Where Are You Up To In Terms Of Phil's Lore? I've Been Dying To Lore Dump Since My Friends Are Not In
Where are you up to in terms of Phil's lore? I've been dying to lore dump since my friends are not in MC community
i'm aware about the enderking corruption! but details and specifics are kinda lost to me. and i have no idea if i've missed anything else between purgatory and now
dump!!!! i wanna know!!!
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i've been posting qsmp more and more recently, but i'm honestly not quite caught up with all of the recent lore and stuff that have been happening (basically beem quite lost since purgatory). so this is an announcement that my ask box is open and i would be very ready to receive anybodys qsmp lore dump, or amything about the qsmp really!
Hi, Philza lore dump incoming.
I don't know how much of Phils streams you have watched and how much of his connected hardcore lore you know so I'll try to make this as comprehensive as possible.
I'll start with Hardcore lore but fyi we don't know a lot as Phil is still developing/telling us it.
Phil imagines his hardcore worlds as layers of reality linked by the Void. Phil has said that as a character he is an archaeologist or adventurer uncovering locations and stories as he explores. He is also the reincarnated version of his previous self - when he dies in a world he is essentially reborn in the next with presumably all his past memories.
His current lore in hardcore is centred around 6 deities - Phil has described their power level as that of a really strong demi-god not a full god. The deities are called Rose, the Blaze Empress, the Ocean Overlord, two we don't yet know the names of and the Ender King (nicknamed Enderpookie by chat). Each one rules over a domain or part of the world and there was a great war between the 5 and the Ender King which resulted in his "death".
The Ender King holds domain over the End and is very greedy and power hungry. He has the power to take parts of the world and shrink them which resulted in him stealing structures and biomes and transporting them to his home in the End. When he steals a part of the world he leaves behind a negative space which the world tries to fill in. He is also in lore responsible for the near extinction of the Ender Dragon species. His goal was to combine the realms together to have ultimate control over them and by trying this he forced the other deities to work together and combine their power to stop him.
When he tried to fully combine the realms the deities used their combined power to trick him into summoning an entire overworld ocean to the End and he died surrounded by his treasures in a now flooded base.
We now know that only his physical body died and that his essence/being survived but was severely weakened. This is where QSMP lore comes into play, we believe as it has been strongly hinted at, that the Ender King is planning on possessing Phil and using his body as a vessel.
Before Purgatory the birdhouse incident happened along with a book and vines in his home (believed to be from Rose) that disappeared when he tried to show Fit and Pac. These incidents caused Phil to start doubting what he was seeing and questioning his reality and mind.
Purgatory then happened with Phils wings canonically healing. When he woke up back on the island he revealed the wings for the first time saying that they were damaged again from flying Tubbo to safety.
The Ender King first made contact with Phil similar to how Rose had with a book in his house. This time the Book appeared alongside amethyst crystals and symbols of the End in the aquarium below Phils house. Phil awoke to the bunker being dark and a path of amethyst leading him down to the aquarium where a book was left. The book basically said Phils need to explore and discover was greedy and that only the author of the book could help him on his path to redemption as the author knows the price of greed. Phil becomes scared on seeing and reading everything and it gets worse when neither Chayanne or Tallulah can see anything different even in photos Phil takes of the area. Phil ends up telling them about everything that happened when they were missing and informing Fit of the new book. Like before when he goes to show Fit there is no evidence. He tells Fit that he has some idea of who is trying to contact him and he says the Ender King.
A few streams later he woke up to a lot of flowers and vines in the bunker along with a book in a chest. This book was from Rose instructing him to spend the day with the kids and then go to coordinates (where the birdhouse was). At the end of the day Phil then goes to the coordinates where there is another book and a path of roses that lights up as he follows it. At the end of the path is a sanctuary with a pink sky with roses and lots of birds. (the building material reflects that which Phil uses to build around his spawn in hardcore which is/was Roses home). There is a book in a chest in the middle with a picture of a rose. The book just thanks Phil for trusting her and giving her name as Rose.
Later on after the eye worker lore (dudes from egg island who threaten and fight the islanders over a creature in federations hands – they are responsible later on for Empanada losing her life and seemed to think Phil was the leader of the island) occurs where they first threaten Phil and Chayanne, Rose makes her presence known at spawn and Phil tells Chayanne about her. They then go the sanctuary as Rose promises to protect the kids.
Next time Phil shows Tallulah the sanctuary and at the end after building a nest Phil writes a book asking Rose to protect the kids over him. Things then happen as normal on the island with the family practically moved in to the sanctuary.
The next major lore bit happens on the 10th of January when Phil writes to Rose a brief note about not needing to be all knowing and fighting "him" – Ender King is usually always referred to as “him” rather than by name.
Also as the family had moved to the sanctuary Phil hadn't been back to places like Uppies and the Nest. This became important the next stream when Rose replied to Phil with a book that contained corrupted text and appeared to have been intercepted by the Ender King. Phil then went to the bunker and Uppies and the Nest and found lots of crying obsidian and a book from the Ender king essentially saying Phil can't run forever. Phil leaves a book for Rose asking her to contact the Blaze Empress.
We then get the book from Rose talking about how the Ender kings plans are unknown to her but implying that he wants to use Phil as a vessel and Phil ends stream by telling Chayanne and Tallulah about it. (Note that basically from when the eggs returned they and Phil have had a no secrets policy between them and a heavy emphasis on trust).
That was the last Phil specific lore bit until after the Prison and the reset.
After the reset it starts to become clearer that Phil is getting greedier wanting to take more things from dungeons and shinies (cool looking blocks and items). Phil has also become more reckless – taking risks he never normally would and going out without the kids. A piece of crying obsidian shows up in the pond by their house and he ends up having a talk with Chayanne and Tallulah about destroying any they see and that Phil doesn't think he can keep them safe. (this was interrupted by Pepitos near death and the conversation never truly got finished).
Phil wakes up to find a chest on his front doorstep containing a purple diamond backpack and a book (he thinks from the feds but actually from Ender King). From the moment Phil puts it on he hides his wings (something he hasn't done on purpose in months) and starts talking about stealing things and needing to find more blocks and items. This is all justified as being for the kids but is a clear departure from his normal vocabulary and take what we need only mentality. He also ignores that the kids are awake for a portion of this stream and takes risks he never would, like entering dungeons he had previously avoided or marked as to only do when he returns with more people.
On Mondays stream the possession became undeniable. At the start of the stream Phil briefly gave Fit the backpack early in the vod and zoned out waiting for him to give it back, looking like he was going to snatch it from Fits hand. He then went exploring and weird things occurred (randomly losing the ability to have hunger saturation, having strength and resistance for a long while). Glowing purple lines also appeared on his shoulders and when met back with the kids, Fit, Bagi and Pac he took off the backpack to reveal glowy lines on his back too. Tallulah and Chayanne confront him and Fit has a talk with him. Phil ends up yelling at Tallulah and Chayanne before Tallulahs fear of him seems to snap him out of his possessed state for a bit and he says they need to burn the backpack.
They journey to an island and Phil instructs the kids to burn the backpack but he picks it up before they can yelling in anger. They attempt it again with Phil ending up chasing down Chayanne and calling Tallulah a stupid egg when she stops him (which he had ordered her to do). He then appears to regain control of himself and in a broken voice tells Tallulah to run to Chayane. He walks away from the eggs talking about needing to be stronger and wishing Rose could protect him and them.
The Ender Kings voice is then heard and Phil has an argument with him saying that unlike the Ender King Phil is strong cause he has friends and family. The stream ends with Phil saying goodbye to his eggs (Tallulah is visibly scared of him) and exiling himself til Friday saying that if he comes back still looking or acting corrupted they should tell the adults and not trust him.
I hope this helps catch you up a bit on Phils lore. This has been going on for months and is super subtle at times which means that the Crows (his chat if you didn’t know) aren’t entirely sure when he first started getting corrupted/possessed. Fridays stream is highly anticipated to see how this continues especially as it is also Phils birthday.
omy thank you for the lore update!! it was pretty concise, i feel like i get things better now
FINALLY i have context to Rose and Ender King. i knew Phil was weaving in his hardcore lore, but not to this extent
also, can't believe this was all connected to the birdhouse incident even???? that's from like MONTHS ago im shook
i saw clips of phil shouting at the eggs, phil's acting really doesn't disappoint
i'm so excited for friday's stream now!! can't wait to see developments and such
once again, thanks for the update!! feel free to pop in my inbox anytime if you wanna lore dump heh :)
tubblings going insane with the gifted subs and tubbo is just losing his mind over it <3
CHARLIE'S LIVE???? i swear he doesn't have a consistent stream schedule and i respect him for that
thinking about how even if phil returns today all better (which may not be likely), the cracks in trust between him and the eggs would still be there.
it would be there in the way tallulah backs up a bit when phil raises his voice even slightly, even if it was for a joke or a bit.
it would be there in the way chayanne moves in front of tallulah protectively even though phil isn't making any moves to hit them.
it would be there, because even though the ender king wasn't phil, he still looked like him.