions.
It totally brought heavy tears to my eyes and amidst all of these sad emotions I’m showing to Lucy, I was still smiling just to perhaps reduce the drama happening around the room.
Then I told her:
“Lucy you are young, I wish you had a great life ahead of you. I have an obsession in Physics and Astronomy. Every night, I examine the cosmos and I too am furiously searching for the unsolved mysteries above us (outer space).”
Lucy Responded:
“Kuya Gevex, How honored am I to meet such a person like you. I dreamt that one day I won’t be able to do the same things as you do. And I also accepted the reality that I won’t exists in the near future. But Kuya, (”Kuya” = “Brother” in English Term), Can you do those things for me?! Can you shed light to my questions but If you do find answers I might be afraid that I won’t be here to know those things anymore. Where is the nearest star system Kuya? Where are we in the universe? and can cancer be cured in the near future?”
I said:
“Don’t doubt yourself Lucy, you’re such a great kid, unfortunately yes! You may have an uncertain future but that doesn’t mean you’re living a shitty life. A great person named Dr. Stephen Hawkings once said to humanity that however bad life may be, there is always something that You are good at. Lucy, the nearest star system is about 4 light years away and Lucy, there’s no center in the Universe its gradually expanding and to answer your last question, We still don’t have the Ultimate Research for providing answers and conceiving medicines that will beat the sickness of cancer. Science is simply so young at the moment.”
But one day when society is a better place and all the sufferings in our lives are defeated, We will eventually answer nearly everything we want to know.
Here, borrow my phone, I will show you the Images of my Space photos taken by my telescope back home. Then she was amazed on all of it and she even asked me if she could still borrow my phone for a few minutes to hear music.
Then Afterwards*
We talked about the normal things of our lives. and It’s my time to finally leave the room. I politely asked the staff in charge for feeding her lunch to give us a few minutes to say something, more like an eulogy to one another.
Lucy told me that I have the potential of being great. With all the resources I have I may have the greates life possible to live at.
Then it’s my time to say my eulogy for her, and I remembered that I brought my diary with me and inside it was a eulogy from Renowned Biologists Professor Richard Dawkins to Humanity.
of course I’ve said my eulogy to her:
“We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here.We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred?”
Goodbye Lucy, I’ll visit you as often as I could, but you know I don’t make promises I can’t keep.
We both hugged each other for like seconds and then I left the room. then I finally said farewell to my fellow volunteers and said that I want to go home. Eventually they agreed to it and thanked me for my presence.
Going to home and typing this real story to my blog makes me feel so unthinkably lucky for knowing her. Imagine if I had actually Politely Declined to report to the Red Cross then I wouldn’t have that opportunity to meet a child that really wants to speak to someone like me, ever chancing a person the same as her.
I’m so hugely privileged for my life and for which I noted to myself, I INDEED WON THE LOTTERY OF BIRTH.
*Drank my Coffee, Posted it to Tumblr, Turned off the computer and went back to bed from a tiring but well spent day.*

@/folkoftheshelf on Twitter has made a thread of fundraising links for Gazans. I’ve transferred the links here, please boost them as the conflict is worsening:
Help Ahmad Hassan and his family escape Gaza
Help Halla Morshed’d family escape Gaza
Help Dr. Yousef Alsweisi and his family escape Gaza
Evacuate Sohad’s family out of Gaza
Help Donia Tanani and her family escape Gaza (they are close to reaching their goal!!)
Help Zinh and her family escape Gaza (they are close to reaching their goal!!)
Help this Gazan family rebuild their lives (they are not close to their goal as of writing)
Help the Zack Family
Help Hala Jad and her family (they are at a 1/3 of their goal)
Help Walid and his family escape Gaza (they are close to reaching their goal!!)
Help Mariam Radi and her family (as of right now they are not close to reaching their goal)
Help Maha Abu Shammala evacuate the family from Gaza (they haven't met their goal as of writing)
Help Ronza Alaa and her family (they haven't met their goal as of writing)
Help Noor and her family evacuate to safety (they haven't met their goal as of writing)
Help Manar Abuqata get his family out of Gaza (goal hasn't been met as of writing)
Help Farah save her family
Help Ahmad’s family escape from Gaza to Egypt
Help evacuate Mohammed Harara’s family out of Gaza (they are halfway through their goal!!)
Help Dana and her family escape (they have almost met their goal!!)
Help Anas’ family escape from Gaza (goal has not been met as of writing, note that the money is in krona, 1 usd=11 krona)
Help Ibrahem Ra’fat Daher and his family evacuate Gaza
Help Hakam Albalawi save his family (goal had not been met as of writing)
Help Tabseem AbuJamie’s family evacuate (goal hasn't been met and only has two donations as of writing)
Rafah Masterpost
hi again! a few days ago i made a post saying i was collecting donations to buy a new laptop to be able to attend online classes.
things have evolved and i found out tonight that my father has been fired from his job. this puts me in a difficult position. i’m afraid i’m gonna have to quit university and i’m not even sure my sister will be able to afford getting an education.
we can’t afford to pay bills anymore and paying for groceries is going to be hard. we have 10€ to live this week and i’m really worried. please, if you see this post just reblog it, cause it can really save me and my family until my father finds a new job. i’m really scared and i really do not know what else to do. every tiny cent counts.

Okay we've officially lost one of our only 2 sets of sheets. My husband and I have incredibly sensitive skin and the only sheets we use are stupid expensive.
If anyone can help us get a new set of sheets we'd be immensely grateful. They're currently $70. Fucking yikes. & that's the cheaper one, the other is $115. The audacity.
Thanks for reading. If you can't help, signal boost please!!
I'm trying to sell some clothes and misc stuff to chip away at it but my wardrobe/stuff is not worth a lot 🫠
uh so i never do this but maui is quite literally on fire and there isn't nearly enough care or consideration for. you know. Native Hawaiians who live here being displaced and the land (and cultural relevance) that's being eaten up by the fire. so if ya'll wanna help, here's some links:
maui food bank:
maui humane society:
center for native hawaiian advancement:
hawai'i red cross:
please reblog and spread the word if you can't donate.
happy juneteenth🤍!!! here's a list of black gfms that have yet to meet their goals! (black ppl feel free to link your or others donation posts in a reblog! reblogs from nonblack ppl appreciated!)
help teej's sister get a breast reduction.
help audi, a closeted black lesbian, move out of a toxic household.
help shay, a black nonbinary, with their moving expenses.
help gaia afford a house for her father suffering with homelessness and stage 3 colon cancer.
help a autistic transmasc lesbian move out of an ableist and abusive household.
help sapphire, a black transwoman, get out of an abusive household.
help sol, a black transwoman, with her transition and other necessities.
help melanie with her gender affirming surgery.
help a disabled incoming freshman pay for college.
help micah, a black queer transmasc person move.
help silver, a gnc black lesbian get a new camera and laptop.
help zora, a nonbinary transfem, move and transition.
help noelle, a black transwoman afford surgery and other basic necessities.
Emergency! Need Advice Please!
Willow hurt herself!! She started speeding around in her cage like something spooked her and she was causing her whole enclosure to move! She ended up getting her head and legs stuck and we feared she would die right there! But we freed her, and thought it was okay. But now her head is tilted permanently it seems. I feel like crying. She looks so pitiful and I don’t know what to do
Edit: I’m embarassed to ask for donations again but this was so sudden and we just paid off Potato’s visit
GFM List - Part 1
This is a list of those who have contacted me or followed this account. If you can donate, do so. But if you can't, please share this post with friends, family, and followers. These people deserve the world and more. Hold them in your thoughts and prayers.
Part 2
@/falestine-yousef [Help Palestine and Family Survive the Gaza Crisis] Vetted / Tumblr Post ($13,991/40,000)
@/m7meds [Help Muhammad's Family Escape War-Torn Gaza] Donation Protected/Tumblr Post ($815/50,000)
@/mohmadelser [Help Muhammad's family get out oftheGaza] Donation Protected/Tumblr Post (€35/50,000)
@/m8hammed [Help Mohammed and his family get through this war in Gaza] Vetted/Tumblr Post (€9,721/25,000)
@/amalfamily [Hope and Safety for Amal and Her Children in Gaza] Vetted/Tumblr Post (€7,840/50,000)
@/alhabil [Assist in evacuating my family from the war in Gaza] Vetted, #166/Tumblr Post (€25,547/50,000)
@/mahmoud-sharif [Help Mahmoud's Family Overcome War Tragedy] Vetted/Tumblr Post ($7,529/60,000) @/mahmoud-1995 [Help this family evacuate from gaza] Vetted/Tumblr Post ($11,714/50,000)
@/shaimaasblog [Help Shaima's family get out of Gaza] Tumblr Post (€220/50,000)
@/mohammednasers-blog [I want to buy water and medicine for my young children ...] Tumblr Post (€2,835/38,000) @/mohdiwais [GAZA : HELP IWAIS FAMILY TO REBUILD THIER LIFES] Vetted/Tumblr Post (kr249,254, 500,000)
@/helphamedgaza Help Hamed and Family from Gaza Tumblr Post (€1,515/70,000) @/karemandohan1999 [Save Kareman Dohan's Family from Despair] Vetted/Tumblr Post ($5,921/$50,000)
@/nedaapalestine [Help us and my elderly parents to get out of the war] Vetted, #107/Tumblr Post (£8,134/25,000) @/samarsh97 [Help my family survive and start a new life] Vetted/Tumblr Post (€5,809/45,000) @/esraayyad14 [Help me and my family escape the war in Gaza] Vetted/Tumblr Post (€11,773/45,000)
happy juneteenth🤍!!! here's a list of black gfms that have yet to meet their goals! (black ppl feel free to link your or others donation posts in a reblog! reblogs from nonblack ppl appreciated!)
help teej's sister get a breast reduction.
help audi, a closeted black lesbian, move out of a toxic household.
help shay, a black nonbinary, with their moving expenses.
help gaia afford a house for her father suffering with homelessness and stage 3 colon cancer.
help a autistic transmasc lesbian move out of an ableist and abusive household.
help sapphire, a black transwoman, get out of an abusive household.
help sol, a black transwoman, with her transition and other necessities.
help melanie with her gender affirming surgery.
help a disabled incoming freshman pay for college.
help micah, a black queer transmasc person move.
help silver, a gnc black lesbian get a new camera and laptop.
help zora, a nonbinary transfem, move and transition.
help noelle, a black transwoman afford surgery and other basic necessities.