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Mermaidfanficlibrary - Mermaid Garden
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what if i just smooched jesse🥺 like what if i just grabbed his face and kisses him on his perfect lips, what would he do🥺👉👈
Jesse would be over the moon! This is your sign you love him, right? Of course it is! What friend kisses their friend on the lips like this? And you calling them perfect? His brain shortcircuts.
So, of course, as payback, he kisses you back and compliments you way more than you did him. His lips are perfect? We'll yours are downright delectable. Jesse can't help the butterflies that come after.
In fact, he goes straight to Bone (deliquent he fought for your attention) just to brag about it. Jesse is ruthless when showing off your intimate moments.
He puts down others and uses your compliments as ammo. Oh? You liked the lipstick color your friend wore? Oh well, he bought it and is ready to cover you head to toe in that shade.
And of course Bone is the first to know about it every damn time. Your cute best friend and maybe now boyfriend always hides his less than cute behavior than you. And ain't no way he is going to let you find out how he brags to people.
All in all Jesse would be super blushie and happy that you initiated something he's been dreaming about nonstop since he was 12.
Why is no one talking about the possibility of a merman and kayak reader?? Like we got pirate x mermaid/merman and fisherman x mermaid/merman. Now what about kayakers??
This gave me an idea for a scenario and I will be doing it soon
I've been wanting to make my own original characters for a while now. especially for like yandere series or just regular series in general. so i pose the question.
wait where's my silly guy @ferris-the-wheel-deactivated202 ;-;
guys im kinda worried (( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ)
Yall ill be back to writing soon. I'm haha sick again!!! I know craaazy. I might pause character requests and take oc requests (ex: merman x male reader) just general stuff like that.