Movement Movement
Movement movement
lonewolfromtexas35 liked this · 4 years ago
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My eyes always my mouth piece for things my lips won't say..
A melanin Muse.
Skin so edible like peaches
So many curves that help teach you to reach not only to use..
Yes be your muse
#art #poetry #beauty #melanin #muse
Vivid dreams that make you want to scream...
There's a little girl..she mimics my temperament,
I find some sentiment in the Inner me thats still with me.
And here I thought I'm like I tree and you've left me,I've left you to be free.
Afraid of the change,little girl I won't abandoned you like a wicked mage..and you bound to the cage of your childhood trauma
Magic drew me and then threw me when somewhere In my spirit you said let me go
let go..
A shadow reality I'm in a heat storm.
Night sweats pull me close in this realm where you a ghost..haunted stained and I wake up with the pain..that I haven't let you go..
So as I dream may you know I'm with you..holding your hand.
Altho it's just a dream
May it be serene.
Sultry and sensual was she who embraced herself authentically
You ever just be done talking to God and feel like your soul is seeping into the physical..
Remembering that you body is just a vessel and you are eternal