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Mermaidfanficlibrary - Mermaid Garden
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Harpy Hare Where Have You Buried all Your Children? || Yan Harpy Hare Hybrid x GN Reader
Characters: Helys
Summary: A creature in the forest that wants you
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence
a/n: Inspired by the song Harpy Hare by Yaelorke
Yan Harpy Hare who is a fabled creature within the forest. Much like other local myths, everyone is afraid of him. It hurts because all he wants is friends. He's been abandoned since a young age due to his overbearing mother. She's kind of the reason everyone fears the creature.
Yan Harpy Hare who is a hybrid of a harpy and a hare. His upper half his harpy, with feather scattering his arms and wings in between his forearms and sides, and his lower half behind hare legs. His nose is a hare nose too and his face is a mix of feathers and hare fur. He has the eye slits of a harpy too.
Yan Harpy Hare who stumbles upon a cottage far away from the towns. It looked overgrown but lived in. From the trees he was watching to see if anyone would enter or exit the worn down home. What he didn't expect was to lay eyes on the most stunning thing he has ever seen.
Yan Harpy Hare who sees you walking into your home with a basket full of berries and other assortments of food. Your eyes were like emeralds and your hair shone so bright. His harpy instincts were kicking in. He needed to put this shiny human in his collection.
Yan Harpy Hare who makes is new nest on the roof of your house. He was purposely loud about the construction too. He really wants to get your attention and what better way than making a racket when building his new home?
Yan Harpy Hare who looks at you like an owl would when you finally make eye contact with him. He's afraid when you give him the same wide eyes that the other humans have. What if you cast him out? What if you throw things at him like the other villages did? Oh great, now his feathers are all ruffled and poofed.
Yan Harpy Hare who is utterly shocked when you just give him a small wave and calm smile. You aren't bothered by his presence? This must be fate! His growing infatuation with you only gets worse. His nose twitches as he watches you walk back into the forest.
Yan Harpy Hare who obviously follows you. At first, he flies over the tree tops, but once the trees become too dense, he floats down and hops along the grass. He's really great at being quiet, but his rustling feathers give him away. He's just so excited to meet someone that finally accepts him!
Yan Harpy Hare who watches you pick more berries and other herbs. He chirps and helps you pick the freshest plants. He hears your giggles and his little hare nose twitches, his lips smiling so big that his cheeks hurt. The urge to place you in his nest only grows.
Yan Harpy Hare who thus becomes like a huge pet for you to take care of. He thumps his hare feet on the roof to get your attention and swoops down to fly you up to his next only to cuddle you within his feathers. You're his pretty shiny thing, and he does not want you to go.
Yan Harpy Hare who only lets you down from his nest when you need to eat or go do things. He follows you around all the time though. Always clings to you by holding your hand or arm. He nuzzles against your face while you work too because he loves your warmth.
Yan Harpy Hare who gets upset when you have to go to the human village. Please don't leave him! He can't go in due to ridicule, and he doesn't want you to see him as a monster. What's worse is the songs about him are always sung within the streets.
Yan Harpy Hare who anxiously waits for you to come back from your shopping and work at the edge of the forest. He can only think of the slander they're spreading about him. His mind also assaults him with thoughts of you being hurt and taken by another human.
Yan Harpy Hare who sees you coming back from the village and his dread increases when he hears you humming that damn song. The moment you're in arm's reach, he places a hand over your mouth to silent you. Please don't remind him of those cursed rumors!
Yan Harpy Hare who keeps his hand on your mouth no matter your muffled protest. You just end up giving up and walking back to your cottage with your mouth covered by his feathered hand. Don't worry! He'll make it up to you by carrying your basket for you.
Yan Harpy Hare who finally lets go of your mouth but just clings to instead. He follows you inside and tries to stop you from humming even a single note of that cursed song. By the 5th time he tries to stop you while you cook dinner he becomes pouty and goes into one of the corners in your home.
Yan Harpy Hare who sits like that for hours until you finish dinner and invite him to the table. Dinners together were something of habit with the two of you. He's all pouty while the two of you eat and makes whiny chirps. The noises only get more high-pitched and loud the more you ignore him.
Yan Harpy Hare who ends up finding out you like the song the village people sing because you relate a lot to being cast out and the overbearing parental figure. It also makes you think of him whenever you're away and that makes him a huge blushy mess. Before you can even finish dinner, he has you in a death grip hug and burying his face in your neck.
Yan Harpy Hare who moves away from the nest and into your home when winter comes around. He's usually alone during winter to hibernate, or flies south depending on his mood that year. But this year he has a warm home and warm food and a warm you to cuddle! You're part of his flock now, and you can not say no!
Yan Harpy Hare who takes care of you well during the winter months. You're not allowed outside in the snow, you could get sick! Don't worry he'll hunt for you and use what's left in your kitchen to make you food. Even though it's mostly mice and goop that is barely edible, he's trying the best he can!
Yan Harpy Hare who only wants the best for the human that had learned to accept him and have him as a companion. Don't ever leave him okay? He can't stand being alone again. Not after he was abandoned. Be kind to him and everything will be okay.
Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
Hey. Come talk to me about my ocs.
ANYWAYSSS, so i was thinking... what he do if reader suddenly stopped coming to kayak, because they got sick? How would he react when they finally started coming back again?
Love your works btw😉💋💖💖

Where's my Human? || Yandere Merman x Gn Kayaker Reader
Characters: Ranee
Summary: He gets so worried when you're not there to kayak
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence, stalking
A/n: Yeah that's how you spell it, I'm so happy you love him nonnie! He's my special merboy! And thank you! Also, mention of Malakai
Let's be real, Ranee has no concept of sickness or injuries. Fin rot is the closest thing he knows, and it's only common within pet fish. There are parasites and other ocean germs, but nothing like human sickness. So if you stop showing up for a while brings up so much concern. He straight up thinks you're dead. Though it takes a bit of build up for him to actually think of that conclusion.
The first day you don't show up to the beach, he just thinks you got busy. You usually don't come to kayak every day. That's something you told him when he freaked out the first time you didn't show up. Something about sore muscles. He was too focused on you when you told him so he didn't listen.
The second day is when he becomes a bit panicked. This is the stage where he starts swimming the coastline and asking other sea creatures that swim the coast about you. When they say they haven't seen you that's when his brain starts to spiral. Ranee just swims up and down the coastline for the next couple of days, watching the beaches for any sign of you in case you moved and forgot to tell him.
Then a thought comes to his mind, much to his distaste. Ranee thought and contemplated on visiting your human friend. One reason he was against it was because your human friend was trying to take you away from him. Didn't this human know that you were his mate? Beside the point, he didn't have you to guide him out once he swims in, and he's so easily lost.
After grumbling and pacing around in his sea cave to the nearest fish who have no clue what is going on, he decides to visit your human friend. He managed to remember the way there, you better praise him if you ever come back.
He groans as he sees your human friend on his dock of his very shiny home. Malakai prepares himself for any mischief Ranee has brought today but is caught of guard by the merman talking using the limited language he has. Malakai eventually catches your name in the merman's garbled up human speak and barely catches on.
“Oh, you mean Y/n? Yeah, they're sick right now. Texted me they won't be by the docks for a few days.”
Thus leads into Malakai trying to explain what sickness is to the very confused Ranee. After a few hours of body anatomy lessons Ranee comes to the conclusion that you are in fact dying. So the merman is trying to find any way to your home only to realize you don't live near any body of water.
A few more days of your absence leaves Ranee all mopy. Just invite him to your funeral okay? He couldn't live with himself if he didn't at least part with you properly. He's slumped over on a rock, holding the things he had taken from you. He peppered each in tiny kisses. Oh, gods please hear him and give your soul back to him. That's the leas they could do for torturing you like this!
All the fish that came past his cave would swim in and nibble on his skin. Sea lions and seals alike would come in to push him out of the cave. Ranee didn't want to come out to play like he usually does. Not without you!
His life is so meaningless without you. The seals were barking at him to come out of his cave until a ray had swam over. His mopy attitude switches when he gets news from the ray that it saw you back on your kayak and was paddling out in the open. Ranee is completely overjoyed that you were back.
Swimming as fast as his fins could take him, Ranee jumps out like a dolphin and tackles you into the water. You're startled and thrashing but Ranee's cold, scaly face calms you down. You can only chuckle at the merman's clingyness.
“You don't have to almost drown me if you want my attention every time, Ranee.”
He shakes his head as his tail coils around your legs. You shiver as you're pulled closer to his cold body. No way is he letting go. You worried the hell out of him! Making him think you were dead. Bad mate! He only hits the top of your head, scolding you in grumbles.
“Never allowed, fish sticks and fries.”
You were practically an expert in Ranee talk at this point. You came to understand that he was demanding you to stay and never leave him again for that long. As much as you wanted to comply with such a request, you were going to get sick again if you didn't get out of this cold water.
Begrudgingly did Ranee help you back onto your kayak and pushes you back to shore. When you're drying off on the dock, you tell him what happen and give him a better explanation of what happened.
You're now stuck on that dock, listening to Ranee talk about what he had done while you were gone. He gurgles at your praises when he told you he swam through the harbor all by himself.
Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
obsessed with my ocs so fandom asks and drafts will be on pause!
Gentle reminder that the only readers I write for is male reader or gender neutral reader.