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Exhumm anyways the thousands of scenarios I see with this song is insane, I will try to write either a drabble for it or a one-shot or a preview into one of my fics!!
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More Posts from Mermaidfanficlibrary
So just wanted to clarrify that my 100 follower event is still going on but me answering the requests will be slow since im in a writers block and still struggling heavily with mental health stuff. BUT I am combatting this by working on bigger fics that I will post here very shortly today! One of them being my demon slayer fic and after I get the prologue done I will also be publishing my sk8 the infinity fic on here too! After I finish the sk8 prologue I'm going to start writing my tokyo revengers prologue and then Im not sure what im going to do after that! Hopefully my jjk fic but who knows! Why do i do this to myself??
And the reason its been taking so long for writing bigger fics is because I want a huge word count! For example my demon slayer fic was supposed to be 5000 words long but came to be 9000 words long. and 20+ pages.
I have next week off for thanksgiving so hopefully I can pump some stuff out for you all to enjoy! I have also been sick this whole week so writing has been a bit tougher.
so to those have given me a request for the event please just sit tight a little longer and I promise even if i end the event I will get them all done!
This is a random thought going through my head and a very late drabble I may add to my large genshin fic with a god reader but here we go!
As Marcel ran up to the Traveler, Paimon and Y/n he begged them to take him to the fountain that held his lover. The officer was dumbfounded at the insane man's request. Neuvillette stoically walked up, witnessing this request.
It left him confused, why would a man give up everything, even his own life, just to see one person again? Out of his own curiosity Neuvillette allowed it offering to accompany them, but before the group could go to the fountain Y/n had spoke up. His tone was of a rare seriousness.
"Before you go to the fountain that holds your lover within its waters, I must warn you I can not protect you from the bitter waters that flow. The poison it holds is not something to be trifled with. Head this warning, and if you chose to ignore it, it will only deepen the pain in your heart and the madness you have sewed for yourself. Now I ask if you still wish to go to that fountain, with the waters that you have poisoned."
Neuvillette looked at Y/n with fascinated eyes. This was not the man he once new from long ago, the oblivious immortal being that only ever wished for peace and goodness. Marcel begged Y/n to take him, ignoring the warning. Neuvillette walked by Y/n, as Aether, Paimon, and Marcel walked ahead of them.
"What did your warning mean, Y/n."
Y/n looked into Neuvillettes eyes, he saw the pain in those e/c eyes, not knowing how to respond. It shook Neuvillette's core to see such a sweet boy have such sorrow in his eyes. Y/n looked forward, staring at Marcel, as he spoke in a hushed tone.
"The voices we heard were not of Marcel's lover, but the rage of the women that he's hurt. They didn't deserve that pain, the fate they were given. My warning was of the rage filled spirits that flow in the fountain. I could feel the pain that drips, causing the water to hold poison."
Neuvillette only nodded in response, silence no gracing the two as they walked in tandem. It surprised Neuvillette how much Y/n grew from long ago, feeling proud of how he's matured. Once the group had reached the fountain, Y/n's warning had became truth.
I wanted to share this for a while but please go read my bigger fics! I know they may get lost in the mass amounts of my posts but my stories are also on my socials post. Getting support like reblogs on my bigger fics let me know that you enjoyed them! Even if you go to wattpad and vote for the chapters or add my stories to your quotev library.
It just makes me sad when the writings I spend hours and days on only come up with like 6 hears and some random scenario ends up with 100+ hearts and 4 reblogs and those only take 3 minutes to make. It just makes me sad when the stories I spend countless hours and late nights on barely gain any attention. So please just go read them! I'll make a special masterlist of all the descriptions of the stories I posted on here so far since those descriptions have a link to all posted chapters.
Anyway that's my rant hehe
Should I post my genshin impact fanfic series on here?