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Next regional form is the Drowzee line which I’ve based off mountain tapirs which have white markings around their mouths.
Drowzee and Hypno are believed to guide pokemon that have passed into the afterlife. Whether they float or walk they move fairly slow.
Sinnohian Drowzee line Moveset
Future Sight Nasty Plot Nightmare Switcheroo Astonish Hypnosis Disable Confusion 5 Disable 9 Astonish 13 Headbutt 17 Poison Gas 21 Meditate 25 Hex 29 Headbutt 33 Psych Up 37 Destiny Bond 41 Ominous Wind 45 Swagger 49 Shadow Ball 53 Nasty Plot 57 Shadow Force 61 Future Sight
Egg Moveset
Barrier Memento Role Play Fire Punch Thunder Punch Ice Punch Nasty Plot Toxic Acupressure Guard Swap Secret Power Skill Swap Torment Confuse Ray
#drowzee #hypno #ghosttypepokemon #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #regionalvariant #regionalform #regionalforms #sinnoh #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak

Next was Diglett’s turn for a fusion and I was paired with Azumarill. And not like it matters but I used Alolan Diglett. :/
Alolan Diglarill like to burrow in mud to keep their skin soft. All that sticks out are their little hairs to sense their surroundings.
Alolan Diglarill Moveset
Water Gun Metal Claw 4 Rollout 8 Defense Curl 12 Bubblebeam 16 Bulldoze 20 Sucker Punch 24 Iron Head 28 Sandstorm 32 Dig 36 Play Rough 40 Earthquake 44 Aqua Tail 46 Superpower 55 Hydro Pump
Egg Moves
Present Amnesia Future Sight Belly Drum Perish Song Supersonic Aqua Jet Superpower Refresh Body Slam Water Sport Muddy Water Camouflage Ancient Power Headbutt Final Gambit Memento Metal Sound Thrash
#fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #diglett #alola #alolan #alolandiglett #azumarill #watertypepokemon #groundtypepokemon

Some more finished requests. #zygarde #garchomp #dragontypepokemon #groundtypepokemon #spritzee #aromatisse #darktypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #teddiursa #ursaring #fairytypepokemon #sobble #drizzile #inteleon #psychictypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon https://www.instagram.com/p/B-dqMhaFbsX/?igshid=ycfm2oagaexj

Next form is the Krabby line based on the extinct callichimaera perplexa crab and the Japanese spider crabs. Galarian Kingler Moveset
- Wide Guard
- Hammer Arm
- Fell Stinger
- Leer
- Harden
- Metal Claw 12 Mud Shot 16 Protect 20 Bug Bite 24 Stomp 31 Flail 36 Razor Shell 42 Lunge 48 Swords Dance 54 Crabhammer 60 Guillotine
Egg Moves Knock Off Ancient Power Hammer Arm Slash Night Slash Hone Claws Life Dew Head Smash Struggle Bug Infestation First Impression Counter

Next was Mankey's turn to fuse and it was paired with Gogoat. Gokey Moveset
- Aerial Ace
- Scratch
- Low Kick
- Earthquake
- Focus Energy 5 Fury Swipes 7 Vine Whip 8 Karate Chop 9 Tail Whip 12 Pursuit 13 Razor Leaf 15 Leech Seed 16 Worry Seed 19 Swagger 20 Synthesis 22 Cross Chop 26 Bulldoze 29 Punishment 30 Seed Bomb 33 Thrash 34 Bulk Up 36 Close Combat 40 Screech 43 Horn Leech 47 Outrage 50 Final Gambit 55 Leaf Blade 58 Milk Drink Egg Moves Defense Curl Rollout Milk Drink Grassy Terrain Foresight Meditate Counter Reversal Beat Up Revenge Smelling Salts Close Combat Encore Focus Punch Sleep Talk Night Slash Power Trip

Next regional form is the Voltorb line based on Moon & Dusk balls. The Voltorb & Electrode in the Johto region are nocturnal. They are more aggressive and blow up if anyone steps into their territory. Johtoian Electrode Moveset Taunt Charge Bite Sonic Boom Crunch 4 Sonic Boom 6 Eerie Impulse 9 Spark 11 Rollout 13 Screech 16 Charge Beam 20 Snarl 22 Electro Ball 26 Self-Destruct 28 Nasty Plot 29 Light Screen 36 Magnet Rise 41 Discharge 47 Explosion 54 Gyro Ball 58 Dark Pulse

Next was Primeape's turn for a fusion and I was paired with Wailmer. I started using Random.org at this time to get a wider variety of pokemon from 1 to 894 The national dex is currently 890 but includes Kubfu,Urshifu,Zarude,and Calyrex. Wailape has a hidden blowhole on its head hidden under its fur to unleash a powerful Water Spout. They are very quick to anger but can just as quickly calm down. Wailape Moveset
- Rage
- Final Gambit
- Fling
- Low Kick
- Leer
- Focus Energy 5 Astonish 8 Karate Chop 12 Pursuit 15 Seismic Toss 19 Swagger 22 Cross Chop 26 Assurance 27 Whirlpool 30 Punishment 33 Dive 35 Thrash 36 Body Slam 39 Close Combat 42 Amnesia 44 Screech 45 Hydro Pump 48 Stomping Tantrum 50 Water Spout 53 Outrage 57 Final Gambit Egg Moves Double-Edge Thrash Curse Fissure Tickle Defense Curl Rollout Aqua Ring Soak Foresight Meditate Counter Reversal Beat Up Revenge Smelling Salts Close Combat Encore Focus Punch Sleep Talk Night Slash Power Trip

Next form is Hitmonlee and although it doesn't look too different from its original form,its legs can inflate to act as a sort of a life vest for swimming and can shoot jets of water from its hells to help it swim at fast speed. Galarian Hitmonlee Moveset - Brick Break - Life Dew - Low Sweep - Tackle - Helping Hand - Fake Out - Focus Energy 4 Double Kick 8 Low Kick 12 Endure 16 Revenge 19 Aqua Jet 21 Wide Guard 24 Hydro Kick-similar to Blaze Kick but with a higher chance to crit instead of burn. 28 Waterfall 32 Mega Kick 34 Liquidation 36 Close Combat 40 Reversal 44 High Jump Kick Egg Moves Rapid Spin Life Dew High Jump Kick Mach Punch Mind Reader Counter Vacuum Wave Bullet Punch Feint

Next regional form is Hitmonchan. Galarian Hitmonchan Moveset
- Drain Punch
- Feint
- Vacuum Wave
- Bullet Punch
- Tackle
- Burn Up
- Fake Out
- Focus Energy 4 Mach Punch 8 Power-Up Punch 10 Flame Charge 12 Detect 16 Revenge 21 Quick Guard 24 Thunder Punch 24 Ice Punch 24 Fire Punch 28 Agility 32 Mega Punch 34 Blaze Kick 36 Close Combat 40 Counter 44 Focus Punch 48 Flare Blitz Egg Moves Rapid Spin High Jump Kick Mach Punch Mind Reader Counter Vacuum Wave Bullet Punch Feint Flame Charge

Next form is the Lickitung line. It's based on the Gila Monster. I also made up a name for a fanmade USA region called Unidun region (Might change name. Based on Unity + Dunes ) which I'll work more on later along with fakemon. So you might see this name on future forms as well. The Lickitung and Lickilicky in Unidune grew in harsh deserts along with rough pokemon. They developed a bacteria in their tongues and mouth that can be deadly to pokemon and trainers but is being studied to use in medicine.
Unidunian Lickitung/Lickilicky Moveset
- Belch
- Power Whip
- Lick
5 Confuse Ray 9 Acid Spray 13 Knock Off 17 Bite 21 Vacuum Wave 25 Disable 27 Nasty Plot 29 Slam 33 Rollout 35 Crunch 37 Toxic 41 Aura Sphere 45 Sludge Bomb 49 Screech 53 Power Whip 57 Belch 59 Focus Blast 61 Gyro Ball Egg Moves Belly Drum Submission Magnitude Body Slam Curse Smelling Salts Sleep Talk Snore Memento Toxic Focus Punch Amnesia Hammer Arm Muddy Water Zen Headbutt Belch Thrash

Next was Ponyta's turn for a fusion and Random.org gave me Gible. Since it refuses to give me a gen 8 mon still, I went with the galarian form. It's legs are too short and too heavy to run very fast. It prefers living in forests but few can be found in caves. Galarian Ponible Moveset - Tackle - Growl 3 Sand Attack 5 Tail Whip 7 Dragon Rage 10 Confusion 13 Sandstorm 15 Fairy Wind 19 Sand Tomb 20 Agility 25 Psybeam 25 Slash 27 Dragon Claw 30 Stomp 31 Dig 35 Heal Pulse 37 Dragon Rush 41 Take Down 45 Dazzling Gleam 50 Psychic 55 Healing Wish Egg Moves Double Kick Hypnosis Horn Drill Morning Sun Dragon Breath Outrage Twister Scary Face Double-Edge Thrash Metal Claw Sand Tomb Body Slam Iron Head Mud Shot Rock Climb Iron Tail

Next was Victreebel's turn for a fusion and I was paired with Foongus. Victusbell releases spores from its nose and mouth on its head. It lies in waiting for pokemon to pass it before releasing its spores to knock them out. Victusbell Moveset
- Leaf Tornado
- Stockpile
- Swallow
- Spit Up
- Vine Whip
- Sleep Powder
- Sweet Scent
- Absorb 6 Growth 8 Astonish 12 Bide 15 Mega Drain 18 Ingrain 20 Feint Attack 24 Sweet Scent 28 Giga Drain 32 Toxic 33 Leaf Storm 35 Synthesis 39 Clear Smog 43 Solar Beam 44 Leaf Blade 45 Rage Powder 50 Spore
Egg Moves
Encore Endure Synthesis Leech Life Ingrain Magical Leaf Worry Seed Tickle Weather Ball Bullet Seed Natural Gift Giga Drain Clear Smog Power Whip Acid Spray Belch Strength Sap Gastro Acid Growth Poison Powder Stun Spore Rollout Defense Curl Body Slam

Next was Ponyta's turn for a fusion and Random.org gave me Gible. Since it refuses to give me a gen 8 mon still, I went with the galarian form. It's legs are too short and too heavy to run very fast. It prefers living in forests but few can be found in caves. Galarian Ponible Moveset - Tackle - Growl 3 Sand Attack 5 Tail Whip 7 Dragon Rage 10 Confusion 13 Sandstorm 15 Fairy Wind 19 Sand Tomb 20 Agility 25 Psybeam 25 Slash 27 Dragon Claw 30 Stomp 31 Dig 35 Heal Pulse 37 Dragon Rush 41 Take Down 45 Dazzling Gleam 50 Psychic 55 Healing Wish Egg Moves Double Kick Hypnosis Horn Drill Morning Sun Dragon Breath Outrage Twister Scary Face Double-Edge Thrash Metal Claw Sand Tomb Body Slam Iron Head Mud Shot Rock Climb Iron Tail

Next was Rapidash's turn for a fusion and I was paired with Wurmple.(gimme a gen 8 mon already -.-). So yes,enjoy this blursed(or cursed) bug horse. Galarian Wurmpidash is usually never rode on by other trainers due to the spikes on back.Its strong but its soft body makes it unable to take hits well. Despite their unfortunate looks,all trainers search for this pokemon as it is rarely ever seen and at one time was believed to just be a legend. Galarian Wurmpidash Moveset
- Psycho Cut
- Megahorn
- Tackle
- String Shot
- Quick Attack
- Growl
- Tail Whip
- Confusion
5 Poison Sting 15 Fairy Wind 15 Bug Bite 20 Agility 25 Psybeam 30 Stomp 35 Heal Pulse 43 Take Down 49 Dazzling Gleam 56 Psychic 63 Healing Wish Egg Moves Thrash Double Kick Hypnosis Double-Edge Horn Drill Morning Sun Electroweb Snore

Next was Magnemite's turn for fusing and I was paired with Conkeldurr. Magnedurr Moveset - Supersonic - Pound - Leer - Low Kick - Rock Throw 5 Thunder Shock 7 Magnet Bomb 11 Thunder Wave 12 Focus Energy 13 Light Screen 16 Bulk Up 17 Sonic Boom 19 Spark 20 Rock Slide 23 Mirror Shot 24 Slam 25 Metal Sound 29 Electro Ball 30 Scary Face 31 Flash Cannon 35 Screech 36 Dynamic Punch 37 Discharge 41 Lock-On 42 Hammer Arm 43 Magnet Rise 47 Gyro Ball 48 Stone Edge 49 Zap Cannon 54 Superpower 60 Focus Punch

FAKE STARTER TIME FOR THE UNDUNE REGION!!!!! 0O0 ...anyways I decided to start off by showing the water type starter first as it's my favorite ^^ It's based on a catfish but more literal. I decided to not post the egg moves yet as it would spoil the secondary typing. Friskit can survive in both land and water but tend to hunt for food in water. Their tails have powerful muscles that allow them to swim fast and long periods. Their whiskers can sense their surroundings for prey or predators. They are independent and tend to not listen to their trainers unless they have a really close bond.

Next was Magneton's turn to fuse and I was paired with Cyndaquil. Cyndaton Moveset - Tackle - Leer - Tri Attack - Zap Cannon - Electric Terrain - Supersonic - Thunder Shock - Magnet Bomb 5 Thunder Shock 6 Smokescreen 7 Magnet Bomb 10 Ember 11 Thunder Wave 13 Quick Attack 17 Sonic Boom 19 Spark 22 Defense Curl 23 Mirror Shot 25 Metal Sound 28 Flame Charge 29 Electro Ball 31 Swift 33 Flash Cannon 37 Lava Plume 39 Screech 40 Flamethrower 43 Discharge 46 Inferno 49 Lock-On 53 Magnet Rise 55 Double-Edge 58 Burn Up 59 Gyro Ball 63 Zap Cannon 64 Eruption

Last starter is Flinchick,based on the flicker bird and the golden pheasant bird. I won't reveal the moveset yet as it would spoil the final secondary typing much more than Chipawa. NO IT WILL NOT BE A FIGHTING TYPE. These 3 starters are based on pets people typically have,that being cats,fish,dogs,and birds. Flinchick keeps part of its egg to protect its soft head. It's quite aggressive and will attack anyone on sight. It gets very sad when its egg cracks but the heat emanating from the pokemon will eventually seal it. It launches a powerful Ember attack from the feathers of its wings.

Next starter evolution is Chuparanch,the evolution to Chipawa. It's based on the Chupacabra and its belly markings that also go around the neck is based on a harness. Wherever Chuparanch appear,Wooloos and Dubwools disappear. It's theorized that they either attack them or they get scared off and go somewhere else. They crawl in the grass,their back spines mimicking grass,to sneak up on prey. They also have a strong rivalry with Ariskitta. They are the most difficult starter to tame.