crazy 4 them

5 posts




Summary: You are Joker's new obsession even though you truly do not want him.

Word count: 1.6k

a/n: I just imagined this as I was listening to Gangsta by Kehlani and I got an idea so I hope you guys love it.

Being Bruce Wayne's assistant had its perks, but the perks started during your third year of working with him. That included allowing you max out his card on dresses to accompany him to galas, being seen with him in public, knowing he's batman, training because in a way you are now at threat.

It was a fun lifestyle, if you remove having to drive like a lunatic when paparazzi is getting out of hand, and babysitting his adopted and biological sons when he can't take care of them; which is very weird because Dick is older than you, or waking up at early hours of the day to go to his house and make sure he gets ready then the worst of all, obsessed villains that think getting you or getting rid of you is the only way Batman would love them and you would have to show your fighting skills that is always unfair because there are always more of them than you.

But the worst of all the lunatics has to be the Joker, you were terrified of him, mainly because he loved you, almost as much as he loved his 'Batsy' and he really loved his Batsy.

A little around the time he broke up with Harley Quinn was the time you began working with Bruce, and when he saw both of you standing together he 'didn't know who to choose from' he would tell you a couple months later when he first kidnapped you.

It got to the point when he is fighting batman he would say dumb shit like "Bring our wife with you next time" which you purposely decided the fact he called you his wife and only think about the fact he also called you Bruce Wayne's wife, but he was far to old for you sadly, both of them were actually but that didn't stop you from blushing the first few times and neither did it stop Joker from flirting with you every chance he got.

Maybe it's leaving flowers with a note at your front door, flowers that have a camera inside so he can watch you from where he is. Obviously Bruce also has gotten many of them, so when he found himself at your apartment waiting for you to get ready, he told you to throw them out and when you asked why, let's just say you never accepted flowers from anyone again when you received a text message from an unsaved number asking why you threw away his love for you.

You were walking on your own a couple of months after that, on your way to the Wayne manor, it was very early and Alfred wasn't available to carry you with the limousine so you had to walk. You forgot to take your guard dog with you so you were suffering your consequences when you were dragged into an alleyway by some weirdo touching you inappropriately saying something about boss saying they should see if you're good enough.

Luckily, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy had come to your rescue, immediately killing the man and befriending you but what Harley had told you was by far scarier than the sad predicament you just got into, "Girl, you have to protect yourself more, you know you are now the lunatic's bride. He might love you as much as he love his batsy."

You thanked them before rushing to work, this time in a cab, now with a borrowed gun from Ivy just incase the driver is also a worker from the Joker.

You were undeniably late for the day, you were supposed to wake up Bruce Wayne with Alfred as you brief him with what he is supposed to do and help him get dressed.

But when you had came, he was still in a towel, luckily done having his bath but not dressed, saying something about waiting for you because you always make him look his best.

As you were getting him ready, you two engaged in the short conversations you would usually have, and you realise it was your mistake entirely when you had spilled to Bruce about what had happened that morning and you knew it even more when you had to attend to Bruce's injuries from when he went to beat up Joker and felt worse when he had kidnapped you and beat you up the same way Batman had beat him. Although he tended to your scars after it didn't make it any better, especially because he wasn't being careful because you never told him where Harley was.

When Nightwing had come to save you, you were a shaking mess, he was happy you looked better than his brother did but he knew you were going to be scarred for life with what just happened, after beating up the Joker's henchmen he went away with you crying in his arms saying something about wanting to quit.

He reassured you all would be fine, but you both knew you weren't sure about it but you allowed him deceive you as you both scaled buildings before you finally found yourself in your home, still terrified and shaking you begged him to stay with you.

And you looked so shakined up that he couldn't refuse, that's when you both realised you had a lot in common and you two learned to enjoy each other's company.

Bruce let you take a break because he felt truly sorry for you and all the sixty days of that break you spent it with Dick, realising how fun he truly could be, simply enjoying you boths company.

He told you about his long-distance open relationship wife, Starfire, and you told him about the fact you don't date just fuck around from time to time.

That was the day you both first had sex with each other, it was great you'd both tell each other the next day, but when you find out Joker kidnapped Nightwing and tortured him a bit before Dick found a way to escape you both knew you could never do that again, but that didn't stop you.

You became even stronger by time went by, you and Dick began dating along the way, you felt bad for his wife that was on another planet entirely but when you finally met her she told you that it was perfectly fine that she was happy for you both.

But she had kissed you which was really weird but you found out it's just her way of communication and you had to fight the urge to not ask her to do it again because your dating her husband but when she kissed you again you knew your life was just crazy.

Joker kidnapped you that very day Starfire went back to her planet after you guy's platonic make out session and put laughing gas on you as he forcefully made out with you, he tried to rape you that very moment, he had began laying hickeys when Batman and Robin had come in and began beating him and his henchmen up.

Damian recognised you immediately and felt sympathy for one of the first times in his life, you didn't deserve this, his baby sitter, his kind of sister-in-law and his friend he brutally killed most of the henchmen leaving the others hurt.

Batman would scold him later that they were heroes and heroes don't kill, he wouldn't listen, throw in a "They deserved it" and go upstairs.

As your at home trying to heal, Harley and Ivy would come over and let you cry on their shoulders, you couldn't bring it in you to see Dick, but he understood.

Harley helped you get rid of the hickeys that had decided to not go, that reminded you of the pain you had just felt and you all would hug then cuddle while licking ice cream and watching a rom-com.

When you finally gained the courage to see Dick he engulfed you in a big hug and said he wasn't mad that it wasn't your fault, and it would make all the tears come back to you and he would comfort you to sleep before giving you hickeys of his own to help you forget.

Later on you would find out Bruce had sex with the Joker to get him off your tail it had worked and the Joker stopped disturbing you for such a long time that Dick was able to propose to you and you two were engaged when Joker came looking for you again.

This time you were ready though, as he tried to kidnap you with his disguises you shot him and walked away. Joker obviously didn't die but he knew he had ruined you for life and that was all he truly wanted.

For you to be ruined, for you to be corrupted and destroyed by him, and he laughed as his henchmen patched him off and he laughed when he got a life sentence for all the shit he had put you through.

He ended up escaping jail, of course he did but he never disturbed you again but he knew you would never forget him ever in your life.

And that was all he wanted, for his bride to be a lunatic, he gifted you flowers on your wedding day. Flowers that you burnt and you didn't know he was watching you burn them with a smile on your face but a smile on his face too. He had finally gotten what he wanted.

As he opened a random creepy book of his that he was gifted. "Burning flowers, a sign of love and devotion" he knew he had won, he knew he had gotten everything he could have ever wanted.

The good part of you.

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More Posts from Midnightsimpsstuff

6 months ago



WILDFLOWER by Billie Eilish

Spencer Reid x reader

Warning: angst, hurt/comfort (promise), JJ's confession to Spencer, toxic friendship, mention of break ups, happy ending.

Summary: After JJ confesses to Spencer that she is in fact in love with him, he is stuck in a tight spot and doesn’t want the reader to find out because you never knew he liked JJ so he broke up with you with no explanation. Because you are friends with JJ you happened to go to her to cry about the breakup not knowing she’s at fault.

A/n: I found out what Wildflower by Billie Eilish was truly about and I fell in love with the idea so I wrote something with the plot, so enjoy! LOL. There might be a part two so look out for that.

Word Count: 2.3k

Comments, shares and rebloggs are appreciated! :))

Had to add the inspiration ;)

You were walking back home, and your heart was more than broken, you didn’t think anything could be worse than this. Everything was fine before Spencer had gone on that stupid case! You knew he was kidnapped during it, you knew he wouldn’t want to tell you what happened but to break up? That was too far.

You took some time of work, you couldn’t go on, not in this state, your friend JJ, who had even introduced you to Spencer was the only friend of yours that didn’t have work at that moment, she was given a leave for reasons she hadn’t told you.

That was what brought you to her couch watching rom-coms, taking tubs of ice creams at once you just finished crying your eyes out on her shoulder, when you told her about how Spencer just dumped you for absolutely no reason, you felt as she tensed up. You were no profiler but you knew that she knew why but you won’t push her to tell you, in case it was a touchy subject and she kicks you out of her house.

Meanwhile, JJ knew she had never felt more guilty in her life, not when she returned home and she had to hug her kids and sleep side by side with Will, not telling him about the case a she usually would, not when she imagined Spencer was at her side not Will, or her kids looked like Spencer or how much they loved Spencer, and she wished she had known Spencer loved her back then she knew everything would be different.

She didn’t think Spencer would break up with you, it was a life or death situation there was nothing she could do but tell him, she felt instantly better when the burden was off her shoulders, she didn’t one bit think about how it could affect him, how it could affect you.

She comforted you though, trying to take her mind away from how you would act when you find out what she said, what she did, how it was her fault, all her fault, how you didn’t deserve this. You were a perfect fit for Spencer. You let him talk without interruptions, you didn’t use him to make your work easier, you didn’t give him sneaky insults or once tell him to shut up, but she did and she didn’t deserve the kindness both of you showed her endlessly.

You had gone home around the time Will had come back from work, JJ’s face was stuck on a look of despair, she made you feel better sure but when you told her ‘Thank you so much, Jenny. You know exactly how to make me feel better, you’re an awesome person and friend. Good Night!’ she froze at the door as she closed it watching you drive away with your car.

It wasn’t fair on you, she felt like shit, Will had noticed her weird mood and tried to confront her about it but she lashed out at him and went straight to her room. Discarding the takeout that Will had gotten from her and their kids’ favourite store she couldn’t help but subconsciously think about Spencer bringing you home takeout from your favourite food store if not for her and her big mouth.

She should have never loved him in the first place, especially since she got you both together.

Spencer and JJ had returned back to work the two weeks after, everyone in the BAU saw the change in dynamic between both of them, and they noticed Spencer’s mood had ultimately dampened and his migraines weren’t the only reason.

Spencer had suffered the two weeks without you, it was just taking a break from each other, and he secretly hoped you would find out what JJ had said so you would understand that it wasn’t his fault.

Your heart would be crushed and his and your friendship would be crushed, because you would have asked him if he loves JJ back and he honestly doesn’t know. He loves her as a friend for sure but as more? He’s not sure.

He already knew he was going to go over to your place that evening and explain everything to you, he had a feeling you didn’t know if not you would have barged into here a long time ago. He knows you, you don’t know how to keep your anger in check you would have come to confront her right there right then.

He let out a soft sigh. It was lunch break now, he had already ordered the flowers you adored so much to your house. When you get back from work you would see them and when you change and get comfortable you would see him. Hopefully, you would take him back even though he knew that was unlikely he really hurt you.

As he was about to get to his seat, JJ stopped him and he couldn’t help the eye roll he did, he wasn’t on the best terms with her at the moment he was going to make up with her when he has completely made up with you.

“Spencer, I am so sorry about your breakup, I didn’t mean for that to happen.” JJ had started with not noticing how loud she had said it now everyone was listening to them but they didn’t make it obvious.

His eyebrows furrowed, not only because of her pitch but also how did she know? “How do you know, I never told anyone that-“ then it clicked. He never knew she had it in her to be this much of a bitch. But he didn’t want to jump into conclusions.

“She told you didn’t she? But did YOU tell her?” He didn’t care if anyone heard at this point he was pissed. Really? Confess your love to your friend’s boyfriend and comfort her about him.

“I am sorry about everything about everything but you know I couldn’t do that to her.” JJ looked down to the floor in shame, her eyes were watering but she knew she didn’t have the right to be crying at that moment. He couldn’t believe he thought he loved her.

He walked away from her, he looked angrier that before but that subsided when he realised he could go home. He had never done anything as fast in his life, he packed his bag, practically ran out then began driving straight to your house.

You had just arrived at home seeing a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers at your front your door you knew who it was from. You unconsciously smiled before your face dropped remembering the break up, you sighed before carrying it inside your house. Dropping it on your coffee table, you realised it had a note but you weren’t in the right frame of mind to read it yet.

You went to quickly shower, change into something by far more comfortable. Before plopping on your couch, deciding to read the note.

            Dear Y/N it was inconsiderate of me to break up with you without explaining first, I am coming over after work to explain everything to you. If you don’t want me to come over just text me. Love you, Spencer.

It wasn’t his handwriting, he must have sent it over, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Funny of him to think you still had his number.

As you began watching something on your TV, you heard your doorbell ring, you went to open it.

“Start talking bitch.”

You sat on the chair opposite Spencer, he had just finished explaining everything to you and your mouth was currently agape. You began backtracking you finally understood. That’s why her body kept going rigid.

She loved Spencer. She had a husband yet she loved Spencer. She had kids yet she loved Spencer. Spencer had a girlfriend yet she loved Spencer. Spencer’s girlfriend was someone she considered a best friend yet she loved Spencer. She was extremely beautiful, knew Spencer way longer than you and Spencer once liked her like seven years ago and now she was in love with him. Spencer is the godfather of her child and she loves him?!

You were no more shocked, the reality of the situation was dawning on you, softly laughing to yourself about everything. “You don’t love her back, right?” you didn’t know what you would do if he said he does but the moment the question came out of your mouth. Spencer shouted no so loud you flinched.

His face was now pink from embarrassment, “No, I don’t, not anymore, not again it’s just you I love and want to love.” He said meeting your eyes with a smile.

His eyes began doing that drawing in puppy dog eye thing it usually did when he wanted to get something he wanted, you knew he wasn’t doing it on purpose, but it sure felt like he did because how could you not take him back when he is doing his face that way.

You walked over to him, your face was neutral, and he didn’t know what you were going to do. When you stood beside him you held his face, caressing his skin as he looked up at you his eyes still doing the thing. You slapped him really hard, “That’s for hurting my heart for the past two weeks.” Then you crouched down to him giving him a passionate kiss. “That’s because you went out of your way to explain and apologize and because I love you.

His face still hurt but he was sincerely happier now he had you back. You went away to get your phone to send a quick message to JJ.

‘We need to talk, come over tomorrow.” you sent her. You gave your phone to Spencer so he could see the message. His face visibly tensed, “Are you ending your friendship with her?” he asked. He’d feel pretty bad, you two have always been so close.

“No, we just need to talk some things through. Don’t worry my love” you said as you took a seat in his lap and as he drew circles on your thigh.

“Should I end my friendship with her?” Spencer asked shyly, he felt like you would say no but he did really value JJ as a friend so it might hurt a bit.

“Do you want to?” you asked him, you were just playing with him finding it funny as his face began changing from thoughtful to fear. He felt like it was a trick.

He feebly nodded, you smiled “Then no, Spencer. That won’t be fair on you. You two have been friends longer than I knew you” you told him while looking at him with love.

Everything was better and looking up for you.

But with JJ she felt her heart leap out of her chest as she read your message, she just read it again and again and again. The face of Spencer’s fury and your sad face was in her head she didn’t know what to do she didn’t want to lose any of you but she knew what was coming.

She just came between a good relationship because of her stupid feelings. She would have cried even more if she wasn’t tired of crying.

After getting the message from you she got enough courage to tell Will about everything. He reacted better than she thought he would have, although he was mad. When she had assured him she doesn’t love him anymore and only loved Will. He wasn’t so mad anymore but he asked for a bit of space because the way she had been neglecting him throughout the weeks she was at home and he said it’s best she knows what it felt like a bit.

JJ without fail had come to your home the next day, immediately after work. Texting Will about where she would be. She didn’t get a response though he left her on read, but she understood she had hurt many people and it was beginning to come on her.

You opened the door smiling at her. JJ wanted to cry, why were you smiling, did you not know, did you know and weren’t angry, she doesn’t know whether you and Spencer got back together. But she knew she couldn’t take it any longer.

“Y/N, I have something to tell you…” she stated while motioning her head inside as if asking if she could come in. You moved away so she could seat in on your couch.

You already knew and you felt touched she wanted to come clean. You looked at her expectantly waiting for her to speak.

“I confessed my love to Spencer on our last case, I think that’s why you two broke up.” She was fiddling with her ring.

“I already apologized to him, and to Will and I felt it’s time to apologize to you, I don’t want to lose any of you. I am so sorry I got you two together, I am sorry I pulled you both apart, I am sorry you trusted me enough to cry to me about what happened. I don’t deserve you.”

When she finally looked up at you, she realised you didn’t look angry. “Spencer told me.” You said. She felt something in her stomach drop. “You knew the whole time?” she asked, now she felt this was a plan for you to become the next unsub.

But instead your eyes widened, “No, he told me yesterday. Relax.” You said rubbing her back.

“I forgive you don’t worry. I want my friend back. You two hugged and she held unto you tighter than she had ever done before. Spencer watched you two from the kitchen.

This is how it’s meant to be.

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6 months ago



Shoto Todoroki x Reader

Includes: established relationship, signs of cheating, slight angst, self doubt, mentions of bad family, takes place in third year, no communication, happy ending.

a/n: Had an idea, ran with it, in love with it, posting it, hope you enjoy it.

Word Count: 2.2k

Your boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki wasn't really a physical affection kind of person, he was more verbal, saying the most beautiful things about you, always knowing what to say when you feel down, that was just how he was.

Sometimes you wished he showed he cared, he doesn't hug you unless you initiate it, he doesn't kiss you on his own; only doing it if you ask or kiss him first, doesn't cuddle with you when you share a bed unless you happen to sleep on him only then might he awkwardly put an arm around you.

It annoyed you, of course, it was cute to you the first few months of your relationship, it's been six months now it wasn't so cute anymore.

At one point it made you wonder whether he truly cared about you, you felt like you should talk to him about it but you couldn't bring yourself to, you felt like it would be weird and you weren't the one to talk about emotions like Shoto was, you showed them unlike he did.

You had tried to show him you weren't happy, not talking to him, not kissing him, not hugging him, walking away when he starts talking, but he wasn't seeming yo get it.

You sent your friend, Midoriya, to see how he was feeling about it. He had returned with news of what Shoto had said which made you even madder than before.

"Well Midoriya, I have noticed her being weird, I know it's my fault by I'm assuming she'd tell me when she's ready." he said, and you imagined him saying it too which made you feel worse.

That statement made it obvious he cared about you, you aren't dumb but you would like it if he showed it, you felt touch deprived constantly and you're not single, you aren't meant to feel that way.

You rolled your eyes when he finished telling you, your friend Denki had now sat beside you two and had joined the conversation. You didn't send him away so he stayed thinking about something.

"Do you think you should try making him jealous to see if he'd care?" Denki asked and you actually thought about it for a moment, it seemed smart but not so much you didn't want to seem like your cheating on him, that's to far.

"I don't want to cheat on him, or do weird shit to other people, it's to far Denks" you said leaning deeper into the couch you sat on side by side with your friends.

"Wait, what if you don't do anything, what if we do all the things and make it look as innocent as it usually is." Midoriya said as his eyes slightly widened, it was a perfect plan in his eyes.

You smiled, this was perfect, you could finally see if he truly cared.

"So boys, what should we do?" you said while smirking like a Cheshire cat with a master plan, they couldn't help but do the same.

That's what brought you here, in Midoriya's arms as he held you bridal style, you both laughing about something, staying outside not noticing as Todoroki was in the common room, seeing you and watching you from inside.

Or maybe you two noticed and that's why you two were giving each other more platonic affection than normal.

Shoto watched you two, he thought you two looked happy and he was happy his best friend and girlfriend got along well. He wouldn't lie he was disturbed by Deku's hand placement but didn't think much of it you two didn't seem like you understood what you were doing so he shrugged it off.

And he most especially tried his best not to stare when he watched Deku effortlessly move you from both hands to one hand holding you up as you wrapped you hands around his neck still engaged in your conversation.

When you two passed the common room, Shoto waved and greeted you both but you both didn't notice him, or to you both ignored him continuing your conversation as Deku carried you up the stairs and as far as Todoroki knows to his room.

But to you two, you were peeking at him from the stairs, you watched as he sadly put his hand hand down, but as soon as the frown came on his face it disappeared, he didn't seem fazed at all.

He had just assumed you were still ignoring him for something he is yet to know he did, so he shrugged it off, thinking of what he could do to make it up to you, he missed you but he won't tell you that so it won't seem like he's manipulating you to take him back.

You felt a little bad, but you instantly stopped feeling it when Deku rubbed your back comfortingly telling you a 'Better luck next time' and you began feeling angry again.

It was dinner time now, luck was not on your side, Shoto was yet to come over, to talk to you, to kiss you, to love you like you wanted. Oh, how you wish you could just talk to him.

Denki was being his usual clingy self to everyone, so it didn't take anyone by surprise when he jumped on Shoto when he came in, hugging him, but all your boyfriend did was hug him back before carefully pushing him away then taking a seat.

You were already sat, and he happened to seat diagonally from you, perfect for him to see you but you wouldn't see him, so you won't be angry.

But you were angry because you weren't seeing him. You didn't understand what you were doing wrong everything was so stressful to you.

Denki took the seat beside you and before Bakugou dropped the plates for all of your foods, Denki pulled your chair closer to yours.

You giggled all pick me girl like, as you two had practiced, "When did you get so strong, Denks" you said as you playfully nudged him.

He smiled back at you, looking charming if you do say so yourself, but to everyone else he looked quite flirty.

Todoroki saw it, and he wished it was him that did that, wished he would kiss you after but he knows he can't because he doesn't know how to ask for, or how to do it without a little push.

He sighed before going back to eating the delicious meal Bakugou happened to make, he decided he was going to ask you something that night.

Dinner was over and you were the last one to finish eating, well you and Bakugou since he ate last and stayed back to make sure everyone washed their plates.

As you finished washing your plate you heard someone calling your name, but it was definitely not Shoto, "Bakugou, did you call me?" you said turning over to the boy sitting on the counter away from the sink, glaring at you.

"What's up with you and Icy Hot?" he asked, and you felt yourself heat up in embarrassment.

Bakugou was your friend, but you didn't think you two were close enough for him to notice something like that.

"Nothing, why do you ask?" you couldn't help the way your voice sounded a little smaller than usual.

"You keep on avoiding the guy, the shit you and Denki pulled during dinner, and I saw as the nerd carried you upstairs." he said as if it wasn't a big deal.

Then his glare tensed, then his body relaxed and he stared at you, "We don't talk a lot but that doesn't mean you can't tell me what's up" he said, and you realised you didn't have much to lose anyways.

"I feel like he doesn't care about me at times. Thats why I've been flirting with Deku and Denks because I want him to feel jealous, it's my twisted way of making him care" you said and it sounded stupid to say out loud now, most especially with the person you were talking to.

"You know your dumb as shit, it's obvious that boy cares about you." he said matter of factly.

"No, but he doesn't show it." you said, as your eyes watered and your voice cracked.

You had grown up with the type of family that doesn't say 'I love you all the time' they showed the love. With warm hugs and cheap but sentimental presents. You found it hard to talk about your problems that way and it wasn't any of their fault.

"Have you told him this?" he said and all you shook your head, the tears were leaving your eyes now and your head was down.

"Why don't you try telling him, because he's not like me that would get you to talk he prefers it if you talk to him about it on your own accord." he said and you had subconsciously moved closer to him now.

"Thanks BK, I'd talk to him tomorrow he should be getting ready for his study session now, can't disturb him." you said, joking at the end and laughing a bit.

"Can I hug you? You can totally say no, but I think I need a hug right now." you said now wiping your tears.

He pulled you in, although he was sitting on the counter he seemed bigger than you. You hugged him feeling comfortable in his arms.

Before you pulled away and went to your dorm not noticing the person watching you both and finally understood why this way happening in the first place.

"Got that, two tones?" Bakugou said as he jumped of the counter and faced his friend, that seemed to be lost in thought.

"Yes, thank you Bakugou." Shoto said as he smiled at Bakugou.

Bakugou nudged him, "You're welcome, both of you are my friends, I look out for my friends." Bakugou walked away, hands in his pockets thinking about what a good person he was and an even better hero that he was going to be.

Todoroki knew he had to do what he does best, talk to you about it.

A soft knock was heard on your door, you were sat on your bed, practicing what you would say to Shoto when you saw him before you went to open the door and saw the man you had been thinking about for a while.

You stood frozen, looking up at your unnecessarily attractive boyfriend, thinking to yourself when or where you two went wrong, well mostly you. Where you went wrong.

"Can I come in?" he said while gazing down at you, thinking the exact same thing, when did you two go wrong?

You mumbled an 'of course' before moving out of the doorway for him to get in, locking the door behind him.

He sighed then turned to look at you as you rested on the door, "I heard your conversation with Bakugou" he started but before you could apologise he pressed his finger to your lips like he was telling you to stay quiet, so you did.

"Since you don't know, I find it hard to express myself through actions because that's not the way I grew up contrary to you." he had now taking his finger away from your lips and now held your hand.

"Where you hug your mum to show her you love her, I'd tell her I love her, because that's how we are. While yours get random gifts, mine talk to each other when I successfully run away from my father."

"It's how we are, it's how you are, our differences is what brought us together, you know?" he said as his eyes went a bit glossy that's how you realised you were crying silent tears.

"I'm sorry I made you feel shitty but you make me feel shitty too you know? I feel shitty when everytime I tell you I love you you respond with a nod and nothing more, or when we walk to class together and I'm trying to tell you about my night your not listening— "but I am" — but you don't show it! How do you want me to know if I don't hear you say anything?" Both of you were now sitting on your bed you don't know how but it felt more comforting.

"Shoto baby, I'm sorry, could you forgive me?" you said looking at him after wiping your tears.

"Of course, only if you forgive me and promise you'd communicate with me more" he said laughing now, 'damn my boyfriend is quite easy on the eyes' you couldn't help but think.

"I promise but only if you promise to be more affectionate" you said while he moved closer to you.

"I promise." you said smiling wildly but surprisingly you felt lips on yours and you immediately closed your eyes and held your boyfriends gave lovingly.

When you two parted, you both just looked in each other's eyes, "I love you, Shoto Todoroki." you said while holding his hand really tight. He nodded and looked away.

You couldn't help the pang in your heart. "Is this what it feels like when I do it?" you said laughing as you moved deeper into your bed getting ready for sleep.

"Yes" he laughed as he came in with you cuddling into you causing you to smile.

"But I love you too, Y/N L/N." he said while nuzzling his face into your neck. You sighed contentedly then you were out like a light.

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6 months ago



Katsuki Bakugou x Reader

Includes: established relationships, fluff, changing into woman, suggestive content, a little ooc, written in second person, this fic takes place in third year.

Summary: Bakugou gets turned into a girl because of some random kid that you both had saved the day before. You show him how fun it is to be a girl and in other words your girlfriend.

a/n: Hey! This is my first time writing for Bakugou, so I really hope you enjoy this. By the way, this isn’t proof read and English is not my first language.

Word Count: 1.5k

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, sunlight carefully placed itself through the blinds in your dorm room and landed on the bed in which you and your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugou lay in.

You were not in the mood to stand up yet, and Katsuki for some weird reason was yet to get up from the bed for his usual early morning run, but you weren’t complaining. With a small smile on your face you snuggled deeper in your boyfriend as you spooned him.

You moved your hand up a little into his chest to pull him in closer, but you realised that the lump that was once his chest had become considerably bigger. Out of pure confusion you squeezed it and your boyfriend woke up, feeling confused. As you sat up and took a good look at him. What was this beautiful woman doing in your bed? And where was your boyfriend?

“Uhm Kats? Is that you?” you said, your voice small from just waking up, you scratched your eyes to get the sleep out of your eyes, you felt like you were still dreaming.

“Of course it’s me, what kind of question is that?” he, well she said but her voice sounded more feminine and to you a little sexy. ‘It’s not fair!’ you thought to yourself. “You might want to take a look at yourself” you said while still mesmerized by her.

He sat up and took a look at the mirror that was opposite of your bed, and he couldn’t help but scream and scurry off your bed.

“Why do I look this way?” he looked at you as he asked as if you know, he was standing now and you could take your time to admire him appropriately, his body had noticeably reduced in size and he was wearing one of his black tank tops that made him look even curvier if you might say, he was in one of his boxer shorts and he looked noticeably shorter.

His hair for some reason no more spiky but sat beautifully on his shoulders and upper back, and he seemed like he had natural mascara, ‘Totally not fair.’ you couldn’t help but think to yourself.

Your boyfriend, was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen, as you were looking at him, well her, his hand began snapping in your face to make you concentrate on him, but you already were so there was no point of that anyways.

“Oh! I think it’s because of that boy we saved yesterday, he told me privately weird things happen when he uses his quirk this might be one of them.” You said shrugging as you continued to look at him.

You were no better than a man the way you watched him.

“Come back to bed, Katsuki. Let me see what we can do with this new body of yours as we still have it.” You said looking at him while licking your lips.

He blushed and although that sounded very promising, he couldn’t help but ask, “We have to find how to change me back first.” He said while looking away from you and going to look for something else for him to wear in your closet.

“He also said you would be fine in 24 hours but your very accepting of this, you know?” you said, shamefully watching him walk away. “Well sorry I also want to see what I could do now that I look like this.” he laughed as he threw his tank top that he had now removed at you.

“Oh, my boobs are bigger than yours.” He said before running into the bathroom to run away from you before you could do anything to him, but for some reason you didn’t you only hummed in agreement and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. You were whipped but luckily he was to.

Both of you had now changed into your clothes. You wore a red, baggy Hawk’s merch and a pair of sweatpants that dropped from your waist, it was Katsuki’s before he became a woman, and it gave everyone a peak of your Calvin Klein boxers. You felt like the man in the relationship so you wanted to play the part.

He wore one of your black V-necks and a low rise jean to give a beak of the black thong he wore, courtesy of you but he wanted to whether it feels as sexy as it looks.

You two had woken up earlier than the others as usual. Since, you both were too lazy you both decided opt just eat cereal for the time being and then began discussing what you were going to do for the time being.

When everyone else had woken up they were met with a sight they were sure they won’t forget. Todoroki and Kirishima were the first to come to the common room that morning.

Kirishima was planning on making a protein shake he saw online and he wanted to try and make it earlier than usual in case he failed he didn’t want people to see or for everyone to know the reason the kitchen was messed up was his fault and Todoroki happened to know how to make it so he was willing to teach him.

So you could imagine the shock on their face when instead of them meeting an empty common room they found you manspreading on the couch and a really curvy woman straddling you as you looked at her all lovey-dovey as you massaged her waist.

“Y/N, definitely not manly!” Kirishima said after he had taken a picture and sending it to Bakugou. He was at loss for words, well Todoroki was by far worse since he couldn’t even form a sentence. He didn’t take you for a cheater. Definitely not you!

“What would Bakugou say when he comes back from his run and sees you hear partaking in scandalous activities with this stranger?” Todoroki said trying to fan himself so he wouldn’t faint from shock.

Bakugou couldn’t help but smile, his friends won’t let him cheat on you. At least that’s good to know, in case of future, hopefully it won’t happen in the future.

Before he could explain himself, they all heard a ding from his pocket. He took it out to see a picture of what was happening right now but he couldn’t deny, you both looked hot. He saved it and looked behind him and turned to see the look of shock on both of your friend’s faces.

“Bakubro?” Kirishima finally let out making eye contact with the red-eyed female, it was only him and Katsuki’s mother knew that also had the striking red eyes.

“Yes, dumbass?” he said now smiling, this was so funny to him, “Oh my Mother of all things Manly, Bakubro, you make such a beautiful woman.” Kirishima couldn’t help but say, his face was a little red.

“I know.” He said while smirking, he got off your lap then took a seat on the couch, then continued you two’s conversation on who was better, Hawks or Miruko. It’s obvious who was for who.

“This is so cool, do you mind if I write this in my notebook, Kachaan?” Izuku had said to your boyfriend once you had explained the whole predicament to the class.

Once again you were confused why they were all so accepting and understanding about this, you didn’t understand how they weren’t freaking out, if you weren’t his girlfriend you know you would’ve.

Bakugou simply swatted his hand at Izuku motioning that he could do whatever he wants. Before taking you by the hand and leading you outside the building completely. You were supposed to take him to your favourite record store today, and maybe buy him a Victoria Secret lingerie and maybe a dildo….

Night time had come and he was really happy to use everything you two had bought, and now you both were doing with your scandalous activities and both just finished showering now you were cuddled up reminiscing all the things that had happened that day.

From the group of boys that couldn’t stop gawking at you both, or Hawks asking if you were truly cheating on Bakugou because he was on patrol and happened to see you kissing a girl, or the matching press ons you both got but how you removed for Katsuki because you knew he wouldn’t want to stress himself doing that before he goes on his run tomorrow as a man again.

He had requested for you to spoon him again and you obviously complied, even allowed you to put your hand under his shirt, he smiled as he heard your soft breathing indicating you had fallen asleep and he knew today was a day to remember.

Tags :
6 months ago


Warnings: none its just fluff lol

Summary: Spencer has had a crush on you for a while, with the help of Morgan and Garcia he summed up the courage to ask you out what happens if you already had plans either a potential significant other?

a/n: this is my first time writing on tumblr and maybe my love for spencer just brought me to write this I actually don't know but please enjoy regardless. If you like the book please like and reblogg if possible

Word count: 2.6k

It was going to be a busy day for you, so you had woken up a bit earlier than usual and went to work by far earlier than you would have on a normal day.

Paperwork littered your table, mainly because you shot the unsub from your last case partly because you procrastinated to the other ones that were all due this evening.

So when you rushed into the bullpen taking a seat at your desk, with your signature Scooby-Doo coffee mug filled with coffee with a little to much sugar. You were by far to busy to notice Spencer at his table looking absolutely petrified to see you here by this time.

Spencer is your bestfriend, but to him you are his crush, so far the biggest one he has ever had. What attracted him to you wasn't just your looks, it was mainly about personality, he wouldn't have loved you if he wasn't your best friend and that made it by far worse because he doesn't know what to say in the speech he planned on telling you when he finally wants to confess

And the early mornings when it's just him, Hotch and Rossi were the perfect times to plan what he would say, they were the perfect times to deceive himself that today would be the day he would tell you, he never did.

But today he was so sure of it and due to the peptalking from Garcia and Morgan the day prior he was sure he could do this, he was sure he would do this.

It wasn't easy when he saw you pass by the front door, he began rethinking all his previous choices and he knew this was the universe giving him a chance, he could just talk to you now and if you reject him, nobody would be around to see and hopefully you two could just go back to normal.

He thought it through and began muttering under his breath what he planned on saying to you but when he was just about to get to your table, your phone rang and he felt his heart deflate when he thought he saw "Boo 💕" as the contact name.

He didn't know you had a boo, and it made him feel bad that he didn't know and he is your best friend. It made him feel worse when he realised what he was about to do, but he couldn't help himself but listen into your conversation, his brain tried telling him it could just be a misunderstanding.

'Hey bae' you had said and he was sure he had never felt his heart break in that manner before in his life.

'Yeah, I am totally free this night, why?'


'Of course! You don't even have to ask you know you are the love of my life' you had said completely oblivious to the fact Spencer was right there while he was getting his eyes getting teary when you said 'love of my life'


'Don't worry, you don't have to tell me, you know I'd wear something cute' he couldn't help himself but think about the fact he wouldn't care if you look good or not. That he is obviously the better choice.


'Yes, for your eyes only.' he watched you have a jittery smile before you said something about having to get back to work then ending the call with a smile on your face.

And that's when you finally realised the figure hovering above your table, and you greeted him with a smile that once brightened his day but now shun to mock him.

"Hey Spence, need something? The way you're looking at me is a little creepy" you said, but your smile had now dropped a little as you noticed his eyes looked like he was about to cry.

"No, I don't just came over to say hi" his voice had betrayed him a bit he sounded a little to icy, it wasn't your fault you got yourself a date with your secret significant other the day he was meant to ask you out.

Your face looked confused and a little hurt as he walked away which made him feel a little guilty but he couldn't do anything about it but hope that you'd understand when he apologises and makes a lie about why he acted like that towards you.

But it won't be today, he just can't face you or the embarrassment today, he'd try on Monday, because today was Friday and it hurt him even more thinking about it because he knew it was Friday and he had a lot planned, because Friday is the best day to ask someone on a date because there are a lot to do.

As he finished up his paperwork and more people began entering the bullpen, he couldn't help but feel a little irritated, he knew you didn't like showing your body off, he knew if you ever went on a date you would prefer it at one of you both's houses not at a cafe, or fancy restaurant, and he knew you didn't like when people that aren't your boss tell you what to do, you can allow it if needed but being told to wear something cute to a date was not needed.

He felt really bad of thinking of another man's girlfriend in such a manner, he knows he wouldn't like it if someone thought of his girlfriend, if he had one, in this manner but he didn't care, it just wasn't fair.

Morgan had looked over to his desk and couldn't help but feel a little bit sad on his behalf the little frown on his face was enough to show he didn't get that date he wanted and Morgan began feeling a little guilty because in a way it was his fault, if he hadn't encouraged him he would have never gotten his heart broken. He made a silent note in his mind to make it up to him before walking over to Hotch's office like he originally planned to.

The rest of the day went by quickly but Spencer had ignored you the whole day, your snarky remarks during meetings he didn't laugh at one like he usually would, during lunch you offered to go to you both's favourite cafe with him and he declined, you even tried offering him a ride home but he declined that too and you wondered why because he was just asking Emily if she could give him a ride and she said she couldn't and both of you guys apartment's are on the way of each other's that's when you felt you had done something wrong and you decided to find out later but that would be after your little meet up with one of your female bestfriends from college.

( ´_ゝ`)

Spencer had spent a couple of hours binge watching Doctor Who and Star Wars while eating chocolate ice cream. He read somewhere that watching his favourite shows and eating good ice cream could make someone feel better during heartbreak.

At one point he just accepted his fate, you two were not meant to be, that's why the universe made you his best friend and not his lover. He could just hope you're alright and the guy wasn't a douche but part of him realise you two could be fucking or making out and he decided to stop thinking about it all together.

He had gone to the fridge to get more ice cream when he heard the doorbell ring. His eyebrows furrowed, he wasn't expecting anyone and it was around 2am, who's coming to his house at 2am? He checked the fish hole to see who it was incase it was a new unsub and he would be the first victim.

But when he was met with your face in a black satin dress that looked beautiful on you but most of it was covered by a jacket, he completely forgot himself as he admired you, when he noticed you were shivering as you rung the doorbell again he flung open the door.

You looked absolutely tired, and Spencer had to rush you in and sit you on his couch before going to get some ice cream for you because you were showing signs the date didn't go so well.

When he put the ice cream in your hand, you were yawning and accepted it with a smile, muttering something about not wanting to disturb him.

"Nonesense, you could never disturb me, did the date not go well?" He said while looking at you with care, he would have touched you but you low-key smell of alcohol like you weren't drinking it but everyone around you had been and he wasn't going to contact any germ just because of friendship.

He watched your smile go down as you said, "Date? What date?" you looked so confused that it made him feel like such an idiot and that's saying something because he is in fact not one in the slightest.

He decided to say the little secret he was keeping from you from this morning, "I heard you accepting to go on a date with your boo, or love of your life as you called them" he watched you laugh and he felt even more embarrassed when you had said.

"That's not my actual boo, that's my friend Betty from college, we all call her boo, she asked me to go with her to the club because she wanted to try one night stands again and she knows I don't drink so she invited me so she could be safe."

You watched as his mouth formed into an "oh" and you let out a short laugh before speaking again "Besides if I had a boo do you think I won't tell you?" you watched him shake his head as if to say no.

"Is that why you were acting weird all day, because you thought I had a lover and didn't tell you?" you had taken a spoon of ice cream and now the faint scent of alcohol from you was now smelling like ice cream, Spencer's favourite ice cream and he didn't care anymore, he was going to tell you.

"No, it's because I wanted us to do something together—" he started "but you could have gone to our cafe with me?" you had interrupted and he would not think it's fair if you reject him after calling a cafe 'our' cafe. "—please don't interrupt me (you muttered a sorry) — I didn't want to go because you were offering to go as my bestfriend" he watched you eyebrows furrowed in confusion before they relaxed again like you understood and that's when he knew there was no going back.

"What do you mean Spence? Did you want to be my-" and you had never felt better, he feels the same "Did you want to ask me on a date, is that why you were standing in front of my table this morning?" Spencer knew the smile on your face was a good sign so he nodded.

Before he could understand anything, your lips were on his, and he actually forgot how to function before he could kiss you back, he tasted the chocolate ice cream and a bit of alcohol from your tongue it got him even more interested he pulled you unto his lap and the kiss had gotten he steamier and although Spencer felt like he could not breathe he kept it to himself because he never wanted this moment to end.

You pulled away from the kiss and Spencer chased your lips and pulled you into another one before you pulled away again, your face felt unbelievably hot. "Spence, I have always wanted to go on a date with you and I never thought you'd feel the same way, I have always wanted to call you mine." you smiled at him.

"Can I be yours?" Spencer said as he looked into your eyes and you finally understood what that glint in his eye was, it was longing.

"Of course" you had said before you both continued kissing, well making out before Spencer helped you change into some clothes of yours he has at his house and you both slept off while cuddling into the later moments in the day.

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