melo7904 - Melo 7904
Melo 7904

Makes comics, any pronouns, apparently a pixel artist

44 posts

Melo7904 - Melo 7904 - Tumblr Blog

9 months ago


To prove something to a friend, please



9 months ago

Sup :3

Reblog/like this if you’re LGBTQ+ and run an active blog in 2024.

Trying to find new blogs to follow. 🫶🏻

9 months ago
Hehehe This Took Way Too Long To Get Done, Just Because Of Emeralds Angle Being Drawn Weirdly In The

Hehehe this took way too long to get done, just because of emeralds angle being drawn weirdly in the old versions and me not liking it, the flora details were literally afterthoughts compared to it

Note this is for a proof of concept comic which I might make into a series depending on what I am feeling like - effectively it’s a side project (don’t ask about the main one)

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9 months ago

obligatory hall of fame post spotted obligatory reblog

melo7904 - Melo 7904
9 months ago

drew pixel art of pizzelle from sugary spire

Drew Pixel Art Of Pizzelle From Sugary Spire

yeah so i was bored so i drew pizzelle from sugary spire, and an alt outfit extra notes - the "moustache" is actually just hair in this depiction that sticks out from the hat, the alt outfit is supposed to have the colours of the noise (although a little washed out compared to the more saturated colours of the noise, just as a little reference to the old lore) palette - resurrect 64

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9 months ago

yeah, why not



9 months ago

New character!

New Character!

Character biography emerald pronouns - he/him* or they/them they are a kind soul, they wear a white hat with a purple ribbon and 2 mysterious feathers given to them by their friend teal who they live with they will never take off the hat (i have designs for the hair but i refuse to release them for the sake of spoilers) they will likely have their own comic or mini-series

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9 months ago

new wallpaper i drew

New Wallpaper I Drew

it is meant to subtily have to colours of the trans pride flag feel free to use it as your own wallpaper for all of y'alls computers palette - resurrect 64 by karrie lake (find it on lospec) please dont reupload it to wall paper sites or use in AI (or else)

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11 months ago

quick update on dark new world (my comic series)

i may or may not have forgotten to work on it because i may or may not be working on a entirely different project, being the game i am working on which has its own blog to keep it nice and organised (if you want a link here it is) , basically i forgot about the project because i was making another project doesn't help that i seemingly unlearned the ability to make hand drawn digital art because i have been doing pixel art for my game due to some engine quirks i will probably just keep yall updated on more general things and mostly just post general art and comics here with dark new world being a more on and off thing, i might even mention the nexus once again without being an absolute clown about it *honk*

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1 year ago
Made A Comic Based On Some *recent* Frustrations

Made a comic based on some *recent* frustrations

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1 year ago

Tumblr live is shutting down

What even was tumblr live

This is a joke post

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1 year ago
Dark New World - EP-01 SE01 Because Its Christmas And I Want To Post DNW Stuff But Didnt Have Anything
Dark New World - EP-01 SE01 Because Its Christmas And I Want To Post DNW Stuff But Didnt Have Anything
Dark New World - EP-01 SE01 Because Its Christmas And I Want To Post DNW Stuff But Didnt Have Anything
Dark New World - EP-01 SE01 Because Its Christmas And I Want To Post DNW Stuff But Didnt Have Anything

Dark new world - EP-01 SE—01 because it’s Christmas and I want to post DNW stuff but didn’t have anything prepared for Christmas so I decided to release this early

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1 year ago

Another update on DNW

I have decided that dark new world issue 1 (comic version) will release on the same day as the nexus season 2 chapter 4

My release schedule for the nexus was interrupted by not having wifi for the week it was supposed to release chapter 4 so I decided to “why not” and combined it with dark new worlds release schedule of “when the next comic in the series is done” so it will release whenever issue 2 is done (which is starting to be worked on)

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1 year ago

[this character diary is for Phi romerez from my comic dark new world, again these are prequels to avoid spoilers]


I don’t know what the mysterious project Rinda seems to be working on, but it seems it will help us, I will probably have to ask her later when she is nearly finished with it, I just need to wonder why she needs the parts from a omega robot?

Either way the less of those I have to deal with, the better, those things are not only dangerous because they are twice my height but also armed with plasma cannons! Omega said “oh these robots were made to keep the peace” when they are armed with a cannon powerful enough to destroy the tanks from no less then 5 years ago, Rin said that technology will advance beyond our imaginations when we were mire kids in a playground, I never expected it in this way, built as weapons of war to maintain a single dictator as if I will call omega a leader they are a dictator, Rinda is a leader, simple enough to understand

End message

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1 year ago

I think I should make character diaries so that people can understand who the characters in my comics are (these are from my 3 series TN, DNW, CF)

So here’s my first one for the character Rin from dark new world (the dark new world ones are prequels to the comics to avoid spoilers)

(Yes I gave every [main] character a online username)


New news came out, apparently omega corporation has been doing a great job (sarcasm) reusing old robot parts for their death robots, if it isn’t obvious I will probably have to start taking the parts as we destroy them, I got a project that I need the parts for anyway so it’s a win win situation, they lose the robot parts, I get my project finished, double win!

End message.

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1 year ago

It’s spooky month

Its Spooky Month

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1 year ago

slight update on DNW

in short dark new world (the comic series to be put up here) is on hiatus until around mid 2024 (rough release estimate for the nexis season 2 2nd half)which might seem like a long time but i am only roughly half way through making season 2 of the nexis(it started around January) i will still release small character biographies for dark new world (and chaos follows) as well as the nexis (although I haven't actually made those yet)

the audio file is a song i created for the nexis season 2 (info is on the song itself idk how tumblr audio works) and it is intentionally midi sounding you are not hearing things that you shouldn't sorry to those people who sort by new figuring I am putting a comic you just found out about on hiatus

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1 year ago
This Is For A Single Comic Named Chaos Follows To Keep Yall Knowing That I Make More Then Just DNW (which

This is for a single comic named chaos follows to keep y’all knowing that I make more then just DNW (which I originally made chaos follows [CF] and canned it while making it but decided to revive the project for a second time)

Yes she has a tail (it is very small tho)

Anyway I currently have no character biography for her, originally she had upward pointing horns but I felt they looked to much like cat ears in the sketches so I bent them inward but they still looked like cat ears at most angles so I reversed them, I gave them bead eyes to make them feel cuter and to seperate it from dark new world and the nexis

(dark new world is my secondary comic* sometimes my main, depends on what I feel like but logistically speaking it’s my secondary because it has the 2nd most stuff released about it -1 teaser released, chr bios, 7*chapters planned [please note that that isn’t final and can change any moment] and more stuff planned and the nexis my main comic series* not on tumblr has 8 total currently released chapters with 8 more coming soon as season 2)

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1 year ago
(New Character Bio Format For Robot Characters!)

(New character bio format for robot characters!)

Serial number QΩN:65B

Buster is a part of a series of modular robot designs made for the sole purpose of warfare, military application and general police like purposes

Good point: modular, energy efficient

Bad point: falls apart easily, susceptible to bugs and viruses through a infected part or a part that just wasn’t programmed well

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1 year ago

I won’t be making a post regarding my comic series this week (because I have accidentally been posting weekly this entire time) so to the 2 people who thought I actually had a schedule to this: it’s not weekly by chose it’s by coincidence

1 year ago
Viper Character Bio For My Upcoming Comic Series

Viper character bio for my upcoming comic series

(which is called dark new world by the way since I promised I would reveal the name now when I posted my last post so I did although a proper reveal will come later)

I won’t talk as long this time for the sake of spoilers (in fact I had to edit the pictures text to avoid spoilers)

Viper is a spiteful mercenary although if she hates you she won’t kill you but will instead throw you around like a basketball

Has a variety of weapons at her disposal but she prefers having a little fun compared to getting her job done

Note anything below this can be ignored so if you don’t care about explaining why I am posting her character bio now you can ignore it

This is one of the few characters that will get a character bio before being introduced for a few reasons

1. They might be a main character (such as viper or phi**) [**teaser can count as being introduced]

2. They might have been designed to be put with another character that has been introduced (see rinda and tabbi when I make character biography’s for them)

3. Because a teaser is planned to be coming soon

Why am I meant mentioning these here and not the phi’s is because viper fits into all 3 of these

Because she is a main threat in the comic, she is designed to be a opposite of phi (please note the sort of mirror image analogy to and another teaser is coming soon involving viper (which the teaser here just won’t be a screenshot of the comic this time)

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1 year ago
A Old Sprite Animation I Dug Up And Decided To Repost My Own Artwork Since The Comic Series (which I

A old sprite animation I dug up and decided to repost my own artwork since the comic series (which I will reveal the name when I release the next thing regarding it)

Palette: GBC storm eagle from mega man Xtreme (modified to include black as a outline but no pink or dark purple)

Frames per second: 15

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1 year ago
read the description for character bio

Yeah so I am doing character bios for this comic (which I won’t reveal the name yet until the first chapter (out of 7?) is out) with each character bio being posted when the character in question is introduced but back to the bio in question

Phi: seemingly a simple person and gets thrown into situations against her will, she is a bit sassy but is understanding of most of her situations

Height: short

I didn’t give her a personality initially when I was planning this a few months ago as she was meant to be a player character in a game but I remembered the fact I can’t program so I made it a comic (isn’t the first time) so I made her personality pretty recently (and cobbled it together at that)when I was going to make a 7 part pixel animation then I said to myself I don’t have any apps or programs to animate so I might just make it a comic (which retroactively ended up being the case)

I won’t talk as long next time

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1 year ago
A Snapshot Of A Comic I Am Working On (dont Ask Me When The Release Is For The Full Thing I Only Finished

A snapshot of a comic I am working on (don’t ask me when the release is for the full thing I only finished the first page (and even then I feel like I can improve it) which is where this snapshot is from)

Also yes I liked my own post deal with it

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