megalizardon4736 - Mega Lizardon
Mega Lizardon

I do art & stuff .-.

423 posts

This Was My First Fakemon,along With Its Evolution Xenirim. It's If My Papillon Xena Had A Baby Form.Xittle

This Was My First Fakemon,along With Its Evolution Xenirim. It's If My Papillon Xena Had A Baby Form.Xittle

This was my first fakemon,along with its evolution Xenirim. It's if my papillon Xena had a baby form. Xittle are very hyperactive pokemon but sleep 16 hours a day. They love to chew on random objects. They are unable to fully control their electricity and let off random discharges.

More Posts from Megalizardon4736

5 years ago
Snebe Pokedex:Snebe Are Really Weak Pokemon And Haven't Even Opened Their Eyes Yet So They Navigate Their

Snebe Pokedex: Snebe are really weak pokemon and haven't even opened their eyes yet so they navigate their surroundings with its rattle. They're not strong enough to defend themselves so they stay in their egg for as long as possible until they evolve. Snebe Trivia: Snebe is the combination of "snake" and the french word for baby "bebe". See the design on its forhead? That's designed to look like a seed. Its tail is made to look like a baby rattle but works just like an actual snake rattle.

It evolves at level 20 after learning Egg Bomb.

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5 years ago
Dragonvee Is The Result Of Scientists Trying To Combine Eevee Genetics With A Dragon Type To Make Eevee

Dragonvee is the result of scientists trying to combine Eevee genetics with a dragon type to make Eevee evolve. Instead it stayed at its base form but gained the dragon typing. The pose is from

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5 years ago
I Finally Decided To Contribute To The Spinearl Tag After Months Of Staring At It.

I finally decided to contribute to the spinearl tag after months of staring at it. <3

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5 years ago
The 2nd Of 3 Galar Starters. This Typing Was Suggested From One Of The Pokemon Facebookgroups. Again,not

The 2nd of 3 galar starters. This typing was suggested from one of the pokemon facebook groups. Again,not too different but its now got a poisonous tipped tail,a blueish green skin only because I liked it,and pinkish blotches on its skin to resemble poisonous amphibians with brighter colors.

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5 years ago
Droomala:Normal/Psychic Abilities:Vital Spirit/Technician/Moody(hidden) New Move:Caligraphy Evolves From

Droomala:Normal/Psychic Abilities:Vital Spirit/Technician/Moody(hidden) New Move:Caligraphy Evolves from Galarian Smeargle via high friendship.

I know the background is a bit too busy. I was experimenting at the time. This was done in August 27 2019. Droomala's skills have improved drastically from its pre-evolution. People pay large amounts of poke for its paintings. Its mind also became sharper,able to control its heavier tails with telapathy and can transfer its feelings and thoughts to its trainer. Its harness keeps Droomala from losing control. With the move Caligraphy replacing Sketch,all moves get boosted damage and accuracy.

Droomala Trivia: Droomala has some inspiration from dog psychics,hence it being able to transfer thoughts. It also has some inspiration from both beagles and basset hounds.

Droomala is the combination of "Droopy" and Mala the Icelandic word for paint.

Its cap is based on white painter's caps.

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