meatyliver - meaty liver
meaty liver

queer, adhd, pansexual, trans something or other, 18, just some guy, trying my best<3

320 posts

Kinda Sad Because I Want A Girlfriend Because Girls Are Pretty

kinda sad because i want a girlfriend because girls are pretty

and so are guys

and lots of people.

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    vampirewhoree liked this · 4 years ago
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More Posts from Meatyliver

2 years ago

my gender is disassociating while listening to the beatles.

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3 years ago

aaa does anyone ever get that feeling when you feel good inside- you see a good friend, laugh at a good joke, talk to someone you haven’t in a while.

I don’t know, but I talked to a longtime crush of mine that I haven’t seen face to face in about a year. It felt so sweet and really nice to talk to him again. I felt my heart beat faster, and I was really happy for the first time in a while.

so yep thats it.

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4 years ago

did i just go outside, jump in puddles, and put my feet in a creek when there was a flood warning and a storm,,,


try to live like a child because before you know it you won’t have the chance.

3 years ago

my favorite movie/tv trope is when two characters or more start fighting and theres really upbeat and cheerful music playing in the background

the two examples i can think of are the guardians of the galaxy movies (the first part of the second movie) and the umbrella academy (fight scene between hazel and chacha)

it just makes me laugh from the situational irony and people kicking ass to “sunshine lolipops and rainbows”

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3 years ago

sometimes i stare at the sun to try and figure out what color it is.

now i see why white contains all colors.

don’t stare at the sun kids.

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