Comic Development - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
A young black woman with a wide stance stands on a purple stage. Her back is to the viewer but she is looking over her shoulder and smiling defiantly. She's playing a dark purple guitar with gold tuning pegs and a black strap, a cord leads out of frame to an amp. Her hair is short and natural, with the strands that frame her face dyed red. She has two gold piercings in her ears. She wears a jean vest with a black sword enveloped in flame stitched on the back, long green pants, and red boots. She's silouetted by a blue spotlight in front of her and it to the side by blue light.

18 and ready to scream. Meet Chel, the lead singer and guitarist of Flame Blade, Kira and Midas's band. She is sooooo fun to draw.

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1 year ago
Another Post! ^^
Another Post! ^^

Another post! ^^

Alright so I made two versions of the map: the uneditied version and a version that has the three different character’s handwriting on it. It’s mainly just to specify where they live and their workplaces. I should note, this won’t be the final map and I’ll likely make a more detailed version later on this is just meant to be a placeholder so I have reference to where important locations are.

This also won’t be the only town map and I’ll be working on the town that the second main half of the comic will be in later on. I will also likely make floor plans for the apartment buildings, Peppin’s/Holly’s apartment, Val’s Apartment, the diner, the butchery, and bar. However maps/floorplans will likely be made more sporadically. 

The next thing I plan to make is finished concept art for Holly, Peppin’s roomate and best friend. 

Anyways, hope you like the art!

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1 year ago
Hello! ^^

Hello! ^^

Made the final design I plan for Holly Frei. She will have other outfits in the story too but I’ll likely work on that later on. I was gonna make a bigger drawing with a description but the sketches weren’t working out so the description will be below!

Character Description:

Holly is Peppin’s roomate and best friend. She ran away from home at 17 and has been on her own ever since. After barely getting her G.E.D, she got a job at the local mom and pop diner. She makes less than Peppin and due to immaturity and not coping properly with her past, tends to make poor life choices. 

Anyways, hope you like the art ^^ 

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1 year ago

Working on 3d modelling!

Been working on 3d models and sculpts for assets for my webcomic, I quite enjoy 3d modelling!

Working On 3d Modelling!
Working On 3d Modelling!
Working On 3d Modelling!
Working On 3d Modelling!

the last one i made in March,and I'll probably revise it a little, but I still think it's good!

I also rigged one of the models, but It moves a bit strange still!

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1 year ago

I think I should make character diaries so that people can understand who the characters in my comics are (these are from my 3 series TN, DNW, CF)

So here’s my first one for the character Rin from dark new world (the dark new world ones are prequels to the comics to avoid spoilers)

(Yes I gave every [main] character a online username)


New news came out, apparently omega corporation has been doing a great job (sarcasm) reusing old robot parts for their death robots, if it isn’t obvious I will probably have to start taking the parts as we destroy them, I got a project that I need the parts for anyway so it’s a win win situation, they lose the robot parts, I get my project finished, double win!

End message.

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