I'm a mess poetry in motion 32 for you/libra/authentic
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Messygoddess - Messy Goddess - Tumblr Blog
My eyes always my mouth piece for things my lips won't say..
Head in the clouds
Dread has no boundaries
My heart closed as God's plan flows.
Tear drops stay stained like dew drops and a birds song.
Whistling..winging they sing a song thats familiar and this place seems similar.
Everything is the same yet different, and I stand in front of a crossroad with my crossbow trying to shoot the right shot.
Any shot I give it a shot
Hoping it's in the right direction
Feet on the ground
Hope my arrow.
Me a broken sparrow.
“Breathe, until you remember how it feels to be alive.”
— Kai Masa
Vivid dreams that make you want to scream...
There's a little girl..she mimics my temperament,
I find some sentiment in the Inner me thats still with me.
And here I thought I'm like I tree and you've left me,I've left you to be free.
Afraid of the change,little girl I won't abandoned you like a wicked mage..and you bound to the cage of your childhood trauma
Magic drew me and then threw me when somewhere In my spirit you said let me go
let go..
A shadow form..in reality I'm in a heat storm.
Night sweats pull me close in this realm where you a ghost..haunted stained and I wake up with the pain..that I haven't let you go..
So as I dream may you know I'm with you..holding your hand.
Altho it's just a dream
May it be serene.
You ever just be done talking to God and feel like your soul is seeping into the physical..
Remembering that you body is just a vessel and you are eternal
A melanin Muse.
Skin so edible like peaches
So many curves that help teach you to reach not only to use..
Yes be your muse
#art #poetry #beauty #melanin #muse
Sultry and sensual was she who embraced herself authentically
ig: @roomvibes
So many looks but my eyes stay the same focused on you
You will always be mine
yes #upgrade
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
Movement movement
I agree I miss my dad
The itch I have, yet can not scratch
For if I scratch the itch
It will lead to a series of uncontrollable scratching
Allowing me to glitch and open wounds
With no cognizant mind....
That I'm actually hurting myself
Followed by self-loathing as to why did I just do that
Opening wounds after would all to satisfy the 10min bliss of a
That wanted to be scratched.
Similar to sex... That most can't deny...
They wonder why did I just do that.?
Cause 10minutes of bliss can fill the void of a father that left for bread and milk and...
His still coming back..
10minutes can make an empty vessel feel whole
10minutes of destruction could help uncover a foundation
10minutes does help a hole feel whole but 10min.
Is all I have to allow myself to self inflict and further no more
Cause 10minutes is all I have look over myself and clean my wounds.
10minutes is what he said it would it take..
For him to come home
10minutes is all I get to scratch the itch I got..
#poetry #creativewriting
Well there you go
Trying to post my poetry here or my creative I shall say but I'm afraid no one will like it
Brown eyes, brown skin... During this time you have love how brown you are cause you are powerful
A hug can be expensive
Really it is cheap
I mean it's easy to embrace someone, anyone, a loved one
But you can't just hug everyone
Cause not everyone is ready for that hug that leaves you with warmth, a hug that is more than just two beings wrapping their arms around one another.
A hug that Mae's you feel protected & safe, a hug that is sensual and makes you feel wanted.
These are all expensive
Why you ask?
A hug is time, time I have taken to decipher, whether I can trust you in my personal space... Space to be torn open by arms that might never hold me again.
A hug is something I open my heart to, cause feeling safe, protected, love, warmth and wanted.. Was maybe never on my agenda.
A hug is like an imprint on your soul, cause you will forever remember the embrace that once enfolded in your arms.
So I ask you.
Will you hug me?
So that all of the above can unfold....
.All realities are vibrational and most importantly, God is the original vibration behind the breath of life.Vibration is that same energy, same power, ye call God.
Marry Her.
Marry her. I don’t mean make the church bells ring And choir girls sing Or make that court house trip I mean kiss her lips. Part them. Relax until your breathing syncs I mean make love to her Until both your energies link I mean let your soul invite hers to dance. Because a piece of paper won’t define the connection. And legal status won’t provide you protection Against the storms you’ll weather together Whether you think so or not To get her soaring with the stars, You must be in her essence Love her to Mars and back Bask in her presence Treat her like the chance to fuck her mind Is a present And there’s no better time than the present Marriage is the union of two souls The mixing of auras until they blend Oneness. The healing of hearts until they mend So if you love her, marry her.
im on that lauryn hill vibe #truth
We can't plan life. All we can do is be available for it.That strong mother doesn't tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in.Real religion is no religion at all.This life is a process of learning.Everything we do should be a result of our gratitude for what God has done for us.Be honest, brutally honest. That is what's going to maintain relationships.Reality is easy. It's deception that's the hard work.I don't need anybody to market or promote me. If people don't want to hear this music, then it's not for them. You cannot please everybody.I tried to manipulate and control people, and I harbored resentment. I wanted to be forgiven, but I wouldn't forgive others.Hip-Hop isn't just music, it is also a spiritual movement of the blacks! You can't just call Hip-Hop a trend!