queer, adhd, pansexual, trans something or other, 18, just some guy, trying my best<3https://linktr.ee/yepthatsme
320 posts
Aaa Does Anyone Ever Get That Feeling When You Feel Good Inside- You See A Good Friend, Laugh At A Good
aaa does anyone ever get that feeling when you feel good inside- you see a good friend, laugh at a good joke, talk to someone you haven’t in a while.
I don’t know, but I talked to a longtime crush of mine that I haven’t seen face to face in about a year. It felt so sweet and really nice to talk to him again. I felt my heart beat faster, and I was really happy for the first time in a while.
so yep thats it.
More Posts from Meatyliver
today my physical ed/health class were playing volleyball. I am not the best at sports so my team was carried by these three guys who were crushing it- and when I was serving for the last game the guy in-front of me gave me a little thumbs up and it made me really happy so yeah.
little gestures make peoples day and I hope that guy is doing wonderfully.
artist’s rendition.
Workin on an animatic which has taken me 6 + hours
did i just go outside, jump in puddles, and put my feet in a creek when there was a flood warning and a storm,,,
try to live like a child because before you know it you won’t have the chance.
Direct byproduct of being neurodivergent and growing up isolated from your peergroup is having no idea when it's appropriate to define someone as your friend
boys are so pretty.
I went to model un yesterday and saw a cute guy from another school and he was just stunning, like pretty eyes, cute hair, just amazing and stunning.