Qsmp Lore - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

i highly recommend this person's ( shikai-the-storyteller) explanation of who is Arin and his connection to Luzu. (https://shikai-the-storyteller.tumblr.com/post/713209265293262848/er-zulu-or-is-it-arin-now-heres-a-rundown)

alright! shit went down last night, huh?

I'm gonna run through the events that took place, then break it all down. (this whole thing is 1.4k+— sorry!)

qcellbit, our newest mad theorist, spent some time going around the island asking the members who've been here the longest about their experiences. how they got to the island, if they remember anything from before the island, the dragon, the duck, the messages, the binary code fuckers, cucurucho, the eggs, etc etc.

one particularly interesting bit of info was given to him by qphilza, who explained the existence of the airships and his investigation of a particularly large one. after showing qcellbit some items he looted from said ship, including a netherite pickaxe, enchanted golden apples, and chorus fruit, he talks about how a binary monster chased him all the way back to mainland, trying to kill him the whole time. he mentions that when accidentally right clicking it, a baby certificate popped up just like what happens when you right click the eggs. he then recounts that qfit threw a bomb to kill the entity, which promptly despawned so they couldn't loot its body.

he says that a short amount of time later, the entity appeared again and gave him a book with coordinates on it. said coordinates lead to an odd machine built at qluzu's house.

later on, qcellbit explains all of this to his fellow theory brothers, and with qphil in tow, they go to investigate. it's exactly as qphil said— an odd machine, specifically a few blocks of which are admin placed, and what looks like a screen that could hold code inside? the machine also has an eight on it. maybe tracking the number of eggs?

(the original number, maybe. there are only seven eggs alive right now, ten eggs have existed total. with tallulah and richarlyson as late additions, yeah, that makes eight original eggs.)

qcellbit, qbad, qmaximus, and qfoolish all discuss this. one of them is suddenly given a book with code that translates to say "LEAVE". they debate this for a little while— is it saying to leave the machine, or leave the island? they aren't sure.

I'm not really caught up on qluzu's lore, but apparently there's some alternate version of qluzu called arin, and arin is a machine of some sort. arin may allegedly be part of the machine they look at now?

they then decide that they need to at least see if it would be possible to escape. the portal that the initial trains came through still exists, so they all leave their kids with qphil and go investigate.

qphil, now alone with chayanne, richarlyson, and leonarda, all of which have a single life, sets up a table and decides to ask them about their past. do they remember anything at all from being kidnapped and returned cracked? no. he turns to richarlyson, then— newest egg, the only one left uncracked— and asks about the dragon. was it small like a little lizard, or large, larger than luzu's house? richarlyson specifically says that he thinks— doesn't know, but thinks— that the dragon is very, very large.

it's then that a binary entity with a name translating to "AI" attacks (very briefly, it appears with cucurucho's skin, though I personally believe this to be a simple glitch unrelated to any actual lore, same with the eggs occasionally appearing with normal mc skins), immediately going for chayanne. qphil quickly sends out messages telling the others to come back now, and he and the eggs try their damned best to fight it off. qphil has to pop an enchanted golden apple, and it seems like the eggs' guns aren't really doing anything. the binary entity isn't going down. it flees just before the others return. they never quite reached the portal.

qphil takes chayanne home after this. chayanne tells him that he's missing his gun. did it break? he's not sure. it might've, but it's gone now.

meanwhile, qroier and qbobby are on a boat ride, far from mainland. they make it to shore, and that's when the binary entity— the same one that just attacked qphil and the eggs he was looking after— attacks. it forces them into the water, and bobby drowns while trying to escape it. the entity exclusively attacked bobby the entire time, not once going after qroier. as soon as bobby was confirmed dead, it swam to the surface and flew off.

there's more that happened after this— I haven't watched the full clips, but some include a mob typically only spawned by the binary entities showing up and attacking qbbh while he and tallulah were making a beach house, and cucurucho appearing within the hidden parts of qcellbit's base while he was in the middle of theorizing.

so! onto the actual analysis part of this bullshit.

the binary entities. there's at least six of them, 01101100 "l" (lowercase L) who originally attacked qphil, 101010110101 (has no direct translation, too many numbers) who attacked arin, 1001010 "J" who attacked qcellbit, 100101001 ")" (?????) who attacked leonarda, 01101001 "i" who attacked qmariana, and now 01000001 01001001 "AI" who attacked qphil and qroier separately (not including other binary entities I may have missed).

some of them are very determined to kill the eggs (looking at AI specifically), while others freely attack players (lowercase L), so it's hard to pinpoint if they have a collective motive here.

I've seen some people theorize that they are the interference in the messages players have been receiving— jumbled numbers and letters and morse code hidden within the videos, a voice asking "are you there?". I would have said they're trying to get players to leave the island by making it more dangerous and more unappealing, getting rid of the eggs so they no longer have any reason to stay, but then there's AI, who specifically attacked while the theory brothers were attempting to escape. A distraction, most certainly— I don't buy that this is a mere coincidence.

something I have noticed is that their activity has been more and more frequent the more the theory brothers spread what they've discovered, today revealing to qroier most everything they've been able to decipher, just a few days ago explaining things to qphil and inviting qcellbit to the group.

clearly they don't want people knowing things. they don't want the code deciphered, they don't want the island residents to learn what's happening beneath the surface.

so they're not trying to get them to leave the island, and the code within the video is likely not theirs (it's in a totally different format anyways— morse code and jumbled numbers and letters as opposed to pure binary code). when they received the book telling them to leave, it most likely meant to leave the machine. they're tormenting the eggs to further build emotional attachment and discourage attempts to escape or solve the code.

so whose code is this, if not the binary entities'?

no fucking clue! I do quite doubt it's cucurucho, and it's most certainly not the duck. it may be an outside source knowledgeable to the census bureau's potential crimes, or a possible survivor and escapist from long ago. the island was definitely once inhabited judging by the run down buildings that existed when the first batch of island residents arrived.

one thing I've been thinking about lately is the fact that they had to bring power to the island.

we haven't really seen anything come of that, have we? why would the island need power? there's odd outlets put in the wall, what's their use? why would something need to be linked to the wall?

wasn't the attempt kind of unsuccessful? both groups fucked up the puzzle in the train station, but they were let out anyway?

small little theory of mine is that they somehow drew power from the eggs to bring the brazilians there, cracking them in the process, but I really don't have any proof or anything to back this up. it's just a potential explanation as to why the eggs disappeared and came back cracked on the very same day the brazilians arrived.

I will say that some of the eggs have acted somewhat different since that all happened. while it may just be a response to the trauma they experienced, I feel like chayanne and tallulah have both been wandering a lot more than they used to lately. they always stuck fairly close to their parents, but it seems like they've both been straying a bit.

I'm honestly spitballing at this point, just trying to get a grasp on all this info. at the very least, I'm almost 100% certain the dragon never existed, and something is super fucking wrong with this island!

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1 year ago
westleywithatea - Westley Caffeine

screengrab of The Cargo Ship page on the qsmp wikia site. THe following text is highlighted and circled: In the International Code of Signals, used in maritime navigation, the letters "K X U T" mean, respectively: "I want to communicate with you," "Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals," "You are running into danger," and "Keep clear of me."

I'm just browsing but then i see this. ... wtf

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1 year ago

where is that qsmp theory that there is that more than one binary entity? i want to say something abou t it. some thing about bobbby's admin.

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1 year ago

One of them has the skin of Bobby's admin. I think it's a glitch. but other than that, the name changes is very suspicious. This screenshot was taken from The Trial event (Jaiden's POV) link: https://www.youtube.com/live/v-5QxyBJGMU?feature=share&t=2752 timestamp around 45:50 when Jaiden does her opeining speech.

One Of Them Has The Skin Of Bobby's Admin. I Think It's A Glitch. But Other Than That, The Name Changes

Twitter user emh578 just found out some very interesting information!

#qsmp @Maximus3blog @BadBoyHalo 
There's not two code monsters, there's three
No hay dos monstruos de código, hay tres
Não há dois monstros de código, há três

01101100 attacked Phil
101010110101 attacked Arin
1001010 attacked Cellbit pic.twitter.com/JsomwUikz2

— Em578 (@emh578) May 4, 2023

several commenters have also pointed out even more code monsters— binary code numbers translating to the letter "i" who allegedly attacked qmariana, another without a direct translation that knocked down qmax and leonarda.

who the hell are these guys? why are there so many of them? why do they keep attacking people?

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1 year ago

someone update me on what happened: what did tumblr meant by cellbit and forever disconnecting in the middle of lore?

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1 year ago

that question was answered in someone else's theory of the events that happened today (link )

Right, so the binary entity did kill Cellbit because it thought he's working for the Federation, yes?

This literally confirms so many things about the entity's motivations, and why they're killing people.

The only that remains is, why was Max attacked by the entity??

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1 year ago

has anyone in the qsmp thought of this? use the invisibility potion to investigate the railroad portals. if the federation ask, lie that you're pranking your friends. I had this thought for a while, then i learned taht the french used the invisibility potions for spying. so now i have to post my thoughts.

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1 year ago

thank you flower boy and @thecockers for explaining. i am not caught up with all the VODs and clips (and never will be) but this is helplful.

I remember coming across a qsmp clip where Luzu talks to Foolish and BadBoyHalo, and they try to help him figure out who is his egg child and parent-match. One of them brought up the train, asking which train they were in, but then questioned if it mattered. What if the different train selection did mattered? so i rewatched the VODs and took notes. Train 1 Train 2

ElMariana WilburSoot Quackity Slimecicle Foolish iRoier BadBoyHalo Maximus DanTDM Philza Jaiden Spreen MissaSinfonia Vegetta777 Luzu FitMC

The answer to this question is yesn't. yes and no.

Ignoring the single parents, most of the matched parents were on different trains. BUT Fit and Spreen were on the same train. They were matched as parents but on the same train. Luzu has the same ticket as Quackity, so they were matched. But they were on the same train. They also are both Spanish speakers unless Luzu was matched with English speaking Quackity who isn't supposed to know any Spanish at all ... supposedly. (the 2 quackities is still confusing me)

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1 year ago

I open the qsmp POR updates twitter and see "Fuga da prisão: O retorno" translation: "Prison Break: The Return" FUCK DAMN IT WHEN I PLANNED TO HAVE AN EASY DAY AND WORK ON PERSONAL STUFF time to waste my time on twitch now

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1 year ago

someone catch me up: what happened after q!quackity broke the rules and got taken away by the federation? did he really got kidnapped like q!cellbit and q!felps? or hhe just disappeared???

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1 year ago

i'm glad that pomme's first death was appealed, but the server and admins gotta stop using the "nightmare" excuse for the lore.

like..... please be more creative??

there were so many people present during that death. it wouldnt make sense if everyone was going thru the same nightmare and witnessing the death. how about "pomme was sick that day and got severely injured. unlucky day. it felt like death. " or "pomme had a brush with death. almost hit by a car while crossing the street type of death"

ya get what i'm saying?

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1 year ago

qsmp is somehow a sequel to Dream smp/ dsmp, Karmaland, Fuga Impossível, Herobrine: A Lenda, Chume Labs, Esconde-Esconde , and 2b2t. ... is that all? any more we should know?

edit: include squid craft, potato war trilogy, and smp earth into the list

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1 year ago

brief: a minecraft server created by quackity to join many languages and the communities together. it started with spanish and english speakers. about 1 month later, the brazilians (portuguese speakers) joined. about 10+ days later, the french speakers joined. long: this channel has video summarizing the stories. https://www.youtube.com/@cielitremendi/videos part 1: https://youtu.be/hpqQUU45gf4

what the fuck is qsmp

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1 year ago
Here's The Link From The Books Someone Gave To Bad, Forever, Cellbit And Baghera.

Here's the link from the books someone gave to Bad, Forever, Cellbit and Baghera.

Cellbit book sent him to a location where he found a map with something written and this map + the books number is the url to this website from qsmp global

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1 year ago

this actually makes sense :0

I’m a hunter but have never hunted.

I get blue without feeling sad

I have blood but no veins

what am I?

The book in the briefcase found by Spiderbit

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1 year ago

(talking about characters/ cubitos, not cc)

remember a while back... when Jaiden was going through her federation quests arc, and everyone thought her sus and responsible for pomme's not-death?

And when Forever snuck into Jaiden's home/ tree house, and later talked to Cellbit about it..

idr remember the exact words and scrolling through tumblr would take forever. but he did said that he would not react very well if something happened to Richarlyson. He said he would react much worse than Jaiden.

look at what's happening rn (Sept 7-present)

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1 year ago

help me catch up on qsmp lore.

Did any egg explained why they had to run away? (something to do with only Chayanne knowing the truth) Did Chayanne said anything yet?

Did Richarlyson confirmed on how he personally viewed Bagi's role in the Favela fam? if so, is she officially his mom or aunt? or both?

thank you

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1 year ago

Qsmp theory

I have a bit of a theory for the qsmp. You see I don’t think the eggs are dragon eggs… I think they are duck eggs. None of the eggs seem to remember the dragon and it’s weird how much of the islands lore surrounds these eggs. I think the eggs were placed by the duck to keep them here hoping they would get attached, and if they didn’t then there is always the reward and punishment rule they stated. Wouldn’t want to make the “ big dragon” mad would you?

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